LFE Nipa
LFE Nipa
LFE Nipa
The inclusion of technology in the field of action has caused many problems for small
capital Entrepreneurs.
I. Strongly Agree
II. Agree
III. Disagree
IV. Hardly Disagree
V. None
If you agree what do you think could be the reasons for that?
I. They have less idea about technology
II. Or they don’t know the right way to use the technology
The use of technology in the field of work, we are all being deprived of gaining real
experience in our lives.
I. Strongly Agree
II. Agree
III. Disagree
IV. Strongly disagree
V. None
Do you often suffer from depression while learning to use modern technology at
I. Yes
II. Sometimes
III. Never
Adapting to modern technology in the workplace is detrimental to our health as we
spend more time.
I. Strongly Agree
II. Agree
III. Disagree
IV. Strongly Disagree
V. None
The inclusion of technology in the field of work is having to spend most of our days
there which is disrupting our daily routine.
I. Strongly Agree
II. Agree
III. Disagree
IV. Strongly Disagree
V. None