SIGTRAN Protocol Analysis and Simulation: 818 West Diamond Avenue - Third Floor, Gaithersburg, MD 20878

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SIGTRAN Protocol Analysis and Simulation

818 West Diamond Avenue - Third Floor, Gaithersburg, MD 20878

Phone: (301) 670-4784 Fax: (301) 670-9187 Email: [email protected]
Website: 1
• What is Sigtran?

• History of Sigtran

• Benefits of Sigtran


➢ Need for new IP Protocol

• Architecture - Entities

➢ Signalling Gateway

➢ Media Gateway Controller

• User Adaption layers

➢ M2UA (MTP Level 2 User Adaption)

➢ M3UA (MTP Level 3 User Adaption)

➢ SCCP User Adaption (SUA)

➢ ISDN User Adaption (IUA)

What is SIGTRAN ?

 SIGTRAN – Its a protocol suite used to carry PSTN signalling (SS7, ISDN, TUP and

SCCP etc.) over SCTP as a Transport protocol in an IP network developed by IETF

group called SIGTRAN Working Group.

 Sigtran working group purpose is to address the transport of packet-based PSTN

signaling over IP Networks by considering functional and performance requirements of

the PSTN signaling.

History of SIGTRAN

 The main difference between these two schemes (i.e. PSTN and IP) is that the long-distance
carrier is replaced by an IP network. So we convert a long-distance call into two local calls plus
long-distance IP transport. Thus the IP Telephony Service Provider (ITSP) can offer a cheaper
price to its customers.

• The costs of transporting the speech using an IP network are lower than those of a long-distance
carrier, as the whole facilities are shared among all the users and there is no dedicated channels.

• If we have a dedicated full-duplex circuit to transmit a telephone conversation we make poor use
of it, as most of the time at least one of the parties will be silent (at least that is the idea) and its
channels unused.

Architecture View of SIGTRAN

 In the SIGTRAN architecture view, gateways connect the SS7 and IP networks. We can identify the three elements carrying
PSTN signalling over IP network i.e. MG, SG and MGC. The SS7-IP gateways translates and transport the SS7 signaling
through the IP network, Both the media data and the signaling can traverse the IP network and reach the destination, providing
the same kind of services that the PSTN offers while making a better use of the network that carries the voice stream.

 Media Gateway (MG) - The media gateway converts media provided PSTN network to the format required in IP network . For
example, Media Gateway terminates PSTN media streams, packetizes the voice and delivers the packets to the IP network. At
the receiver side, it performs the reverse function.

 Signaling Gateway (SG) - The Signalling gateway receives and translates signalling from Pstn network and send accross IP
network and vice-versa.

 Media Gateway Controller (MGC) - Controls the parts of the call state that pertain to connection

 control for media channels in a MG i.e registration and resource management at MG.

 IP SCP (IP enabled Service Control Point) - This exists wholly within the IP network, but is addressable from the SS7 network.

SS7 SIGTRAN Call Scenario

SIGTRAN Protocol Stack
The protocol stack includes protocols such as:-
• SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol)
• M3UA, M2UA, SUA, IUA, M2PA, DUA, V5UA (All User Adaptation Protocols)

User Adaption Layers
 To make SS7 or ISDN or TCAP signaling transport over IP networks possible, an SS7-IP gateway must
provide the means for translating SS7 messages into IP datagrams, and vice-versa.

 However, that translation can be done at several layers. Even though there is no need to provide
translation at all levels in the SS7 stack, adaptation modules ( Layers) are developed and can translate
SS7 signaling at the SCCP level, as well as MTP3 and MTP2 (there are even two proposals for MTP2).

Each UA has applicability -

➢ SUA provides services of SCCP to its users like TCAP

➢ V5UA provides services of V.5.2

➢ M2UA, M2PA provides services of MTP2 to MTP3

➢ IUA provides services of LAPD to Q.931

➢ M3UA provides services of MTP3 to ISUP, SCCP

➢ DUA provides services of LAPD to DPNSS/DASS2

User Adaption Layers...
M3UA (MTP3-User Adaptation Layer)
The MTP3-User Adaptation Layer (M3UA) works at a lower layer than SUA. It directly replaces MTP3, and it
provides support for the transfer of all SS7 MTP3-User Part messages, such as ISUP or SCCP over IP using SCTP.

M2UA (MTP2-User Adaptation Layer)

MTP2 level we have two different protocols that translates SS7 into IP. One of them is the MTP2-User Adaptation
Layer (M2UA) and the other is MTP2-User Peer-to-Peer Adaptation Layer (M2PA). They both replace the MTP2
protocol, adapting the MTP3 protocol to the SCTP/IP stack.

IUA (ISDN Q.921-User Adaptation Layer)

The ISDN Q.921-User Adaptation Layer (IUA). The ITU-T recommendation Q.921 defines the data link level protocol
used in ISDN signaling, also known as the Link Access Procedures on the D-channel (LAPD). IUA replaces Q.921
and uses SCTP as the transport layer, and provides transparent adaptation to Q.921 users, such as Q.931.

User Adaption Layers...

SUA (SCCP-User Adaptation Layer)

 The SCCP-User Adaptation Layer (SUA) is a protocol designed to transport any SCCP-User signaling (such as TCAP)
over IP using SCTP, in a seamless way.

 SUA can be used between a Signaling Gateway (SG) and an IP signaling endpoint (a Service Switching Point (SSP) or
Service Control Point (SCP)), but can also provide transport of SCCP user information directly between IP endpoints
rather than through a SG.

 The SG is needed only to assure interoperability with SS7 signaling in the switchedcircuit network. It also supports all the
features SCCP protocol supports in the IP network.
Nodal Interworking Function (NIF)
 Basically, the NIF serves as an interface between PSTN stack layers and Adoption layers within the SG.

Conversion at Signaling Gateway

 SCTP is a reliable connection-oriented, multi-homing, multi-streaming transport protocols used to carry the application data in an
IP network.

 SCTP is designed to transport Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) signaling messages over IP networks, but is capable
of broader applications by SIGTRAN group to overcome the limitations of TCP such as Head-of-line blocking, Multi-homing and
Sync attacks etc.

Services/Features SCTP TCP UDP
Connection-oriented yes yes no
Full duplex yes yes yes
Reliable data transfer yes yes no
Partial-reliable data transfer optional no no
Ordered data delivery yes yes no
Unordered data delivery yes no yes
Flow control yes yes no
Congestion control yes yes no
ECN capable yes yes no
Selective ACKs yes optional no
Preservation of message boundaries yes no yes
Path MTU discovery yes yes no
Application PDU fragmentation yes yes no
Application PDU bundling yes yes no
Multistreaming yes no no
Multihoming yes no no

Protection against SYN flooding attacks yes no n/a

Allows half-closed connections no yes n/a

Reachability check yes yes no
Psuedo-header for checksum no (uses vtags) yes yes
Time wait state for vtags for 4-tuple n/a 15

 Replaces high cost traditional circuit-switched network with the cheaper IP network.

 Sigtran associations are capable of delivering high bandwidth in a single connection.

 Using SIGTRAN protocols the application vendor like SMSC, HLR, ASG, can support heavy SS7 traffic.

 Stack can be used between SG-SG, SG-MGC, SG-IP SCP etc.

Hardware and Software

 Hardware

➢ Signaling Gateway

➢ Media Gateway

 Software

➢ Media Gateway Controller/Softswitch

➢ Signaling Gateway Simulator/Emulators

 Signalling Gateway – Performance Technologies
 SS7 C7 SG – Squire Technologies
 MACH7-SIGTRAN Stack that supports SUA, M3UA, M2UA, M2PA, IUA and SCTP - Telsys
 HP OpenCallInternet Protocol Signaling Transfer Gateway - HP
 OpenCall IP-STG) bridges the next-generation Internet Protocol (IP) and the SS7 networks, enabling service providers to connect
present and future applications across multiple networks
 Essentra CX Media Gateway Controller – VolTec
 Essentra SG signaling gateway and a separate media gateway both controlled by the Essentra CX, this solution enables
increased E1/T1 capacity and signaling links
 Sigtran Stack i.e. SCTP and User Adaptation called SIGTRAN-BRICKS - Netbricks
 SIGTRAN Software Protocol Stack – Team UP Telco Solutions
 SIGTRAN Testing Software - Simulation and conformance Testing - Valid8
 Stinga SS7 simulator - SS7 simulation over IP through SIGTRAN (SCTP/M3UA) – UTEL Systems
 Media Gateway – AudioCodes, Avaya, Cisco etc
 Sigtran protocol Analyzer - SAFIRE Tracer Plug-In for SIGTRAN Protocol Analysis - SAFIRE
 QOS Analyzer for SIGTRAN – JDSU
 Sigtran Analysys – LinKBIT
 The most comprehensive solutions for monitoring and troubleshooting new complex SIGTRAN networks - Agilent Technologies

SIGTRAN Products
GL provides comprehensive test tools to test integrated services such as carring both PSTN signalling and Media Over IP Network
and testing of PSTN Signaling carried over IP i.e. SIGTRAN using simulation tool s (i.e. MAPS™ SS7 Over IP and MAPS™ ISDN
Over IP) and Analysis (SigTran Analyzer). Media Conversion using MGC (i.e. MAPS™ Megaco or MAPS™ MGCP).
 SIGTRAN Analyzer (PKV105)
➢ Supports Detailed analsys of Sigtran stack layer such as M2UA, M2PA, M3UA, IUA , SUA and SCTP for ITU, ANSI, ETSI
➢ Displays the key fields of SS7 and ISDN Protocols in separate columns .
 MAPS™ SS7 SIGTRAN Emulator (PKS130)
➢ SS7 SIGTRAN simulates IP part of Signalling gateway or Softswitch (MGC) carrying ISUP message over IP network using
SCTP as transport layer.
➢ Its supports ISUP -> M3UA -> SCTP-IP stack.
➢ Used to Test Signalling Gateway and Softswitch (MGC) or IP SSP
 MAPS™ ISDN SIGTRAN Emulator (PKS135)
➢ ISDN SIGTRAN simulates IP part of Signaling gateway or Softswitch (MGC) carrying ISDN message over IP network using
SCTP as transport layer.
➢ Its supports ISDN -> IUA -> SCTP-IP stack.
➢ Used to Test Signalling Gateway and Softswitch (MGC) or IP SSP.


SIGTRAN Analyzer Includes

 Virtual Packet Analysis (VPA) view.

 Default panes - summary, detail, and hex dump of the frame data views.

 Optional panes – statistics and call trace views.

SIGTRAN Analyzer

Key Features
• Supports Real-time as well as Off-line analysis.

• Summary View displays M2UA Class, M2UA Type, M3UA Type and SUA Class, SUA Type, Called and
Calling number, SCCP message type, SSN, INAP information.

• Detailed View displays easy to understand decodes of the user-selected frame.

• Hex Dump View displays the frame information in HEX and ASCII format.

• Statistics View displays call and MSU statistics at any link or entire link set.

• Call Trace View isolates call specific information such as status of each call (active/ completed),
duration of completed call, OPC, DPC, CIC, Called and Calling Party Numbers, and more.

• Search and filtering capabilities for both real-time as well as offline analysis.

• Provides the 'Capture Filter' option to filter M2UA, M2PA, M3UA and SUA frames on the specified

SIGTRAN Analyzer

Real-Time Analysis
• Default panes - summary, detail, and hex dump of the frame data views.
• Optional panes - statistics and call trace views.

SIGTRAN Analyzer

Define Summary Column

SIGTRAN Analyzer

Real-Time Capture Filter

SIGTRAN Analyzer

Display Filter (Offline)

SIGTRAN Analyzer

Define/Edit Statistics

SIGTRAN Analyzer

Statistics View

SIGTRAN Analyzer

Call Detail Records

MAPS™ SS7 SIGTRAN Emulator (PKS130)

Testing over IP


Testing over IP

MAPS™ - SIGTRAN Key Features

• SS7 simulation over IP.

• User-friendly GUI for configuring the SS7 M3UA Layers.

• User Configurable Signaling Links.

• Supports M3UA and SCTP protocol machine.

• Multiple M3UA links.

• Access to all ISUP Message Parameters Initial Address, Subsequent Address, Release
messages, and more.

• User controlled access to optional ISUP parameters such as timers.

• Subsequent Address Message (SAM) configurations available.

• Fully Supported Continuity Testing (COT) that includes both COT messages.

• Logging of all SS7 Messages in real time. Each SS7 message displays CIC values defined
within the message.
Testing over IP

Supported Protocol Standards

Supported Protocols Standard / Specification Used

ISUP ITU ITU - Q.761, Q.762, Q.763 and Q.764

ISUP Conformance testing ITU - Q.784.1

ISUP ANSI ANSI - T1.113.1 to T1.113.4

ISUP UK ND1007:2007/01 TSG/SPEC/007



RFC 4165

RFC 3331
Testing over IP

MAPS™ - SS7 SIGTRAN Configuration

Scenario: MAPS™ acting as Signaling Gateway Scenario: MAPS™ acting as Softswitch

Testing over IP

SS7 SIGTRAN Call Scenario

Testing over IP

MAPS™ SS7 SIGTRAN- Call Generation & Reception




 Simulates ISDN signaling over IP (ISDN-SIGTRAN).

 Generates and process all ISDN messages such as Setup, Connect, Release
messages, and more.

 Switch and Subscriber Emulation.

 User controlled access to optional ISDN parameters such as timers.

 Provides various release cause codes such as rejected, no user response, user busy,
congested, and so on to troubleshoot the problems in ISDN.

 Impairments can be applied to messages to simulate error conditions.

 Supports scripted call generation and automated call reception.

Supported Protocol Standards

Testing over IP

MAPS™ ISDN SIGTRAN Configuration

Scenario: MAPS™ acting as MGC

Scenario: MAPS™ acting as Signaling GW

Testing over IP

ISDN SIGTRAN Call Scenario

Testing over IP

MAPS™ - ISDN SIGTRAN Call Generation & Reception

Buyer’s Guide

Item No. Item Description

PKV100 PacketScan™ Software (required)

PKV105 SIGTRAN Analyzer Software (optional)

PKS130 MAPS™ SIGTRAN (SS7 simulation over IP)


XX120 SS7 Analyzer Software (T1 or E1)

XX100 ISDN Analysis Software (T1 or E1)

XX649 MAPS™ SS7 (requires xx600)

XX648 MAPS™ ISDN (requires xx600)

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