Host Multiple Wordpress Blogs On One Server

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Host multiple wordpress blogs on one server

Could you host multiple wordpress blogs on one server or one domain? They answer to this question is
simple, it would be yes. You can setup multiple wordpress blogs at one shared web hosting or dedicated
server. And for multiple wordpress blog to work together, each of the blog must be hosted at own
storage space and directory, and it should be using own mysql database. The resources cannot be

For one domain name, you can host the wordpress blog at homepage or at multiple subdomain or sub
directory. For example you can have /blog1/ and /blog2/ and so on. If you are getting unlimited domain
hosting plan, just like the web hosting you signup from ixwebhosting, you can host multiple domain
names and each domain name can host their own wordpress blog. Hence you have multiple websites,
and each with wordpress blog in it. There is no need to package ten or hundred of wordpress blogs in
one domain name, when you can have multiple domain names too.

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For one server, you can host as many wordpress blog as you like, and host as many domain names as
you require. There is freedom and no limit on how many wordpress blogging site that you can setup at
own dedicated server. Add more domain name to your server and host new wordpress blogging site,
simple isn’t it.

If you look forward to provide wordpress blog to your user, for example they can have their own
wordpress blog site, then you can install the wordpress MU scripts instead. It allow multiple wordpress
blogs to be created and hosted in subdomain name.

Hope these answer your question about hosting multiple wordpress blogs site on one domain and one

Wordpress blog setup

A online friend sign up ixwebhosting yesterday, and he want to setup WordPress blog in his new ix web
hosting plan. Ixwebhosting is using h-sphere control panel, and there is no fantastico available to help
script installation. So, you have to do it by uploading the wordpress script and setup manually.

First of all, download the latest version of wordpress from Unzip it, and ftp upload to
ixwebhosting server. Upload to the domain folder where you want the blog to setup at. Once the
uploading done, we need to create a new mysql database for it. Login to ixwebhosting control panel,
and select mysql, and from there create a new mysql database. Once done, add a user to the database.
This step completes the database setup. You will need to input this database login detail to the wp-
config.php file in the wordpress, and upload it to server as well.

Read: Bluehost vs Godaddy

Following steps is wordpress setup steps, follow the readme file that come with the wordpress script.
Basically, it sound like this. From web browser, visit This page will
start the wordpress installation. Give your blog a name, and enter your email address. Done, your
wordpress blog is setup. You can now login to wordpress admin area to configure your blog and create
new posting. Simple as that.

If we view back, the setup side at ixwebhosting is very little. Simply as ftp upload the script and setup
new mysql database. Just two simple steps. And your blogs will be rolling hot!!

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