Retirement Preparedness of Employees in San Juan City Philippines

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Ann Caroline R.

Calixto, 2021, 9:2

ISSN (Online): 2348-4098
ISSN (Print): 2395-4752

Retirement Preparedness of Employees in San Juan

City Philippines
Ann Caroline R. Calixto1
1Master in Business Administration specialized in Financial Management Student, College of Business Administration
Graduate Studies, Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines,
[email protected]

Abstract- After a long period of grinding to finish your education, it’s now time to enjoy what you

have to earn working. Working yourself to get things you want, with lots of available loans to do
what you want and with all the energy you have, sure it’s fun as if you’re having the time of your

life. When the hype of your youth fades, when your energetic stage starts to fade off, are you

ready? Life is a series of preparations. We studied to prepare for work so it’s ideal to say we work to
prepare ourselves to our life later on. What would you like to do after working so long? Are you still

financially independent then? How much pension would you have? Are we aware of our health

while getting old? And what lifestyle would we have as retired employee? These questions don’t
often pop-out of our mind when were young that’s why this research attempted to know so. This

research conducted a survey with workers of San Juan City to know how prepared they are to

retirement. The research measures preparedness by productivity after retirement, financial

preparedness, expected monthly pension, health and wellness and a meaningful lifestyle. As a

result, respondents are very likely to serve their productivity to churches and charitable institution,
finishing their loans and debts before retiring, expected an amount of P10, 000 and below monthly

pension, quit smoking at the age of 50 and live within their means and stick to a budget. While this

research provides some relevant details regarding the retirement preparedness of employees of San
Juan city, further specified research is need for validation.

Keywords: - Retirement, Financial Preparedness, Employee’s Retirement.

this research. Customs and traditions ruled human

I. INTRODUCTION behavior can be replaced by behaviors which were
supported by reasons and practicality. With that, we
Traditional Filipino values emphasize the role that are to replace this tradition of children-supported
the younger generations, and specifically children, retirement to financially independent retirement.
play in providing retirees with a comfortable life once
they stopped working. The burden passed onto the In Asia, an average person starts to save at 27 and
younger generations which will make a household’s start building retirement plans at the age of 29. For
financial security at risk. It’s important that Filipino those who failed to save, about 27% of them stated
working adults use the financial tools available to day-to-day cost as the reason. (HSBC’s Future
them to prepare for financial independence in Retirement: A new reality survey) Having kids is
retirement. another factor to consider especially to those with
lower incomes. Parents who would have new family
Rationalization of the society that was created by members on their middle age are more likely to
Max Weber is one of the theories that is aimed with extend working for 20-25 years or spent their

© 2021 Ann Caroline R. Calixto. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly credited.
Ann Caroline R. Calixto. International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2021, 9:2International
Journal of Science,
Engineering and Technology
An Open Access Journal

retirement savings to cover higher education of the researchers gathered the following relevant
little ones. Conversely, those who finished having information on their profile to come up with a
kids in their 20’s may have their later career period as supported assumption:
preparation for retirement. (Cussen n.d-9 factors that
affect when you retire). 1. Sex/Gender: In order to know which gender
prepares more for retirement and if there’s a present
While it’s true that it’s unsure how long will one live difference or direct effect in preparation for
and what would be your health and the market retirement, gender was necessary for gathering.
conditions in the future, this kind of thinking requires
a different approach than what most financial 2. Age: At what age does one prepare for retirement,
planning industry commonly use. Liability-driven does older employees think of it more often than the
investing is a concept commonly used when it comes younger ones? This brought the researchers in
to retirement planning. While this approach focuses gathering age details of respondents.
on income replacement approach for retirees, it
should aim to provide fund for expenses such as 3. Civil Status: “Marital status has a big impact on
housing, medical, transportation, food and clothing how prepared an individual is for retirement.”
for today and for the future. Rather than replacing (Micheal Hurd and Susan Rohwedder, working paper
ones income as its value may depreciate over a RAND corp., July 2011) Does this status affect the
period of time and keep in mind that with retirement retirement preparation of an individual? Does a
comes new expenses; when we stop working we single employee think of it less than a married
have also more time spending. (Branning and Grubbs individual? Researchers gather the information to
2012). support these questions.

Being productive as a worker sure is common, but a 4. Number of dependents: If a respondent have
productive retiree is also a goal needed to be dependents, does it make him/her more mindful of
foreseen. What can we do upon retirement? Where retirement? Does the number of dependents affect
should we put our time? What things could make us their preparations? This might support the difference
busy? There are so many things that you can do to in civil status results.
make yourself productive during retirement but it’s
important to keep in track of budget and your nest 5. Extended Family: A common in Filipino culture,
egg. Volunteer is one of the most common things a having extended family does affect budgeting thus
person do upon retirement other than starting a might have an effect in retirement preparation.
business, getting a part-time job, taking up new
hobby and mentoring. These things are some ways 6. Length of Service: As we serve longer to a
to help also the next generations to learn with our company, does one expect a favorable giveback
experience and wise words. (Phil Taylor n.d 104 ways upon retirement? While this might be true for public
to save extra money.) employees, is it also true for those who are in private
7. Financial Liabilities: Financial liabilities take a lot
to our monthly income. This is why researchers
Researchers used a couple of questionnaires to
assume that preparation for retirement would
gather data from selected respondents. One part was
probably be affected by financial liabilities.
for the respondent’s profiling and the other one is
for the retirement preparedness assessment of each
8. Employment: Employment plays a big role in
saving and providing needs to our everyday lives.
The researchers take into perspective the
The researchers selected respondents based only in
employment status of an individual in retirement
San Juan City from private and public companies or
government agencies.

9. Interest after Retirement: Taking something to

In order to know the preparedness level of the
work on, picking up new hobbies, or replacing
private and public employees in San Juan City, the

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Ann Caroline R. Calixto. International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2021, 9:2International
Journal of Science,
Engineering and Technology
An Open Access Journal

employment life with productive activities would be a 1. Respondent’s Information:

great start to plan your preparations for retirement.
Table 1. Ages of Respondents.
MEASUREMENTS 50-53 85 56.7
54-57 32 21.3
To measure the employee’s retirement preparation, 58-60 19 12.7
researchers had set these categories to identify one’s 61-63 9 6
idea and preparedness for the after-employment 64 5 3.3
period: TOTAL 150 100

1. Productivity after Retirement: “Seventy one percent (71%) of people aged sixty six
After working millions of hours being employed, (66) to sixty-nine (69) are adequately prepared for
from taking mundane tasks and spending the whole retirement.” (Micheal Hurd and Susan Rohwedder,
week working shifts to having the rest of your life the working paper RAND corp, July 2011).
times for things we might have missed during our
busy employment years. This would measure the Data gathered were carefully analyzed to come up
preparedness level by having to do something with a supported conclusion. As per profiling, age of
productive even after being a worker for the respondents ranges from 50-64 years old.
community. Having something productive would
mean a more prepared retirement. As a result, it is concluded that respondents are aged
mostly between 50 to 53 years old. Employees at
2. Financial Preparedness: their fifty’s maybe familiar with the sandwich
There is many factors which could affect financial generation concept which referred as the struggle to
preparedness such as monthly income, other put their kids in college even as they assume greater
businesses, savings, and investments. Having these financial responsibility for their long-lived, under-
factors would measure the preparedness level for saved parents which have made it nearly impossible
employee’s retirement. for their fast-approaching retirement. (Retirement
Plans under Siege, Dan Kadlec)
3. Health and wellness:
One’s health is a key to enjoying more of the Table 2. Civil Statuses of Respondents
retirement days so having a healthy living would Civil Status Frequency Percent
enable one to prepare more for his/her retirement Single 21 14.0
period. Bearing health conditions would adversely
Married 129 86.0
affect savings, income, activities and lifestyle for our
planned retirement. Total 150 100.0

4. Meaningful Lifestyle: Categories by married and single, there are twenty-

Does an individual plan to continue what his/her one (21) respondent which are single and one
lifestyle used to be? This will measure employee’s hundred twenty-nine married respondents. This
preparedness by having to foresee their future concludes that respondents were mostly married in
lifestyle upon retirement. time of the survey.

IV. RESULTS ”There’s a big difference in retirement preparedness

between single and married individuals however
education, gender and changes in both consumption
Researchers conducted a survey to both private and
and income also play a role.“ (Micheal Hurd and
government employees of San Juan City to know
Susan Rohwedder, working paper RAND corp, July
how prepared them are when the retirement talks
take into place.
“Having kids can be one of the largest factors
Here are the results:
affecting retirement, especially for those with lower

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Ann Caroline R. Calixto. International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2021, 9:2International
Journal of Science,
Engineering and Technology
An Open Access Journal

incomes” (9 Factors that Affect When You Retire- benefits from SSS and GSIS. These benefits can make
Mark P. Cusen, 2010) an individual predict how much would he/she gets as
monthly pension which can help in planning your
Table 3. Numbers of Dependents of Respondents. retirement period.
Number of Frequency Percent
Dependents Table 6. Length of Service of Respondents.
None 25 16.7 Length of Service Frequency Percentage

One 32 21.3 10 years and below 0 0

Two 40 26.7 11-20 years 44 29.3

Three 29 19.3 21-30 years 76 50.7

Four & above 24 16.0 31-40 years 25 16.7

Total 150 100.0 41 years and above 5 3.3

Total 150 100.0
The result shows that most of the respondents who
have more dependents struggle more for their future Table 7. Financial Liability of Respondents.
retirement especially on the financial aspect. This Financial Liability Frequency Percent
may be brought by prioritizing their dependents’ With existing loan 92 61.3
needs rather than retirement planning. Without existing loan 58 38.7
Total 150 100.0
Table 4. Living with Extended Family.
With Extended Family Frequency Percent
This shows that majority of the respondents at the
Yes 40 26.7
time of survey to have existing loans. Having
No 110 73.3 liabilities can hinder one to plan for his retirement.
Total 150 100.0 They tend to pay their loans than to save for their
retirement plans which makes them more reliant to
Having an extended family can affect everyday pensions and other benefits paid by during their
budget thus affecting expenses which could bring employment period.
difficulty and delays in having financial planning for
future retirement. Table 8. Employment of Respondents.
Employment Frequency Percent
Table 5. Monthly Incomes of Respondents. Private 75 50.0
Monthly Income Frequency Percent
Government 75 50.0
Php 10,000 and below 3 2.0
Total 150 100.0
Php 10,001 – Php 15,000 14 9.3
Php 15,001- Php 20,000 37 24.7
There are lot of benefits working in a company
Php 20,001- Php 25,000 54 36.0
whether government or private company. Agencies
Above Php 25,000 42 28.0
such as Social Security System (SSS) which supports
Total 150 100.0 private company employees and self-employed
person and the Government Service Insurance
The respondents of this study are employees who System (GSIS) which supports our government
are already candidates for retirement and may mean employees have provided loans available to its
that they have already gained Experiences for their members and pension in their retirement period.
jobs and therefore are earning more than the
minimum wage and so most of the respondents have There’s a big difference between the two when it
high monthly income. comes to benefits that’s why people are calling for
the standardization of pension rules as private sector
Majority of the respondents were working for 20-30 also plays a big part in economic progress. (Wilma I.
years already which qualifies them for retirement Miranda,

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Journal of Science,
Engineering and Technology
An Open Access Journal

In this study, the researchers decided to divide the work status didn’t affect volunteer retention and
number of participants equally to know if there’s a stopping work or stepping down to part-time was
huge gap between retirement preparation of associated with starting volunteering. Volunteering
employees in private and government companies. was also found to have positive health effects of
having a strong sense of meaning in life.
Table 9. Interest after Retirement.
Employment Interest Frequency Percent Table 11. Financial Preparedness of Respondents.
Part time job 19 12.7 Financial Weighted Verbal
Start a business 98 65.3 Preparedness Mean Interpretation
I will start a new 3.61 Very likely
Not interested in having 33 22.0
job or business I have adequate 3.69 Very likely
TOTAL 150 100.0 savings for my future
I will give other 3.65 Very likely
The table shows that majority of the participants source of income
would most likely start a business. This could mean after retirement
that they are preparing and saving up for the capital I don’t have loans or 3.93 Very likely
they need to launch a business. A small portion of debts after
these participants were most likely to take part time retirement
job which could indicate that they haven’t saved Grand Mean 3.72 Very likely
enough for their retirement or they don’t want to
rely their finances on the pension that they would be The results may imply that the respondents of this
receiving. study were very likely to start a new business since
they have adequate savings and don’t have loans or
2. Respondents Level of Retirement Preparedness debts after retirement.
In this study, the researcher tried to measure the
retirement preparation of the employees using 4 Most of the respondents were women which contrast
categories: productivity after retirement, financial the study findings of Epperson and Sanicola (2016)
preparedness, health and wellness and meaningful which state that women may not fully comprehend
lifestyle. financial literacy. This difference in results may have
been brought by technology and social platforms
Table 10. Productivity after Retirement. which educates and discusses financial planning.
Financial Weighted Verbal
Preparedness Mean Interpretation Table 12. Monthly Pension of Respondents.
I will start a new 3.61 Very likely Monthly Pension Frequency Rank
business Php 10,000 and below 62 1
I have adequate 3.69 Very likely
Php 10,001 –Php 20,000 57 2
savings for my future
Php 20,001 –Php 30,000 20 3
I will give other 3.65 Very likely
source of income Php 30,001 –Php 40,000 5 5
after retirement Above Php 40,000 6 4
I don’t have loans or 3.93 Very likely
debts after retirement According to the Philippine Statistics Authority in its
Grand Mean 3.72 Very likely 2012 Annual Average Income and Expenditure by
Region and Province, San Juan City ranges from Php
It can be seen in the graph that majority of the 18,699.58 to Php 35,633.67.
respondents were most likely to volunteer to church
or charitable organization for opportunities that The results imply that most of the respondents (62
require their skills. out of 150 respondents who were expecting a Php
10,000 and below monthly pension) were not
The result indicates the respondents’ willingness to prepared to retirement in terms of expected monthly
volunteer. A recent study showed that changes in pension. Receiving smaller pension than their

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Ann Caroline R. Calixto. International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2021, 9:2International
Journal of Science,
Engineering and Technology
An Open Access Journal

monthly expenditures may push them to extend their Table 14. Meaningful Lifestyle.
employment period or find another source of Meaningful Weighted Verbal
income. Lifestyle Mean Interpretation
I will take up a new 3.04 Likely
Table 13. Health and Wellness. sport
Health & Wellness Weighted Verbal I will get a new 3.24 Likely
Mean Interpretation hobby
I will quit smoking 4.46 Most Likely I will live within my 4.03 Very Likely
means and stick to
and drinking
a budget
starting at the age
I will find time for 3.93 Very Likely
of 50 or I didn’t socializing and
smoke at all spend time with
I will visit the doctor 3.67 Very Likely friends and
regularly to have a relatives
routine medical I will travel to new 3.65 Very Likely
Grand Mean 3.56 Very Likely
I have a well- 3.55 Very Likely
planned physical
exercise regimen
after retirement
There are lots of things to consider as we grow older,
I will take a healthy 3.97 Very Likely but it is never a wrong move to plan for letting go of
diet. your employment period. The researcher wanted to
I will have an 4.05 Very Likely know how prepared these employees look into their
adequate rest. retirement in terms of financial preparedness,
productivity, expected monthly pension, health and
I will join a fitness 3.25 Likely
wellness and their idea of a meaningful lifestyle
through a survey.
Grand Mean 3.83 Very Likely
After the study had been conducted it is found that
Health is commonly the concern when it comes to employees of San Juan City are prepared for
retirement and the results shows that most of the retirement. The results have no large difference when
respondents are prepared when it comes to health grouped by their profile. Most of the respondents
and wellness. According to a study of Myers and was female aged 50-53 years old, married and had
Degges-White (2007), older adulthood can be a two dependents, didn’t have an extended family and
chance for enhanced wellness. In fact, there are had earned Php 20,001 to Php 25,000 with a monthly
evidences in this study that implies higher level of income of Php 10,000 and below. The majority of
wellness of older adults compared with the younger respondents were found to be employed for a period
norm group. This can be brought by more awareness of 21 to 30 years and have financial liabilities.
and concern of adults when it comes to their own
health which leads them to more conscious healthy Number of respondents was evenly divided to both
practices. government and private employment. Most of the
respondents would most likely to volunteer to church
The results imply that the respondents were ready or any charitable institution that would require their
for retirement in terms of living a meaningful skills. Most of them were looking forward to have no
lifestyle. A study of Ben Heaven et. Al. (n.d) social more loans to pay upon retiring and would most
roles are important for people heading towards likely to quit smoking or haven’t smoked at all.
retirement. The study identified a range of social role
interventions which is evidently produce health and This implies that employees of San Juan City were
well-being benefits for older people. prepared for retirement.

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An Open Access Journal

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