Research Methodology

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3.1 Introduction

This chapter describes the research methods used for MCMT development. Research

methodology is a set of procedures or methods used to conduct research. There are

two types of research methodologies. These two types of methodologies are

qualitative methodologies and quantitative methodologies. Both methodologies will

be used during the MCMT development phase. Qualitative research involves the use

of qualitative data such as interviews, direct observations, survey and analysis of

documents and material. Questionnaire and documetnts review are the research

method used for developing MCMT prototype application. These research methods

are important to gather information such as users’ preferences, opinions and

suggestions. The Iterative and Incremental development process model is used in the

development of MCMT prototype application.

3.2 Research Methods

There are various methods in collecting information or more precisely data gathering.

It can be carried out by searching the related topic literatures, white papers, technical

papers, marketing reports, conferences proceedings, product data sheets, product

brochures, web pages, project focus groups, conducting interviews with experienced

personnel, distributing questionnaire, or even communicate to people. The research

methods used for this dissertation purpose are the review of literatures and books from

the Internet, unstructured interview and data gathering by distributing questionnaires.

It is important to know the consumers’ experiences and personal preferences and by

doing these will definitely contribute greatly to the development of MCMT prototype


3.2.1 Document Reviews Method

Document reviews could be reviewing the electronic documents or printed

documents. For example, reviewing documents, reports from the web or other pieces

of written information for content and themes. The reviewing process is where and

when the sticky notes were placed, writes on or even attached to other reading

materials to the copies that was read to make the document reviews more

comprehensive and easier for references. All these are useful sources for the content

of this dissertation. Those documents or reports are published based on the study of

current markets and trendings. The findings or the results from this research method

can be easily quantified and analyzed later.

3.2.2 Unstructured Interview

Unstructured interviews have been used in this research to gain a general

understanding of the requirements from the hypermarket operators’ point of view on

this development of MCMT prototype application. An informal discussion with the

hypermarket representatives has been done by allowing the discussion to be open. The

reasons to choose unstructured interviews for this research because unstructured

interview are flexible, simple, informal and time saving when preparing for the

interview. In addition, unstructured interviews allow spontaneity to the interviews and

these discussions can sail to upcoming enquiries easily. Interviewer also has the

freedom to change some questions or the sequence of the questions according to the

responses or reactions from the interviewees when having the face-to-face


3.2.3 Questionnaire Method

A questionnaire is defined as a form that people fill out, used to obtain demographic

and views and interests of those questioned (Brehob 2001). Questionnaire is used in

this research to elicit information and to get feedback from hypermarket consumers.

Questionnaire encompassed of a series of questions for the purpose of gathering data

or information from potentially a large number of respondents. One of the advantages

of questionnaire over other types of data gathering methods is that it is inexpensive

and does not require as much effort from the questioner as compared to face-to-face

survey or tele-conversation type of survey. These are the steps taken to design a

questionnaire for this dissertation purpose:

1) Objectives of the survey are defined

2) Determined the sampling group

3) Designed the questionnaire by creating the questions

4) Administered the questionnaire

5) Results interpretations

Questions are designed to gather either qualitative or quantitative data. Qualitative

questions are designed with more care and required well administration and

interpretation, generally it requires more thoughts from the participant, whereas

quantitative questions are more exact if compared to qualitative questions.

The aim of this questionnaire survey is to understand the hypermarket consumers’

requirements in Malaysia. The results and information gained from this questionnaire

can help in designing the MCMT prototype application. This can ensure consumers’

satisfaction and meet their requirements after adopting the proposed MCMT


The advantages of questionnaire are information can be gathered from a group of

selected people and the responses are gathered in a standardized way. Besides that, the

questionnaire method is used to study various aspects like consumers’ options, their

attitudes and beliefs. These aspects are useful before developing MCMT prototype

application. Questionnaire Design

A well-designed questionnaire is important, the clarity and the language use to

construct the questionnaire must be taken well care. This is because the purpose of the

clear and concise questionnaire helped to get best responses from the potential

respondents. To improve the responses gathered at the end, a guide to the design of

the questionnaire (Burgess 2001) was referred in the process of getting the

questionnaired done in a efficient manner. The following section basically will be

explaining the questionnaire design in details. It will be started with introduction page

stating the purpose and objectives of the designed questionnaire followed by types of

questions asked, the layout and the sequence of the questions asked. A sample of

questionnaire designed can be found in Appendix D. Introduction Page

The questionnaire survey form started with an introduction page that defined the

objective of the questionnaire. The objective of the questionnaire was to gather the

information from the potential respondents for their users’ habits and preferences on

the development of MCMT. Before the respondents actually taking part in the

questionnaire survey, there was an brief introductory section for them to understand

the background and purpose of this particular questionnaire and make the participants

aware of the information will be kept confidential and would not be used for any

profitable activities or against them, followed by some definations of what mobile

technology, content management and hypermarket environment is. Questions

In designing the questions, it is important and needed to be careful that the questions

would not lead the respondents into ambiguity, confusion and vagueness. The

wording of the questions designed has to be clear, neat and consistent. In the

questionnaire, there were eleven questions altogether. The type of questions designed

was a mixture of close-ended questions and open-ended questions. Respondents were

required to select either one or more answers he or she thought were appropriate for

closed-ended questions asked in the questionnaire. Respondents were welcomed to

comment or give their suggestions for open-ended questions. Single and multiple

response were used by inserting the text “please check all that apply” to provide the

respondents the liberty to tick as many boxes as they thought were applicable. The

other approach was using the rated responses likes scales from 1-5, 1 being strong

disagree and 5 being strongly agree. Layout

Layout is rather important, the questions and answer choices should be laid out

attractively, neatly and avoided the lengthy questions that most probably would deter

respondents. Besides, the logical sequence was important too, the questions that

related to similar areas were group together to keep the flow through the quesionnaire

logical and simple (Burgess 2001). Questionnaire Distribution

The survey questionnaires were distributed to respondents to complete manually. As

100 respondents were invited to complete the questionnaire. These questionnaire were

distributed to the public or the consumers at the hypermarkets in Malaysia randomly.

94 out of 100 respondents have completed and returned the questionnaire. Not all the

questionnaires distributed to respondents returned with full participation, some of

them refused to join reason being they didn’t show their interest on this topic of

survey, they had limited time allocated for this survey, they had limited knowledge of

this researched topic and there were no rewards earned upon completion of the survey


The objective for this questionnaire survey is to understand the consumers’s opinions

and their requirements. The results and information gained from this questionnaire

can help in designing the MCMT prototype application. This can ensure satisfactionn

to the consumers and meet their requirements after delivering the prototype


3.3 Software Development Methodology

Software development methodology is referring to the documented collection of

guildlines, procedures and standards intended to ensure the development of quality

application systems that meet the users’ requirements in an efficient manner. The

system development methodology involves a series of operations and procedures that

are used to develop an application or system. In this section, the type of development

process model to be used for the MCMT development will be discussed. Many

process models are described in the software engineering literature (Sommerwille

2001). There are several types of development methodologies either liner or iterative

which are best suited to specific kinds of Information Technology (IT) projects will be

discussed here. They are Spiral Model, Rapid Application Development, Waterfall

Model, Phased Development Model (Iterative and Incremental Development) and etc.

3.3.1 Spiral Model

This is a combination of liner and iterative type of software development

methodology. It is focusing more on risk assessment as it provides the opportunity to

evaluate the risk and weigh consideration of a particular project continuation

throughout the life cycle. It traverses four basic quadrants, firstly determine the

objectives, alternatives and constraints of the interation, evaluate the alternatives,

identify and resolve the risks. Next, to develop and verify deliverables from the

iteration and lastly plan the next iteration. Usually it begins the cycle with

identification of the stakeholders and ends with reviews and commitment (Boehm


3.3.2 Rapid Application Development

This is an iterative type of software development methodologies with its objective to

deliver a qualitied system quickest possible at a relatively low investment cost. It

usually provides the ability to change the information system design according to the

users’ demands. Generally, it produces significant saving in terms of time and human

effort and of course money as mentioned earlier. It involves iterative development and

the construction of prototypes. RAD approaches may entail compromises in

functionality and performance in exchange for enabling faster development and

facilitating application maintenance (James Martin 1991).

3.3.3 Waterfall Model

Waterfall model is a type of linear software development methodology, basically a

project will be divided into sequential phases that are emphasized on planning, project

scheduling, budgeting and the implementation. The orderly sequence of development

phases is to ensure the adequacy of documentation and design reviews that help to

increase the quality, reliability, and maintainability of the developed software (Royce


3.3.4 Iterative and Incremental Development Model

Iterative and Incremental Development Model is also known as Phased Development

Model. Iterative and incremental development model is a combination of linear and

interative approach. This was made by Mr.Harlen Mills of IBM in late seventies. It

started with defining software concept, requirements analysis, architectural design by

using the Waterfall approach followed by interative prototyping which culminates in

installation of the final prototype. This is appropriate for large projects where

requirements were not well understood due to changing of expectation, external

changes, budget changes or changing of technology rapidly.

3.4 MCMT Prototype Application Development Model

Choosing the right application development model could help in ensuring the success

of an application development project. The system methodology that has been chosen

to develop MCMT is the Iterative and Incremental development model. It is more

manageable as opposed to traditional waterfall model. This approach is broken down

into two development phases, the incremental and iteration. At incremental phase, it is

where the software specification, design and implementation are broken into serial of

increment which are developed in sequence. Each iteration is consisting of

requirements collection, analysis and design, implementation and testing phase and

result in the release of an executable subset of the final product.

Incremental and iterative model is an application development method used in

MCMT. The model is an iterative approach that begins by developing basic

requirements, building small simple prototypes, evaluating those prototypes and then

expanding into refined requirements until deliverable application prototype is created.

The MCMT development model is divided into eight main phases as shown in Figure

3.1 below, they are the requirements study and planning, the system analysis and

design follow by implementation and deployment.

After the implementation, the users are required to test and evaluate the system

iteratively, modification will be made based on the inputs or feedbacks from the users

whenever there are new functional capabilities are added by the control of version

release in order to improve the functionalities of the application.

The reason to choose this model as development process model is that this model

provides iterative enhancement to develop an application incrementally. The iteration

will ease the analysis of partial implementation and making sure that users’ feedback

are solicited and analysed accordingly as each iteration is consisting of requirements

collection, analysis and design phase, implementation and testing phase until it is fully

tested and convert into executable application.

In itia l P la n n in g D e fin e th e g e n e ra l s y s te m
r e q u ir e m e n t s o f M C M T
U s e r e v a lu a tio n &
a c c e p ta n c e te s tin g
D a t a g a t h e r in g & a n a ly s is
of M C M T

V a lid a te M C M T
d e p lo y m e n t

im p le m e n t & in te g ra t e D e fin e s y s te m
in c re m e n t o f M C M T a r c h it e c tu r e o f M C M T

T e s tin g o r v a lid a te S y s t e m in c re m e n t
in c re m e n t o f M C M T d e v e lo p m e n t o f M C M T

Figure 3.1 : Incremental and iterative process for the development of MCMT

3.5 Summary

This chapter discussed about the research method used in the development of MCMT.

Documents review and distribution of questionnaire have been used as data collection

research instruments. The Incremental and Iterative model has been selected as the

software methodology for development of MCMT due to it does provide a number of

advantages as stated below:

• It helps to mitigate integration and architectural risks as earlier as it could.

• It allows delivery of a series of implementations that are more complete by

stages and convert it to executable more quickly by incremental releases.

• Gradual implementation is capable to monitor incremental changes, easier for

problem isolation and make adjustment to avoid the negative impact.

• Early potential exists for exploiting knowledge gained will be as later

increments for application improvements.


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