Siemens FTGS Brochure

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FTG S 6-Seiter neu e 15.03.

2002 15:17 Uhr Seite 3

Track Vacancy Detection with the FTG S Audio-frequency Track Circuit
FTG S 6-Seiter neu e 15.03.2002 15:17 Uhr Seite 4

Intelligent Monitoring of Railway Lines

With FTG S Remote-fed Coded
Audio-frequency Track Circuits

One essential reason for the attractive- Track circuits for main-line and
ness of rail travel is the fact that the rapid transit railways
main-line and rapid transit railways are
FTG S is designed as a track vacancy
a particularly safe means of transport.
detection system for main-line as well
as metro, urban and suburban railways.
The line is divided into track sections by
means of electrical separation joints. In
accordance with the underlying principle
of track circuits, a transmitter feeds an
AC voltage into the running rails and a
receiver at the end of the section evalu-
ates the voltage received.
As a vehicle enters the track section,
an axle shunt across the rails prevents
any signal from reaching the receiver,
causing it to output a “track section
occupied” indication.
Unlike previous audio-frequency track
circuits, FTG S is remote-fed with a
This safety is attained by the use of
frequency-modulated voltage. Both the
systems which permit both reliable and
transmitter and receiver are centrally
economical train operation. For efficient
housed in the signal box up to 6.5 km
operation of main-line and rapid transit
away from the track section.
railways, the lines, which are divided into
track sections, must be provided with a FTG S is a state-of-the-art track circuit.
means of detecting and indicating the It is equipped with extensive operating
“clear” or “occupied” state of the sections. state indicators and allows additional
information to be transmitted via the
The FTG S remote-fed coded audio-
rails to the train by means of an exter-
frequency track circuit has been devel-
nal control circuit connected to the
oped for this purpose. The concept and
technical design of FTG S are based on
experience gained from thousands of FTG S can also be supplied without
audio-frequency track circuits supplied modulation and coding. By retrofitting
by Siemens since 1970 in Germany and the appropriate circuit boards, FTG S cons
world-wide. can be upgraded at any time to the
highest safety level.

ICE Computers Track circuit racks

Trackside connection box

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High Availability and Low Maintenance

FTG S Components in the Signal Box
and at the Trackside

The electronic components of FTG S The mounting frames are accommo- On the track, there are no longer
audio-frequency track circuits are dated in track circuit racks in the signal any electronic components but only
installed in the signal box, which has box. For each track circuit, only one maintenance-free tuning units in
a number of advantages: mounting frame is necessary. trackside connection boxes.
● High reliability, because mechanical
stress and climatic conditions have
less effect than if the electronic
components were installed at the
● High availability, because extensive
operating state indicators permit
rapid fault location and immediate
replacement of faulty function units
● Easy maintenance thanks to the
straightforward arrangement of
function units in frames and racks
● Easy commissioning of track circuits
by using the feeder cable as a tele-
phone line between the indoor and
outdoor equipment

The transmitters, receivers and relay Overlapping track vacancy detection

boards are designed as plug-in units. with S-shaped bonds
Up to ten FTG S track circuits can be
Overlapping, i. e. seamless, track vacancy
accommodated in one track circuit rack.
detection is attained by means of elec-
trical separation joints with S bonds.
The tracks can be interconnected and
earthed almost without restriction. FTG S
is characterised by an extremely high
train shunt sensitivity.
High availability
Modular design and extensive operating
state indicators assure the high avail-
ability of FTG S. By using standardised
circuit boards, the number of spare parts
Computers Track circuit racks
can be reduced to a minimum.

Trackside connection box

FTG S 6-Seiter neu e 15.03.2002 15:17 Uhr Seite 6

Technische Daten

Effective ranges for Rb=1.5 Ω · km Rb=2.5 Ω · km

FTG S 917 Remote feeding Ps St 917 M 917 W/K 917 St 917 M 917
4.5 km ≤ 1.0 Ω 300 m 750 m yes 350 m 950 m
4.5 km ≤ 0.5 Ω 350 m 850 m 400 m 1000 m
6.5 km ≤ 0.5 Ω 300 m 700 m 330 m 850 m
FTG S 46 Remote feeding Ps St 46 M 46 St 46 M 46
6.5 km ≤ 0.5 Ω 600 m 1200 m 750 m 1500 m

Ps = Permissible train shunt St = Standard layout

Rb = Specific ballast resistance M = Centre-fed layout
High immunity to interference W/K = Layout for points and crossings

The AC voltage fed into the track circuit Error protection Frequency modulation, coding with 15 bit patterns per track circuit
is frequency-modulated to safeguard
against electrical interference due to Track data Minimum specific ballast resistance 1.0 Ω · km
harmonics in the traction return current Rail cross section Any cross section
Sleepers Wood, concrete
of conventional and thyristor-controlled Ballastless track By agreement
traction vehicles. The continuous trans-
Traction type Electrified and non-electrified lines
mission of a bit pattern between track
circuit transmitter and track circuit re- Power supply Supply voltage 220 V (+10 %, –15 %), 50 Hz (±2 %)
ceiver ensures the one-to-one assign- Power consumption 65 VA to 90 VA
ment of transmitters to receivers. This Cables for feed-in Star-quad cables, core diameter according to length of remote
also prevents any dangerous electrical and feed-out feeding cables, separate cables for feed-in and feed-out
interference due to accidental intercore
Permissible tempera- Outdoor equipment: –30° C to +70° C
contact. ture range Indoor equipment: –30° C to +70° C

Compared with non-coded audio-fre- Operating frequency f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6

quency track circuits, the permitted 9.5 kHz 10.5 kHz 11.5 kHz 12.5 kHz 13.5 kHz 14.5 kHz
harmonic content in the traction return f7 f8 f9 f 10 f 11 f 12
15.5 kHz 16.5 kHz 4.75 kHz 5.25 kHz 5.75 kHz 6.25 kHz
current is many times greater. If the
limit values are exceeded, FTG S issues Electrical separation S bond
a “track occupied” indication. for 1435 mm gauge 50 mm2 to 600 mm2 Cu
FTG S 46 9,5 m 9,5 m
FTG S 917 3,5 m 3,5 m

Integrated circuit technology

The circuitry is based on IC technology.
Functional units are duplicated to pro-
tect the system against potential com- Terminal bond
50 mm2 to 480 mm2 Cu
ponent failures. Each track circuit has FTG S 46 7m
FTG S 917 2,35 m
its own power supply unit. This ensures
a high availability of the overall system.
The power supply unit is located at the
rear of the mounting frame.
Reception loop
25 mm2 Cu
FTG S 917 3,5 m

Connecting cables 25 mm2 Cu 0.5 m to 2.65 m

(straight length
measured from Coaxial cable 2.65 m to 6 m
nearside rail)

Trackside connection box

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For Open Lines and Stations

Reliable Track Vacancy Detection with FTG S

Two track circuit versions with a total of Effective range

twelve operating frequencies have been
developed for open-line and station f5 f1 f3

tracks. Type FTG S 46 with a frequency

range of 4 kHz to 6 kHz is mainly used
for track vacancy detection on the open
line and type FTG S 917 with a frequency
range of 9 kHz to 17 kHz for track vacancy
detection in station areas.
With electrical track section separation,
the traction return current is fed back via &
both rails. Modulation and coding make
12 V DC / 5 V DC
220 V 50 Hz
for reliable track vacancy detection. Interlocking

Each circuit type, viz. standard layout, Standard circuit

centre-fed layout and points and cross-
Effective range
ing layout, is arranged in a separate
mounting frame. f5 f1 f1 f3

FTG S planning with CAE

Computer- aided engineering (CAE)
permits computer- aided planning of
FTG S. A clear and comprehensive
documentation of FTG S equipment is
achieved by representing the configura-
1 2
tion and the complete list of materials &
using CAE. This means that future &
extensions can be quickly planned. Interlocking
12 V DC / 5 V DC
220 V 50 Hz

Central feed-in

f1 f3

f5 f1 f4

1 2
12 V DC / 5 V DC
Interlocking 220 V 50 Hz

Point circuit
FTG S 6-Seiter neu e 15.03.2002 15:17 Uhr Seite 2

Siemens AG
Transportation Systems
Rail Automation
P. O. Box 3327
D-38023 Braunschweig, Germany
Phone (++49) 5 31-2 26-28 88
Fax (++49) 5 31-2 26-48 88
E-mail: [email protected]

Order-No. A19100-V100-B607-V2-7600
Printed in Germany
PPG065 311649 PA04022.0

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