EE8251 - Circuit Theory (Q)

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Reg. No.

Question Paper Code : D21055

Second Semester
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
(Regulation 2017)

Time: Three Hours Maximum: 100 Marks

Answer ALL questions

PART – A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)

1. State Ohm’s Law. Mention the Limitations of Ohm’s Law.

2. Measure the equivalent conductance Geq of the circuit shown below.

3. Twenty lamps each of 60 watts are used each for 4 hours per day in a building.
Calculate (1) the current drawn when all lamps are working, (2) the monthly
electricity charge at 55 paise per unit. Assume supply of 240 V.

4. State the Reciprocity Theorem.

5. Describe about Critical damping.

6. A d.c. voltage of 100 volts is applied to series RL circuit with R=25Ω. What will be
the current in the circuit at twice the time constant?

7. Give the line and phase values in delta connection.

8. A three phase balanced star connected load has 440v line to line voltage and 20A
line current. Determine the line to neutral voltage and phase current?

9. What is Bandwidth and selectivity?

10. What is the maximum possible mutual inductance of two inductively coupled coils
with self inductance L1=25 mH, L2= 100 mH.
PART – B (5 x 13 = 65 Marks)
11. (a)(i) Define the Following terms: (8)
a) Kirchoff’s current law b) Kirchoff’s voltage law
c) Voltage division rule d) Current division rule

(ii) The lamps in a set of christmas tree lights are connected in series. If there
are 20 lamps and each lamp has resistance of 25Ω. Calculate the total
resistance of the set of lamps and hence calculate current taken from a
supply of 230V. (5)


11. (b) Find the value of Equivalent Resistance of the Network as shown in Figure.

12. (a) Evaluate the expression for (i)Star to Delta Conversion (ii) Delta to Star
Conversion. (13)


(b) (i) Find iLOAD through RLOAD using Thevenin’s theorem. (8)
(ii) State the Thevenin’s Theorem and write the steps to followed by the
Thevenin’s Therorem. (5)

13. (a) (i) In an RC circuit, having a time constant of 2.5 ms, the capacitor discharges
with initial voltage of 80 V. (a) Find the time at which the capacitor voltage
reaches 55 V, 30 V and10 V (b) Calculate the capacitor voltage at time 1.2
ms, 3 ms and 8 ms. (8)

(ii) A capacitor in an RCcircuit with R = 25 Ω and C = 50 μF is being charged

with initial zero voltage. What is the time taken for the capacitor voltage to
reach 40 % of its steady state value? (5)


(b) An alternating current i= 414 Sin (2π x 50 x t) A is passed through a series

circuit of a resistance of 100 ohm and an inductance of 0.31831 H. find the
expression for the instantaneous values of voltage across,

a. The resistance b. Inductance c. Capacitance (13)

14. (a) Explain three phase power measurement by 2 wattmeter method for star and
delta connected load and determine the power equation and draw the phasor diagram.

(b) (i) Define the following terms: (8)

a) RMS Value b) Average Value.
C) Form Factor d)Crest factor.
(ii) The period of sine wave is 20 ms. What is its Frequncy? Represent the sine
wave. (5)

15. (a) (i) A pure inductance of 150 mH is connected in parallel with a 40 μF capacitor
across a 50 V, variable frequency supply. Determine (a) the resonant
frequency of the circuit and (b) the current circulating in the capacitor and
inductance at resonance. (8)

(ii) A coil of inductance 5 mH and resistance 10 Ω is connected in parallel with a

250 nF capacitor across a 50 V variable-frequency supply. Determine (a) the
resonant frequency, (b) the dynamic resistance, (c) the current at resonance,
and (d) the circuit Q-factor at resonance. (5)

(b) Draw the circuit diagram for Parallel Resonance Circuit. Describe how to
derive Q factor and Bandwidth is obtained for parallel resonance circuit.

PART – C (1 x 15 = 15 Marks)

16. (a) Use mesh analysis to determine the mesh current in the circuit of figure shown
in below. (15)


(b) Compute the current flow through 23 Ω resistor of the figure below by using the
superposition theorem. (15)

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