Data-Intensive Computing

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CHAPTER 8 Data-Intensive Computing

What is data-intensive computing?

• Data-intensive computing is concerned with
production, manipulation, and analysis of
large-scale data in the range of hundreds of
megabytes (MB) to petabytes (PB)
Characterizing data-intensive
• Data-intensive applications not only deal with
huge volumes of data but, very often, also
exhibit compute-intensive properties
• Datasets are commonly persisted in several
formats and distributed across different
Challenges ahead
• Scalable algorithms that can search and process
massive datasets
• New metadata management technologies that
can scale to handle complex, heterogeneous, and
distributed data sources
• Advances in high-performance computing
platforms aimed at providing a better support for
accessing in-memory multiterabyte data
• High-performance, highly reliable, petascale
distributed file systems
Challenges ahead
• Data signature-generation techniques for data
reduction and rapid processing
• New approaches to software mobility for
delivering algorithms that are able to move the
computation to where the data are located
• Specialized hybrid interconnection architectures
that provide better support for filtering
multigigabyte datastreams coming from high-
speed networks and scientific instruments
• Flexible and high-performance software
integration techniques
Historical perspective
storage, networking technologies, algorithms,
and infrastructure software all together
• The early age: high-speed wide-area
• Data grids
• Data clouds and “Big Data”
• Databases and data-intensive computing
high-speed wide-area networking

• 1989, the first experiments in high-speed

networking as a support for remote
visualization of scientific data led the way
• Two years later, the potential of using high-
speed wide area networks for enabling high-
speed, TCP/IP-based distributed applications
was demonstrated at Supercomputing 1991
• Another important milestone was set with the
Clipper project,
Data grids
• huge computational power and storage
• A data grid provides services that help users
discover, transfer, and manipulate large
datasets stored in distributed repositories
• Data grids offer two main functionalities: high-
performance and reliable file transfer for
moving large amounts of data
Characteristics and introduce new challenges
• Massive datasets
• Shared data collections
• Unified namespace
• Access restrictions
Data clouds and “Big Data”
• Scientific computing
• searching, online advertising, and social media
• It is critical for such companies to efficiently
analyze these huge datasets because they
constitute a precious source of information
about their customers
• Log analysis is an example
Data clouds and “Big Data”
Cloud technologies support data-intensive
computing in several ways:
• By providing a large amount of compute
instances on demand
• By providing a storage system
• By providing frameworks and programming
Databases and data-intensive
• Distributed Database
Technologies for data-intensive
Data-intensive computing concerns the
development of applications that are mainly
focused on processing large quantities of data.
Storage systems
• Growing of popularity of Big Data
• Growing importance of data analytics in the
business chain
• Presence of data in several forms, not only
• New approaches and technologies for
Storage systems
• High-performance distributed file systems and
storage clouds
– Lustre
– IBM General Parallel File System (GPFS)
– Google File System (GFS)
– Sector
– Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
• NoSQL systems
– Apache CouchDB and MongoDB
– Amazon Dynamo
– Google Bigtable
– Hadoop HBase
High-performance distributed file
systems and storage clouds
• Lustre
• The Lustre file system is a massively parallel distributed file
system that covers the needs of a small workgroup of
clusters to a large-scale computing cluster.
• The file system is used by several of the Top 500
supercomputing systems,
• Lustre is designed to provide access to petabytes (PBs) of
storage to serve thousands of clients with an I/O
throughput of hundreds of gigabytes per second (GB/s)
High-performance distributed file
systems and storage clouds
• IBM General Parallel File System (GPFS).
• high-performance distributed file system developed by
• support for the RS/6000 supercomputer and Linux
computing clusters
• GPFS is built on the concept of shared disks
• GPFS distributes the metadata of the entire file system and
provides transparent access
High-performance distributed file
systems and storage clouds
• Google File System (GFS)
• Distributed applications in Google’s computing cloud
• The system has been designed to be a fault tolerant, highly
available, distributed file system built on commodity
hardware and standard Linux operating systems.
• large files
• workloads primarily consist of two kinds of reads: large
streaming reads and small random reads.
High-performance distributed file
systems and storage clouds
• Sector
• storage cloud that supports the execution of data-intensive
• deployed on commodity hardware across a wide-area
• Compared to other file systems, Sector does not partition
a file into blocks but replicates the entire files on multiple
• The system’s architecture is composed of four nodes: a
security server, one or more master nodes, slave nodes,
and client machines
High-performance distributed file
systems and storage clouds
• Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
• Amazon S3 is the online storage service provided by
• support high availability, reliability, scalability, infinite
• The system offers a flat storage space organized into
• Each bucket can store multiple objects, each identified by a
unique key. Objects are identified by unique URLs and
exposed through HTTP,
NoSQL systems
• Document stores (Apache Jackrabbit, Apache
CouchDB, SimpleDB, Terrastore).
• Graphs (AllegroGraph, Neo4j, FlockDB,
• Multivalue databases (OpenQM, Rocket U2,
• Object databases (ObjectStore, JADE, ZODB).
• Tabular stores (Google BigTable, Hadoop HBase,
• Tuple stores (Apache River).
NoSQL systems
• Apache CouchDB and MongoDB
– document stores
– schema-less
– RESTful interface and represent data in JSON
– allow querying and indexing data by using the
MapReduce programming model
– JavaScript as a base language for data querying
and manipulation rather than SQL
NoSQL systems
• Amazon Dynamo
– The main goal of Dynamo is to provide an
incrementally scalable and highly available storage
– serving 10 million requests per day
– objects are stored and retrieved with a unique
identifier (key)
NoSQL systems
• Google Bigtable
– scale up to petabytes of data across thousands of
– Bigtable provides storage support for several
Google applications
– Bigtable’s key design goals are wide applicability,
scalability, high performance, and high availability.
– Bigtable organizes the data storage in tables of
which the rows are distributed over the
distributed file system supporting the middleware
NoSQL systems
• Apache Cassandra
– managing large amounts of structured data spread
across many commodity servers
– Cassandra was initially developed by Facebook
– Currently, it provides storage support for several
very large Web applications such as Facebook,
Digg, and Twitter
– second-generation distributed database
– column family
NoSQL systems
• Hadoop HBase.
– distributed database
– Hadoop distributed programming platform.
– HBase is designed by taking inspiration from
Google Bigtable
– main goal is to offer real-time read/write
operations for tables with billions of rows and
millions of columns by leveraging clusters of
commodity hardware
Programming platforms
• large quantity of information
• runtime systems able to efficiently manage huge
volumes of data.
• database management systems based on the
relational model - unsuccessful
• unstructured or semistructured
• large size or a huge number of medium-sized files
rather than rows in a database
• Distributed workflows
The MapReduce programming model
• map and reduce
• Google introduced for processing large
quantities of data.
• Data transfer and management are completely
handled by the distributed storage
Examples of MapReduce
• Distributed grep
– recognition of patterns within text streams
• Count of URL-access frequency
– key-value <pair , URL,1>, <URL, total-count>
• Reverse Web-link graph
– <target, source>, <target, list (source) >
• Term vector per host.
– Word Counting
Exapmles of MapReduce
• Inverted index
– <word, document-id>, < word, list(document-id)>
• Distributed sort

• Statistical algorithms such as Support Vector

Machines (SVM), Linear Regression (LR), Naive
Bayes (NB), and Neural Network (NN)
• two major stages can be represented in the
terms of Map Reduce computation.
– Analysis
• operates directly on the data input file
• embarrassingly parallel
– Aggregation
• operates on the intermediate results
• aimed at aggregating, summing, and/or elaborating
• previous stage to present the data in their final form
Variations and extensions of
• MapReduce constitutes a simplified model for
processing large quantities of data
• model can be applied to several different
problem scenarios
• They aim at extending the MapReduce
application space and providing developers
with an easier interface for designing
distributed algorithms.
• Hadoop
• Pig
• Hive
• Map-Reduce-Merge
• Twister

• Apache Hadoop is an open-source software

framework used for distributed storage and
processing of dataset of big data using the
MapReduce programming model.
• Initially developed and supported by Yahoo
• 40,000 machines and more than 300,000
• platform that allows the analysis of large
• high-level language for expressing data
analysis programs
• Developers can express their data analysis
programs in a textual language called Pig
• Provides a data warehouse infrastructure on
top of Hadoop MapReduce.
• It provides tools for easy data summarization
• classical data warehouse,
• Map-Reduce-Merge is an extension of the
MapReduce model
• merging data already partitioned and sorted
by map and reduce modules
• extension of the MapReduce model that allows
the creation of iterative executions of
MapReduce jobs.
• 1. Configure Map
• 2. Configure Reduce
• 3. While Condition Holds True Do
– a. Run MapReduce
– b. Apply Combine Operation to Result
– c. Update Condition
• 4. Close
Alternatives to MapReduce
• Sphere.
• All-Pairs.
• DryadLINQ

• Sector Distributed File System (SDFS).

• Sphere implements the stream processing model
(Single Program, Multiple Data)
• user-defined functions (UDFs)
• it is built on top of Sector’s API for data access
• UDFs are expressed in terms of programs that read and
write streams.
• Sphere client sends a request for processing to the
master node, which returns the list of available slaves,
and the client will choose the slaves on which to
execute Sphere processes
• Biometrics
• (1) model the system;
• (2) distribute the data;
• (3) dispatch batch jobs; and
• (4) clean up the system
• Microsoft Research project that investigates
programming models for writing parallel and
distributed programs
• small cluster to a large datacenter
• Automatically parallelizing the execution of
applications without requiring the developer
to know about distributed and parallel
Aneka MapReduce programming
• Developing MapReduce applications on top of
• Mapper and Reducer - Aneka MapReduce APIs
• Three classes are of Importent for application
– Mapper < K,V >
– Reducer <K,V >
– MapReduceApplication <M,R >

– The submission and execution of a MapReduce

job is performed through the class
MapReduceApplication <M,R >
• Map Function APIs.
• IMapInput<K,V> provides access to the input
key-value pair on which the map operation is
Reduce Function APIs

• Reduce (IReduceInputEnumerator < V > input)

• reduce operation is applied to a collection of
values that are mapped to the same key
• MapReduceApplication <M,R>
• InvokeAndWait method:
• WordCounterMapper and
WordCounterReducer classes
• The parameters that can be controlled
– Partitions
– Attempts
– SynchReduce
– IsInputReady
– FetchResults
– LogFile
• WordCounter Job. -Program
Runtime support
• Task Scheduling
– MapReduceScheduler class.
• Task Execution.
– MapReduceExecutor
Task Scheduling
Task Execution.
Distributed file system support
• Supports - Other programming models
• MapReduce model does not leverage the default
Storage Service for storage and data transfer
• uses a distributed file system implementation
• management are significantly different with
respect to the other models
• Distributed file system implementations
guarantee high availability and better efficiency
• Aneka provides the capability of interfacing
with different storage implementations
• Retrieving the location of files and file chunks
• Accessing a file by means of a stream
• classes SeqReader and SeqWriter
Example application
• MapReduce is a very useful model for
processing large quantities of data
• Semistructured
• logs or Web pages
• logs produced by the Aneka container
Parsing Aneka logs
• Aneka components produce a lot of
information that is stored in the form of log
• DD MMM YY hh:mm:ss level - message
Mapper design and implementation
Reducer design and implementation
Driver program

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