Cle Reviewer For Periodical Test

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CLE REVIEWER FOR PERIODICAL TEST “The priests of the Old Covenant saw their duty

as mediating between heavenly and earthly

things, between God and His people. Since
Christ is the “one mediator between God and
UNIT 4 LESSON 1: SACRAMENT OF HOLY men”. (1 Tim 2:5)

Institution of the Sacrament of Holy Orders

- He perfected and ended that
- Sacrament of Holy Orders or Ordination priesthood. After Christ there can be an
is the Sacrament through which a male ordained priesthood only in Christ, in
Catholic is consecrated Deacon, Priest, Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross, and
or Bishop, for the purpose of perduring through a calling and apostolic mission
until the end of time the Sacred from Christ.
Ministry entrusted by Christ to His
Apostles. - A Catholic priest who administers the
Sacraments acts “In persona Christi”
- Coming from the Latin word Ordo,
which is Latin for “body”, which was - Meaning in the person of Christ and not
used in Ancient Rome for civil on his own, but through the
appointments, then adopted by the transforming, healing, saving power of
early Church to signify consecration to Christ grafted unto him.
an ecclesiastical ministry.

When is the Sacrament instituted? - “Jesus appointed Twelve, whom he also

named Apostles, that they might be
- The Sacrament of Holy Orders was with Him, and He might them forth to
instituted during the Last Supper, when preach.”
He said to His Apostles: “Do this in
memory of me”. (Like 22:19) - A priest is nothing but above all, a
What Happens in the Holy Orders? servant. The distinguishing
characteristic of every authentic priest
- “The man who is ordained receives a is humble astonishment of his own
gift of the Holy Spirit that gives him a vocation.
sacred authority that is conferred upon
by him by Christ through the Bishop.
(CCC 1538) The Three Priestly Powers also known as Sacra
Potesta are commissioned by Jesus to His
The priest receives a definite power and a Apostles when He declared:
mission for his brothers and sisters in faith as a
gift through the Holy Orders. “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all
nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
teaching them to observe all that I have
How Does the Church Understand the
commanded you.” (Mt 28:19-20)
Sacrament of Holy Orders
Teaching Minister of the Sacrament – The Bishop

- Sacred duty to preach God’s Word in a The Bishop, who can confer the three degrees
dignified, competent, and effective of Diaconate (Deacon), Presbyterate (Priest),
manner Episcopate (Bishop) on his own accord.


- Obligation to celebrate the Sacraments This is the Church’s unbroken tradition since the
for the glory of God and the salvation of times of the Apostles, who reserved themselves
souls the administration of the sublime Sacrament.


- To establish and administer the Church Apostolic Succession

for the love of God and of his children.
- The Apostolic Succession is the
Graces conferred by the Sacrament of unbroken chain of Ordinations
Ordination connecting all Bishops throughout
history to one of the Apostles, and
Incorporation of the Holy Orders
thereby, to Jesus.
Grace of State Sacred Character


Basic Requirements of the Sacraments of Holy
1. Diaconate (Deacon)
1. A vocation for the ordained ministry
- Came from the Greek word, “Diakonos”
coming from God
meaning “Servant”
- Which manifested in the zeal for the
- They are the Ordained Ministers of the
glory of God and the salvation of souls.
First Degree, whose mission is caring for
the needy and serving the Church.
2. Physical and Psychological health
- Enabling the candidate to fulfill his
Principal functions of a Deacon
ministry without hindrance.
- Ministry of the Word
- Ministry of the Altar
3. Human maturity and Emotional
- Ministry of Charity
- Which are required to deal with What Happens in diaconal ordination?
serenity with people of every age and
- In a diaconal ordination the candidate is
appointed for a special service within
the Sacrament of Holy Orders.
4. Adequate intelligence and theological
- For He represents Christ as the one who
came, “not to be served but to be serve,
- Being indispensable for preaching the
and to not give his life as his ransom for
Word of God and guiding souls
many” (Mt 20:28)
In the Liturgy of Ordination, we read Sacraments, and above all, celebrates
“As a minister of the Word, and of the Holy Eucharist.
charity, the Deacon will make himself a
Matter of the Sacrament
Servant to all.”
- For the priests, they receive the Paten
Matter of the Sacrament and Chalice, as symbols of power to
- They receive the Gospel or the celebrate the Eucharist.
Evangelarium, as a sign of mission to
preach the Good News Form of the Sacrament
- “They presented these men to the - “Grant, we pray, Almighty Father, on
Apostles who prayed and laid hands on this, your servant, the dignity of the
them.” (Acts 6:6) priesthood; renew deep within him the
Spirit of holiness; may he henceforth
possess this office which comes from
Form of the Sacrament you, O God, and is next in rank to the
office of the Bishop; and by example of
- “Send forth upon him, Lord, we pray,
his manner of life, may he instill right
the Holy Spirit, that he may be
strengthened by the gift of your
sevenfold grace for the faithful carrying
out the work of the ministry.”
3. Episcopate (Bishop)
- The Bishops are coming from the Greek
word, “Episkopos” meaning,
2. Presbyterate (Priest)
- The priests came from the Greek word
- As the Ordained Ministers of the Third
“Presbyteros” meaning “Elder”
Degree, they possess the fullness of the
- As the Ordained Ministers of the
Sacrament of Ordination.
Second Degree, they offer Holy Sacrifice
- As the Vicar of Christ, each bishop has
to God and to administer the
the pastoral responsibility for a
Sacraments of the Church.
particular diocese entrusted to him and
Principal Functions of a Priest needs to care for all the Churches. As
the legitimate successor of the Apostles
- Preach the Gospel
he has responsibility in solidarity for the
- Shepherd the faithful
apostolic mission of the Church.
- Celebrate Divine Worship
What Happens in Episcopal Ordination?
What happens in priestly ordination?
- “In episcopal ordination, the fullness of
- In priestly ordination, the Bishop calls
the sacrament of Holy Orders is
down God’s power upon the candidate
conferred upon a Priest. He is ordained
for ordination. It imprints upon the
a successor of the Apostles and enters
souls of these men an indelible seal that
the college of Bishops. Together with
can never be lost. As a collaborator with
the other bishops and the Pope, he is
his bishop, the priest will now proclaim
now responsible for the entire Church.
the Word of God, administers the
In particular, the Church appoints him
to the offices teaching, sanctifying, and UNIT 4 LESSON 4: SACRAMENT OF
governing.” MATRIMONY
- The episcopal ministry goes all the way
What is the Institution of Matrimony?
back to the original witnesses to Jesus,
The Apostles, and the pastoral ministry - By divine institution, Christian
instituted by Christ. Matrimony is:
“The permanent, covenant of love,
How important for a Catholic Christian is his
between a qualified man and woman
intended for their common good, and
- “A Catholic Christian feels that he is for their procreation and education of
under obligation to his Bishop; the Children.”
bishop appointed for him, too, as
Christ’s Representative. Moreover, the Permanent – The eternal conjugal
Bishop who exercises his pastoral covenant before God.
ministry together with the Priests and
Deacons as his ordained assistants, is Covenant of Love – A true marriage out
the visible principle and the foundation of love.
of the local Church (diocese).”
Between a qualified man and woman –
Matter of the Sacrament
Monogamous and heterosexual.
- The matter of the sacrament of
Ordination is the “Laying of Hands by Intended for common good –
the Bishop” as documented by St. Paul Reciprocal well-being of spouses.
in the episcopal ordination
For procreation and education of
The signs of the office received by the bishop children – Giving life to children
are the:

1. Ring as sign of their fidelity to the

Church. Jesus instituted the Holy Matrimony when He
2. Miter for his authority, and said:
3. Crosier for his jurisdiction.
- “For this reason a man will leave His
father and mother and be united to his
wife, and the two will become one
Form of the Sacrament flesh; so they are no longer two, but
- “Pour out now upon this chosen one one flesh. Therefore, what God has
that power which is from you, the Spirit joined together, no human being must
of governance whom you gave to your separate.” (Mt. 19:5-6)
beloved Son, Jesus Christ, the Spirit How does the Sacrament of Matrimony come
whom he bestowed upon the holy about?
Apostles, who established the Church in
each place as your sanctuary for the - A promise made by a man and a
glory and unceasing praise of your woman before God and the Church.
- It is binding until the death of one of Not everyone is called to marriage.
the partners.

Domestic Church
Why did God dispose man and woman for each
- Basic community of faith and love
- Essential for the growth of the Church
- So that they might be “no longer two and well-being of society
but one” - Seedbed of religious and priestly
- They are to live in love, be fruitful, and vocations
thus become a sign of God himself. - The family as a “Church in miniature”

Why is Matrimony a Sacrament? What does it mean that the family is a “Church
in miniature?”
Because of the
- “What the Church is on the large-scale,
- Permanent
the family is on the small-scale: an
- Exclusive
image of God’s love in human
- Fruitful covenant of love between
fellowship. Indeed, every marriage is
Christian spouses
perfected in openness to other, to the
- Established from the beginning of
children that God sends, in mutual
Creation and consecrated by Jesus,
acceptance, in hospitality and being for
signifies the union of Christ and the
- They are derived from The Holy Family
- Symbolizes eternal life in paradise
who live in perfect harmony among
Essential Properties of Marriage themselves, with God, and their
- Openness to life
- Unity Three Basic Values of a Christian Family
- Indissolubility
1. Humility – spirit of service for one
Why is marriage indissoluble? another
2. Simplicity – frugality in the purchase
1. The essence of love is mutual self – and fruiting of material things
giving without reservations; 3. Joy – serene disposition to share in
2. It is the image of God’s unconditional mutual love the happy and sad
faithfulness to his creation, moments in life.
3. Represents Christ’s devotion to His
Church, event unto death on the Cross. Requirements for marriage

Unity – Physical and spiritual well-being of 1. Free Consent

spouses 2. Affirmation of a life-long commitment
3. Openness to children
Openness to life – Giving life to human beings
who will enrich the family, Church, and the The most profound thing about a Christian
world. marriage, however, is the couple’s knowledge.
The priest will look for the following good times and in bad, in sickness and
documents: in health and vow to each other: I will
love you and honor you all the days of
1. Marriage License
my life.”
2. Baptismal Certificate
- The celebrant ratifies the wedding and
3. Confirmation Certificate
administers the blessing.
4. Canonical Interview
5. Marriage Banns Minister of the Sacrament – Spouses
6. Pre-cana Seminar
Matter and Form of the Sacrament
7. Confession
- “I will take you to be my wife/ husband”
Are Confession and Confirmation Prerequisites
- Exchange of Consent – is the efficient
for Marriage?
cause of Matrimony, since it affects the
- Those who have not received the exclusive and everlasting conjugal
Sacrament of Confirmation are to covenant of love
receive it before being admitted to - This can be rephrased in question-and-
Holy Matrimony. answer format, where the Priest asks to
- They need to complete the Christian both spouses:
initiation and receive the fullness of “Name, do you take Name here
the Holy Spirit to prosper in their present, for your lawful husband/ wife,
married life and to give examples to according to the rite of our Holy
their future children. Mother, the Church?”
- Similarly, the spouse must have a good
Confession soon before their marriage. - And the spouses individually reply,
“Yes, I do”
What should be done if a Catholic wants to
marry a non-Catholic Christian?

- Church approval must be obtained for

the wedding.
- This because a so-called “mixed” (that
is, interdenominational) marriage
requires both partners a special fidelity
to Christ.

Rites of the Holy Matrimony

- As a rule a wedding must take place

- The bride and the groom are
questioned as to their intention to
- The priest or the Deacon blesses their
- The bride and the groom exchange rings
and mutually promise: “…to be true in

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