Personal Resiliency Plan
Personal Resiliency Plan
Personal Resiliency Plan
The third one, is toughen
up. Life hits us from all
Last, take an honest inventory of
directions-health, personal
my own life. I need to make a real
relationship, work
effort to discover how I
challenges, family issues. To contributed to my own misery.
deal with them I need to This will help me see that the
build my mental toughness. Be the architect of my own
ability to change my life lies as
The earlier in life one start fate. Although there are many
much within me as an external
this process, the better. To times in life when we can’t
toughen up I need to push control circumstances, there
myself are very few times when we
can’t control how we react to
With the help of these, I can finally avoid those behaviors that
expose me to failure or difficulty. Focus on my own power not
in my helplessness.