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Compressed BTS over IP Video


Installation and Operation Manual

Edition A
August 2011
Harris Corporation Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation, 1025 West NASA Boulevard, Melbourne, Florida 32919-0001 U.S.A. All
Broadcast rights reserved. This publication supersedes all previous releases. No part of this documentation may be reproduced
Communications in any form or by any means or used to make any derivative work without permission from Harris Corporation.
4393 Digital Way
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45040 time without obligation on the part of Harris Corporation to provide notification of such revision or change.

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This publication, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced in any form, by any method, for any purpose, without
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Contact Harris Corporation for permission to use materials as well as guidelines concerning foreign language
translation and publication.

Harris Corporation reserves the right to revise and improve its products as it chooses. This publication is designed
to assist in the use of the product, as it exists on the date of publication of this manual, and may not reflect the
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The Harris logo and assured communications are registered trademarks of Harris Corporation. D-Series is a
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This user guide was created for IPZ6800+, Edition A.

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Publication Date: August 2011



Preface .........................................................................................................................iii
Manual Information ......................................................................................................iii
Purpose .....................................................................................................................iii
Audience ...................................................................................................................iii
Revision History .........................................................................................................iii
Writing Conventions ..................................................................................................iii
Obtaining Documents ................................................................................................iv
Unpacking/Shipping Information ................................................................................iv
Unpacking a Product .................................................................................................iv
Product Servicing .......................................................................................................iv
Returning a Product ...................................................................................................iv
Safety Terms and Symbols in this Manual ...................................................................v
Restriction on Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Compliance ..........................................v
Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Compliance

Chapter 1 Module and I/O Interface .................................................................................. 1

Overview ....................................................................................................................... 1
Product Description ....................................................................................................... 2
IPZ6800+R Back Connector ....................................................................................... 3
IPZ6800+ Front Module ............................................................................................. 4
Electrical Interfaces .................................................................................................... 5
Ethernet Interface ...................................................................................................... 5
Signal Flow ................................................................................................................ 6

Chapter 2 Installation and Navigator Discovery .......................................................... 7

Overview ....................................................................................................................... 7
Maximum 6800+ Frame Power Ratings ...................................................................... 7
How to Prepare the Product for Installation ............................................................... 7
Module Installation ....................................................................................................... 8
Required Frames and Back Connector Types .............................................................. 8
Installing and Removing Application Modules ............................................................ 8
How to Perform a Discovery of the Module in Navigator ............................................ 8

Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation

ii Contents

Chapter 3 Firmware Upgrade ................................................................................................11

How to Upgrade Firmware .........................................................................................11
Procedure ................................................................................................................11
How to Monitor a Software Upgrade .......................................................................13

Chapter 4 Operation ..................................................................................................................15

How Commands Are Documented for Both Craft and Navigator ...........................15
General Operating Procedures ...................................................................................16
How Parameter Changes are Applied .......................................................................16
How to Check Hardware and Software Versions ......................................................16
Operating Modes .....................................................................................................16
Configuration Procedures ...........................................................................................17
How to Transmit Video Over an IP Stream ................................................................17
How to Extract Video from an IP Stream ..................................................................17
How to Monitor Module Alarms ..............................................................................18

Chapter 5 Configuration and Status Parameters ........................................................19

Overview ......................................................................................................................19
Parameter Groups ....................................................................................................19
IPZ6800+ Parameters ...................................................................................................19

Chapter 6 Specifications .........................................................................................................25

IPZ6800+ Specifications ...............................................................................................25

Appendix A Communication and Troubleshooting ........................................................27

General Troubleshooting Steps ..................................................................................27
Software Communication and Control Issues ...........................................................27
Navigator Fails to Communicate with Installed Modules ...........................................27
Navigator Does Not Find All Modules in Frame .........................................................28
CCS Software Application Not Responding ..............................................................28
Navigator Cannot Control a Module Showing in the Control Window .....................28
CCS Software Application Does Not Communicate with Module .............................29
Hardware Communication and Control Issues ..........................................................29
Frames Fail to Communicate with the PC after a Power Failure ................................29
Module Does Not Seem to Work ..............................................................................29
Contacting Customer Service ...................................................................................30

Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation



Manual Information

Purpose This manual details the features, installation, operation, maintenance, and specifications for
the IPZ6800+ Compressed BTS over IP Video Gateway.

Audience This manual is written for engineers, technicians, and operators responsible for installation,
setup, maintenance, and operation of the IPZ6800+ Compressed BTS over IP Video

History Table P-1. Revision History of Manual
Edition Date Revision History
A August First Release

Writing This manual adheres to the following writing conventions.

Conventions Table P-2. Writing Conventions
Term or Convention Description
Bold Indicates dialog box, property sheet, field, button, check box,
list box, combo box, menu, submenu, window, list, and
selection names
Italics Indicates email addresses, names of books and publications,
and first instances of new terms and specialized words that
need emphasis
CAPS Indicates a specific key on the keyboard, such as ENTER, TAB,
Code Indicates variables or command-line entries, such as a DOS
entry or something you type into a field.
> Indicates the direction of navigation through a hierarchy of
menus and windows.

Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation

iv Preface

Table P-2. Writing Conventions (Continued)

Term or Convention Description
hyperlink Indicates a jump to another location within the electronic
document or elsewhere
Internet address Indicates a jump to a Web site or URL
Indicates important information that helps to avoid and
troubleshoot problems

Obtaining Product support documents can be viewed or downloaded from our website. Alternatively,
Documents contact your Customer Service representative to request a document.

Unpacking/Shipping Information

Unpacking a This product was carefully inspected, tested, and calibrated before shipment to ensure years
Product of stable and trouble-free service.

1 Check equipment for any visible damage that may have occurred during transit.
2 Confirm that you have received all items listed on the packing list.
3 Contact your dealer if any item on the packing list is missing.
4 Contact the carrier if any item is damaged.
5 Remove all packaging material from the product and its associated components before you
install the unit.
Keep at least one set of original packaging, in the event that you need to return a product
for servicing.

Product IPZ6800+ systems are not designed for field servicing. Except for certain designated options
Servicing as described in this manual, all hardware upgrades, modifications, or repairs require you to
return the product to the Customer Service center.

Returning a In the unlikely event that your product fails to operate properly, please contact Customer
Product Service to obtain a Return Authorization (RA) number, then send the unit back for servicing.

Keep at least one set of original packaging in the event that a product needs to be returned
for service. If the original package is not available, you can supply your own packaging as
long as it meets the following criteria:

„ The packaging must be able to withstand the product’s weight.

„ The product must be held rigid within the packaging.
„ There must be at least 2 in. (5 cm) of space between the product and the container.
„ The corners of the product must be protected.

Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation

IPZ6800+ v
Installation and Operation Manual

Ship products back to us for servicing prepaid and, if possible, in the original packaging
material. If the product is still within the warranty period, we will return the product prepaid
after servicing.

Safety Carefully review all safety precautions to avoid injury and prevent damage to this product or
any products connected to it. If this product is rack-mountable, it should be mounted in an
appropriate rack using the rack-mounting positions and rear support guides provided. It is
recommended that each frame be connected to a separate electrical circuit for protection
against circuit overloading. If this product relies on forced air cooling, it is recommended
that all obstructions to the air flow be removed prior to mounting the frame in the rack.

If this product has a provision for external earth grounding, it is recommended that the
frame be grounded to earth via the protective earth ground on the rear panel.

IMPORTANT! Only qualified personnel should perform service procedures.

Safety Terms WARNING

and Symbols
in this Statements identifying conditions or practices that may result in
Manual personal injury or loss of life. High voltage is present.


Statements identifying conditions or practices that can result in

damage to the equipment or other property.

Restriction on Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Compliance

Directive 2002/95/EC—commonly known as the European Union (EU) Restriction on
Hazardous Substances (RoHS)—sets limits on the use of certain substances found in
electrical and electronic equipment. The intent of this legislation is to reduce the amount of
hazardous chemicals that may leach out of landfill sites or otherwise contaminate the
environment during end-of-life recycling. The Directive, which took effect on July 1, 2006,
refers to the following hazardous substances:

„ Lead (Pb)
„ Mercury (Hg)
„ Cadmium (Cd)
„ Hexavalent Chromium (Cr-V1)
„ Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBB)
„ Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDE)

Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation

vi Preface

According to this EU Directive, all products sold in the European Union will be fully
RoHS-compliant and “lead-free.” (See our website for more information.) Spare parts
supplied for the repair and upgrade of equipment sold before July 1, 2006 are exempt from
the legislation. Equipment that complies with the EU directive will be marked with a
RoHS-compliant emblem, as shown in Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1 RoHS Compliance Emblem

Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Compliance

The European Union (EU) Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste from Electrical and Electronic
Equipment (WEEE) deals with the collection, treatment, recovery, and recycling of electrical
and electronic waste products. The objective of the WEEE Directive is to assign the
responsibility for the disposal of associated hazardous waste to either the producers or users
of these products. As of August 13, 2005, the producers or users of these products were
required to recycle electrical and electronic equipment at end of its useful life, and may not
dispose of the equipment in landfills or by using other unapproved methods. (Some EU
member states may have different deadlines.)

In accordance with this EU Directive, companies selling electric or electronic devices in the
EU will affix labels indicating that such products must be properly recycled. (See our website
for more information.) Contact your local sales representative for information on returning
these products for recycling. Equipment that complies with the EU directive will be marked
with a WEEE-compliant emblem, as shown in Figure 2-2.

Figure 2-2 WEEE Compliance Emblem

Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation


1 Module and I/O Interface

The IPZ6800+ converts ISDB-T Broadcast Transport (204 byte) streams to or from DVB format
(188 byte). In addition, it encapsulates this 188 byte DVB stream for transport over an IP

The IPZ6800+ extracts single or multi program transport streams from signals received from
ASI or IP inputs. It can take in ASI input (as a Broadcast Transport stream (BTS) which is an
MPEG-2 compliant transport stream using 204-byte packets at a fixed rate of 32.507937
Mbps) and convert to IP. Or it can take in IP input and convert to ASI.

The IPZ6800+ Compressed BTS over IP Video Gateway performs the following functions.

„ Encapsulates ASI into Gigabit Ethernet.

„ De-encapsulates ASI from Gigabit Ethernet.

Transmit Mode
In transmission mode, the IPZ6800+ maps ASI into IP packets and applies Forward Error
Correction (FEC) to ensure the highest possible level of quality in network throughput.

Receive Mode
In receive mode, the IPZ6800+ receives IP and uses Forward Error Correction (FEC) as
needed, to reconstruct the original ASI stream.

The IPZ6800+ provides a card edge control for basic Ethernet IP address provisioning.
Thereafter the provisioning process may be completed using either Navigator or Navigator
provisioned with the board’s IP address.

Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation

2 Chapter 1
Module and I/O Interface

Product Description
The IPZ6800+ Compressed BTS over IP Video Gateway is part of the 6800+ series of
processing and conversion modules. It is a bi-directional, single ASI to IP converter.

It includes the following:

„ One (1) ASI video input conforming to DVB-ASI A011 Rev 1.0.
„ One (1) ASI video output.
„ One (1) 1000 BaseT Ethernet Interface.

Part number Description

HALRIPZ6800+D 6800+ IP Video Gateway, Bi-Directional Single ASI to IP
converter with double width rear connector module.
Includes one ASI input, one output, one Gigabit Ethernet

Supports conversion of ISDB-Tb BTS 204 byte transport

streams to or from 188 byte format for easier transport
over DVB network equipment.
HALRIPZ6800+R Rear Connector Module for IPZ6800+ module.

One (1) BNC Input Connector for ASI
One (1) BNC Output Connector for ASI
One (1) Gigabit Ethernet Jack.

Also see:

„ IPZ6800+R Back Connector

„ IPZ6800+ Front Module
„ Electrical Interfaces
„ Ethernet Interface
„ Signal Flow

Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation

IPZ6800+ 3
Installation and Operation Manual

IPZ6800+R Back Connector

Figure 1-1 shows the IPZ6800+R double-slot back connector used by the IPZ6800+ when
installed in a FR6802 frame.

Figure 1-1 IPZ6800+R Back Connectors

Table 1-1 IPZ6800+ Back Connector Electrical Interfaces

Item Description Details
1 ASI Input Receives DVB-ASI-compliant transport stream input.
2 ASI Output Provides DVB-ASI transport stream output
3 - Unused
4 BaseT Ethernet See Table 1-3 on page 5 for pinout details.

Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation

4 Chapter 1
Module and I/O Interface

IPZ6800+ Front Module

Figure 1-2 is a generic top-front view of the IPZ6800+ module.

Figure 1-2 IPZ6800+ Front Module Card Edge Features

Table 1-2 Front Module Card Edge Features

No Feature Description
1. Module Status LED Indicates the module’s state of operation.
Off Module powered OFF. Module not operational.
Red Module either booting or experiencing an error.
Red (blinking) Module booted in ‘safe mode’. See Toggle Switch.
Amber Module booting.
Green Module powered ON. Module operating properly.
2. Toggle Switch This three-position toggle switch controls the card’s IP address configuration.
Up (after boot) Forces the IP address for Telnet configuration and control to
Up (at boot) Forces module into ‘safe mode’. See Firmware Upgrade on
page 11 for details.
Center Module operates using the configured IP address.
Down Disables Telnet access.
3/4 ASI LEDs Each LED indicates the state of an ASI input interface.
Off Module powered Off, or interface not configured for use.
Loss of Signal (LOS) detected.
Amber Errors detected on the interface.
Green Interface operating normally.
6. Error LED Green Module operating normally.
Red Encapsulator/Decapsulator alarm condition occurred within the
last five seconds.

Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation

IPZ6800+ 5
Installation and Operation Manual

Table 1-2 Front Module Card Edge Features

No Feature Description
7. Ethernet Speed LED Indicates the Ethernet interface’s state of operation
Off Ethernet interface negotiating or experiencing LOS. Use LINK
LED to fully identify actual state.
Red Operating in 1000 BaseT mode.
Amber Attempting to operate in half-duplex mode or operating in
full-duplex at 10 Mbps.
Green Operating in 100 BaseT mode.
8 Ethernet Link LED Off Module powered Off or Module not operational.
Red Interface experiencing LOS.
Amber Established link-level connectivity.
Green Interface negotiating.
9. Ejector Handle Used to eject the module from the 6800+

Electrical Interfaces

The IPZ6800+ can provide an ASI signal presented on a BNC output. All ASI connections
require 75-Ohm characteristic impedance coaxial cable. In general, reliable operation can be
achieved with cable lengths of up to 100 meters.

The IPZ6800+ can receive ASI signals through the ‘ASI IN’ interface. This input interface
supports ASI signals that the IPZ6800+ can put on IP. All ASI connections require 75-Ohm
characteristic impedance coaxial cable. In general, reliable operation can be achieved with
cable lengths of up to 100 meters.

Ethernet Interface

Table 1-3 BaseT Ethernet Pinout

Pin 1000 BaseT 10/100 BaseT
1 Bi-directional Data A+ Transmit +
2 Bi-directional Data A- Transmit +
3 Bi-directional Data B+ Receive +
4 Bi-directional Data C+ -
5 Bi-directional Data C- -

Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation

6 Chapter 1
Module and I/O Interface

Table 1-3 BaseT Ethernet Pinout

Pin 1000 BaseT 10/100 BaseT
6 Bi-directional Data B- Receive -
7 Bi-directional Data D+ -
8 Bi-directional Data D- -

Signal Flow

Figure 1-3 IPZ6800+ Signal Flow Diagram

Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation


2 Installation and Navigator


This chapter describes the IPZ6800+ installation process.

Before installing this product, read the 6800+ Series Safety Instructions and Standards
Manual shipped with every FR6802+ Frame Installation and Operation Manual or
downloadable from our visit our support website:
This safety manual contains important information about the safe installation and operation
of 6800+ series products.

Maximum 6800+ Frame Power Ratings

Table 2-1 describes the maximum allowable power ratings for 6800+ frames. Note the
given maximums before installing any 6800+ modules in your frame.

Table 2-1 Maximum Power Ratings for 6800+ Frames

Max Frame Power Number of Max Power
6800+ Frame Type Dissipation Usable Slots Dissipation Per Slot
6800+XF – Frame with AC power supply 120 W 20 6W
6800+XF – Frame with DC power supply 105 W 20 5.25 W

How to Prepare the Product for Installation

Perform the following steps before installing the IPZ6800+.

Note: Contact your Customer Service representative if parts are missing or damaged.

1 Unpack the module.

2 Check the equipment for any visible damage that may have occurred during transit.
3 Confirm receipt of all items on the packing list. The following items should be included.

Table 2-2 Packing List

Product Content Description
IPZ6800+ One IPZ6800+ front application module
One double-slot back connector
One documentation and firmware CD

Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation

8 Chapter 2
Installation and Navigator Discovery

4 Remove the anti-static shipping pouch, if present, and all other packaging material.
5 Retain the original packaging materials for possible re-use.
See Unpacking/Shipping Information on page iv for information about returning a
product for servicing.

Module Installation

Required Frames and Back Connector Types

The IPZ6800+ module has a double-width back connector that can be installed in an

See the 6800+ Frame Installation and Operation Manual for details on installing back
connectors in an 6800+ frame.

Installing and Removing Application Modules

These modules require no specialized installation or removal procedures. However, if
installing both front and rear modules, ensure that the back module is installed first before
plugging in the front module. When removing both the front and rear modules, ensure that
the front module is unplugged from the frame first, before removing the rear module.

1 See the 6800+ Frame Installation and Operation Manual for information about installing
and operating an 6800+ frame and its components.
2 See the 6800+ Safety Instructions and Standards Manual for important information about
safely installing your module.
Once the IPZ6800+ module is installed, the appropriate input and output cables can be

How to Perform a Discovery of the Module in Navigator

1 Click Options > Discovery to open the Discovery Options dialog.

Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation

IPZ6800+ 9
Installation and Operation Manual

2 If the Products for Discovery column lists the frame containing the module you have just
installed (Note: Check the IP Address column as well to be sure) then:
„ Place a check mark in the Hosts column next to the module.
„ Click the Apply button, then click the OK button.
„ Skip to Step 4 below
3 If the frame of containing the module you have just installed is not listed, then click the
Add… button to open the Add Host dialog.
„ Enter the IP Address of the 6800-series shelf in the Host IP field.
„ Click the Options… button to open the Communication Settings dialog.
‰ Choose the ‘Point-to-Point’ option from the Communication Type drop-down.
‰ Click OK to dismiss the Communications Settings dialog.
„ Click OK to dismiss the Add Host dialog.
4 Click OK to dismiss the Discovery Options dialog.
5 If the Discovery Pane is not visible, click Tools > Discovery to reveal it.
6 Click the Start button to begin the Discovery session.
7 Wait until the Status window indicates “Discovery Completed”.
8 Click the Save button.
9 Drag the icons of any discovered pieces of equipment from the Discovery branch to of the
navigation tree to the Network branch.
10 Click the Save button to save the discovered items as network elements.

Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation

10 Chapter 2
Installation and Navigator Discovery

Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation


3 Firmware Upgrade

How to Upgrade Firmware

Note: If a previous upgrade was interrupted and the module will not boot correctly, or if the
module is in an inoperable state:

(1) Move the toggle switch to the ‘up’ position.

(2) Re-insert the module to cause it to boot in ‘safe mode’.
(3) Proceed with the following upgrade procedure.
(4) When the upgrade procedure is completed, move the toggle switch back to the ‘center’

1 Install the appropriate upgrade package from the CD-ROM or download it from
2 In Navigator, choose Tools > Software Upgrade. The Software Upgrade dialog opens and
is brought into the foreground.

Device Options provide

access to options for
entering Telnet and FTP
user name and password,
and creating automatic

Package Info includes a

list of the components
contained in the ZIP file.

Figure 3-1 Navigator Software Upgrade Dialog > New Transfer Tab

Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation

12 Chapter 3
Firmware Upgrade

3 On the New Transfer tab, click the Add button on the right. The Device Selection dialog

4 In the Device Selection dialog:

‰ Expand the tree as needed to reveal the target device.
‰ Highlight the target device.
‰ Click OK to close the Add Device dialog box.

Note: All items in a frame have the same IP address. Only one device from each IP address
can be added.

5 In the Software Upgrade dialog, click the Browse... button to open a standard Windows
File Selection dialog.
6 In the Windows File Selection dialog:
‰ Select the software upgrade package (ZIP file) on either a local or a network drive.
‰ Click the Open button to close the File Selection dialog and to populate the full
path name to the upgrade zip package.

Note: The extraction process on the ZIP file is handled as part of the upgrade process.
There is no need to manually extract these files.

7 Press the Submit Transfer... button. A dialog box opens, requesting confirmation to
proceed with the file transfer request
8 Click Yes confirm the file transfer and to begin the upgrade process.

Note: If multiple devices are selected, then multiple transfer tasks (one per device) begin.

At this point, the Software Upgrade window may be closed and the PC used for other tasks.
Closing the Software Upgrade window does not affect any transfer processes that may be
running in the background. However, if you try to log off or exit the CCS software while a
transfer is underway, a notification window will alert you that processes are still active and
will ask if you want to terminate these processes.

9 See How to Monitor a Software Upgrade on page 13 for details on how to track
upgrade progress and how to confirm when the upgrade process has completed.

Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation

IPZ6800+ 13
Installation and Operation Manual

How to Monitor a Software Upgrade

The Software Upgrade dialog offers two mechanisms, the Log Tab and the Progress Tab
for determining the status of an upgrade once it has begun.

Progress Tab
The Progress Tab provides a table with one row identifying each device scheduled to receive
and upgrade.

‰ The Progress column indicates the current status of any ongoing transfers.
‰ The Transfer Status column indicates success or failure of each transfer attempt.

Figure 3-2 The Software Upgrade Dialog’s Progress Tab

Log Tab
The Log Tab provides Pass/Fail status on all file transfer attempts.

Figure 3-3 The Software Upgrade Dialog’s Progress Tab

„ In the event of a failure of any kind (as shown in Table 3-3 above), double-click the row
indicating the failure to open the Log.
„ Scroll down to the bottom of the Log to view the last failed action.
Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation
14 Chapter 3
Firmware Upgrade

Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation


4 Operation

How Commands Are Documented for Both Craft and Navigator

In CCS Navigator, each element in this command line represents a distinct level in the
command tree. The last element in the command line represents a parameter value selection
or entry.

Procedures in this chapter list commands in a single-line format.

Configuration/Ethernet/IP Address =

An expansion of this example instruction would appear as follows.

1 Select the ‘Configuration’ branch in CCS Navigator.

2 Select the ‘Ethernet’ branch.
3 Choose the ‘IP Address’ parameter.
4 Set the ‘IP Address’ parameter to ‘’.
See the following documents for information on how to operate this product remotely:
CCS Navigator or RCP-CCS-1U Remote Control Panel manual for Ethernet interface.

Navigator Configuration Recommendation

We recommend the following setting in Navigator to ensure fast and accurate
communication with the IPZ6800+.

1 In Navigator, choose Options > Control to open the ‘Control Options’ dialog.
2 Select the Device parameter changes as slider is released radio button.
3 Click the OK button.

Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation

16 Chapter 4

Figure 4-1 Control Options Dialog in Navigator

General Operating Procedures

How Parameter Changes are Applied

Observe the following when setting the configuration parameters on the IPZ6800+:

„ Parameter changes take immediate effect. However, the module requires up to 30

seconds to save the latest change.
„ After 30 seconds, the new settings are saved. Once saved, these will be restored in the
event the module loses power or is restarted.

How to Check Hardware and Software Versions

Use CCS Navigator to determine the module’s current hardware or software version.

See the RCP-CCS-1U Installation and Operation Manual, CCS software application user
manual, or CCS software application online help for information on viewing software and
hardware version numbers.

Operating Modes
There are 2 supported modes:

TS to BTS (MPEG Transport Stream to Broadcast Transport Stream)


‰ BTS to TS (Broadcast Transport Stream to MPEG Transport Stream)

You can switch modes by going to Parameters > Control > Mode. When you switch
modes, wait about 15 seconds for changes to take effect and then reset the card.

Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation

IPZ6800+ 17
Installation and Operation Manual

Configuration Procedures

This section covers the following configuration procedures.

„ How to Transmit Video Over an IP Stream on page 17.

„ How to Extract Video from an IP Stream on page 17.
„ How to Monitor Module Alarms on page 18.

How to Transmit Video Over an IP Stream

Use the examples shown in this procedure to configure the IPZ6800+ to encapsulate an ASI
stream into an IP packet stream.

1 Specify the input port and signal type.

Parameters/Configuration/Encapsulator/Input = ASI

2 Forward Error Correction (FEC)

a If FEC is desired, then specify the FEC type. For example:
Parameters/Configuration/Encapsulator/FEC Type = Medium
b If FEC is not desired, then ensure that FEC is disabled.
Parameters/Configuration/Encapsulator/FEC Type = None
c If custom FEC if desired, then use the following parameters with your own values.
Parameters/Configuration/Encapsulator/ASI FEC
Period = 20
Order = 10
Pkts = 6
RTP = Enable
3 Configure the following parameters for the destination IP outputs (Port is optional).
The IPZ6800+’s input can be duplicated to up to four IP destinations.

IP Address= ###.###.###.###
Port= (0 to 65535)
4 Set the following parameters for each destination used on each interface.
TOS = (0 to 15)
TTL = (1 to 255)

How to Extract Video from an IP Stream

Use this procedure to configure the IPZ6800+ to recover an ASI stream from an IP packet

1 Configure the input source:

Port = (0–65535)
Source IP = ###.###.###.###
Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation
18 Chapter 4

Multicast Group = ###.###.###.###

IIP PID = 8176


„ If the incoming stream is a multicast address, provide details for Multicast Group and
(UDP) Port.
„ If using a source specific multicast address, provide details for Source IP, Multicast
Group, and (UDP) Port.
„ Ensure the IIP PID (program identifier) value is set to 8176 (default). Do not change this

How to Monitor Module Alarms

IPZ6800+’s Module Status LED illuminates red when an alarm condition is present.

Navigator can be configured to monitor an IPZ6800+ module. The software aggregates

alarm messages and presents them in a manner that distinguishes between major and
minor alarms. See the appropriate software control user manual or online help for more

Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation


5 Configuration and Status


Table 5-1 lists all parameters and options for the IPZ6800+. Use CCS control software such
as Navigator, or Telnet to access these parameters. For Navigator, see the software user
manual for usage information.

Parameter Groups

IPZ6800+ parameters are arranged into the following groups:

„ Remote Control Parameters on page 20

„ Status Parameters on page 21
„ Utility Commands on page 22
„ Alarm Commands on page 23

IPZ6800+ Parameters

How To Use Telnet

1 On a Windows PC, click Start > Run, press ‘Return’ to open a DOS dialog box, and type
2 Begin a Telnet session by using the system’s IP address and typing telnet <system IP
Address> into the DOS dialog box.
3 The system prompts for a username and password. The following username and password
are factory defaults.
username: admin
password: admin
4 Once a Telnet connection is established, commands listed in the following sections can be
directly executed.

Note: Telnet can be enabled or disabled by going to Parameters > Configuration >
Control. You can also change the Telnet password from the default admin.

Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation

20 Chapter 5
Configuration and Status Parameters

Remote Control Parameters

Table 5-1 IPZ6800+ Remote Control Parameters
Command Path Description Options Default
Parameters > Configuration > Ethernet
Link Specifies the Ethernet interface's link speed. Auto, 10Full, Auto
100Full, 1000
Note: The 10Full option though available is
not applicable for an IPZ6800+.
IP Address Specifies the Ethernet interfaces's IP address IP Address
IP Mask Specifies the Ethernet interface's IP mask. IP Address
IP Gateway Specifies the Ethernet Interface's IP gateway IP Address
Parameters > Configuration > Control
Mode Supported Operation Modes BTS to TS TS to BTS
Password Specifies the password protecting the (31 character limit) admin
module's control interfaces.
Telnet Enables/disables the module's Telnet Enable Enable
interface. Disable
Parameters > Configuration > Encapsulator
Input Enables/disables the encapsulator input and OFF, ASI OFF
input type.
FEC Type Specifies the level/type of FEC to apply to None, low
outgoing data. Low, Medium, High,
Parameters > Configuration > Encapsulator > Dest_1-4
Port Specifies the IP destination port 0–65535 0
TOS Specifies the Type of Service (TOS) byte 0–15 0
TTS Specifies the packet Time To Live (TTL). 1–255 16
IP Address Specifies the IP destination address
(disables destination)
Parameters > Configuration > Encapsulator > ASI FEC
Period Sets the FEC period. 1–20 1
Order Sets the FEC Order. 4–20 16
Pkts Specifies the number of FEC packets in each 1–7 7
ASI packet.
RTP Enables/disables the encapsulator's Real Enable, Disable Enable
Time Protocol (RTP).

Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation

iPZ6800+ 21
Installation and Operation Manual

Table 5-1 IPZ6800+ Remote Control Parameters

Command Path Description Options Default
Parameters > Configuration > Decapsulator
Port Specifies the IP port number. 0–65535 0
Source IP Source (normal or IGMPv3) IP
Multicast Group Specifies the source IP multicast group IP
IIP PID The IIP PID value. 8176 only 8176

Note: Ensure that this value stays set to


Status Parameters
Table 5-2 IPZ6800+ Status Parameters
Command Path Description Options
Parameters > Status > Ethernet
Link Indicates the state of the Ethernet's physical Lost, Negotiating,
connection. 10f, 100f, 1000
RX Pkts Indicates the number of packets received in the last counter
TX Pkts Indicates the number of packets transmitted in the last counter
RX Err Pkts Indicates the number of errored packets received in counter
the last second.
MAC Addr Displays the Ethernet MAC address. MAC address
Parameters > Status > Encapsulator
LOS Indicates if the encapsulator is experiencing a loss of Fault, noFault
TX IP Rate Indicates the encapsulator's transmit rate; in bits per counter
second (bps).
TX IP Pkts Indicates the number of IP packets transmitted since counter
the last reboot or reset.
Parameters > Status > Encapsulator > Dest_1-4
Status Encapsulator status Working, Unreachable,
noArp, ttlExceeded,
sourceQuench, Unused
Parameters > Status > Encapsulator > ASI
RX TS Rate Received Transport Stream Rate counter
RX TS Pkts Provides a count of transport stream packets received. counter
8b10b Err Provides a count of 8b10b errors. counter
Sync Err Provides a count of synchronization errors since the counter
last boot or power up.

Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation

22 Chapter 5
Configuration and Status Parameters

Table 5-2 IPZ6800+ Status Parameters

Command Path Description Options
TS Pres Indicates whether or not a transport stream is present. Present, Not Present, n/a
Parameters > Status > Decapsulator
Uncorrectable Provides a count of uncorrectable packets. counter
Corrected Provides a count of the number of corrected packets counter
in the incoming transport stream.
TS Rate Indicates the current transport stream rate. Rate
CBR Lock Indicates the module has locked onto the ASI input. Locked, Not Locked
FEC Period Indicates the FEC period setting. Value
FEC Order Indicates the FEC order setting. Value
Pkt Size Indicates the packet size of the incoming transport Int
stream packets.
Parameters > Status > System
SW Version Firmware revision number. #.#.#
HW Version Indicates the hardware revision number 1 to 32
Mfg Date Indicates the module’s manufacturing date. yyyy-mm-dd
Serial Number Indicates the module’s serial number String

Utility Commands
Table 5-3 IPZ6800+ Utility Commands
Command Path Description Options Default
Parameters > Utility
Clear Yes - This value is a No
momentary state.
The module accepts
this value, clears all
status values, and
returns this
Clears and resets all status parameters.
parameter to the
‘false’ state.

No - This value is the

typical state for this
Load Defaults Loads factory default settings and resets Yes No
module. No
Reset Resets the module. Yes No
Parameters > Utility > Ping

Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation

iPZ6800+ 23
Installation and Operation Manual

Table 5-3 IPZ6800+ Utility Commands

Command Path Description Options Default
Exec Ping Sends a ping of the IP address listed by the Yes, No No
Ping Status Indicates status after the Exec Ping Inactive, No Answer, -
command was executed Alive, Invalid IP
Ping IP IP address to ping IP Address -

Alarm Commands
Table 5-4 IPZ6800+ Alarm Commands
Command Path Description Options
Parameters > Alarms
Ethernet Link Lost Indicates when Ethernet Link is lost. Setting State: Enable, Disable

Status States: Active, Inactive

On-Delay:0–9999.9 (sec.)
Off-Delay:0–9999.9 (sec.)

Ack:Yes, No
ASI LOS Indicates an ASI Loss of Signal (LOS) when the Setting State: Enable, Disable
respective encapsulator’s LOS status parameter
indicates a ‘Fault’ state. Status States: Active, Inactive

On-Delay:0–9999.9 (sec.)
Off-Delay:0–9999.9 (sec.)

Ack:Yes, No
ASI Error Indicates ‘Active’ when any of the following errors are Setting State: Enable, Disable
reported on the respective encapsulator:
Status States: Active, Inactive
8b10bErrors increment
A transport stream is not ‘Not Present’ Priority:1–10
The ASI transmit rate falls to ‘0’. On-Delay:0–9999.9 (sec.)
Off-Delay:0–9999.9 (sec.)

Ack:Yes, No
Encapsulator Error Indicates the Encapsulator is in use and is dropping IP Setting State: Enable, Disable
Status States: Active, Inactive

On-Delay:0–9999.9 (sec.)
Off-Delay:0–9999.9 (sec.)

Ack:Yes, No

Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation

24 Chapter 5
Configuration and Status Parameters

Table 5-4 IPZ6800+ Alarm Commands

Command Path Description Options
Decapsulator No Input Indicates the Decapsulator’s transport stream rate has State:Enable, Disable
fallen to zero.
On-Delay:0–9999.9 (sec.)
Off-Delay:0–9999.9 (sec.)

Ack:Yes, No

Decapsulator Indicates the Decapsulator is experiencing Setting State: Enable, Disable

Uncorrectable error uncorrectable errors.
Status States: Active, Inactive

On-Delay:0–9999.9 (sec.)
Off-Delay:0–9999.9 (sec.)

Ack:Yes, No
Encapsulator Destination Indicates the Encapsulator destination cannot be Setting State: Enable, Disable
Unreachable reached.
Status States: Active, Inactive

On-Delay:0–9999.9 (sec.)
Off-Delay:0–9999.9 (sec.)

Ack:Yes, No

Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation


6 Specifications

IPZ6800+ Specifications

Electrical Specifications
Table 6-1 Electrical Specifications
10/100/1000 Base-T Electrical Interface
Connector RJ-45
Standard IEEE 802.1
Differential Output Voltage 0.75 V ±0.83 dB
High Frequency Jitter (max) 0.3 ns
Clock Frequency 125 MHz ±0.01%
Common Mode Rejection 1V RMS 1–250 MHz
ASI Input/Output
Connector BNC
Clock Rate 270 MHz ±100 ppm
Logic Levels 880 mV–200 mV p-p
Data Rate 32.507937 Mbps in 100 bps Increments
Packet Size 188 or 204
Applicable Standards DVB-ASI A011 Rev 1.0
Power Consumption
IPZ6800+ Module < 12W

Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation

26 Chapter 6

Physical Specifications
Table 6-2 Physical Specifications
Supported Frames
Harris Frames 6800+, 6802+
Front Module
Height 7.7 cm
(Fits 2RU 6800-series frames) 3.0 in
28.0 cm
Depth 28.0 cm
(Including ejector handle) 11.0 in
Width 3.33 cm
(This module requires a two-slot-width Back Connector). 1.31 in
Weight 0.13 kg
0.28 lbs
Back Connector
Height 7.7 cm
(Fits 2RU 6800-series frames) 3.0 in
Depth 3.0 cm
(Excluding cable allowances) 1.19 in
Width 3.33 cm
(This connector required two 6800-series frame slots) 1.31 in
Weight 8.18 kg
0.08 lbs
Ambient Temperature
Operating Temperature Range 0–40° C (32–104° F)
Non-Operating Temperature Range -40–65° C (-104–149° F)
Humidity 5–95% Non-Condensing

Regulatory Compliance

(Pending Approval)
Safety Compliance UL 1419 & cUL (United States-UL1950 and
Canada-CSA C22.2, No.1)
EMC, FCC Certification EMC: FCC Part 15 Class A and CISPR 22
Common Mode Rejection 1V RMS 1–250 MHz
ASI Input/Output
Connector BNC

Note: All specifications and designs are subject to change without notice.

Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation


A Communication and

General Troubleshooting Steps

Follow these steps in troubleshooting 6800+ product problems:

1 Review the Software Communication and Control Issues on page 27.

Note: Associated documentation for 6800+ series products can generally be found in the
product-specific manual that accompanies every module, in the FR6802+ Frame Installation
and Operation Manual, and in the 6800+ Safety Instructions and Standards Manual

2 Search this product manual and other associated documentation for answers to your
question. The following information can be found in the Support Section of our website

„ Product manuals
„ Online Help
„ Application Notes
„ Erratas
„ Product Release Notes
„ Technical Support Information
„ Training Information
„ Product Downloads
„ Product Knowledge Base

3 Contact your Customer Service representative if, after following these initial steps, you
cannot resolve the issue. To contact Customer Service, see Contacting Customer
Service on page 30.

Software Communication and Control Issues

Navigator Fails to Communicate with Installed Modules

„ Ensure you have specified the proper module slot.
See your 6800+ Frame Installation and Operation Manual for more information about
slot identification.

Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation

28 Appendix A
Communication and Troubleshooting

„ Verify whether there is an ICE6800+ or 6800+ETH module installed in the frame.

‰ FR6802+ frames only useICE6800+ modules to communicate with CCS software
and hardware.
‰ FR6802+QXF and FR6822+ frames use ICE6800+ or 6800+ETH modules to
communicate with CCS software and hardware.
„ Remove any legacy 6800 series product that is in the frame.
CCS software cannot communicate with legacy 6800 series products, even though
these modules may operate with card-edge controls in an FR6802+ or FR6822+ frame.
Legacy 6800 products do not have the “+” symbol on their extractor handles.
„ Check for pressed pins on the back module by following this procedure:
‰ Unplug the front module.
‰ Unscrew and remove the back module.
‰ Inspect the 20- or 30-pin spring connector at the bottom of the back module and
verify that the connector does not have any slightly bent or pressed pins.
‰ Carefully reposition any bent pins. If this is not possible, contact Customer Support.

Figure A-1 Back Module to Front Module Connector

Navigator Does Not Find All Modules in Frame

1 Remove any legacy 6800 series products.
2 Plug your modules in before starting the discovery.
3 Start your discovery after the frame and all modules have fully powered up.
Refresh the CCS software and ensure that the installed modules are fully powered up first
before discovery.

CCS Software Application Not Responding

Close any CCS software that is already launched.

Navigator Cannot Control a Module Showing in the Control Window

„ Set the module’s Local/Remote jumper to Remote.
„ Ensure the module name in the Control window matches the module type in the frame.
Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation
Product Code Variable 29
Document Type Variable

„ Gently push the module into its slot in the frame to ensure it is seated properly and
powered up.
„ Verify that the Control window indicates the device is ready.

CCS Software Application Does Not Communicate with Module

„ Ensure you have installed the correct cables between the PC and the frame:
‰ A null modem serial cable must be used between a PC and an FR6802+ frame (not
a straight-through cable). At minimum, this requires that pins 2 and 3 are crossed,
but pin 5 (ground) is straight-through to pin 5.
‰ A USB cable must be used between a PC and an FR6802+QXF frame.

„ Verify whether there is an ICE6800+ or 6800+ETH module installed in the frame.

‰ CCS Software control is disabled if anICE6800+ or 6800+ETH control module is
installed in the frame.

„ Set the Frame ID DIP switch settings correctly (the Frame ID DIP switch is located at
the rear of the frame.)
‰ If only one frame is connected, set the DIP switch to 00.
‰ If multiple frames are used in a daisy-chain, set the DIP switch numbers
consecutively to the following:
„ 00 (frame 1)
„ 01 (frame 2)
„ 10 (frame 3
„ 11 (frame 4)
See your Frame Installation and Operation Manual for more information about frame ID
switch settings.

„ Check that the correct COM port is configured in CCS Software and that another
application is not using that COM port.

Hardware Communication and Control Issues

Frames Fail to Communicate with the PC after a Power Failure

1 Wait four minutes for the frames to recover from the power failure.
2 Close the CCS software, and then restart the PC.
3 Restart the software application.

Module Does Not Seem to Work

1 Ensure the correct frame is powered up.
2 Verify that all appropriate rear connections are secure.
3 Gently push the module into its slot in the frame to ensure it is seated properly.
4 Ensure the back module does not have bent pins by following this procedure:

Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation

30 Appendix A
Communication and Troubleshooting

a Unplug the front module.

b Unscrew and remove the back module
c Carefully reposition any bent pins. If this is not possible, contact Customer Support.
Note: Pressed pins are ok and will not affect the functionality.

Contacting Customer Service

We are committed to providing round-the-clock, 24-hour service to our customers around
the world. Visit our Website at support web sites: for
information on how to contact the Customer Service team in your geographical region.

Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation



A Back Connector 3
Discovery 8
Alarms 18
Electrical Interfaces 5
ASI In 5
C ASI Out 5
Configuration 17 Ethernet Interface 5
Extracting Video from IP 17 Front Module 4
IIP PID 18 Installation 8
Multicast Group 18 Signal Flow 6
Transmitting Video Over IP 17 Specifications 25
Connections Electrical 25
external 3 Physical 26
Control problems 28 Status LEDs 4
Customer Service, contacting 30 Module not found 28
Module Status LED 4
Discovery failure 28 N
Not ready status 28
Firmware Upgrade 11 O
Monitoring 13 Operating notes 16
Procedure 11 Outputs 3
failure 29
Parameters 19
I Alarm Commands 23
Inputs 3 Remote Control 20
Installed modules 28 Utility Commands 22
Precautions, safety v
L Product servicing iv
Local control 28
M Remote control 28
Returning a product iv
Manual information iii–iv revision history iii
manuals iv RoHS-compliance vi
Maximum allowable power ratings 7
Receive 1 S
Transmit 1 Safety precautions v

Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation

32 Index

Shipping information iv installation 29

RoHS compliance v
WEEE compliance vi
Status not ready 28 Unpacking information iv
Support documents iv
T Web site, location of manuals iv
Troubleshooting 27–30 WEEE compliance vi
communication 27

Copyright © 2011, Harris Corporation

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