Session 2 - 01 (Energy Efficiency Potential Assessment of Chandrapura TPS, DVC)

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Energy Efficiency potential Assessment

with the help of Diagnostic tool


Om Prakash
SDE (Mech.) & Energy Manager,
DVC TPP at a Glance
Station Capacity Commissioning
Thermal power plant
U-III July 68
CTPS 630 MW (1 X 130 MW + 2 X 250 MW) U-VII Nov 11
U-VIII Jul 11

DTPS 210 MW (1 X 210 MW) U-IV Sept 82

BTPS-A 500 MW (1 X 500 MW) U-I Feb 17

BTPS-B 210 MW (1 X 210 MW) U-III Aug 93

U-I Mar 96 U-V Feb 08

2340 MW (4 X 210 MW + 2 X 250 MW U-II Mar 98 U-VI Sept 08
+ 2 X 500 MW) U-III Sept 99 U-VII Aug 11
U-IV Feb 05 U-VIII Aug 12

DSTPS 1000 MW (2 X 500 MW) U-I May 12 U-II Mar 13

KTPS 1000 MW (2 X 500 MW) U-I Jul 13 U-II June 14

RTPS Ph-1 1200 MW (2 X 600 MW) U-I Mar 16 U-II Mar 16

Total 7090 MW
Chandrapura Thermal Power Station
Damodar Valley Corporation
Total Capacity – 630 MW
Unit Size – 1 X 130 MW and 2 X 250 MW

Date of
Unit Boiler / Turbine
Unit Capacity (MW) commissioning
No. make

3 140 (Derated to 130) July 68 CE / GE

7 250 Nov 11 BHEL

8 250 Jul 11 BHEL

Location of power plant: Chandrapura, Bokaro, Jharkhand

CTPS Unit #7


Unit Unit Date of Boiler / Design Boiler Design Unit

No. Capacity commissioning Turbine Efficiency Heat Rate
(MW) (year) make (%) (kcal/kWh)

7 250 Nov, 2011 BHEL 86.6 2256.0

Diagnostic Tool
EBSILON®Professional Software

- Energy and Mass flow balancing of Thermodynamic


- permits the balancing of

 individual components
 component groups
 sub-systems
 complete systems
Diagnostic Tool - EBSILON®Professional
Components available for mapping
Diagnostic Tool
EBSILON®Professional Software

 Realistic model of the plant for SIMULATION STUDY.

 By incorporating the characteristics to the components

the model may work for complete load range.

 By using all available measurements the simulation model

can be done. This detects any inconsistent measurements
and can validate that value of measurement.

 By simulation of the model expected variation in

performance can be calculated.
Major Design & Operating Parameters

Sl. Design Operating

Parameter Unit
No. Parameter Parameter

1 Load MW 250 250

2 MS Flow T/hr 742 757
3 FW Flow T/hr 742 767
4 RH Spray Flow T/hr 0 0
5 SH Spray Flow T/hr 0 8.6
6 DM Make Up flow T/hr 0 16
7 MS Press (at turbine inlet) ksc 149.0 143.0
8 MS Temp (at turbine inlet) Deg.C 537 535
9 HPT Exhaust Pr ksc 38.6 39.1
Major Design & Operating Parameters

Sl. Design Operating

Parameter Unit
No. Parameter Parameter

10 HPT Exhaust Temp Deg.C 343 350

11 HRH Pressure ksc 34.6 36.5

12 HRH Temp (at turbine I/L) Deg.C 537 535

13 FW Pr Before ECO I/L ksc 179.1 173.6

14 FW Temp Before ECO I/L Deg.C 246 236.7

15 Condenser Back Pressure Ksc (a) 0.1033 0.140

16 APH outlet Corrected FG Deg.C 140.0 143.8

17 Economizer outlet FG Temp Deg.C 336 324.5
Major Design & Operating Parameters
Sl. Design Operating
Parameter Unit
No. Parameter Parameter

18 Unburnt Carbon in Bottom % 1.5 5.58


19 Unburnt Carbon in Fly Ash % 0.5 1.03

20 Coal GCV Kcal/kg 4100 3805

21 Carbon in Coal % 42.83 42.19

22 Ash in Coal % 40 45.6

23 Moisture in Coal % 6 3.9

24 Hydrogen % 2.67 2.51

25 Oxygen % 7.37 3.43

26 Nitrogen % 0.81 1.92

Design Model
Operating Model
Deviation Chart

Deviation of Performance Parameters Between

Design and operating condition of unit
TG Heat Boiler Unit Heat Coal
Load Efficiency
Rate Efficiency Rate Flow

Units MW kcal/kWh % kcal/kWh % t/h

Design (A) 250 1954 86.62 2256 38.15 138

Actual (B) 250 2013 84.76 2375 36.18 146.4

Deviation 0.0 3.0 2.1 5.3 5.16 5.8
(A-B)/A %
Gap Identification and Analysis
The coal fineness of coal mill AB through 50,100 & 200
mesh was less than 75 %, an indication of poor performance
of coal mill, resulting in the higher UBC in ash (fly ash and
bottom ash was in the range of 1.03 % and 5.58 %
respectively) and lower boiler efficiency.
O2 % at APH inlet was measured in the range of design
value, whereas at the outlet it was measured 6.5 % against
the design value of 5.0 %, an indication of APH seal leakage
and poor performance of APH.
Main steam pressure at turbine inlet was maintained at
143.0 kg/cm2 against the design value of 149.0 kg/cm2,
resulting in higher operating turbine heat rate.
Soot blowers were under commissioning stage.
Operating Boiler Efficiency – Un burnt Carbon
Gap Identification and Analysis

Air Pre Heater

O2 % at APH inlet was measured in the range of design
value, whereas at the outlet it was measured 6.5 % against
the design value of 5.0 %, an indication of APH seal leakage
and poor performance of APH.
Air Pre Heater Efficiency & Excess Air

APH seal Corrected Gas

APH Leakage
Efficiency X Ratio
Outlet Temp
Units % % - oC

Design (A) 8.15 66.2 0.73 140

Actual (B) 18.3 63.14 0.70 143.8
-124.5 4.6 4.1 -2.7
(A-B)/A %
Gap Identification and Analysis

Condenser back pressure was higher in the range
of 0.14 Kg/cm2(a) against the design value of
0.1033 kg/cm2(a), resulting in higher TTD & higher
operating turbine heat rate.
Condenser Performance

CW Temp Condenser
Rise Back Pr.

Units K 0C Kg/cm2(a) %

Design (A) 4.1 9 0.1033 68.5

Actual (B) 7.0 8 0.14 53.3

Deviation (A-B)/A % -70.7 11.11 -35.52 22.18

Condenser Performance

Operating Condition

Design Condition
Gap Identification and Analysis

Feed water temperature gain in the HPH 6 was
around 100C less than that of design value, resulting
in higher TTD & higher operating turbine heat rate.
H P Heaters Performance


HEATER Design Actual Deviation Design Actual Deviation

(A) (B) (A-B) (A) (B) (A-B)

HPH 6 -0.3 10.7 11.0 4.8 3.0 -1.8

HPH 5 -0.3 2.7 3.0 4.9 3.81 -1.1

H P Heaters Performance
Operating Condition


Design Condition
L P Heaters Performance


HEATER Design (A) Actual (B) Deviation (A-B)

LPH 3 2.9 7.3 4.4

LPH 2 2.9 7.6 4.7
LPH 1 2.9 7.8 4.9
L P Heaters Performance
Operating Condition LPH 3


Design Condition LPH 3

Gap Identification and Analysis

The HPT, IPT & LPT cylinder efficiency was close to
that of design efficiency.
HPT, IPT & LPT Cylinder Efficiency

Load Efficiency Shaft Power

Units MW % % % MW MW MW
Design (A) 250 88 92 89 68.9 81.5 103.9
Actual (B) 250 87.6 91.5 87.3 67.8 86.3 100.2
0.0 0.45 0.54 1.91 1.6 -5.89 3.56
(A-B)/A %
HPT, IPT & LPT Cylinder Efficiency

Design IPT
HPT Operating

Heat Rate Deviation amongst Controllable
Reference Actual Δ Heat Rate
Parameters Unit Deviation
(A) (B) (kcal/kWh)
Main steam temp oC 537 535 2 1.3
Main steam Press kg/cm2 149 143 6 7.8
Hot Reheat Temp oC 537 535 2 1.2
SH Spray t/h 0 8.7 0 0.0
RH Spray t/h 0 0 0 0.0
Condenser Press mmHg(abs) 76 103 27 54.5
Feed Water temp oC 246 236.7 9.3 7.7
DM Makeup % 0 2.1 2.1 15.5
UBC in B/A % 1.5 5.58 4.08 12.2
UBC in F/A % 0.5 1.03 0.53 5.3
Exit Gas Temp oC 140 143.8 3.8 4.6
Excess Air % 19.5 19.4 0.1 -0.7
HPT Efficiency % 88 87.6 0.4 1.9
IPT Efficiency % 92 91.5 0.5 1.9
-ve gain in Kcal/Kwh, +ve loss in Kcal/kwh
Assessment of Energy Efficiency Potential
(Short Term) – At a Glance
Short Term Potential in terms of TOE
Assumption PLF 85%,
Oil GCV 10000 kcal/kg
Operati HR Deviation TOE per
Potential Parameters for Improvement Reference
ng (kcal/kWh) year
Main steam temperature(0C) 537 535 1.3 242.00
Hot reheat temperature (0C) 537 535 1.2 223.38
Un burnt in bottom ash (%) 1.5 5.58 12.2 2271.03
Un burnt in fly ash (%) 0.5 1.03 5.3 986.60
DM Make up (%) 1.0 2.10 8.1 1507.82
Total 5230.82
Short Term Potential in terms of TOE
242.00 223.38

537 537 1.5 0.5 1

Main steam temp. Hot reheat temp. Unburnt in Unburnt in fly ash Make up (%)
(Deg. C) ( Deg. C) bottom ash (%) (%)
Assessment of Energy Efficiency Potential
(Medium Term) – At a Glance
Medium Term Potential in terms of TOE
Assumption PLF 85%,
Oil GCV 10000 kcal/kg
HR Deviation TOE per
Potential Parameters for Improvement Reference Actual
(kcal/kWh) year
Condenser back pressure (mmHg
76.0 103.0 54.5 10145.18
Main steam pressure (Kg/cm2) 154.1 148.5 7.8 1451.97
HPH 6 TTD (K) -0.3 10.7 19.8 3685.77
Flue gas exit temp(0C) 140 143.8 5.0 930.75
Total 15282.92
10145.18 Medium Term Potential in terms of TOE

1451.97 3685.77

76.0 154.1 -0.3 140

Condenser Pressure Main steam Pressure HPH 6 (K) Corrected Flue gas exit
(mmHg abs) (Kg/cm2) temp(0C)
Implementation and Monitoring

achieved (TOE/year)/
Heat rate (Kcal/Kwh)
Implemented During

Actual reduction in
(Rs.Lakhs approx.)
Expenditure for

Total savings

Rs. In Lakhs.
Action Taken

Short term & AOH

• Effective Automatic
Main steam temp. /
Hot Reheat temp.
Combustion Control and load
control as well as optimum
fuel balancing. 460 /
1 5.0 2.5
• Operation of Soot blowers. (26.6)
• Burner tilt condition.
• SADC adjustment &

*Assuming coal cost 2000 Rs/t for GCV of 3500Kcal/kg , PLF 84%, Oil GCV 10000 kcal/kg
Implementation and Monitoring

implementation (Rs.Lakhs

Actual reduction in Heat

(TOE/year)/ Rs. In Lakhs.

Total savings achieved
Implemented During

rate (Kcal/Kwh)
Expenditure for

Action Taken

Main steam pressure

Servicing of drum/ SH AOH 1434 /

2 2.0 7.8
Safety valves (83.0)

*Assuming coal cost 2000 Rs/t for GCV of 3500Kcal/kg , PLF 84%, Oil GCV 10000 kcal/kg
Implementation and Monitoring

(TOE/year)/ Rs. In
Actual reduction
Expenditure for

Total savings
in Heat rate


Action Taken

• Sulphamic acid cleaning

followed by high pressure jet

Condenser back pressure

cleaning. Putting condenser online
tube cleaning system (COLTCS) in
• Hotwell flood test/Helium leak

3 detection test. 40.0 52.80
• Arrested passing steam line drain
valve to condenser.
• Cleaning and rectification of
Cooling Tower (drift eliminator
cleaning, V-bar and nozzle
replacement in cooling tower).

*Assuming coal cost 2000 Rs/t for GCV of 3500Kcal/kg , PLF 84%, Oil GCV 10000 kcal/kg
Implementation and Monitoring

achieved (TOE/year)/
Heat rate (Kcal/Kwh)
Implemented During

Actual reduction in
(Rs.Lakhs approx.)
Expenditure for

Total savings

Rs. In Lakhs.
Action Taken

Feed water temperature

• Attended the passing of

3633 /
4 feed water box parting AOH 1.0 19.76

*Assuming coal cost 2000 Rs/t for GCV of 3500Kcal/kg , PLF 84%, Oil GCV 10000 kcal/kg
Implementation and Monitoring

(Rs.Lakhs approx.)

(TOE/year)/ Rs. In
Actual reduction
Expenditure for

Total savings
in Heat rate



No. Action Taken

In normal practice and in AOH

• Periodically ball
charging as per mill
Un-burnt carbon in ash
fineness as well as
classifier and clack box
5 • SADC checked and 160.0 3.64 670
• Replacement of worn
out coal mill liner.
• Replacement of worn
out coal burners

*Assuming coal cost 2000 Rs/t for GCV of 3500Kcal/kg , PLF 84%, Oil GCV 10000 kcal/kg
Implementation and Monitoring

Actual reduction in
(Rs.Lakhs approx.)

(TOE/year)/ Rs. In
Expenditure for

Total savings

Heat rate

Action Taken

Air Pre heater seal leakage

Flue gas exit temperature

• APH seal checking /
adjustment /
• APH Basket washing
• Sector plate 1471 /

6 10.0 8.0
alignment/adjustment . (85.0)
• Alignment of APH
• Arrest Air infiltration in

*Assuming coal cost 2000 Rs/t for GCV of 3500Kcal/kg , PLF 84%, Oil GCV 10000 kcal/kg
Operating Model (Post AOH)
Overall Achievements
Before After
Sl. %
Item Unit Design Impleme Implem
No. Improvement
ntation entation

Turbine heat
1 kcal/kWh 1954.2 2013.1 1965.1 2.38

2 % 86.62 84.76 86.17 1.66

Gross heat
3 kcal/kWh 2256.4 2375 2280.5 3.98

4 % 38.15 36.18 37.62 3.98

Specific coal
5 kg/kWh 0.55 0.678 0.65 4.13
Overall Achievements
Savings after
Sl. No. Item Unit Implementation
of EE Measures

1 Heat Rate Kcal/kwh 94.50

2 Energy Consumption TOE/ year 17374

3 Coal consumption tonne/ year 49640

4 Carbon dioxide (CO2) tonne/ year 71167

5 Monetary saving Rs./ year 9.93 Crores

Overall Achievements (Unit no. 8)
Savings after
Sl. No. Item Unit Implementation
of EE Measures

1 Heat Rate Kcal/kwh 54.90

2 Energy Consumption TOE/ year 13462

3 Coal consumption tonne/ year 38470

4 Carbon dioxide (CO2) tonne/ year 55153

5 Monetary saving Rs./ year 7.7 Crores

Additional works on Ebsilon
 Mapping of 3 different capacity TPP.

 Prepared and submitted 2 nos. Mapping Reports to CEA.

 Prepared a format in the MaxDNA DCS based on Ebsilon

model input data sheet to avoid manual data input
except un-burnt and coal laboratory results, which helps
in getting quick result from Ebsilon model.

 Prepared a detailed boiler model. In future it can be

used for optimization of soot blower in boiler.

 Mapping of different systems for analysis as per


PAT Cycle -2 Assessment year

Diagnostic Tool - Accurate Result

Offline Tool

Helps in finding energy efficiency potential of

Thermal Power Plants.
Let’s make Energy Efficient Power Plants
Protect the Environment
Detailed boiler components of 250 MW unit
Design Model of 250 MW unit with detailed boiler
Operating Model of 250 MW unit with detailed
boiler component
Design Model of 140 MW unit
Overall Achievements
Name of plant Chandrapura Thermal Power Station, DVC
Unit No. and capacity Unit No. 7, 250 MW
 Sulphamic acid cleaning followed by high pressure jet cleaning of condenser
tubes, arresting of air ingress and arresting of high energy drain valves passing
in condenser along with drift eliminator cleaning, V-bar and nozzle
replacement in cooling tower has been done and approx. 9708 TOE per year
saving has been achieved.
 Feed water box parting plate passing has been arrested and approx. 3633 TOE
per year saving has been achieved.
 APH radial and circumferential seals clearance has been adjusted. Hot
washing of APH baskets has been done and approx. 1470 TOE per year saving
has been achieved.
 Servicing of drum safety valves and SH safety valves has been carried out and
approx. 1434 TOE per year saving has been achieved.
 Worn out coal mill liner and Coal burners has been replaced, Coal fineness
has been improved by ball charging on regular basis and approx. 1130 TOE
per year saving has been achieved. Burners tilt mechanism has been rectified.
 Total saving 17374 TOE per year has been achieved.
Overall Achievements
No. Parameter Unit Design Operating Operating Savings
before after
Sl. Operating Operating
Item Unit Design Savings
No. (before) (after)
1 Turbine heat rate kcal/kWh 1954.2 2013.1 1965.1
2 Boiler efficiency % 86.62 84.76 86.17
3 Gross heat rate kcal/kWh 2256.4 2375 2280.5
(17374 TOE / year)
4 Unit efficiency % 38.15 36.18 37.25
Coal tonne/
5 ----- 1247557 1197917 49640
consumption year
Specific coal
6 kg/kWh 0.55 0.678 0.65
7 percentage in % 42.83 39.1 39.1
coal (average)
Carbon dioxide tonne/
8 1264972 1788581 1717414 71167
(CO2) year
Overall Achievements
Name of plant Chandrapura Thermal Power Station, DVC
Unit No. and capacity Unit No. 8, 250 MW
• Sulphamic acid cleaning followed by high pressure jet cleaning of
condenser tubes, arresting of air ingress and arresting of high energy
drain valves passing in condenser along with drift eliminator cleaning,
V-bar and nozzle replacement in cooling tower has been done and
approx. 11765 TOE per year saving has been achieved.
• Burners tilt mechanism has been rectified and approx. 1048 TOE per
year saving has been achieved.
• Worn out coal mill liner and worn out Coal burners has been replaced,
Coal fineness has been improved by ball charging on regular basis
and approx. 647 TOE per year saving has been achieved.
• APH radial and circumferential seals has been replaced. Hot washing
of APH baskets has been done.
• Total saving 13462 TOE per year has been achieved.
Overall Achievements
No. Parameter Unit Design Operating Operating Savings
before after

Sl. Operating Operating

Item Unit Design Savings
No. (before) (after)
1 Turbine heat rate kcal/kWh 1954.2 2013.1 1965.1
2 Boiler efficiency % 86.62 84.76 86.17
3 Gross heat rate kcal/kWh 2256.4 2375 2280.5
(17374 TOE / year)
4 Unit efficiency % 38.15 36.18 37.25
Coal tonne/
5 ----- 1247557 1197917 49640
consumption year
Specific coal
6 kg/kWh 0.55 0.678 0.65
7 percentage in % 42.83 39.1 39.1
coal (average)
Carbon dioxide tonne/
8 1264972 1788581 1717414 71167
(CO2) year

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