Cle Reviewer For Periodical Test
Cle Reviewer For Periodical Test
Cle Reviewer For Periodical Test
- Sacred duty to preach God’s Word in a The Bishop, who can confer the three degrees
dignified, competent, and effective of Diaconate (Deacon), Presbyterate (Priest),
manner Episcopate (Bishop) on his own accord.
- Obligation to celebrate the Sacraments This is the Church’s unbroken tradition since the
for the glory of God and the salvation of times of the Apostles, who reserved themselves
souls the administration of the sublime Sacrament.
Domestic Church
Why did God dispose man and woman for each
- Basic community of faith and love
- Essential for the growth of the Church
- So that they might be “no longer two and well-being of society
but one” - Seedbed of religious and priestly
- They are to live in love, be fruitful, and vocations
thus become a sign of God himself. - The family as a “Church in miniature”
Why is Matrimony a Sacrament? What does it mean that the family is a “Church
in miniature?”
Because of the
- “What the Church is on the large-scale,
- Permanent
the family is on the small-scale: an
- Exclusive
image of God’s love in human
- Fruitful covenant of love between
fellowship. Indeed, every marriage is
Christian spouses
perfected in openness to other, to the
- Established from the beginning of
children that God sends, in mutual
Creation and consecrated by Jesus,
acceptance, in hospitality and being for
signifies the union of Christ and the
- They are derived from The Holy Family
- Symbolizes eternal life in paradise
who live in perfect harmony among
Essential Properties of Marriage themselves, with God, and their
- Openness to life
- Unity Three Basic Values of a Christian Family
- Indissolubility
1. Humility – spirit of service for one
Why is marriage indissoluble? another
2. Simplicity – frugality in the purchase
1. The essence of love is mutual self – and fruiting of material things
giving without reservations; 3. Joy – serene disposition to share in
2. It is the image of God’s unconditional mutual love the happy and sad
faithfulness to his creation, moments in life.
3. Represents Christ’s devotion to His
Church, event unto death on the Cross. Requirements for marriage