The Work Ability Index

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The Work Ability Index (WAI)

Juhani Ilmarinen

Occupational Medicine

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The Work Ability Index (WAI)

A brief history Radkiewich et al. [3] and test–retest reliability by

de Zwart et al. [4].
Our multidisciplinary study group (occupational physiol-
ogy, psychology, medicine, epidemiology and biostatis-
tics) started cross-sectional studies among municipal
employees in 1981. The study participants were followed Key research
for 16 years [1,2]. Since the beginning, the use of Work
Besides the Finnish research, there is also a wide spec-
Ability Index (WAI) both in research and practice has
trum of international research [7]. The Nurses’ Early
widened to various countries, and the index has been
Exit study included 38 000 participants from 10 Euro-
translated into 24 languages.
pean countries [3]. In Sweden, Torgén’s study [5] cov-
ered a random sample of the Swedish working population
(N 5 3500). A number of large studies have also been
Description undertaken in China [6].

The WAI is an instrument used in clinical occupational

health and research to assess work ability during health Juhani Ilmarinen
examinations and workplace surveys. The index is deter-
mined on the basis of the answers to a series of questions
which take into consideration the demands of work, the
worker’s health status and resources. The worker com- References
pletes the questionnaire before the interview with an oc-
cupational health professional who rates the responses 1. Ilmarinen J (ed.). The aging worker. Scand J Work Environ
according to the instructions [9]. WAI is a summary mea- Health 1991;17(Suppl. 1): 1–141.
sure of seven items (range 7–49) (Table 1). 2. Tuomi K (ed.). Eleven-year follow-up of aging workers.
Scand J Work Environ Health 1997;23(Suppl. 1): 1–71.
3. Radkiewich P, Widerszal-Bazyl M. Psychometric Properties of
Work Ability Index in the Light of Comparative Survey Study.
Validity International Congress Series 1280. The Netherlands:
Elsevier, 2005; 304–309.
The validity and reliability of the WAI has been assessed 4. de Zwart B, Frings-Dresen M. Test-retest reliability of the
in correlation analyses. The WAI and all its items reliably Work Ability Index questionnaire. Occup Med (Lond)
predicted work disability, retirement and mortality [8]. 2002;52:177–181.
More recently, the validity of WAI has been studied by 5. Torgén M. Experiences of WAI in a Random Sample of the
Swedish Working Population. International Congress Series
1280. The Netherlands: Elsevier 2005; 328–332.
6. Lin S, Wang Z, Wang M. Work ability of workers in western
Table 1. Items of the Work Ability Index
China: reference data. Occup Med (Lond) 2006;56:89–93.
7. Costa G, Goedhard WJA, Ilmarinen J (eds.). Assessment and
Items Range
Promotion of Work Ability, Health and Well-Being of Ageing
Workers. International Congress Series 1280. The Netherlands:
1 Current work ability compared with the lifetime best 0–10 Elsevier, 2005; 1–435.
2 Work ability in relation to the demands of the job 2–10
8. Ilmarinen J, Tuomi K. Past, present and future of work
3 Number of current diseases diagnosed by a physician 1–7
4 Estimated work impairment due to diseases 1–6
ability. People and Work Research Reports. Finnish Institute
5 Sick leave during the past year (12 months) 1–5 of Occupational Health, Helsinki 2004;65:1–25.
6 Own prognosis of work ability 2 years from now 1–7 9. Tuomi K, Ilmarinen J, Jahkola A, Katajarinne L, Tulkki A.
7 Mental resources 1–4 Work Ability Index. 2nd revised edn. Helsinki: Finnish In-
stitute of Occupational Health, 1998.

Ó The Author 2007. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society of Occupational Medicine.
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