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Table of Contents
About 1

Chapter 1: Getting started with ssis 2

Remarks 2

Examples 2

SSIS 2005 Installation 2

Chapter 2: Check if a file exists 4

Examples 4

Using loop control to run a dataflow task for every file. 4

Steps to check if a file exist or not 5

Chapter 3: Convert datatype from Integer in YYYYMMDD format to Date 10

Examples 10

Using Built in conversion 10

Using Scripting Component 10

Chapter 4: Create a CSV file and write from SQL Server into that file 13

Introduction 13

Remarks 13

Examples 13

Steps to import data 13

Chapter 5: How to use variables inside a script component 20

Introduction 20

Parameters 20

Examples 20

Steps to achieve the objective. 20

SSIS tasks required. 20

Steps 20

Chapter 6: Load multiple CSV files of same format from a folder 29

Introduction 29

Parameters 29

Examples 29

Steps to load data 29

Chapter 7: Move file from one folder to another 35

Examples 35

File System Tasks in SSIS 35

Chapter 8: Read from a CSV file 38

Introduction 38

Examples 38

Read from a CSV file and insert data into a table 38

Chapter 9: Sorting incoming data, but send forward only a subset of rows 48

Examples 48

Using Sort and Conditional Split components 48

Credits 50
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It is an unofficial and free ssis ebook created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted
from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack
Overflow. It is neither affiliated with Stack Overflow nor official ssis.

The content is released under Creative Commons BY-SA, and the list of contributors to each
chapter are provided in the credits section at the end of this book. Images may be copyright of
their respective owners unless otherwise specified. All trademarks and registered trademarks are
the property of their respective company owners.

Use the content presented in this book at your own risk; it is not guaranteed to be correct nor
accurate, please send your feedback and corrections to [email protected] 1
Chapter 1: Getting started with ssis
This section provides an overview of what ssis is, and why a developer might want to use it.

It should also mention any large subjects within ssis, and link out to the related topics. Since the
Documentation for ssis is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics.

SSIS 2005 Installation

To get SSIS working for a SQL Server 2005 environment

1. Acquire SQL Server 2005 (x86 or 64 bit) images.

2. Mount the second disk and launch the installation wizard
3. "Next" your way through the dialogs until you see see this screen.

4. Under Client Components, ensure Business Intelligence Development Studio is selected

5. Continue clicking Next until the installation is complete.

You will now have BIDS (Business Intelligence Development Studio) on your machine with the
correct project types so that you can create Integration Services, Analysis Services and Reporting 2
Services projects. BIDS uses a Visual Studio 2005 shell.

Read Getting started with ssis online:

ssis 3
Chapter 2: Check if a file exists
Using loop control to run a dataflow task for every file.

If you want to check the existence of one file or do a couple of actions for every file in a folder you
can use the Foreach Loop Container.

You give the path and the file mask and it will run it for every file it finds 4
Steps to check if a file exist or not

To complete this objective following tasks are required.

1. Foreach Loop Container: To iterate over a user configured directory for files.
2. Expression Task: To update a variable if file exists.


1. First goto Solution Explorer double click on Project.params and create a parameter
FolderPath of type string, put value like E:\DataDir\SourceFiles.

2. Create user variables FileNameFromFolder (String), FileToSearch (String) assign value that
you want to check and create a variable IsFound (Boolean).

3. Drag and drop a Foreach Loop Container from the SSIS Toolbox under Containers section.

4. Double click on the Foreach Loop Container on the left hand side of Foreach Loop Editor
click on the Collection. On the right side set Enumerator as Foreach File Enumerator, now
for the Expression click on the three dots which will open a Property Expression Editor.
Select Directory as property and for expression select @[$Project::FolderPath]. Click OK. 5
5. Now in Foreach Loop Editor for the value of Files set *.txt, for the value of Retrieve file name
select Name only, normally we select Fully Qualified as it returns file name with the complete
path. Check the Traverse subfolders if there can be more than one folder inside a folder. 6
6. On the left select Variable Mappings, on the right side select User::FileNameFromFolder
which will automatically get Index as 0. The file names from the FolderPath will be assigned
one by one to the FileNameFromFolder variable. Click OK. 7
7. Drag and drop a Expression Task inside the Foreach Loop Container from the SSIS toolbox
present under the section Common.

8. Double click on the Expression Task, in the Expression Builder write following code. Click

@[User::IsFound] = @[User::FileNameFromFolder] == @[User::FileToSearch] ? TRUE :

9. The Code above compares the file name that we want to check with the file name from the
folder, if both are matched it sets IsFound to True (File Exists).

10. Now the value of IsFound can be used with precedence constraint according to need.

Read Check if a file exists online: 9
Chapter 3: Convert datatype from Integer in
YYYYMMDD format to Date
Using Built in conversion

Using Derived column we can prepare the input. We will provide yyyy-MM-dd to the final

• Year: (DT_STR,4,1252)(DataDate / 10000)

• Month: (DT_STR,2,1252)(DataDate / 100 % 100)
• Day: (DT_STR,2,1252)(DataDate % 100)

All together: (DT_DBDATE)((DT_STR,4,1252)(DataDate / 10000) + "-" +

(DT_STR,2,1252)(DataDate / 100 % 100) + "-" + (DT_STR,2,1252)(DataDate % 100))

This is a faster solution than a scripting components, but less readable.

Using Scripting Component

Using c# or code the conversion is even more simple. An output column is needed because
we type can not be changed on the fly, alternative is adding an input column on forehand make it
ReadWrite. 10
Next code will fill the new column.

public override void Input0_ProcessInputRow(Input0Buffer Row)

if (Row.DataDate_IsNull)
Row.DataDateAsDate_IsNull = true;
DateTime tmp;
if (DateTime.TryParseExact(Row.DataDate.ToString(), "yyyyMMdd", new
DateTimeFormatInfo(), System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None, out tmp))
Row.DataDateAsDate = tmp;
// throw exception or return null
Row.DataDateAsDate_IsNull = true; 11

Read Convert datatype from Integer in YYYYMMDD format to Date online: 12
Chapter 4: Create a CSV file and write from
SQL Server into that file
The guide helps in understanding how to import data from the SQL server table to a CSV/txt file.

1. Right click on the Data Flow Task and select property. DefaultBufferMaxRows and
DefaultBufferSize properties can be changed to improve data load performance.
2. Multiple Data Flow Task can be executed in parallel for better performance.
3. Each Task has two flows success and failure. It is important to handle the failure flow to
make the package more robust.
4. Inside the Data Flow Task right click on the blue arrow and select Enable Data Viewer to
check data flow at run-time.
5. If any column is deleted in the source or the destination to check which column get deleted.
Inside Data Flow right click on the blue arrow and select Resolve References, in the new
window we can see Unmapped Output columns (left) and Unmapped Input Columns (right).

Steps to import data

Here is what is require to complete this Objective.

1. Data Flow Task: Inside this task we will perform data import.
2. OLE DB Source: To select the source of data i.e SQL server database table.
3. Flat File Destination: Destination in which we want to load the data.


1. Drag and drop a Data Flow Task from the SSIS toolbox from the Favorites section. 13
2. Double click on the Data Flow Task in the Control Flow it will take us to the Data Flow.
3. Drag and drop a OLE DB Source, by default a cross will appear on it, it means it is not
configured with a connection. Double click on the OLE DB Source task, click on the New. 14
4. On the Configure OLE DB Connection Manager window click New. Now in the Connection
Manager window select the Server Name to which you want to connect. Select Windows
Authentication if your server is on your machine otherwise Use SQL Server Authentication
and enter user name and password. Click on the Test Connection at the buttom left to
check the validity of the credential entered. Click OK and then again OK. 15
5. In the OLE DB Source Editor select name of the table or the view and click on the Preview to
check the data. Click Close then OK. 16
6. Drag and drop a Flat File Destination task from the SSIS toolbox under the section other
destinations. Connect the OLE DB Source to the Flat File Destination.
7. Double click on the Flat File Destination, click on New it will open Flat File Format window.
Select Delimited if you want to specify the separator, text qualifier, end of line etc. Click OK. 17
8. In the Flat File Connection Manager Editor click Browse button, select the path for file and
enter file name click Open. Even though we have not selected any file we have just entered
the file name the file will get created.
9. Now select the Code Page, Text Qualifier etc. Remember to tick the checkbox column
name in the first data row. On the left side select Columns here you can specify the data
separator like comma or a pipe (|). Click OK. 18
10. In the Flat File Destination Editor overwrite data in the file is selected, update it according
to requirement. On the left select Mappings and check if columns are mapped correctly.
Click OK.
11. In the Solution Explorer right click on the package name and execute it to check.

Read Create a CSV file and write from SQL Server into that file online: 19
Chapter 5: How to use variables inside a
script component
This post provides steps to use variables (User Variable, Package Parameter and Project
Parameter) in the script component and viewing the updated value using Breakpoint and Watch


Parameter Details

It is like a local variable used inside a package. Its value can be read and
modified in script task

It is a local variable which will hold the concatenated result. Its value can be
read and modified in script task

It is package parameter, which can be shared between packages. Its value is

read only inside script component

It is project parameter, which is available after deployment as a configuration.

Its value is read only inside the script component

Steps to achieve the objective.

SSIS tasks required.

1. Data Flow Task: As the script component is only available in the data flow.
2. Script Component: Inside this we will use variables and play with there values.

There are two methods to access variables inside of script component

First Method - Using this.Variables

1. Create two user variable Result (String), UserVar (String value: UserVar), also create a
package parameter PackageVar (String value: PackageVariable) and a project parameter 20
ProjectParam (String value: ProjectParameter).
2. Drag and drop a Data Flow Task from the SSIS Toolbox under favorites section.

3. Double click on the Data flow task which will take you into the Data Flow. Now from the SSIS
Toolbox drag and drop Script Component present under Common section. It will prompt with
a window having three choices Source, Destination and Transformation. Select Source and
click OK. 21
4. Double click on the Script component, on the right hand side for ReadOnlyVariables click
on the three dots it will open a Select Variable window. Now select User::UserVar,
$Package::PackageVar and $Project::ProjectParm. Click OK. Similarly Click on the three
dots corresponding to the ReadWriteVariables and select User::Result. Click OK. 22
5. On the left hand side of Script Transformation Editor select Inputs and Outputs, On center
Expand Output O -> expand Output Columns at bottom Click Add Column. When we use
script component as Source, it is required to have output column, that is why we have
created this output column. 23
6. On the left Click on the Script, on the right bottom of the editor click Edit Scripts, it will open a
new window, in this window find PostExecute() method and write this.Variables.Result =
this.Variables.UserVar + this.Variables.PackageVar + this.Variables.ProjectParm; through
this.Variables we are accessing variable. Click Ctrl+S to save and close the window. Click
OK. 24
7. Go to the Control Flow and right click on the Data Flow Task and select Edit Breakpoints.
Now in the new Set Breakpoints window Select Break when the container receives the
OnPostExecute event. Click OK. 25
8. Now in the Solution Explorer right click on the package name and click Execute Package.
From the menu bar click on the Debug -> Windows -> Watch -> Watch 1. Now at the bottom
Watch window will be visible. Under Name type User::Result and click enter. Under value
concatenated values {UserVarPackageVariableProjectParameter} can be seen. 26
Second Method - Using VariableDispenser

When the variable dispenser is used adding the variables to the ReadOnlyVariables and
ReadWriteVariables is not needed. You can use the following codes to Read and write variables
values: (Code is for ssis 2008) 27

private void WriteVariable(String varName, Object varValue)


IDTSVariables100 vars = null;

VariableDispenser.GetVariables(out vars);
vars[varName].Value = varValue;


private Object ReadVariable(String varName)


Object varValue;
IDTSVariables100 vars = null;
VariableDispenser.GetVariables(out vars);
varValue = vars[varName].Value;

return varValue;

Read How to use variables inside a script component online: 28
Chapter 6: Load multiple CSV files of same
format from a folder
In this guide you can find out steps to load multiple CSV/TXT files from a folder to the database


Parameter/Vaiable Details

It is a read only project parameter available and configurable at

SourceFolder the deployment. Example of project parameter are Connection
Strings, passwords, port no, users etc

It is read write user variable available only inside the package like
local variables in programming languages

Steps to load data

To achieve this objective what we need is

1. Foreach Loop Container: To Iterate over a directory to pick files.

2. Data Flow Task: To load data from the CSV (Flat File Source) to the database table (OLE
DB Destination).
3. Flat File Source: For text or csv files.
4. OLE DB Destination: To select the destination table which we want to populate with.


1. First Drag and drop a Foreach Loop Container from the container section of the SSIS
2. Now double click on the Project.params in the solution Explorer and create a variable
SourceFolder as string. In the value field type the path from which you want to pick the files.
We are creating this path as a project parameter so that it can be configured after
3. Create a user variable by clicking on the Variables icon on the right and create
CompleteSourceFilePath variable of type string. This variable will hold the value returned
from the Foreach loop container.
4. Now Double click on the Foreach loop Container and select Collection on left hand side. On 29
the right hand side select Foreach File Enumerator. Now for Expression click on the three
dots on the right which will open a property editor select Directory in the property section
and select @[$Project:SourceFolder] as its value. Click Ok.

5. In Foreach Loop Editor window for Files enter *.txt or *.csv whatever file extension is
required. 30
6. On the left hand side of the Foreach Loop Editor select Variable Mappings, on the right
select User::CompleteSourceFilePath which will automatically assigned Index 0. Click OK. 31
7. From the SSIS toolbox drag and drop Data Flow Task from the favorites section inside the
Foreach Loop Container. Each file name returned by the Foreach loop container in
CompleteSourceFilePath variable will be used in the data flow task. 32
8. Now double click on the Data Flow task which will take us into the Data flow. Drag and drop
a Flat File Source from the other Source section of the toolbox.
9. At the bottom of the screen in Connection Managers section right click and then select New
Flat File Connections. Click on the Browse button and select one of the file that you want to
process, set other properties like Text qualifier (like double quote). Click OK.
10. Click on the new Flat file connection created in the connection Manager section and go the
Properties window. Find the Expressions property and click on the three dots on the right. In
the Property section select ConnectionString and in the Expression select the
@[User::CompleteSourceFilePath] variable. Click OK. 33
11. Select a OLE DB Destination (according to the database) and configure it to the table that
you want to load.
12. Right click on the package name (solution explorer) and click Execute package to test the

Read Load multiple CSV files of same format from a folder online: 34
Chapter 7: Move file from one folder to
File System Tasks in SSIS

From the Control Flow tab in your SSIS package, look in the SSIS Toolbox in the common section
for the File System Task, drag this onto your design surface where you want the file move to
happen in your package.

Once you've placed the task, double click to open it. 35
From here you'll want to first give the task a name. This helps later when you're reading logs
looking for errors, you can recognize your file move task by name in those logs. In my case I
named the task, Move To Complete.

Next you have two options to define your source and destination files. You can either define two
file connections in your package. And then choose False for IsDestinationPathVariable and
IsSourcePathVariable. You would then click the cell to the right of DestinationConnection and
SourceConnection and choose the file connections from your package. I find more often I'm
moving tasks in a loop, so I have a need to move more than one file per package execution.

If you want to be able to handle multiple files, change the IsDestinationPathVariable and
IsSourcePathVariable to true. Then your File System Task Editor will change to look like the below
image. 36
You'll need two variables defined in your package to hold the full destination file path (directory
structure and filename) and full source file path. In my case I'm reading the variable
XPR_ProcessingFileName for the source file and XPR_CompleteFileName for the destination file.

Finally, notice the Operation is "Rename file" rather than "Move file" since In my system, we
append datestamps onto the end of the filenames to mark when they are processed by ETL. You
could also change this option to Move file if you'd like, but renaming a file from one filepath to
another is a move.

Read Move file from one folder to another online:

from-one-folder-to-another 37
Chapter 8: Read from a CSV file
Using SSIS to extract data from a CSV file and insert into a SQL Server table

Read from a CSV file and insert data into a table

First, you need to prepare the environment by creating the SQL Server table and the CSV file.

Run the script below in SQL Server to create the SQL table either on a new database or an
existing one. For this example, I used my ‘TrainingDB’ database.

/* Creates table for Students.csv */

CREATE TABLE StudentDetails
Surname varchar(50),
Firstname varchar(50),
DateofBirth datetime,
PostCode varchar(50),
PhoneNumber varchar(50),
EmailAddress varchar(50)

Now create a CSV file with the data below.

Surname Firstname DOB Postcode PhoneNo EmailAddress

Bonga Fred SA1 5XR 08100900647 [email protected]

Smith Gill RMT 12TY 08200900793 [email protected]

01-12- PM2E
Taylor Jane 09600900061 [email protected]
1979 3NG

Brown John CQ7 1JK 08200900063 [email protected]

Cox Sam STR3 9KL 08100900349 [email protected]

Lewis Mark DN28 2UR 08000900200 [email protected]
1975 38
Surname Firstname DOB Postcode PhoneNo EmailAddress

Kaur Ahmed NI12 8EJ 09500900090 [email protected]

You can copy this into Excel and save as a CSV file.

After launching Microsoft Visual Studio, navigate to File - New - Project, as shown below.

Under the Business Intelligence group, select Integration Services and Integration Services
Project. Enter a name for project and a name for the solution, for example “Load CSV”. You can
check the “Create a directory for solution” box if you want to create a solution. 39
Click OK

On the right side of the displayed screen, in the “Solution Explorer” window, change the name of
the default package to “Load CSV File into Table” 40
On the left side of the screen, in the SSIS Toolbar, drag the “Data Flow” to the “Control Flow”
window and rename the task to “Load CSV File”

Next, you need to setup the connection managers for both the CSV file and the SQL Server table,
which are also known as source and destination respectively. At the bottom of the screen, under
Connection Managers, do a right click and select “New Flat File Connection” and configure the
Flat file connection manager as shown below. 41 42
Enter a suitable Connection manager name and specify the filepath for the Students.csv file. Click

For the table’s connection manager, do a right click again in the Connection Managers window
and click on “ New OLE DB Connection”. Click on New and specify the Server name and database
name that contains the StudentsDetail table.

You can test the connection by clicking “Test Connection” then click OK and OK again. You should
now have the 2 Connection Managers at the bottom of the screen.

Drag the “Flat File Source” from the SSIS Toolbox into the “Data Flow” window and rename it as
“CSV File”. 43
Double click on this source and select the “Student CSV File” connection manager. Click on
Columns on the left side of the screen to review the columns in the file. Click OK.

Then drag the “OLE DB Destination” from the SSIS Toolbox to the “Data Flow” window and
rename it as “SQL Table”. Drag the blue arrow from the source to the destination.

Double click on the destination and configure as shown below. 44
Click on Mappings on the left side of the screen and ensure all fields are mapped correctly from
source to destination. 45
Click OK. Your screen should look like the image below. 46 47
Chapter 9: Sorting incoming data, but send
forward only a subset of rows
Using Sort and Conditional Split components

Since you need to sort & rename the fields, the best option will be the Sort Component in the Data
Flow task (like you mentioned) . If you only want to rename columns, then use the "Derived
Column" component. The Sort component should look as follows:

In my example, you can see the LastName, FirstName & BirthDate are sorted and LastName &
BirthDate are renamed.

To return a subset of rows, you should use the Conditional Split component. 48
In my example, only rows that have Surnames (LastNames) that start with "D" would be returned.

The Data flow task should look like this:

Note : Sorting operation can be done in the database using SQL scripts (stored procedure) so it is
advised to use SQL for better performance.

Read Sorting incoming data, but send forward only a subset of rows online:
rows 49
Chapters Contributors

Getting started with

1 billinkc, Community, Rich

2 Check if a file exists Ako, observer

Convert datatype
from Integer in
3 Ako
to Date

Create a CSV file

4 and write from SQL observer
Server into that file

How to use variables

5 inside a script Hadi, observer

Load multiple CSV

6 files of same format observer
from a folder

Move file from one

7 Shannon Lowder
folder to another

8 Read from a CSV file MayowaO

Sorting incoming
data, but send
9 MayowaO, observer
forward only a
subset of rows 50

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