Lesson 2 Gemst Assessment Pabillore

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Activity on Ecosystem Structure and Function

Directions: Select an ecosystem of your choice. Draw your chosen ecosystem in

the box provided below. There should be a presentation of the different biotic and
abiotic components as well as the manifestation of the trophic levels. Label the
process and concept in your diagram. Provide a short description of your


Biotic: (frog, flies, fish,snails and tadpoles)

Abiotic: (water, sun, water weeds)


Activity on Biodiversity and Conservation


Directions: Read the material on the “Biodiversity and Conservation”. Answer

the given questions in 3 - 5 sentences. (5 points each)

1. Why biodiversity is important? Is biodiversity important to man?

Biodiversity plays a crucial role in human nutrition through its influence on world food
production, as it ensures the sustainable productivity of soils and provides the genetic
resources for all crops, livestock, and marine species harvested for food.

2. Discuss how biodiversity loss can impact diversity?

Biodiversity loss can have significant direct human health impacts if ecosystem services
are no longer adequate to meet social needs. Indirectly, changes in ecosystem services
affect livelihoods, income, local migration and, on occasion, may even cause or exacerbate
political conflict.

3. Why is it important to maintain biodiversity in every ecosystem?

Biodiversity is important because it provides us with Natural Resources (Food, Water,


4. What factors control the current pattern of biodiversity on Earth? Justify your

habitat change, climate change, invasive species, overexploitation, and pollution

5. What is the single greatest threat of biodiversity?

Habitat loss is the single greatest threat to biodiversity on Earth today and in fact
it is the second largest threat to our existence on this planet next to Climate
Poster Design on Biodiversity
Directions: Design a “Poster” on Biodiversity Conservation.
1. Using available coloring materials, design a poster on Conservation of
2. The poster should reflect the causes, effects and conservation of
3. Attached or draw your poster in the box provided below.
4. Please see the attached rubric as to how you will be graded for this task.



Excellent Good Fair Poor

10 pts 7 pts 4 pts 1 pts

Several of the One or two of the The graphics No graphics

graphics used on graphics used on are made by made by the
Originality the poster reflect the poster reflect the student, student are
an exceptional student creativity but are based included.
degree of student in their creation on the designs
creativity in their and/or display. or ideas of
creation and/or others.

Information is Poster is organised Poster is put Poster is poorly

well organised well and reader together okay put together and
and easy to has little difficulty but is difficult very difficult to
understand. The understanding. The to understand. understand. It
content is highly content is relevant The content is does not shows
relevant to the to the topic as less relevant to any relevance to
topic discussed. well. the topic. the topic.

The poster is The poster is The poster is The poster is

exceptionally attractive in terms acceptably distractingly
Creativity/ attractive in of design, layout attractive messy or very
Attractiveness terms of design, and neatness and though it may poorly designed
layout, neatness it showed be a bit or it is not
and showed creativity. messy., and it attractive.
creativity. only showed
little creativity.
The work done The work was done Work is done Work is done
exceeds all with good effort with fair effort, with little effort,
expectations and that shows what but the quality quality is not
shows that the the learner is is still not what what the learner
Work quality/ learner is proud capable of. It is the learner is is capable of. It is
Effort of his/her work. evident that time capable of. It is evident that the
The effort that was put into this evident that work was rushed
was put into this poster and the work was and little time
task is the best it presentation. rushed. was spent on the
can be by the final product.
learner. Work is

Total Score:



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