Durability Study On Engineered Cementitious Composites ECC Under Sulfate and Chloride Environment
Durability Study On Engineered Cementitious Composites ECC Under Sulfate and Chloride Environment
Durability Study On Engineered Cementitious Composites ECC Under Sulfate and Chloride Environment
h i g h l i g h t s
ECC remains durable after 200 days of exposure to sulfate and sulfate-chloride environment.
Long-term exposure leads to compressive and tensile strength increase of ECC.
Long-term exposure leads to slight reduction of tensile strain capacity of ECC.
Composite level behavior of ECC is a result of changed matrix fracture toughness and fiber/matrix interfacial bond.
Tensile ductility reduction of ECC is attributed to reduced crack number and width.
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The lack of durability of concrete hydraulic structures, especially under sulfate and chloride environment,
Received 17 August 2016 has become a worldwide problem. The present paper investigated the feasibility of applying ductile engi-
Received in revised form 16 October 2016 neered cementitious composites (ECC) as an alternative to conventional concrete in hydraulic structures
Accepted 16 December 2016
to improve their durability performance. Specifically, the durability of ECC under sulfate and combined
Available online 24 December 2016
sulfate-chloride conditions were studied. Compressive and tensile behavior of ECC after long-term expo-
sure to Na2SO4 and Na2SO4 + NaCl solutions was experimentally characterized. Subsequently, microme-
chanical study was adopted to investigate the microscopic mechanisms underlying the composite level
Engineered cementitious composites (ECC)
behavior of ECC under those aggressive environments. The research findings demonstrated that ECC
Sulfate remains durable and maintains its high mechanical performance even after 200 days of exposure to con-
Chloride centrated sulfate and combined sulfate-chloride environments. In addition, the micromechanics-based
Micromechanics study quantitatively characterized the influence of sulfate and sulfate-chloride solutions on the microme-
Hydraulic structures chanical parameters including matrix fracture toughness and fiber/matrix interfacial bond, providing
insights into the underlying mechanisms of the composite level behavior of ECC under those
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction structures even before their intended service life is reached [2].
For example, the Gutianxi II hydropower station in China faced
The durability performance of concrete hydraulic structures in severe challenges from concrete aging, curtain grouting failure
field conditions are often called into question. Most hydraulic and other problems associated with deterioration only after oper-
structures are designed for a service life of 50 to 100 years depend- ation for 30 years, and about four million dollars were spent on
ing on their specific application [1]. However, poor durability per- maintaining and repairing the structure [3]. Similarly, unsatisfac-
formance of concrete material often causes deterioration of tory performance of aging hydraulic structures also troubles the
United States. According to the 2013 report card published by
⇑ Corresponding authors at: State Key Laboratory of Hydrology-Water Resources American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) [4], the average age of
and Hydraulic Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China. dams in the United States is 52 years. The overall number of
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (H. Su), [email protected] (C. Gu). high-hazard dams reached nearly 14,000 in 2012 and the number
0950-0618/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
172 H. Liu et al. / Construction and Building Materials 133 (2017) 171–181
continues to grow. The required investment for repairing these sulfate ions and cement hydration products form expansive
aging and high-hazard dams is estimated to be up to 21 billion dol- compound, causing cracking of concrete. Cracks in concrete allows
lars. A worldwide engineering challenge to enhance the durability the sulfate ions to penetrate into the interior of the structure, fur-
of hydraulic structures and to lower the maintenance cost has ther accelerating the deterioration. As a result, hydraulic structures
emerged. serving in sulfate rich environment like Northwest China could fail
In field conditions, the most common cause of insufficient dura- in less than 5 years, which leads to huge economic loss and social
bility of hydraulic structures is the development of cracks within impacts [26,27].
concrete [5,6]. For concrete dams, various causes including Most previous researches on concrete (and ECC) durability only
mechanical loading, chemical attack, thermal contraction, shrink- considered a single deterioration mechanism (such as sulfate
age, and foundation settlement can result in concrete cracking attack) which is inconsistent with service condition. In reality, con-
[7]. It is generally agreed that cracking in concrete accelerates crete structures may be exposed to combined environmental load-
deterioration by providing easy access for aggressive ions (e.g. sul- ings (such as combined sulfate and chloride attack). This is
fate and chloride ions) to get into the interior of the structure [8]. particularly true for Northwest China where more than 1000 salt
Based on previous study [8,9], the influence of cracks on the corro- lakes are located and also in most marine environments. Under
sion process is negligible when the cracks are relatively narrow; those environments, the durability of hydraulic structures is
however, the corrosion rate increases significantly when cracks greatly challenged due to the combined sulfate and chloride attack.
exceed 100 lm in width. Hence, the crack width must be carefully Several studies have already pointed out that there exists a clear
controlled to achieve desirable durability performance of concrete interaction between the two phenomena [28,29]. Therefore, to
hydraulic structures. fully evaluate the potential of applying ECC in hydraulic structures,
Crack width control, however, is considered a significant chal- it is important to consider the coupled effect of sulfate and chloride
lenge for conventional concrete. Great efforts have been made to attack on the durability of ECC. However, no research on the per-
control crack initiation and propagation within concrete, such as formance of ECC under this aggressive environment has been con-
careful selection and proportioning of material, temperature con- ducted so far.
trol during construction and using steel reinforcement [10–12]. Unlike conventional concrete, ECC is designed based on
However, due to the inherent brittleness of concrete, under micromechanics. Micromechanics establishes the linkage between
mechanical and environmental loadings, cracking is almost inevi- composite level properties (e.g. tensile strength, tensile ductility,
table [13]. In addition, it is generally recognized that crack width and crack widths) and properties at microscale (e.g. matrix tough-
in concrete is difficult to control reliably. Therefore, a material with ness and fiber/matrix interfacial bond). Utilizing micromechanics
intrinsic and consistent crack width control capability is highly and by investigating the micromechanical properties of ECC, the
desirable. deterioration mechanisms of ECC composite under sulfate and
The feasibility of using Engineered Cementitious Composites chloride attack can be revealed.
(ECC) to control crack width and enhance structural durability The objective of the present research is to fully evaluate the
has been demonstrated in a number of studies [14–17]. ECC is a durability performance of ECC subjected to sulfate-chloride envi-
family of high performance fiber-reinforced cementitious compos- ronment, and to understand the underlying mechanisms of its
ites featuring high tensile ductility and tight crack width. Under deterioration under such conditions. For this purpose, the mechan-
tensile load, ECC exhibits a pseudo strain-hardening behavior by ical performance of ECC under sulfate and sulfate-chloride attack
developing multiple micro-cracks. The tensile strain capacity of were experimentally investigated. Specifically, compressive and
ECC reaches 3–5% (with less than 2% fiber content by volume), tensile properties of ECC after long-term exposure (up to 200 days)
which is 300–500 times that of normal concrete [16–18]. More were used to evaluate the durability of ECC under such conditions.
importantly, the micro-cracks are typically below 60 lm wide. In addition, micromechanical studies including matrix toughness
According to previous studies, the tight crack width of ECC is ben- tests and single-fiber pull-out tests were conducted to fully under-
eficial for preventing initiation of deterioration and slowing down stand the influence of sulfate and sulfate-chloride attack on ECC
the deterioration rate, leading to extended service life and material. The research findings here are expected to provide useful
enhanced serviceability of hydraulic structures. data and guidelines for future design and application of ECC in sur-
The durability of ECC under combined mechanical loading and face repair of hydraulic structures to improve their shielding
various environmental loadings has been extensively investigated performance.
in the past decades. Sahmaran et al. [19] and Li and Li [13]
reported that ECC remains durable and exhibits robust high ten- 2. Experiment procedures
sile ductility under chloride environment. Özbay et al. [20] inves-
tigated the durability of ECC (containing high volumes of slag) 2.1. Materials and mix proportions
subjected to sulfate attack and freeze-thaw cycles. The experi-
mental results indicate that the ductility of ECC specimens A regular ECC mix as found in the literature [30] was used in
decreases after 300 freeze-thaw cycles both in water and Na2SO4 this study. The constituent materials for this ECC mixture are Type
solution. In contrast, Lepech and Li [21] found no deterioration of I Portland cement, fine silica sand, class F fly ash, water, high range
ECC (containing fly ash) when exposed to freeze-thaw cycles. In water reducing agent (HRWRA), and poly-vinyl-alcohol (PVA)
addition, the durability of ECC under hot and humid environment fibers. The detailed mix proportion is given in Table 1. The PVA
[22], natural environment [23] and highly alkaline environment fiber used here has an average diameter of 39 lm and length of
[24] were also experimentally studied and demonstrated to be 12 mm. The tensile strength and maximum elongation of the fiber
much higher than that of conventional concrete. These prior are 1600 MPa and 6.0%, respectively. In addition, the surface of the
research show promise in using ECC to improve the long-term fibers is coated with 1.2% (by weight) proprietary hydrophobic
durability performance of concrete structures including hydraulic agent to modify the interaction between the fiber and cement
structures. matrix for better performance. Mortar specimens adopted from
Among all durability related issues, sulfate attack is considered previous study [19] were also prepared as a control to compare
one of the most critical environmental deterioration mechanisms with ECC. The mortar mix consists of Type I Portland cement, water
affecting the durability of concrete hydraulic structures [25]. When and natural river sands. The detailed mix proportion is also shown
in contact with sulfate solution, the chemical reactions between in Table 1.
H. Liu et al. / Construction and Building Materials 133 (2017) 171–181 173
Table 1
Mix proportions of ECC and Mortar.
specimens were demolded after 24 h. Afterwards, all cube speci-
mens were covered with wet paper towel and stored in a plastic
bag at a room temperature of 23 ± 3 °C until the age of 28 days.
Dogbone specimens were directly cured in laboratory air at a tem-
perature of 23 ± 3 °C until 28 days prior to being exposed to
sulfate-chloride environments.
In order to investigate the durability of ECC under sulfate and
chloride conditions, the following aggressive solutions suggested
by former studies [19,20] were prepared:
Gage length
crack width to form without extensive fiber rupture/pullout
[15,16]. Strength based criterion requires the maximum fiber
bridging capacity to be higher than the matrix cracking strength.
minðr0 Þ rt
PSHS ¼ ¼ ð4Þ
rc rc
where rt is the (ultimate) tensile strength of ECC composite. As pre-
viously discussed, both indices need to be greater than 1 for ECC to
achieve strain-hardening behavior and high tensile ductility. Con-
sidering variability in material properties, in practice, PSHE and Single fiber
PSHS need to be greater than 3 and 1.2, respectively to achieve
robust strain-hardening behavior [37]. In fact, PSHs index typically
does not govern for PVA-ECC, while PSHE index is considered as
the dominant factor that determines the tensile behavior of ECC.
Therefore, only PSHE index was considered and discussed in this Specimen
To quantitatively assess the influence of sulfate and sulfate- Load cell
chloride attack on micromechanical properties of ECC, matrix frac-
ture toughness test and single fiber pullout test were conducted.
Matrix fracture toughness test (in accordance with ASTM E399
[38]) uses a three-point bend loading on notched beam specimens
made of ECC matrix (without fibers). The detailed configuration of Fig. 5. Single-fiber pullout test setup.
test, by nature exhibits large scatter in the data, twenty specimens For mortar specimens subjected to Na2SO4 solution and
were prepared and tested for each case. Once the single fiber pull- Na2SO4 + NaCl solution, the strength continues to increase up to
out behavior was characterized, by considering the average pull- 120 days and to 200 days respectively, after which significant
out behavior of all the fibers on a cross section, the fiber bridging drops were observed for specimens under both exposure condi-
stress-crack opening (r(d)) relationship can be derived [14]. The tions. Specifically, the compressive strength decreased from
complementary energy J 0b was then calculated from r(d) relation- 71 MPa and 73 MPa to around 56 MPa respectively for specimens
ship. Together with the matrix fracture toughness from the Km exposed to Na2SO4 solution and Na2SO4 + NaCl solution. This was
measurement, PSHE index was determined. also accompanied by surface cracks after 420 days (Figs. 7 and 8).
Mortar specimen at 28 days was shown in Fig. 9. As can be seen,
3. Experimental results and discussion no surface cracks were observed before exposure. Therefore, the
surface cracking is likely due to internal pressure caused by the
3.1. Compressive behavior continued formation of expansive ettringite even when the pores
were completely filled, when sulfate ions reacted with cement
The measured compressive strength of ECC and mortar speci- hydrates. When such pressure exceeded the mortar’s tensile
mens exposed to Na2SO4 solution, Na2SO4 + NaCl solution, and strength, cracks formed. However, for ECC specimens in Na2SO4
water is shown in Fig. 6. As can be seen, the compressive strength solution and Na2SO4 + NaCl solution, neither compressive strength
of specimens cured in water showed a notable increasing trend at reduction nor surface cracking (as shown in Figs. 7 and 8) was
the beginning stage up to 60 days for ECC specimens and 30 days observed. This could be attributed to the fact that ECC has much
for mortar specimens, respectively. Then the rate of strength higher tensile performance that delayed the cracking. The delay
increase slowed down and became stabilized. The strength of surface cracking kept diffusivity of sulfate ions low and pre-
increase is attributed to the continuous hydration of cement and vented accelerated deterioration. In addition, even when ECC even-
the pozzolanic reaction of fly ash. Similar trend was observed tually cracks, the cracks will be much tighter compared to that of
for ECC specimens that were exposed to Na2SO4 solution and mortar specimens, therefore preventing dramatic increase of the
Na2SO4 + NaCl solution: the compressive strength experienced a diffusivity of aggressive ions and keeping the deterioration slow.
sharp increase in the initial stage, and it was followed by a rela- As a result, ECC provides better sulfate resistance than normal
tively sluggish rise until the end of exposure. For those specimens, mortar specimens, which is highly desirable for hydraulic struc-
in addition to continuous cement hydration and pozzolanic reac- tures in sulfate-rich environments.
tion (only in ECC), sulfate ions were diffused into the pores within With regards to the effect of chlorides on sulfate attack, Fig. 6
the mortar specimen and reacted with the cement hydration prod- clearly shows that the compressive strength of all ECC specimens
ucts to form ettringite and gypsum, which may also contribute to subjected to Na2SO4 + NaCl solution is lower than that of the
the strength gain. same-age specimens exposed to Na2SO4 solution during the whole
Fig. 6. Compressive strength of (a) ECC and (b) mortar specimens subjected to different environmental exposures.
Fig. 7. (a) ECC and (b) mortar specimen after 420-day Na2SO4 exposure.
176 H. Liu et al. / Construction and Building Materials 133 (2017) 171–181
Fig. 8. (a) ECC and (b) mortar specimen after 420-day Na2SO4 + NaCl exposure.
Table 2
Tensile properties of ECC under different exposure conditions.
Exposure condition Exposure time (days) Tensile strength (MPa) Strain capacity (%) Average crack width (lm)
0 5.02 ± 0.26 4.20 ± 0.14 55
Water 30 5.65 ± 0.27 2.93 ± 0.72 52
60 5.81 ± 0.10 2.53 ± 0.39 51
90 5.53 ± 0.19 2.36 ± 0.25 46
200 5.62 ± 0.02 2.65 ± 0.79 49
Na2SO4 30 5.52 ± 0.20 2.14 ± 0.03 49
60 5.80 ± 0.31 2.69 ± 0.09 48
90 6.24 ± 0.09 2.21 ± 0.28 50
200 6.29 ± 0.08 2.14 ± 0.12 47
Na2SO4 + NaCl 30 5.84 ± 0.21 3.30 ± 0.23 49
60 5.61 ± 0.09 2.11 ± 0.01 51
90 6.45 ± 0.18 3.11 ± 0.17 48
200 6.22 ± 0.12 2.12 ± 0.23 50
H. Liu et al. / Construction and Building Materials 133 (2017) 171–181 177
Fig. 11. Influence of Na2SO4 and Na2SO4 + NaCl exposure on ECC micromechanical parameters: (a) matrix fracture toughness Km, (b) chemical bond Gd, (c) frictional bond s0
and (d) slip hardening coefficient b.
the composite level compressive/tensile behavior. It indicates that relationships at 28 days and after environmental exposures are
the related reactions mainly happened during the initial exposure plotted in Fig. 12, which clearly show the curve shift.
and slowed down afterwards. As can be seen, despite the decreasing chemical bond Gd, the
The change of micromechanical parameters directly affected maximum fiber bridging stress increased after environmental
the fiber bridging rðdÞ curves, thereby altered the tensile behavior exposure due to the increasing frictional bond s0 . This explains
of ECC composite. Based on the calculated results, after exposure to the increase of the tensile strength at composite level. In addition,
Na2SO4 and Na2SO4 + NaCl solutions, the fiber bridging curves the curve shifting leftwards also reduced the crack width. This is
shifted upwards and leftwards. The computed fiber bridging rðdÞ also consistent with the observed crack width data. The value of
H. Liu et al. / Construction and Building Materials 133 (2017) 171–181 179
Fig. 12. Calculated rðdÞ curves for specimens before and after 200-day exposure to (a) Na2SO4 and (b) Na2SO4 + NaCl solution.
Fig. 13. Influence of (a) Na2SO4 and (b) Na2SO4 + NaCl exposure on J0b .
Fig. 14. Influence of (a) Na2SO4 and (b) Na2SO4 + NaCl exposure on PSHE index.
the complementary energy J 0b was calculated from the rðdÞ rela- before and after environmental conditioning. As can be seen, even
tionship and shown in Fig. 13. From the plot, it is seen that J 0b though there is a slightly decrease in crack number after environ-
dropped after the initial exposure to aggressive solutions but mental exposure, all specimens showed significant multiple crack-
remained stable within the remaining exposure period. ing behavior.
The calculated PSHE index (J0b /Jtip) is shown in Fig. 14. As can be Macroscopically, the tensile ductility is governed by both crack
seen, the index dropped from 5.44 (before exposure) to 3.00 (expo- width and crack number. Crack number is controlled by the strain-
sure to Na2SO4 solution) and 3.12 (exposure to Na2SO4 + NaCl solu- hardening potential as reflected in the PSHE index. Crack width is
tion) after 60 days of exposure, and then the value slightly essentially determined by the fiber bridging rðdÞ curves. The
increased to 3.26 and 3.54 for specimens subjected to 200-day decrease in tensile strain capacity of ECC after environmental
Na2SO4 solution and Na2SO4 + NaCl solution respectively. The exposure is a combined result of both slightly reduced crack num-
recovery is mainly attributed to the increase of Young’s modulus ber (caused by reduced PSHE ) in certain exposure cases and
and the associated reduced matrix fracture energy Jtip. Throughout reduced crack width. Nevertheless, ECC still showed significant
the entire environmental exposure, PSHE index was above 3 at multiple cracking behavior, and reduced crack width is actually
most of the time, which guaranteed saturated and robust multiple considered beneficial for enhancing the durability of ECC in
cracking behavior. Fig. 15 shows the tested tensile specimens hydraulic structure applications.
180 H. Liu et al. / Construction and Building Materials 133 (2017) 171–181
(a) 0 day
Fig. 15. Multiple cracking behavior of tensile specimens (a) before exposure and after 200-day exposure to (b) Na2SO4 and (c) Na2SO4 + NaCl solution.
4. Conclusions It should be noted that the above conclusions were drawn based
on the current experimental results up to 420 days of exposure to
This paper experimentally investigated the durability of ECC Na2SO4 and Na2SO4 + NaCl solutions. Further studies with longer
under sulfate and sulfate-chloride environment. Specific conclu- exposure time are needed for better understanding of the long-
sions can be drawn as follows: term performance of ECC under those environments. The findings
and micromechanics-based investigation approach of the present
(1) ECC remains durable after 420 days of exposure to concen- study serve as a valuable guideline for future studies. In addition,
trated sulfate and sulfate-chloride environment. In contrast, although the coupled effect of sulfate and chloride attack has been
notable deterioration was observed for mortar specimens investigated under laboratory condition in this paper, field condi-
under the same exposure conditions. The research findings tions are more complicated. Future in-situ tests will be of value
demonstrated the feasibility of using ECC to enhance the for a more complete assessment of ECC’s potential in hydraulic
performance and extend the service life of hydraulic struc- structure applications.
tures under aggressive environments.
(2) Long-term exposure to aggressive (sulfate and sulfate-
chloride) solutions leads to increase of compressive
strength, tensile strength and a reduction of tensile strain
This research was partially funded by National Natural Science
capacity of ECC. Nevertheless, ECC retains multiple cracking
Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51139001, 51479054, 51579083,
and strain-hardening behavior with desirable high tensile
41323001), the National Key Research and Development Program
ductility above 2% after 200 days of environmental
of China (Grand No. 2016YFC0401601), the Doctoral Program of
Higher Education of China (Grant No. 20130094110010), the Fun-
(3) The observed composite level behavior of ECC is a result of
damental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No.
increased matrix fracture toughness, decreased fiber/matrix
2015B25414), China Scholarship Council (CSC) and the China
interfacial chemical bond and increased interfacial fric-
Thousand Talent Program. This research was performed at the
tional bond upon both sulfate and sulfate-chloride
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, while H. Liu served as a visiting
(4) The reduction in tensile ductility of ECC after exposure to
sulfate and sulfate-chloride conditions is caused by slight
decrease of crack number and reduced crack width. Never- References
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