Unit Soluble Nitrogen by The Kjeldahl Method
Unit Soluble Nitrogen by The Kjeldahl Method
Unit Soluble Nitrogen by The Kjeldahl Method
SABMiller plc – Group Technical
Page: 1 of 7
Title: Unit Soluble Nitrogen By the Kjeldahl Method Review Date: 29/01/2019
Title: Unit Soluble Nitrogen By the Kjeldahl Version: Ref: GLT.QA.AM.1296
1.0 Page: 2 of 7
1.1 Version 1
2.1 Purpose
This document describes a method to determine the nitrogen in wort derived from malt by the
Kjeldahl method.
2.2 Principles
Malt is first mashed to produce wort. The nitrogenous compounds in the wort are then digested
with hot sulphuric acid in the presence of a catalyst to give ammonium sulphate.
The digest is made alkaline with sodium hydroxide solution releasing ammonia which is distilled
into an excess of boric acid solution.
The ammonia is quantified by titration with standard acid solution.
3 Scope
This method can be applied to all worts prepared during the course of malt analysis.
4 References
Note: Section 5 is as specified in Analytical Methods Unit Total Nitrogen by the
Kjeldahl Method
5.1 Definitions
5.2 Abbreviations
6 Method
Note: Section 6.1 as specified in Analytical Methods Unit Total Nitrogen by the
Kjeldahl Method
6.1.1 Hazards
6.1.2 Safety Requirements
6.1.3 Precautions
Title: Unit Soluble Nitrogen By the Kjeldahl Version: Ref: GLT.QA.AM.1296
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6.2 Equipment
Note: Section 6.2 as specified in Analytical Methods Unit Total Nitrogen by the
Kjeldahl Method
6.3 Reagents
Note: Unless otherwise stated in the specific sub-sections Section 6.3 as specified in
Analytical Methods Unit Total Nitrogen by the Kjeldahl Method
6.4.1 Sampling
Note: It is most important that direct heat does not come into contact with the flask above
the level of the liquid and that the vapour should be seen to be refluxing in the lower
regions of the neck of the flask.
j) Allow the digest to cool.
Note: If the contents solidify, excessive acid has been lost during digestion and ammonium
sulphate could have been volatilised. Should this occur the digestion should be repeated.
Note: The heaters should be switched on before connecting the flask to minimize the
danger of liquid passing back through the condenser.
q) Swirl the contents of the flask to ensure rapid mixing and apply full heat.
Note: Immediately after mixing, it is advisable that the flask containing the boric acid is
withdrawn momentarily, to let the exit tube drain and to equalize the pressure in the
distillation flask.
Blank reaction Test Method using Buchi Furnace and Buchi Distillation Apparatus
f) Carefully add 18 ml 98% H2SO4 to the flask and swirl gently to mix and thoroughly wet the
g) Allow to digest until frothing stops.
h) Next step is the mineralisation process in Buchi furnace which should continue until the
brown colour changes into green
i) Continue heating for about 30 min.
j) Dose the digest with 50 ml purified water and 70 ml NaOH solution
k) Insert the Erlenmeyer containing 25 ml 20 g/l boric acid solution and about 8 drops of
Tashiro indicator and turn on distillation for 4 minutes.
l) Collect about 150 ml of distillate.
m) Using stand-alone titrator with stirrer titrate the ammonia with the standard 0.1 N sulphuric
acid to the purple end point.
6.4.4 Calculations
The soluble nitrogen content is calculated either per litre of wort, or as a percentage of dry malt, or
of the total nitrogen content (Kolbach Index).
NV (mg/l) = T x 14 x 100
NV = soluble nitrogen content in mg/litre
T = ml of 0.1M acid required to neutralize ammonia after subtracting the reagent blank
V = volume of sample taken (ml)
NS (%) = NV x E 1
10000 x EW
NV = soluble nitrogen content in mg/litre
E1 = extract content on dry malt in % (m/m)
EW = g of extract in wort in g/100 ml of wort
10000 = correction factor to obtain the result as a percentage
Soluble nitrogen content as a percentage of the total nitrogen content (Kolbach Index):
NK = NS x 100
NK = soluble nitrogen content as a percentage of total nitrogen in % (m/m)
NS = soluble nitrogen content on dry malt in % (m/m)
N = total nitrogen content on dry malt in % (m/m)
Title: Unit Soluble Nitrogen By the Kjeldahl Version: Ref: GLT.QA.AM.1296
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6.5 Reporting
Soluble nitrogen per litre of wort: Express the result as mg/litre to the nearest whole number.
Soluble nitrogen as a percentage of dry malt: Express the result as % (m/m) to 2 decimal places.
Soluble nitrogen content as a percentage of the total nitrogen content (Kolbach Index): Express the
result as % (m/m) to the nearest whole number.
6.6 Verification