THEOLOGY 3 Key Concepts Theo 3 Module 1

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THEOLOGY 3 Key Concepts Visible Sign Effect Baptizing with water Divine

Life of God shared to Man

Liturgy in its broadest, deepest sense is the
What is the meaning of the word Liturgy?
proclamation, manifestation, and celebration not
Etymologically, the word “Liturgy” meant a
only of Christ and His Paschal Mystery, but also
“public work” or a “service in the name of/on
of the Church’s own mystery and mission as
behalf of the people”. In Christian tradition, it
universal sacrament of salvation, and of the
means the participation of the People of God in
whole world and the temporal order,
“the work of God.” Through the liturgy Christ,
consecrated and ordered to its Creator and Final
our redeemer and high priest, continues the
work of our redemption in, with and through his
Church. (CCC 1069) In the New Testament the ESSENTIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF LITUGY
word “Liturgy” refers not only to the celebration
1. Trinitarian Paschal The Church’s liturgical
of divine worship but also to the proclamation of
prayer is directed to the Father, through His Son,
the Gospel and to active charity
Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit. Its specific
Vatican II describes the liturgy as: Trinitarian form takes on a Paschal quality since
the liturgy celebrates the Good News of our
1. “An exercise of the priestly office of Jesus
actual salvation worked by the Blessed Trinity
Christ”in which our human “sanctification is
through Jesus Christ’s Paschal Mystery.
manifested by signs perceptible to the senses
and is effected in a way proper to each signs,” 2. Ecclesial TheLiturgy is the prayer of the
so thatfull public worship is performed by the Church gathered in assembly, it isan ecclesial
mystical Body of Jesus Christ, that is, by the activity, celebrated by the WHOLE Christ, Head
Head and his members” and members

2. Asummit towards which the activity of the 3. Sacramental The liturgy celebrates the
Church is directed, and the fountain from which Church’s prayer through a pattern of symbolic,
all her power flows” ritual movements, gestures and verbal formulas
that create a framework within which the
3. The“official public worship of the Church.”
corporate worship of the Church can take
THE NATURE OF THE LITURGY It is the nature place.By participating in the liturgy’s
of Liturgy to be an encounter with God. In the sacramental, symbolic activities, the Church
Liturgy God meets man and man meets God.. members both express their faith in Christ and
their desire to deepen it, and actually share in
This encounter however, often takes place under the reality signified, namely, salvation through
the veil of sacred signs. Example: Receiving forgiveness and communion with the Risen,
Jesus under the veil of bread and wine.This sign glorified Christ in the Spirit
character is part of the nature of liturgical
reality. Among the predominant symbols used in the
liturgy are: The gathering of the baptized
“In the Liturgy, the sanctification of man is assembly itself
manifested by signs perceptible to the senses,
and is effected in a way which is proper to each The natural symbols from creation like light,
of these signs.” Liturgy is certainly and indeed darkness, water, oil, and fire,
essentially, bound up with forms. By forms we
Humanly produced symbols like breadand wine,
do not mean mere externals, formalities, but
forms that are expression, an incarnation, a sign *Christian salvific symbols like the reading and
and a symbol; of an inward event. The invisible interpretation of Scripture as the living Word of
event of the meeting between God and His God, the Sign of the Cross, the Paschal Candle,
Church is here made visible. laying on of hands, etc.
4. Ethically Oriented The liturgy relates directly earthly sign of the mystery of God’s grace
to moral life since it empowers the people of revealed and given to us... that through the
God to full Christian discipleship: both personal sacraments we have earthly connections with
and social, they go together. God and that Sacrament makes visible what is
invisible and what is initially untouchable comes
5. Eschatological The liturgy makes present
down and touches us.
Christ’s saving Paschal Mystery whereby. He
inaugurated God’s rule, the Kingdom. The 1. Purpose of the Sacrament: (CCC 1123)
liturgy, then at once;
a. Sanctify men and women, ( conferring of
This cycle includes five stages: 1) The Lord’s Day grace) b. Build up the Church, the Body of Christ
2) Holy Week, prepared for by Lent 3) Advent, (gives sanctification to the Church to help carry
preparing for Christmas 4) The 33 Sundays of on work one earth c. Give worship to God.(All
the Ordinary Time, and 5) Special Feasts, we do should bring us to closer relationship with
especially of Christ and Mary God and should bring Him glory.

Effects of the Christian Liturgy (SC, Art 1,2,7) 1. 2. Essential elements of the Sacraments o
Nourishes our faith and lifts our minds up to
Three Essential Elements of each Sacrament:
God, so that we may give Him honor and thanks
MINISTER -He is the person administering the
for the graces we have received from him. 2.
Sacrament., MATTER - It is the Sensible Element
Helps our Christian life grow every day, favors
used for the Sacrament., FORM It is the Formula
our union with Christ and may bring others back
used in the celebration such as in the Eucharist.
to the Church. 3. It is the realization of our
salvation and helps the faithful express Christ’s 3. Effects of the Sacraments (CCC130)
mystery and the Church nature in their lives. 4.
It serves to edify our lives and likewise a. We are perfectly bound to the Church as sons
contributes to the unity of mankind. 5. Man’s and daughters of God b. Unites us more closely
sanctification is realized and public cult is to Christ c. Increases the gifts of the Holy Spirit
exercised by His Mystical Body. Through the in us and makes us strong d. Cause us a deeper
Sacraments, the Church communicates to God’s relationship to the Church e. Makes us resilient
people the fruits of Christ’s Paschal Mystery and witnesses of Christ in thoughts, words and
its grace actions

THEO 3 MODULE 2 4. Efficacy of the Sacraments (CCC 1127-1128)

WHAT IS SACRAMENT? Celebrated worthily in faith, the sacraments

confer the grace that they signify.48 They are
1. Meaning of Sacrament (Click to view Video efficacious because in them Christ himself is at
Transcript: The word sacrament understood work: it is he who baptizes, he who acts in his
from its Etymology: a. In Greek, sacrament is sacraments in order to communicate the grace
“Mysterion” which when translated in English that each sacrament signifies.
means“Mystery”. However, mystery does not
mean unknowable but something that is The sacraments act ex opereoperato (literally:
revealed by God. b. In Latin, the Greek word "by the very fact of the action's being
“Mysterion” was translated as “Sacramentum” performed"), i.e., by virtue of the saving work of
which in English means sacrament as there is no Christ, accomplished once for all. It follows that
Latin word for mystery. "the sacrament is not wrought by the
righteousness of either the celebrant or the
Meaning of Sacrament from different Church recipient, but by the power of God.'' From the
Traditions ( Catholic, Lutheran, Zwinglian) moment that a sacrament is celebrated in
Though these 3 have varying understanding of accordance with the intention of the Church, the
the Sacrament, there is something common power of Christ and his Spirit acts in and through
among them, that is, sacrament is a visible
it, independently of the personal holiness of the The Church continues to pray for the Sick and
minister. through the priest, Jesus Christ, the High Priest,
continues to heal the Sick. - 3rd Category:
The Church is about more than just an
Mission and Service Every baptized Christian has
organization or an institution. The Church is the
the vocation to follow Jesus and to grow in
Body of Christ. Jesus came to found the Church.
holiness which means to be more and more like
He continues His work through the Church. So
him. One way that stands is to continue his
everysacrament is Jesus continuing His ministry.
ministry through ordained ministry. a. Holy
By the power of the Holy Spirit He does it
Orders There are 3 Orders in Holy Order 1.
through the Church which He founded. So the
Deacon- ordained unto the ministry 2. Priest-
Sacraments communicate what the faith
ordained unto the priesthood and stands in
Christ, the High Priest 3. Bishop- fullness of the
Survey of the Seven Sacraments: Holy Order b. Matrimony The Catholic Church
affirms that Marriage is God’s plan. But it’s more
Baptism, Confirmation, -Reconciliation, Anointing than that in Jesus Christ; he elevated it to a
of the Sick, Marriage, …Holy Orders, Holy sacrament. It reveals Christ’s love for His
Eucharist Church: Christ is the bridegroom and the Church
is the Bride and it is a means of holiness for the
Everything he did, he still does in the
sacraments: three (3) sacraments give us the
grace we need be to holy in this life and spread THEO 3 MODULE 3
the Gospel to the world (Sacraments of
Initiation), two (2) sacraments heal us from our Sacrament of Baptism is the gateway to all other
wounds, either body or in soul (Sacraments of sacraments. It makes us new adopted sons and
Healing; two (2) sacraments are directed daughters of God. It gives us an opening into
towards the salvation of others (Sacraments of the life of the Blessed Trinity and being sharers
Vocation) in the life of Christ.

1st Category: Sacraments of Initiation - they Our path to the Christian life begins at the
brought us into Christ and His Body, the Church. FONT.
a. Baptism- where we die with Christ and where
Baptism is the first sacrament all Christians
we rise with him symbolized by pouring or
received. It’s the first step towards full
immersion into the water b. Confirmation- with
membership into the Body of Christ.
the anointing of the Holy Spirit symbolized and
effectively administered through the oils in the Requirements to be Catholic
anointing of the priest or the bishop. c.
1. “Each child may have a godfather and a
Eucharist- where we receive the Body and Blood
godmother, the word ‘godparents’ is used in the
of Christ These 3 sacraments when we receive
rite to describe both.” (Rite of Baptism for
them all represent our full initiation into the
Children 6) 2. Only one godparent is necessary.
Church. We are fully Christians living in the Body
The godparent must be a fully initiated Catholic
of Christ as members.
(Baptized, Confirmed, received Eucharist), at
2nd Category: Sacraments of Healing- because least 16 years old, and must be leading a
sin moves. a. Penance or Reconciliation- with sacramental life in harmony with the church. (Cf.
serious sin, we go to the Lord who continues his CIC, can.874)The godparent should be willing to
work through the Churchand the priest stands in accept the responsibility of assisting the parents
Christ, the High Priest. When we confess our in developing the faith life of the child. 3. The
sins, we are set free, they are forgiven and godparent may not be the father or the mother
forgotten...and we’re made new. The wound of of the one to be baptized. (Cf.CIC, can. 874) 4.
sin is healed. b. Anointing of the Sick- The early Although people of some cultures sometimes
Church understood that “if there is anyone sick choose multiple godparents, only two names can
among you let him call on the others” (James). actually be entered in the Baptismal Register.
(CIC, can. 873) 4. A baptized and believing Jesus. What is certain is that the Catholic Church
Christian from a separated church or community early declared the necessity of using the
may act as a Christian witness at the request of Trinitarian formula for valid baptism.
the parents, but there must be a Catholic
Effect: baptism takes away original sin all
godparent. (Cf. CIC, can. 874.) 5. Godparents
personal sins and all punishment due to sin. It
should be invited and encouraged to attend
makes the baptized person a participant in the
Baptismal Preparation in order to better
divine life of the Trinity through sanctifying grace
understand their role as godparents. If they are
the grace of justification which incorporates one
from another parish, a letter of recommendation
into Christ and into his Church.
from their pastor is required.
The Role of in Child’s Spiritual Life Godparents
are a very special part of the sacrament, as they WHAT IS THE SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION?
support and bolster the mission of the parents to Confirmation is the Sacrament that confers the
bring up their child in the faith and to know God. fullness of the Holy Spirit. It is called
The Godparents have two primary Confirmation because it ratifies and strengthens
responsibilities. The Godparents have two the Baptismal Grace, making us mature
primary responsibilities: Christians and Soldiers of Christ. The term
Confirmation originated from the Latin word
1. To accept the responsibility to help the
“Cumfirmare”, meaning “To ratify,” since the
parents to raise the child in faith. 2. To represent
confirmandi approve as adults the Baptism they
the entire Church Expectations of a Godparent:
received when still infants. Confirmation is the
1. To be part of the child’s lifelong journey of
Sacrament that gives us the Holy Spirit in a
faith. 2. To be a model of faith through the lived
special way, to make us strong and mature
example of life in harmony with the Catholic
Christians, witnesses of Jesus Christ, lay apostles
Church 3. To be a good example to the child 4.
of the Catholic Church. Originally what we call
To practice the Catholic faith regularly.
Confirmation was part of the developed
Baptism- a baptizing or being baptized; specif., Baptismal rite. Yet, there is a certain scriptural
the ceremony or sacrament of admitting a basis in distinguishing the bestowal of the Holy
person into Christianity or a specific Christian Spirit through Water-Baptism and by the “laying
church by immersing the individual in water or on of hands.”
by pouring or sprinkling water on the individual,
Through Confirmation, Christians share more
as a symbol of washing away sin and of spiritual
fully in Christ’s prophetic, kingly and priestly
purification. There are two kinds of baptism:
roles. Through the laying on of hands, they are
emergency and ordinary or normal baptism
claimed by Christ as his own, and empowered by
Administer/Minister: who can administer the Spirit to spread the Gospel by word and
emergency baptism is anyone can do it and for deed, and thus build up Christ’s Body, the
the normal or ordinary are deacon or priest Church.The ordinary minister of confirmation is
bishop the ordained ministers the Bishop who is successor of the apostles, with
the fullness of the sacrament of Holy Orders.
Matter: natural water that is poured or sprinkled
The Bishop’s administering demonstrates the
on a person, or in which a person is immersed,
effect of Confirmation: to unite the confirmed
is the matter or material element necessary for
more closely to the Church, to her apostolic
origins, and to her mission of bearing witness to
Formula: the pronouncing of the words is the Christ.
form of baptism, namely: "I baptize you in the
name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Spirit." It is a disputed question whether in
the early Church, besides the foregoing, baptism
was also administered in the name of the Lord

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