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Core files:

WordPress core fie make up the appearance and functionality of

WordPress platform and content files are added by users in the form
of themes, plugin and images. There is a special file wp-config.php
that tells where to find your sites database.

Core files Replacement:

For the replacement of core files go to the new folder in the new
folder ad create the core-file bkp and do not delete the core files from
the WordPress setup

Data base is the structured and organized set of data. In computing
terminology refers to the software that stores the data and organize
the data. MySQL is an open source software use to store and
organize the data.
Think it as a file cabinet where you can store data in the form of
sections called tables.
When you need a particular file you look into a particular section
(table) and you can get the file.
WordPress uses MySQL as database management system. MySQL
is a database used to create the database, store data and get data when
Just like WordPress MySQL is an open source software to store data
and work best with other open source software such as Apache web
server, PHP and Linux operating system.
To install WordPress we need a MySQL database. All WordPress
hosting providers offer MYSQL included in their hosting packages.
When you install WordPress you have to provide information about
database and then WordPress take care rest of things

What is Database Host:

Database Host is the computer hosting your database on MYSQL
server. Most of the time it is localhost and you entered localhost in
the host field to connect WordPress with database. However, some
hosting providers may use different hostname to manage MySQL
servers. You will find your host name in MySQL or Database
sections of your hosting control panel. Ask your hosting provider that
give you host name.

What is Database Table

Database have tables which are like sections or cabinets in your
database system. Each table has columns and information is stored in
the row. Each row has a field for each column in the table.
There are many plugins for backups.

WordPress Backend:
WordPress backend is the part of website that is only available for
authenticated users. The WordPress backend is divided into pages
that are core pages like plugins, themes or custom pages that are
rendered or registered by third party plugins or themes. And the
admin section of WordPress is the backend of WordPress. Here you
can manage your plugins, themes, comments. Where behind the
scene the actions take place?

WordPress Front end:

The front end of the WordPress refers to the published website.
Best Buying Sites:
When we take hosting from hosting provider then your personal
information like your name, phone number and attached with it so
anyone who knows your domain name information can gather your
information. So for avoiding it you must have to buy who is
FTP is an acronym for File Transfer Protocol. As the name
suggests, FTP is used to transfer files between computers on a
network. You can use FTP to exchange files between computer
accounts, transfer files between an account and a desktop computer,
or access online software archives.

Name Cheap hosting features:

 Who is protection being free here
 24/7 live chat
 Its panel is easy to use
 Here are many TLDs options Top Level Domains(.com,
 Name cheap 1 year hosting 934
 Big Rock 1500
 Domain name 2000
 Good daddy
 Domain transfer meaning
For domain transferring for other updated domain name you have to
pay 5 to 10 dollars
 Google domains also being popular for domains

HT Access
Ht access is the apache server configuration file
Most of the plugins like plugins use it like
 Most crashing plugins
 Most redirecting plugins
 Most re writing plugins
 Most ip blocking plugins
The HT Access file tells how to start WordPress and where to end.

Search engine optimization:

You can optimize your content for search engine. you will try if
you have any pages, any videos, if any user search related to these so
your content come in first 8 searching’s. Means that we try to
improve our content ranking

Techniques for seo:

 Choose the keywords that are top ranked for searching
 Choose 3 times the keywords in description
 Content should be relevant
 Title should be relevant
 In heading u can also import keywords
 Write keywords in tags
In webpage you can also mention your keywords
 You tube links
 You can use also most searched websites links in it

If menus:
Install the if menu plugin

Theme my login:
Ultimate member:
Install ultimate member plugin

Website learners:
Go to website learners and choose a name for your website get a
name for then get free hosting

How permalinks affect SEO

Permalinks are the full url that users and search engines see when
navigating through the site. As name suggests that permalinks are
permanent even if update the content on the web page.

What is slug:
Slug is the post name in the permalink

Permalinks are the permanent URLs to your individual pages and

blog posts, as well as your category and tag archives. Slugs are the
URL-friendly names of your posts, pages, categories, and tags. In
the above example, the post slug is first-blog-post .

Word press slugs for SEO:

Keywords optimize the WordPress slugs

How can move website local to live:

Localhost means that the website is on your computer
1. Setup a new WordPress site on the webhost
2. For making website we need a hosting account
3. Which provides the space for storing our websites files on
4. For free hosting go to Website Learners select the type of
5. Select a domain which is the name of your website when the
user go through your website user will use this name
6. Now install a plugin to localhost All in one wp-migration
7. Install the same plugin to live website
8. Go to local host and go to wp migration and then go to export to
then file and now click download
9. And then go to the live site then go to wp migration and click
import and now click to import from PC and now click file and
now choose the file which has been downloaded and now click
open and now click proceed to start the import

Max Mega menu:

For styling Menu bar in the theme, we will use the max mega
menu plugin
Go to settings enable and then go to the menus and change the

For register First allow for registering first go to the setting and allow
for register the user and subscribe the user if you want to allow the
users can comment on your website then click on the subscriber

Install ultimate member ship plugin:

After installing and activating go to the settings

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