Proxmox VE 6.4 Datasheet
Proxmox VE 6.4 Datasheet
Proxmox VE 6.4 Datasheet
• Complete open-source platform for Proxmox Virtual Environment is a complete, open-source solution for
enterprise virtualization enterprise virtualization, that integrates the KVM hypervisor and Linux
containers (LXC), software-defined storage and networking functionality,
• Control via web-based
on a single platform. From the central user interface, you can manage
management interface
VMs and containers, storage resources, network configuration, and high
• 100% software-defined architecture availability for clusters. The interface also provides access to multiple out-
• Two virtualization technologies of-the-box tools for tasks such as backup/restore, live-migration, storage
supported: KVM hypervisor & Linux replication, and firewall configuration.
Container (LXC) Proxmox VE is designed to scale to cluster-level and enables you to
• Easy management with web-based virtualize even the most demanding of Linux and Windows application
user interface & CLI workloads. By combining two virtualization technologies on a single
platform, Proxmox VE provides maximum flexibility to your data center. It
• High-Availability (HA) Cluster includes strong high-availability (HA) support and—thanks to the unique
Manager multi-master design—you don’t need any additional management server,
• Live/Online Migration thus saving resources and allowing HA without a single point of failure
• Integration of Proxmox Backup
• Built-in services: firewall,
Enterprises use the powerful Proxmox VE platform to easily install,
backup/restore, storage replication,
manage, and monitor their hyper-converged (HCI) data centers. Multiple
authentication sources, combined with role-based user and permission
• Open-source license (GNU AGPL, management enable flexible control of HA clusters. The REST API enables
v3) easy integration of third-party management tools, such as custom hosting
• Enterprise support agreements environments.
• Watchdog-based fencing.
• Linux and Windows servers, 32 and 64 bit • Manage all components of your virtual environment.
operation systems. • CLI with intelligent tab completion.
• Support for the latest Intel and AMD server chip • Full UNIX man page documentation.
sets – for great VM performance.
• Near bare-metal performance for real-world
enterprise workloads. • The Proxmox VE HA Manager uses self fencing
• Management layer containing all the capabilities to provided by hardware Watchdog or kernel Softdog.
manage and monitor an open-source software- • No simultaneous data access or corruption.
defined data center. • Works „out-of-the-box“.
• Included Proxmox VE HA Simulator for testing.
• Published under the free and open-source GNU
Affero General Public License, version 3 (AGPL,v3: • Integrated - no need to install a separate management tool or any additional management
• Designed for community cooperation. node.
• Public code repository (Git). • Fast, search-driven interface, able to handle
• Bug tracker for issue tracking. thousands of VMs.
• Community support forum. • Based on the Ext JS JavaScript framework.
• Documentation, wiki, video tutorials, HOW-TOs ,... • Secure HTML5 console, supporting SSL.
• Let's Encrypt TLS certificates via the DNS-based
ENTERPRISE SUPPORT AGREEMENT challenge mechanism (or http).
• Subscriptions to ensure business continuity. • Fast and easy creation of VMs and containers.
• Exclusive access to the stable Enterprise Repository. • Seamless integration and easy management of an
• Updates and version upgrades via GUI. entire cluster.
• Professional support from the Proxmox developers. • Subscription management via GUI.
• Integrated documentation
• No single point of failure (no SPOF).
• Multi-master cluster. • Local storage such as ZFS (encryption possible),
• Manage the HA settings for KVM and LXC via GUI. LVM, and LVMthin.
• pmxcfs—unique Proxmox VE Cluster File System: • Shared storage such as CIFS, , iSCSI or NFS.
database-driven file system for storing configuration • Distributed storage such as Ceph RBD and CephFS.
files replicated in real-time across all nodes using • Encryption support for Ceph OSD and ZFS.
Corosync. • Unlimited number of storage definitions (cluster-
• Based on proven Linux HA technologies, providing wide).
stable and reliable HA service.
• Resource agents for KVM and containers (LXC).
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