P Winning Submission: Atroll U.S. Patent 7,349,668
P Winning Submission: Atroll U.S. Patent 7,349,668
P Winning Submission: Atroll U.S. Patent 7,349,668
Claim 1 of the patent-at-issue, U.S. Patent 7,349,668 (“Optinetix”), which was filed on
Nov. 25, 2002, and claims a May 31, 2000, priority date, is generally directed to a system and
method for information distribution through a broadcast medium. More specifically, claim 1 is
directed to a method of information distribution comprising electronically inserting digital
information (such as a coupon) encoded as a noticeable indicator into a broadcast signal
containing a related content, prompting a user via the noticeable indicator to capture the digital
information, transforming the captured digital information into a format recognizable to a mobile
communication device and thereby producing transformed information, storing the transformed
information on the mobile communication device for display on the device in a manner that can
be read by an optical reader, and activating the mobile communication device to display the
information on its display so the information can be read by an optical reader at a point of sale.
The primary reference, U.S. Patent 7,213,254 (“Koplar”), which was filed on Apr. 9,
2001, and claims priority to at least U.S. Provisional Application 60/195542 filed on Apr. 7,
2000, is generally directed to universal methods and devices for hand-held promotional
opportunities. As shown mapped below in the sample claim chart comparing claim 1 of Optinetix
to Koplar, the prior art disclosure present in US 7,213,254 is indeed supported by US Provisional
Application 60/195542, thereby supporting its use as a prior art reference.
In addition to the primary reference, secondary and tertiary references have also been
identified and mapped against claim 1 of Koplar below. Secondary reference, U.S. Patent
7,150,028 (“Microsoft”), which was filed on Dec. 30, 1999 and without an earlier claimed
priority date, is directed to a method and system for downloading, storing and displaying coupon
data. Tertiary reference, U.S. Patent 6,282,713 (“Sony”), which was filed on Dec. 21, 1998 and
without an earlier claimed priority date, is directed to a method and apparatus for providing on-
demand electronic advertising.
A1. US7213254 (“Koplar”)
A2. Provisional US 60/195542 (“Koplar”)
US7349668 (“Optinetix”)
B. US7150028 (“Microsoft”)
C. US6282713 (“Sony”)
1. (pre) A method for information A1. US7213254
distribution comprising: “A method of interactive advertisement and promotion
signal transmission using interactive hand-held devices in such
a manner that both the mode of transmission of information
and the display of received information and/or value indicative
thereof will attract viewers' attention, stimulate viewers to pay
attention to a transmission (which may be commercial
advertising), and effectively entice viewers to respond and take
action in response to its reception, as well as achieving the
foregoing usage purposes.” Koplar at 4:55-63.
B. US7150028
“While coupon data could be delivered during any
transmission session, it is contemplated that advertisers will
prefer to transmit coupon data during an advertisement of the
product/service to which the coupon relates.” Microsoft at 4:58-
C. US6282713
“The present invention relates to television broadcasting, and,
specifically to providing on-demand electronic advertising
information and coupon information along with broadcasts
of television programs.” Sony at 1:6-9.
1.a. electronically inserting digital A1. US7213254
information encoded as a noticeable “1.) Coupon data is encoded onto a video signal, e.g.
indicator into a broadcast signal television signal.” Koplar at 20:35-36
containing a related content, said
inserting comprising providing a “7. A method for providing a promotional opportunity to a user
coupon and converting said coupon of a hand held device comprising:
into digital information; encoding a video signal with an electronic coupon, the
electronic coupon comprising coupon data, additional text
describing the coupon, and a numeric code to be entered at a
point of sale (POS);” Koplar at claim 7.
(cont.) unit in decoder box, creating an icon to appear on display
1.a. electronically inserting digital device.” Koplar at p. 27, par. 2.
information encoded as a noticeable
indicator into a broadcast signal “After watching a commercial, auxiliary data causes the hand-
containing a related content, said held device's preprogrammed textual information to indicate a
inserting comprising providing a product, discount, or other coupon available until an expiration
coupon and converting said coupon date.” Koplar at p. 19, par. 3.
into digital information;
B. US7150028
“The invention thus provides a method and system for decoding
and storing encoded coupon data delivered via the horizontal
overscan area of a video signal. An electronic coupon
displays a UPC bar code corresponding to coupon data that
can be encoded into a video signal that can be broadcast or
played-back from video tape.” Microsoft at 6:31-36.
C. US6282713
“The viewer alert comprises a tone and at least one displayed
mark, wherein the displayed marks may be superimposed
over the broadcast of the television program on the screen,
but the embodiment is not so limited. The displayed marks of
one embodiment comprise an indicator for each item for
which coupon data is available, and the indicators may be
representative of the items to which the indicators
correspond, but the embodiment is not so limited.” Sony at
1.b. prompting a user, via said A1. US7213254
noticeable indicator, to capture said “A typical manner in which hand-held device 12 is used to
digital information from said optically receive auxiliary data is as follows: A user watches a
noticeable indicator within said television presentation such as a commercial, television
broadcast signal; program, movie, or other video-displayed program. When
such a presentation is displayed, the user may then hold hand-
held device 12 device as shown in FIGS. 2B or 2C, depending
on the type of device 12 used. The user then positions hand-
held device 12 so that leading edge 18 of device 12 will be
positioned for receiving video signals from display device 10.
Hand-held device 12 or display device 10 may have indicia
informing the viewer to press the pressure membrane or
button 22 at a preferred time, such as when a commercial of
a sponsoring entity appears. Although the term “button” is
used herein, it is considered to include membrane switches,
pressure or touch regions capable of activation and carrying out
the function of button 22. When the user presses button 22,
the video signal will be detected and received by a
photodetector (the process to be described below) within
housing 14. The composite video signal comprises a video
signal modulated with auxiliary data, in accordance with the
teaching of the above-referenced Broughton and/or Ciardullo
each of which are herein incorporated by reference.” Koplar at
“2.) The user points the multi-use card 12O at the television
screen when the television signal containing the coupon data
is airing. The electronic coupon data is then captured by
card 12O by optically receiving the data that is presented on
the display.” Koplar at 20:39-43.
(cont.) so that the leading edge 18 of the device will be in a position for
1.b. prompting a user, via said receiving video signals from display device 10. The hand-held
noticeable indicator, to capture said device or display device may have indicia informing the
digital information from said viewer to press the pressure membrane or button 22 at a
noticeable indicator within said preferred time, such as when a commercial of a sponsoring
broadcast signal; entity appears. Although the term "button" is used herein, it is
considered to include membrane switches, pressure or touch
regions capable of activation and carrying out the function of a
button. When the user presses button 22, the video signal
will be detected and received by a photodetector (the process
to be described below) within enclosure 14. The composite
video signal comprises a video signal modulated with
auxiliary data, in accordance with the teaching of the above-
referenced Broughton and/or Ciardullo each of which are herein
incorporated by reference.” Koplar at p. 12, par. 5 through p.
13, par. 1.
B. US7150028
“The invention thus provides a method and system for decoding
and storing encoded coupon data delivered via the horizontal
overscan area of a video signal. An electronic coupon
displays a UPC bar code corresponding to coupon data that
can be encoded into a video signal that can be broadcast or
played-back from video tape.” Microsoft at 6:31-36.
C. US6282713
“If a coupon mode is selected, operation continues at step 808,
at which the viewer is alerted when coupon information is
available. The viewer alert comprises a tone and at least one
displayed mark, wherein the displayed marks may be
superimposed over the broadcast of the television program
on the screen, but the embodiment is not so limited.” Sony at
(cont.) 11:5-10.
1.b. prompting a user, via said
noticeable indicator, to capture said “A first mode, the coupon mode, enables the display of coupon
digital information from said information and corresponding coupon alerts, but the
noticeable indicator within said embodiment is not so limited.” Sony at 12:37-39.
broadcast signal;
“When coupon information is available for a particular
item, a corresponding coupon mark will be displayed on the
screen. The coupon mark may be accompanied by a viewer-
controlled alert tone, but the embodiment is not so limited.
The displayed coupon marks may be superimposed over the
program scene on any portion of the display screen, but the
embodiment is not so limited.” Sony at 12:67 through 13:1-6.
(cont.) with a sponsor and carries information of special significance
1.c. transforming said captured relative to the sponsor and of special value to television
digital information from said viewers, distributing interactive devices of hand-held
noticeable indicator into a format character, auxiliary computer devices, or software to television
recognizable to a mobile viewers for their use and convenience, the devices and auxiliary
communication device, thereby to computer devices being capable of selectively receiving
produce transformed information; auxiliary data or receiving and decoding composite video
and signals, providing incentives for viewers to use the interactive
devices for obtaining the auxiliary data by rewarding the
viewers with information of special value, the interactive
devices being capable of retaining indication of having received
the information, and providing redemption of the special value
for users at a redemption site where users may present the
interactive devices.” Koplar at p. 7, par. 2.
B. US7150028
“A decoder extracts the coupon data from an encoded video
signal and transmits the coupon data to the electronic
coupon via a receiver of electronic contacts.” Microsoft at
1:67 through 2:1-2.
C. US6282713
“If the coupon information is selected for storage, operation
continues at step 816, at which the coupon information is
stored on the removable recording medium.” Sony at 11:38-
(cont.) a 16-character by 2-line display. It may instead be a 12-
1.d. storing said transformed character by 3-line display, for example, or other format
information on said mobile appropriate for the display message to be presented at the
communication device for display surface of the device.” Koplar at 18:2-9.
of the digital information
A2. Provisional US 60/195542
“After receiving the data, users may view the opportunity
directly on the LCD of the hand-held device, or alternatively
be provided with a special Internet link to the opportunity.”
Koplar at p. 15, par. 4.
(cont.) received the information, and providing redemption of the
1.d. storing said transformed special value for users at a redemption site where users may
information on said mobile present the interactive devices.” Koplar at p. 7, par. 2.
communication device for display
of the digital information “After watching a commercial, auxiliary data causes the hand-
held device's preprogrammed textual information to indicate a
product, discount, or other coupon available until an expiration
date. The hand-held device, upon receipt of auxiliary data,
retrieves the information and makes the offer available to the
user. Alternatively, the information may be received by the
hand-held device during use and then decoded and
displayed on the LCD display as well as being added to the
linked list.” Koplar at p. 19, par. 3.
B. US7150028
“The present invention may be deployed in a wireless or hard-
wired communication environment that includes an electronic
coupon and a decoder that extracts coupon data from a video
signal and provides the coupon data to the electronic
coupon. The electronic coupon may include a controller and
a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) display. The controller
receives coupon data from the decoder and produces an
output to the LCD display, in accordance with the coupon
data received from the decoder and in accordance with the
coupon pre-selection choices made by the consumer. The
controller also can store the received coupon data in a non-
volatile memory that is also part of the electronic coupon.”
Microsoft at 2:62-67 through 3:1-7.
C. US6282713
“The stored coupon information may be recalled and viewed
at a time that is different from a display time of a scene in
which the corresponding advertised item appears.” Sony at
1.e. the method additionally A1. US7213254
comprising redeeming said coupon “4.) When the user desires to redeem the electronic coupon,
by: card 12O is transported to a POS and the user buys the
desired item or otherwise follows the requirements of the
storing said transformed coupon offer. 5.) At the check out, the cashier takes card 12O
information in a form that is and locates the correct coupon using the scrolling function
suitable for display on a display (usually a button) of the card 12O, in concert with viewing the
screen of a said mobile data on LCD 44. 6.) The cashier then presses the required
communication device in a manner “redeem” button on the card. The cashier then has
that can be read by an optical approximately one minute to complete steps 7 and 8 below.
reader; and Requiring this button to be pressed reduces the likelihood that a
coupon will be accidentally redeemed through bright ambient
light. 7.) When the correct coupon is located, the card is held
with LCD 44 facing the cashier and the back of the card
facing the bar code scanner located near the cashier. The bar
code scanner is the same scanner that is used for purchases and
conventional paper coupon redemption.” Koplar at 20:54-67
through 21:1-6.
(cont.) indicated by the lights or a code displayed by the LCD of the
1.e. the method additionally hand-held device.” Koplar at p. 15, par. 3.
comprising redeeming said coupon
by: “Hand-held device version 12B has an on-button 38 which
when depressed will initiate operation of an LCD display 44 to
storing said transformed display a coupon, a prize notification, or other information
information in a form that is indicating receipt by the device of auxiliary data.” Koplar at
suitable for display on a display p. 18, par. 1.
screen of a said mobile
communication device in a manner “The microprocessor, clocked by crystal XI at 8MHz, decodes
that can be read by an optical the data provided by the composite video signal, stores it in
reader; and internal RAM or DRAM and drives an LCD display
illustrated as circuit component LCD 1 which may be, as
shown, a 16-character by 2-line display. It may instead be a 12-
character by 3-line display, for example, or other format
appropriate for the display message to be presented at the
surface of the device.” Koplar at p. 31, par. 3.
B. US7150028
“1. A system for selectively storing and selectively displaying
coupons defined by coupon data extracted from a horizontal
overscan portion of a video signal, the system comprising:
an electronic coupon configured to selectively store and to
selectively display coupons defined by the extracted coupon
data, the electronic coupon comprising:” Microsoft at claim 1.
C. US6282713
“The coupon information on the removable recording
medium may be redeemed by the viewer either using an
electronic link or by presenting the removable recording
medium to a retailer or dealer for reading, but the
embodiment is not so limited.” Sony at 14:66 through 15:3.
1.f. activating said mobile A1. US7213254
communication device to display “4.) When the user desires to redeem the electronic coupon,
said information on said display card 12O is transported to a POS and the user buys the
screen, for said information to be desired item or otherwise follows the requirements of the
readable by an optical reader at a coupon offer. 5.) At the check out, the cashier takes card 12O
point of sale. and locates the correct coupon using the scrolling function
(usually a button) of the card 12O, in concert with viewing the
data on LCD 44. 6.) The cashier then presses the required
“redeem” button on the card. The cashier then has
approximately one minute to complete steps 7 and 8 below.
Requiring this button to be pressed reduces the likelihood that a
coupon will be accidentally redeemed through bright ambient
light. 7.) When the correct coupon is located, the card is held
with LCD 44 facing the cashier and the back of the card
facing the bar code scanner located near the cashier. The bar
code scanner is the same scanner that is used for purchases and
conventional paper coupon redemption.” Koplar at 20:54-67
through 21:1-6.
B. US7150028
“When the user finds a coupon that the user wishes to
redeem, the user can press the SELECT key 218 and the
electronic coupon will display on the LCD display 210, the
(cont.) UPC bar code for the selected coupon. Thus, the coupon can
1.f. activating said mobile be read by a bar code scanner at, for example, a
communication device to display supermarket cash register.” Microsoft at 4:67 through 5:1-5.
said information on said display
screen, for said information to be C. US6282713
readable by an optical reader at a “The coupon information on the removable recording
point of sale. medium may be redeemed by the viewer either using an
electronic link or by presenting the removable recording
medium to a retailer or dealer for reading, but the
embodiment is not so limited.” Sony at 14:66 through 15:3.