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VERITAS Cluster Server 4.

Agent Developers Guide



January 2004
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ii VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

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Support for data encryption in VCS is based on the MIT Data Encryption Standard (DES) under the following copyright:
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SNMP Software
SNMP support in VCS is based on CMU SNMP v2 under the following copyright:
Copyright 1989, 1991, 1992 by Carnegie Mellon University
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VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide iii

iv VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii

Getting Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii

Telephone and Fax Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv

How This Guide is Organized . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv

The VERITAS Enabled Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .xv

Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .xv

Chapter 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1

VCS Agents: An Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

How Agents Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

The Agent Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Resource Type Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Entry Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Developing an Agent: Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Applications Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Creating an Agent: Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Create the Resource Type Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Decide to Use C++ or Scripts to Implement the Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Create the Entry Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Test the Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Resource Type Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Example Resource Type Definition: FileOnOff Resource . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

The FileOnOff Resource: an Example in the File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

How the FileOnOff Agent Uses Configuration Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Example Script Entry Points for the FileOnOff Resource . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Online Entry Point for FileOnOff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Monitor Entry Point for FileOnOff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Offline Entry Point for FileOnOff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Types of Resources and Agent Entry Points They Require . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

The Attributes of Resources and Resource Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Categories of Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Attribute Data Types and Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Attribute Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Attribute Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Chapter 2. Agent Entry Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Using C++ or Script Entry Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

C++ Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Script Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

VCSAgStartup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Implementing All or Some of the Entry Points in C++ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Implementing Entry Points Using Scripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Sample Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Example: Modifying VCSAgStartup for C++ and Script Entry Points . . . . . . . 18

Agent Entry Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

info . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Return Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

online . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

offline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

clean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Return Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

ActionTimeout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

vi VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

attr_changed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

open . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

close . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

shutdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Summary of Return Values for Entry Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Agent Information File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Example Agent Information File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Agent Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Attribute Argument Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Chapter 3. Implementing Entry Points Using C++ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31

Data Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

ArgList Attribute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

C++ Entry Point Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

VCSAgStartup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

info . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

resinfo_op . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

info_output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

opt_update_args . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

opt_add_args . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Example, Info Entry Point Implementation in C++ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

online . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

offline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

clean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

attr_changed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

open . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

close . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

shutdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Contents vii

VCS Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

VCSAgRegisterEPStruct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

VCSAgSetCookie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

VCSAgRegister . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

VCSAgUnregister . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

VCSAgGetCookie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

VCSAgEncodeString . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Example: VCSAgEncodeString . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

VCSAgStrlcpy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

VCSAgStrlcat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

VCSAgSnprintf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Chapter 4. Implementing Entry Points Using Scripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

ArgList Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Script Entry Point Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

online . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

offline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

clean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

attr_changed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

info . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

Example Script Implementation of the Info Entry Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

open . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

close . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

shutdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

Chapter 5. Logging Agent Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Logging in C++ and Script-based Entry Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

VCS Agent Messages: Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Timestamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

viii VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Mnemonic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Severity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

UMI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Message Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

C++ Agent Logging APIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

Agent Application Logging Macros for C++ Entry Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

Agent Debug Logging Macros for C++ Entry Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

Severity Arguments for C++ Macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Initializing function_name Using VCSAG_LOG_INIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Log Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

Examples of Logging APIs Used in a C++ Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

Script Entry Point Logging Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

VCSAG_SET_ENVS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

VCSAG_SET_ENVS Examples, Shell Script Entry Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

VCSAG_SET_ENVS Examples, Perl Script Entry Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

VCSAG_LOG_MSG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

VCSAG_LOG_MSG Examples, Shell Script Entry Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

VCSAG_LOG_MSG Examples, Perl Script Entry Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

VCSAG_LOGDBG_MSG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

VCSAG_LOGDBG_MSG Examples, Shell Script Entry Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

VCSAG_LOGDBG_MSG Examples, Perl Script Entry Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

Using the Functions in Scripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

Example of Logging Functions Used in Script Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

Chapter 6. Building a Custom VCS Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87

Building a VCS Agent for MyFile Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

Using Script Entry Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

Using VCSAgStartup() and Script Entry Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

Using C++ and Script Entry Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

Using C++ Entry Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

Contents ix

Chapter 7. Setting Agent Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

Overriding Static Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

Agent Attribute Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

ActionTimeout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

AgentFile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

AgentReplyTimeout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

AgentStartTimeout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

ArgList . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

ArgList Reference Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

AttrChangedTimeout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

CleanTimeout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

CloseTimeout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

ComputeStats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

ConfInterval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

FaultOnMonitorTimeouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

FireDrill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

InfoInterval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

InfoTimeout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

LogDbg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

LogFileSize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

ManageFaults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

MonitorInterval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

MonitorStatsParam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

MonitorTimeout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

NumThreads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

OfflineMonitorInterval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

OfflineTimeout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

OnlineRetryLimit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

OnlineTimeout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

OnlineWaitLimit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

x VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

OpenTimeout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

ResourceInfo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

RestartLimit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

RegList . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

SupportedActions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

ToleranceLimit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

Scheduling Class and Priority Configuration Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

Priority Ranges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

Default Scheduling Classes and Priorities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

Attributes for Scheduling Class and Priorities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

AgentClass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

AgentPriority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

ScriptClass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

ScriptPriority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

Initializing Attributes in the Configuration File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

Setting Attributes Dynamically from the Command Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

Chapter 8. Testing VCS Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115

Using Debug Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

Using the VCS Engine Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

Test Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

Using the AgentServer Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

Chapter 9. State Transition Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121

Chapter 10. VCS Internationalized Message Catalogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .137

Creating SMC Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138

SMC Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138

Example SMC File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138

Formatting SMC Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

Contents xi

Naming SMC Files, BMC Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

Message Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

Using Format Specifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

Converting SMC Files to BMC Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

Storing BMC Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

VCS Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

Displaying the Contents of BMC Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

Using BMC Map Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142

Location of BMC Map Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142

Creating BMC Map Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142

Example BMC Map File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142

Updating BMC Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

Appendix A. How the VCS 4.0 Agent Framework

Works with VCS 2.0 and 3.5 Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145

Guidelines for Pre-VCS 4.0 Agents with VCS 4.0 Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145

Log Messages in pre-VCS 4.0 Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

Mapping of Log Tags (pre-VCS 4.0) to Log Severities (VCS 4.0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

How pre-VCS 4.0 Messages are Displayed by VCS 4.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

Comparing pre-VCS 4.0 APIs and VCS 4.0 Logging Macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

Pre-VCS 4.0 Message APIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148

VCSAgLogConsoleMsg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148

VCSAgLogI18NMsg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149

VCSAgLogI18NMsgEx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150

VCSAgLogI18NConsoleMsg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151

VCSAgLogI18NConsoleMsgEx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153

xii VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide


This guide describes the API provided by the VERITAS Cluster Server (VCS) agent
framework. It explains how to build and test an agent on UNIX platforms.
Each VCS agent manages resources of a particular type within a highly available cluster
environment. An agent typically brings resources online, takes resources ofine, and
monitors resources to determine their state.
For information on the hardware and software supported by VCS 4.0, and a brief
overview of the features of VCS 4.0, see VERITAS Cluster Server Release Notes.
For information on using and conguring VCS, see the VERITAS Cluster Server Users
For information on using VCS bundled agents, see the VCS Bundled Agents Reference
For more information on installing VCS, see the VERITAS Cluster Server Installation

Getting Help
For technical assistance, visit the VERITAS Technical Services Web site at From there you can:
Contact the VERITAS Technical Services staff and post questions to them.
Download the latest patches and utilities.
View the VCS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page.
Search the knowledge base for answers to technical support questions.
Receive automatic notice of product updates.
Learn about VCS training.
Read white papers related to VCS.
Access the latest product documentation and technical notes.

How This Guide is Organized

Telephone and Fax Support

Telephone and fax support for VCS is available only with a valid support contract. To
contact Technical Services, dial the appropriate phone number listed on the Technical
Support Guide included in the product box. Have your product license information ready
to ensure you are routed to the proper support personnel.

How This Guide is Organized

Chapter 1. Introduction on page 1 introduces agent development.
Chapter 2. Agent Entry Points on page 15 provides a list of VCS entry points and
explains how to implement them.
Chapter 3. Implementing Entry Points Using C++ on page 31 describes how to
implement the VCS entry points using C++. This chapter also describes the VCS agent
Chapter 4. Implementing Entry Points Using Scripts on page 61 describes how to
implement the VCS entry points using scripts.
Chapter 5. Logging Agent Messages on page 69 describes how to include logging
macros and functions within agents.
Chapter 6. Building a Custom VCS Agent on page 87 provides step-by-step
instructions for building a custom agent using C++ and scripts.
Chapter 7. Setting Agent Attributes on page 97 describes each agent parameter and
their default values.
Chapter 8. Testing VCS Agents on page 115 describes testing VCS agents using the
AgentServer utility.
Chapter 9. State Transition Diagrams on page 121 presents a graphical
representation of the dynamic state changes within the agent framework.
Chapter 10. VCS Internationalized Message Catalogs on page 137 describes the
guidelines and tools for managing internationalized messages for custom agents.
Appendix A. How the VCS 4.0 Agent Framework Works with VCS 2.0 and 3.5
Agents on page 145 describes the guidelines for using legacy agents with VCS 4.0.

xiv VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

The VERITAS Enabled Program

The VERITAS Enabled Program

VERITAS has recently launched the VERITAS Enabled Program to help our partners
maintain close integration with VERITAS products. As part of this program, VERITAS is
working with a wide range of partners to create High Availability Agents for VERITAS
Cluster Server. Some of these High Availability Agents are available from VERITAS and
others are available from your application vendor. Visit for
more information.


Typeface Usage

courier computer output, command references within text

courier (bold) user input, keywords in grammar syntax

italic new terms, titles, emphasis

italic variables

Symbol Usage

# UNIX superuser prompt (for all shells)

Preface xv

xvi VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Introduction 1

This guide describes the API provided by the VERITAS Cluster Server (VCS) agent
framework. It explains how to build and test an agent on UNIX platforms.

Note Custom agents, that is, agents developed outside of VERITAS, are not supported by
VERITAS Technical Support.

VCS Agents: An Overview

Each VCS agent is a program that manages resources of a particular type, such as a disk

group or an IP address, within a cluster environment. Each resource type requires an

agent. The agent acts as an intermediary between VCS and the resource it manages,

typically by bringing it online, monitoring its state, or taking it ofine.

Agents packaged with VCS are referred to as bundled agents. Examples of bundled agents

include Share, IP (Internet Protocol), and NIC (network interface card) agents. For more

information on VCS bundled agents, including their attributes and modes of operation,

see the VERITAS Cluster Server Bundled Agents Reference Guide.

Agents packaged separately for use with VCS are referred to as enterprise agents.

They include agents for Informix, Sybase, Oracle, and others. Contact your VERITAS sales

representative for information on how to purchase these agents for your conguration.

For information on installing and conguring VCS, see the VERITAS Cluster Server

Installation Guide.

How Agents Work

How Agents Work

A single VCS agent can manage multiple resources of the same type on one host. For
example, the NIC agent manages all NIC resources.
When the VCS engine process, had, comes up on a system, it automatically starts the
agents required for the types of resources that are to be managed and provides the agents
the specic conguration information for those resources. The agent carries out the
commands from VCS to bring resources online and take them ofine. The agents also
periodically monitor the resources, updating VCS with their status. When an agent
crashes or hangs, VCS detects the fact and restarts the agent.

Note The VCS engine process is known as had. The acronym stands for
high-availability daemon.

The Agent Framework

The VCS agent framework is a set of predened functions compiled into the agent for
each resource type. These functions include the ability to connect to the VCS engine and to
understand the common VCS conguration attributes, such as RestartLimit and
MonitorInterval. When an agents code is built in C++, the agent framework is compiled
in with an include statement. When an agent is built using script languages, such as shell
or Perl, the ScriptAgent provides the agent framework functions. The agent framework
handles much of the complexity that should not concern the agent developer.

Resource Type Denitions

Each resource type requires a resource type denition. A resource type denition
describes the information an agent needs to control resources of that type. The type
denition can be considered similar to a header le in a C program. The type denition
denes the data types of variables (attributes) to provide error checking and provides the
order that the variables (attributes) are passed to the entry points.

Entry Points
An entry point is a section of code or a script used by the agent to carry out a specic
function on a resource. The agent framework supports a specic set of entry points, each
of which has a basic structure and a set of return values. Descriptions of each of the
supported entry points begin with Agent Entry Points on page 19.

2 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Developing an Agent: Overview

The agent developer implements entry points for a resource by providing the specic
denitions required to manage the resource. For example, when implementing an agents
online entry point, the developer includes the command to start a resource; when
implementing the monitor entry point, the developer includes the commands to check if
the resource is online or not.

Developing an Agent: Overview

Before creating the agent, some considerations and planning are required, especially
regarding the application for which the agent is created.

Applications Considerations
The application for which a VCS agent is developed must be capable of being controlled
by the agent and be able to operate in a cluster environment. The following criteria
describe an application that can successfully operate in a cluster:
The application must be capable of being started by a specic command or set of
commands. Specic commands must be available to start the applications external
resources such as le systems and IP addresses.
Each instance of an application must be capable of being stopped by a dened
procedure. Other instances of the application must not be affected.
The application must be capable of being stopped cleanly, by forcible means if
Each instance of an application must be capable of being monitored. Monitoring can
be simple or in-depth. Monitoring an application becomes more effective when the
monitoring test resembles the actual activity of the applications user.
The application must be capable of storing data on shared disks rather than locally or
in memory, and each cluster system must be capable of accessing the data and all
information required to run the application.
The application must be crash-tolerant, that is, it must be capable of being run on a
system that crashes and of being started on a failover node in a known state. This
typically means that data is regularly written to shared storage rather than stored in
The application must be host-independent within a cluster; that is, there are no
licensing requirements or host name dependencies that prevent successful failover.
The application must run properly with other applications in the cluster.

Chapter 1, Introduction 3
Developing an Agent: Overview

Creating an Agent: Highlights

The steps to create and implement an agent are described by example in Building a
Custom VCS Agent on page 87. Highlights of those steps are described here.

Create the Resource Type Denition

Create a le containing the resource type denition. Name the le This le is referenced as an include statement in the VCS
conguration le, See Resource Type Denitions on page 5.

Decide to Use C++ or Scripts to Implement the Agent

Decide whether to implement the agent entry points using C++ code, scripts, or a
combination of the two. There are advantages and disadvantages implementing entry
points in either method. Refer to Agent Entry Points on page 15 and review the
description of Using C++ or Script Entry Points.

Create the Entry Points

The procedures and guidelines for creating the entry points are described in
Implementing Entry Points Using C++ on page 31 and Implementing Entry Points
Using Scripts on page 61.
Use the sample les in $VCS_HOME/src/agent/Sample to create a C++ agent or
agent using entry points written in C++ and scripts. Build the agent binary. Place it in
the directory $VCS_HOME/bin/resource_type.
Use the ScriptAgent to build an agent using only script entry points.
Install script entry point les in the directory $VCS_HOME/bin/resource_type.

Test the Agent

Test the agent by dening the resource type in a VCS conguration. See Testing VCS
Agents on page 115.

4 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Developing an Agent: Overview

Resource Type Denitions

The le contains denitions of standard VCS resource types. The example
shown in the following paragraph is for a standard VCS resource type, FileOnOff. A
custom resource type denition should be placed in a le called

Example Resource Type Denition: FileOnOff Resource

The FileOnOff agent is designed to manage simple les. Each FileOnOff resource manages
one le. For example, when VCS wants to online the FileOnOff resource, the FileOnOff
agent calls the online entry point to create a le of a specic name in a specic location.
To monitor the FileOnOff resource, the agent calls the monitor entry point to verify the
existence of the le. When VCS wants the FileOnOff resource taken ofine, the agent calls
the offline entry point to remove the le.
The following shows the denition for the FileOnOff resource type. It applies to all
resources of the FileOnOff type:
type FileOnOff (

static str ArgList[] = { PathName }

str PathName

This denition is included in the VCS le. Note the following points about the
FileOnOff type denition:
The keyword type is followed by the name of the resource type, in this case,
The ArgList attribute includes the names of the attributes, listing them in the order
they are sent to the entry points. In the case of this example, the FileOnOff resource
type contains only one attribute, PathName, the pathname for the le.
The PathName attribute is dened as a str, or string variable. The data type for
each attribute must be dened.

Chapter 1, Introduction 5
Developing an Agent: Overview

The FileOnOff Resource: an Example in the File

In the VCS conguration le,, a specic resource of the FileOnOff resource type
may resemble:

FileOnOff temp_file01 (

PathName = "/tmp/test"

The include statement at the beginning of the le names the le,
which includes the FileOnOff resource type denition. The resource dened in the le species:
The resource type: FileOnOff
The unique name of the resource, temp_file01
The value for the PathName attribute: /tmp/test
The agent creates a le test in the directory /tmp.

How the FileOnOff Agent Uses Conguration Information

This information in the VCS conguration is passed by the engine to the FileOnOff agent
when the agent starts up. The information passed to the agent includes: resource names,
the corresponding resource attributes, and the values of the attributes for all of the
resources of that type.
Thereafter, to bring the resource online, for example, VCS can provide the agent with the
name of the entry point (online) and the name of the resource (temp_file01). The
agent then calls the entry point and provides the resource name and values for the
attributes in the ArgList. The entry point performs its tasks.

6 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Developing an Agent: Overview

Example Script Entry Points for the FileOnOff Resource

The following example shows entry points written in a shell script.

Note The actual VCS FileOnOff entry points are written in C++, but for this example,
shell script is used.

Online Entry Point for FileOnOff

The FileOnOff example entry point is simple. When the agents online entry point is
called by the agent, the entry point expects the name of the resource as the rst argument
and the value of PathName attribute as the second argument. It then creates the le in the
specied path. For our specic FileOnOff example, the le /tmp/test would be created.

# FileOnOff Online script

# Expects ResourceName and PathName


. $VCSHOME/bin/



#check if second attribute provided

if [ -z "$2" ]


VCSAG_LOG_MSG "W" "The value for PathName is not specified



#Create the file

touch $2


exit 0;

# No need for exit code. Shell returns 0 if successful

# and 1 if not. Monitor will be called in either case.

# exit code indicates the number of seconds VCS should wait,

# after online entry point completes, before calling the monitor

# entry point to check the resource state.

Chapter 1, Introduction 7
Developing an Agent: Overview

Monitor Entry Point for FileOnOff

The example FileOnOff monitor entry point accepts the name of the resource and the
same ArgList as the rst and second arguments and checks if the le exists. If the le
exists it returns exit code 110 for online. If the le does not exist the monitor returns 100
for ofine. If the state of the le cannot be determined, the monitor returns 99.

# FileOnOff Monitor script

# Expects Resource Name and Pathname


. $VCSHOME/bin/



#check if second attribute provided

#Exit with unknown and log error if not provided.

if [ -z "$2" ]


VCSAG_LOG_MSG "W" "The value for PathName is not specified


exit 99


if [ -f $2 ]; then exit 110;

# Exit online (110) if file exists

# Exit offline (100) if file does not exist

else exit 100;



8 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Developing an Agent: Overview

Ofine Entry Point for FileOnOff

The example FileOnOff offline entry point accepts the name of the resource and the
same ArgList attribute values and deletes the le specied by PathName.

# FileOnOff Offline script

# Expects ResourceName and Pathname


. $VCSHOME/bin/



#check if second attribute provided

if [ -z "$2" ]


VCSAG_LOG_MSG "W" "The value for PathName is not specified



#remove the file

/bin/rm f $2


exit 0;

# No need for exit code, as shell returns 0 if successful

# and 1 if not. Monitor will be called in either case.

# Similar to online - exit code indicates how long VCS should

# wait, after offline completes, before calling monitor for the

# resource.

Chapter 1, Introduction 9
Types of Resources and Agent Entry Points They Require

Types of Resources and Agent Entry Points They Require

Different types of resources require different types of control, requiring implementation of
different entry points. Resources can be classied as OnOff, OnOnly, or Persistent,
depending on the entry points required to control them.
OnOff resources
Most resources are OnOff, meaning VCS starts and stops them as required. For
example, VCS assigns the IP address to the specied NIC and removes the assigned IP
address when the associated service group is taken ofine. Another example is the
DiskGroup resource. VCS imports a disk group when needed and deports it when it is
no longer needed. For agents of OnOff resources, all entry points can be implemented.
OnOnly resources
An OnOnly resource is brought online when required by VCS, but it is not taken
ofine when the associated service group is taken ofine. For example, in the case of
the FileOnOnly resource, VCS creates the specied le if required, but does not delete
the le if the associated service group is taken ofine. For agents of OnOnly resources,
online and monitor entry points can be implemented.
Persistent resources
A Persistent resource cannot be brought online or taken ofine, yet VCS requires the
resource to be present in the conguration. For example, a NIC resource cannot be started
or stopped, but it is required to congure an IP address. VCS monitors Persistent resources
to ensure their status and operation. An agent for a Persistent resource requires the
monitor entry point.
For all these types of resource, info and action entry points can be implemented.

The Attributes of Resources and Resource Types

Resources are congured and controlled by dening their attributes and assigning values
to these attributes. The attributes assigned to VCS resources can be categorized by the
scope of their control within the cluster. Some attributes only congure a specic resource,
some affect the behavior of a resource type, and some are applicable to all resource types.

10 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

The Attributes of Resources and Resource Types

Categories of Attributes
Resource-specic attributes.
An attribute that can be dened for a specic resource only is resource-specic.
Examples include the PathName attribute for the FileOnOff resource and the
MountPoint attribute for the Mount resource. Resource-specic attributes are set in
the le.
Type-dependent attributes:
When attributes can be dened only for resources of a specic type, they are
type-dependent. An example would be the StartVolumes and Stop Volumes attributes
of the VCS DiskGroup resource type. All resources of the type DiskGroup have the
default values for these attributes. For example:
type DiskGroup (

int StartVolumes = 1

int StopVolumes = 1

Type-dependent attributes can be static and non-static. Static attributes are typically
dened in the le, identied as static. For example:
type FileOnOff (

static str ArgList[] = { PathName }

Static resource type attributes can be overridden. See Overriding Static Attributes
on page 97.
Type-independent attributes:
An attribute that can be dened for resources regardless of their type is a
type-independent type. An example might be the MonitorInterval attribute. These
attributes are dened in the agent framework when the agent is developed.
The value of a type-independent attribute can be set for a give type. For example, the
default value of MonitorInterval is 60 seconds, but it can be set for a specic resource
type in the le.
type FileOnOff (

static str ArgList[] = { PathName }

str PathName

static int MonitorInterval=30

Chapter 1, Introduction 11
The Attributes of Resources and Resource Types

Global and local attributes:

An attribute whose value applies for the resource on all systems is global. The values
of a resources attribute can be set to have a local scope, that is, apply to specic
systems. In the following example of the MultiNICA resource type, attributes
applying locally are indicated by @system following the attribute name:
MultiNICA mnic (

Device@sysa = { le0 = "", qfe3 = "" }

Device@sysb = { le0 = "", qfe3 = "" }

NetMask = ""

ArpDelay = 5

Options = "trailers"

RouteOptions@sysa = "default 0"

RouteOptions@sysb = "default 0"

Temp attributes
Temp attributes are maintained by VCS only at run time. Their values are not dumped
to disk and hence, are lost when VCS is stopped and restarted. Refer to the VERITAS
Cluster Server Users Guide for information about temp attributes.

Attribute Data Types and Dimensions

Attributes contain data regarding the cluster, systems, service groups, resources, resource
types, agents, and heartbeats if the Global Cluster option is used (refer to the VERITAS
Cluster Server Users Guide for information about the Global Cluster option).

Attribute Data Types

A string is a sequence of characters enclosed by double quotes. A string may also
contain double quotes, but the quotes must be immediately preceded by a backslash
character. A backslash is represented in a string as \\.
Quotes are not required if a string begins with a letter, and contains only letters,
numbers, dashes (-), and underscores (_). For example, a string dening a network
interface such as hme0 does not require quotes as it contains only letters and numbers.
However a string dening an IP address requires quotes, such as:
because the IP contains periods.
str Address

12 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

The Attributes of Resources and Resource Types

Signed integer constants are a sequence of digits from 0 to 9. They may be preceded
by a dash, and are interpreted in base 10. Integers cannot exceed the value of a 32-bit
signed integer, 21471183247. For example:
int StartVolumes = 1

A boolean is an integer, the possible values of which are 0 (false) and 1 (true). For
example, the Critical attribute has two possible values:
bool Critical = 1

Attribute Dimensions
A scalar has only one value. This is the default dimension. The denition of an
attribute resembles:
str scalar_attribute

For example:
str MountPoint

When values are assigned to a scalar, the attribute in the le might
MountPoint = "/Backup"

A vector is an ordered list of values. Each value is indexed using a positive integer
beginning with zero. A set of brackets ([]) denotes that the dimension is a vector.
Brackets are specied after the attribute name in the attribute denition. To dene an
attribute with a vector dimension, add a line in the resource type denition that
str vector_attribute[]

For example:
str BackupSys[]

When values are assigned to a vector, the attribute in the le might
BackupSys[] = { sysA, sysB, sysC }

Chapter 1, Introduction 13
The Attributes of Resources and Resource Types

A keylist is an unordered list of strings, with each string being unique within the list.
To dene an attribute with a keylist dimension, add a line in the resource type
denition that resembles:
keylist keylist_attribute = { value1, value2 }

For example:
keylist BackupVols = {}

When values are assigned to a keylist, the attribute in the le might
BackupVols = { vol1, vol2 }

An association is an unordered list of name-value pairs. Each pair is separated by an
equal sign. A set of braces ({}) denotes that an attribute is an association. Braces are
specied after the attribute name in the attribute denition. To dene an attribute
with an association dimension, add a line in the resource type denition that
int assoc_attr{} = { attr1 = val1, attr2 = val2 }

For example:
int BackupSysList {}

When values are assigned to an association, the attribute in the le might
BackupSysList{} = { sysa=1, sysb=2, sysc=3 }

14 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Agent Entry Points 2

Developing a VCS agent requires using the agent framework and implementing entry
points. An entry point is a plug-in, dened by the user, that is called when an event, such as
onlining, ofining, or monitoring a resource, occurs within the VCS agent. Denitions of
each of the supported entry points begin with Agent Entry Points on page 19.
The VCS agent framework ensures that a resource has only one entry point running at a
time. If multiple requests or events are received for the same resource, they are queued,
then processed one at a time. An exception to this behavior is an optimization such that
the agent framework discards internally generated periodic monitoring requests for a
resource that is being monitored or that has a pending monitor request. However, because
the agent framework is multithreaded, a single agent process can run entry points of
several resources simultaneously. For example, if a resource receives requests to ofine
rst, then close, the offline entry point is called rst. The close entry point is called
only after the ofine request returns or times out. However, if the ofine request is
received for one resource, and the close request is received for another, both are called

Using C++ or Script Entry Points

An entry point can be implemented as a C++ function or a script. The advantage to using
C++ is that entry points are compiled and linked with the agent framework library. They
run as part of the agent process, so there is no system overhead when they are called. The
advantage to using scripts is that you can modify the entry points dynamically; however,
a new process is created each time the entry points are called.
Note that you may use C++, Perl, and shell in any combination to implement multiple
entry points for a single agent. This allows you to implement each entry point in the most
advantageous manner. For example, you may use scripts to implement most entry points
while using C++ to implement the monitor entry point, which is called often. If the
monitor entry point is written in script, a new process must be created each time it is

Using C++ or Script Entry Points

C++ Agents
If you create an agent with all the agents entry points in C++, or some entry points in C++
and some in script, you must create a C++ agent that contains the VCSAgStartup
routine, the necessary C++ primitives, and the C++ entry points. A sample le containing
templates for creating an agent using C++ entry points is located in
$VCS_HOME/src/agent/Sample. Refer to Building a Custom VCS Agent on page 87
for information about how to build an agent using C++ entry points or a combination of
C++ and script entry points. See also Implementing Entry Points Using C++ on page 31
or Implementing Entry Points Using Scripts on page 61.

Script Agents
If you create an agent using only script entry points, that is, no C++ code, you can base the
agent on the ScriptAgent, $VCS_HOME/bin/ScriptAgent. Refer to Building a Custom
VCS Agent on page 87 for information about creating an agent using only script entry
points. See also, Implementing Entry Points Using Scripts on page 61.

When an agent starts, it uses the routine named VCSAgStartup to initialize the agents
data structures and connect the agent to the VCS engine. After the agent downloads the
necessary information it needs for the congured resources from the engine, it can control
the resources based on the entry points.

Implementing All or Some of the Entry Points in C++

If you implement all or some of the entry points in C++, you can use VCSAgStartup
routine within the agent to assign the entry points to be used. You can do this by dening
a variable of type VCSAGV40EntryPointStruct and setting its elds appropriately for
each entry point. (See VCS Primitives on page 51.) If you implement some entry points
using scripts, assign a NULL value to their elds in VCSAgV40EntryPointStruct, in
which case, the agent looks for and executes the scripts.

Implementing Entry Points Using Scripts

If you implement all of the agents entry points using scripts, you can base the agent on
the ScriptAgent, which includes a built-in implementation of VCSAgStartup that looks
for and executes the scripts.

16 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Using C++ or Script Entry Points

Sample Structure
VCSAgStartup registers the agent entry points with the agent framework by calling the
primitive VCSAgRegisterEPStruct, which includes the structure
VCSAgV40EntryPointStruct has the following denition:
// Structure used to register the entry points.

typedef struct {

void (*open)(const char *res_name,void **attr_val);

void (*close)(const char *res_name,void **attr_val);

VCSAgResState (*monitor)(const char

*res_name, void **attr_val,

int *conf_level);

unsigned int (*online)(const char *res_name,

void **attr_val);

unsigned int (*offline) (const char *res_name,

void **attr_val);

unsigned int (*action) (const char *res_name, const char

*action_token, void **attr_val, char **action_args,

char *action_output);

unsigned int (*info) (const char *res_name,

VCSAgResInfoOp resinfo_op, void **attr_val, char

**info_output, char ***opt_update_args, char


void (*attr_changed) (const char *res_name,

const char *changed_res_name, const char

*changed_attr_name, void **new_val);

unsigned int (*clean) (const char *res_name,

VCSAgWhyClean reason, void **attr_val);

void (*shutdown) ();

} VCSAgV40EntryPointStruct;

Chapter 2, Agent Entry Points 17

Using C++ or Script Entry Points

Example: Modifying VCSAgStartup for C++ and Script Entry Points

When using C++ to implement an entry point, assign the entry points function to the
corresponding eld of VCSAgV40EntryPointStruct. In the following example, the
function my_shutdown is assigned to the eld shutdown.
Note that the monitor entry point, which is mandatory, is assigned a NULL value,
indicating it is implemented using scripts. If you are using a script entry point, or if you
are not implementing an optional entry point, set the corresponding eld to NULL. For an
entry point whose eld is set to NULL, the agent automatically looks for the correct script
to execute: $VCS_HOME/bin/resource_type/entry_point.
#include "VCSAgApi.h"

void my_shutdown() {


void VCSAgStartup() {

VCSAgV40EntryPointStruct ep; = NULL; = NULL;

ep.offline = NULL;

ep.monitor = NULL;

ep.attr_changed = NULL;

ep.clean = NULL;

ep.close = NULL; = NULL;

ep.action = NULL;

ep.shutdown = my_shutdown;

VCSAgRegisterEPStruct(V40, &ep);

18 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Agent Entry Points

Agent Entry Points

The VCS agent framework supports the entry points listed below. With the exception of
monitor, all entry points are optional. Each may be implemented in C++ or scripts.
Beginning with the entry point monitor below, each VCS agent entry point is listed and
dened in the following sections.

Chapter 2, Agent Entry Points 19

Agent Entry Points

The monitor entry point typically contains the code to determine status of the resource.
For example, the monitor entry point of the IP agent checks whether or not an IP address
is congured, and returns the state online, ofine, or unknown.

Note This entry point is mandatory.

The framework calls the monitor entry point entry point after completing the online
and offline entry points to determine if bringing the resource online or taking it ofine
was effective. The agent framework also calls this entry point periodically to detect if the
resource was brought online or taken ofine unexpectedly. Under normal circumstances,
the monitor runs every sixty seconds when a resource is online, and every 300 seconds
when a resource of expected to be ofine.
The monitor entry point receives a resource name and ArgList attribute values as input
(see ArgList on page 99).
It returns the resource status (online, ofine, or unknown), and the condence level 0100.
The condence level is informative only and is not used by VCS. It is returned only when
the resource status is online.
A C++ entry point can return a condence level of 0100. A script entry point combines
the status and the condence level in a single number. For example:
100 indicates ofine.
101 indicates online and condence level 10.
102 indicates online and condence level 20.
103109 indicates online and condence levels 3090.
110 indicates online and condence level 100.
If the exit value of the monitor script entry point falls outside the range 100110, the status
is considered unknown.

20 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Agent Entry Points

The info entry point enables agents to obtain information about an online resource. For
example, the Mount agents info entry point could be used to report on space available
in the le system.
All information collected by the info entry point is stored in the temp attribute
ResourceInfo. The ResourceInfo attribute is a string association that stores
name-value pairs. By default, there are three such name-value pairs: State, Msg, and TS.
State indicates the status of the information contained in the ResourceInfo attribute;
Msg indicates the output of the info entry point, in any; TS indicates the timestamp of
when the ResourceInfo attribute was last modied.
The entry point can optionally modify a resources ResourceInfo attribute by adding or
updating other name-value pairs using the following commands:
hares -modify res ResourceInfo -add attribute value

hares -modify res ResourceInfo -update attribute value
For a description of the ResourceInfo attribute, see ResourceInfo on page 107. Refer
also to the manual page for the hares command.
For input, the info entry point receives as arguments the resource name, the value of
resinfo_op, and the ArgList attribute values. In the case of C++ implementation, the
output of the entry point is returned in info_output. Any optional name-value pairs are
returned in either opt_add_args or opt_update_args two-dimensional character
arrays. See the C++ example, Example, Info Entry Point Implementation in C++ on
page 39. For the script example, see info on page 65.

Return Values
If the info entry point exits with 0 (success), the output captured on stdout for the
script entry point, or the contents of the info_output argument for C++ entry point,
is dumped to the Msg key of the ResourceInfo attribute. The Msg key is updated
only when the info entry point is successful. The State key is set to the value: Valid.
If the entry point exits with a non-zero value, ResourceInfo is updated to indicate
the error; output of the scripts stdout or the C++ entry points info_output is
ignored. The State key is set to the value: Invalid. The error message is written to
the agents log le.
If the info entry point times out, output from the entry point is ignored. The State
key is set to the value: Invalid. The error message is written to the agents log le.
If the info entry point is killed by a user (for example, kill -15 pid), the State
key is set to the value: Invalid. The error message is written to the agents log le.

Chapter 2, Agent Entry Points 21

Agent Entry Points

If the resource for which the entry point is invoked goes ofine or faults, the State key
is set to the value: Stale.
If the info entry point is not implemented, the State key is set to the value: Stale.
The error message is written to the agents log le.
The info entry point can be invoked from the command line for a given online resource
using the hares -refreshinfo command. See the hares manual page.

The online entry point typically contains the code to bring a resource online. For
example, the online entry point for an IP agent congures an IP address. When the
online procedure completes, the monitor entry point is automatically called by the
framework to verify that the resource is online.
The online entry point receives a resource name and ArgList attribute values as input.
It returns an integer indicating the number of seconds to wait for the online to take effect.
The typical return value is 0. If the return value is not zero, the agent framework
schedules the monitor to begin only after this time has elapsed.

The offline entry point is called to take a resource ofine. For example, the offline
entry point for an IP agent removes an IP address from the system. When the ofine
procedure completes, the monitor entry point is automatically called by the framework
to verify that the resource is ofine.
The offline entry point receives a resource name and ArgList attribute values as
input. It returns an integer indicating the number of seconds to wait for the ofine to take
effect. The typical return value is 0. If the return value is not zero, the agent framework
schedules the monitor to begin only after this time has elapsed.

22 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Agent Entry Points

The clean entry point is called automatically by the agent framework when all ongoing
tasks associated with a resource must be terminated and the resource must be taken
ofine, perhaps forcibly. The entry point receives as input the resource name, an encoded
reason describing why the entry point is being called, and the ArgList attribute values.
It must return 0 if the operation is successful, and 1 if unsuccessful.
The reason for calling the entry point is encoded according to the following enum type:
enum VCSAgWhyClean {








The offline entry point did not complete within the expected time.
(See OfineTimeout on page 105.)
The offline entry point was ineffective.
The online entry point did not complete within the expected time.
(See OnlineTimeout on page 105.)
The online entry point was ineffective.
The online resource faulted because it was taken ofine unexpectedly.
The online resource faulted because the monitor entry point consistently failed to
complete within the expected time.
(See FaultOnMonitorTimeouts on page 101.)

Chapter 2, Agent Entry Points 23

Agent Entry Points

The agent supports the following tasks when the clean entry point is implemented:
Automatically restarts a resource on the local system when the resource faults. (See
the RestartLimit attribute for the resource type.)
Automatically retries the online entry point when the attempt to bring a resource
online fails. (See the OnlineRetryLimit attribute for the resource type.)
Enables the VCS engine to bring a resource online on another system when the
online entry point for the resource fails on the local system.
For the above actions to occur, the clean entry point must return 0.

24 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Agent Entry Points

The command hares with the -action option invokes the action entry point.
Administrators can issue the command to bring about a specic action with respect to a
specied resource on a given system within a given cluster. Actions are designated by a
the action_token argument. Typically, such actions are those that can be completed in a
short time and do not involve onlining or ofining the resource. The following shows the
syntax for the -action option used with the hares command:
hares -action res_name action_token [-actionargs arg1 arg2 ... ]

[-sys sys_name] [-clus cluster]

The actions specied by the action token correspond to actions dened in the static
attribute SupportedActions in the resource type denition le (see
SupportedActions on page 108). Such actions may include getting the name of a
database instance (in the case of a database-related agent, for example), putting a database
in the restricted mode, taking a database out of restricted mode, backing up a database,
and so on.
For a script-based implementation of the action entry point, a directory named actions
within /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/agent must contain scripts named for each action
indicated by the action token. For example, the RVG agent could have the scripts named:
demote, split_dg, and promote in directory /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/RVG/actions.
The agent framework invokes the script directly. (See action on page 64.)
For C++-based implementation of the action entry point, case statements correspond to
actions, one for each action_token. See action on page 44.

Return Values
The action entry point exits with a 0 if it is successful, or 1 if not successful. The
command hares -action exits with 0 if the action entry point exits with a 0 and 1 if
the action entry point is not successful.

The default value of the static resource type attribute, ActionTimeout, is 20 seconds.
This attribute can be overridden for specic resources. See ActionTimeout on page 98.

Chapter 2, Agent Entry Points 25

Agent Entry Points

The attr_changed entry point is called when a resource attribute is modied, and only
if that resource is registered with the agent framework for notication. See the primitives
VCSAgRegister on page 54 and VCSAgUnregister on page 55 for details. To register
automatically, see RegList on page 108. This entry point receives as input the resource
name registered with the agent framework for notication, the name of the changed
resource, the name of the changed attribute, and the new attribute value. It does not
return a value. This entry point provides a way to respond to resource changes. Most
agents do not require this functionality and will not implement this entry point.

The open entry point is called when the VCS agent starts managing a resource; for
example, when the agent starts, or when the value of the Enabled attribute is changed
from 0 to 1. It receives a resource name and ArgList attribute values as input and returns
no value. This entry point typically initializes the resource.

Note A resource can be brought online, taken ofine, and monitored only if it is managed
by a VCS agent. The value of the resources Enabled attribute must be set to 1.

When a VCS agent is started, the open entry point of each resource is guaranteed to be
called before its online, offline, or monitor entry points are called. This allows you
to include initializations for specic resources. Most agents do not require this
functionality and will not implement this entry point.

The close entry point is called when the VCS agent stops managing a resource. For
example, it is called when the value of the Enabled attribute is changed from 1 to 0. It
receives a resource name and ArgList attribute values as input and returns no value.
This entry point typically deinitializes the resource if implemented. Most agents do not
require this functionality and will not implement this entry point.

Note A resource is monitored only if it is managed by a VCS agent. The value of the
resources Enabled attribute must be set to 1.

The shutdown entry point is called before the VCS agent shuts down. It receives no input
and returns no value. Most agents do not require this functionality and will not
implement this entry point.

26 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Summary of Return Values for Entry Points

Summary of Return Values for Entry Points

The following table summarizes the return values for each entry point.

Entry Point Return Values

Monitor C++ Based Returns ResStateValues:

Script-Based Exit values:
100 - Ofine
101-110 - Online
99 - Unknown

Info 0 if successful; non-zero value if not successful

Online Integer specifying number of seconds to wait before monitor can check the state of
the resource; typically 0, i.e., check resource immediately.

Ofine Integer specifying number of seconds to wait before monitor can check the state of
the resource; typically 0, i.e., check resource immediately.

Clean 0 if successful; non-zero value if not successful

If clean fails, the resource remains in a transition state awaiting the next periodic
monitor. After the periodic monitor, clean is attempted again. The sequence of
clean attempt followed by monitoring continues until clean succeeds. Refer to
State Transition Diagrams on page 121 for descriptions of internal transition

Action 0 if successful; non-zero value if not successful

Attr_changed None

Open None

Close None

Shutdown None

Chapter 2, Agent Entry Points 27

Agent Information File

Agent Information File

The Java-based graphical user interface (GUI), Cluster Manager, can display information
about the attributes of a given resource type. For each custom agent, developers can create
an XML le that contains the attribute information for use by the GUI. The XML le also
contains information to be used by the GUI to allow or disallow certain operations.

Example Agent Information File

The agents information le is an XML le, named agent_name.xml, located in the
agent directory. The le contains information about the agent, such as its name and
version, and the description of the arguments for the resource type attributes. For
example, the following le contains information for the FileOnOff agent:
<?xml version="1.0">

<agent name="FileOnOff" version="4.0">

<agent_description>Creates, removes, and monitors files.


<!--Platform the agent runs on-->


<!--Type of agent : script-Binary-Mixed-->


<!--info entry point implemented or not-->


<!--The minimum VCS version needed for this agent-->


<!--The agent vendor name-->


<!--Attributes list for this agent-->


<PathName type="str" dimension="Scalar" editable="True"

important="True" mustconfigure="True" unique="True"

persistent="True" range="" default=""


<attr_description>Specifies the absolute pathname.




<!--List of files installed by this agent-->


<file name="$VCS_HOME/bin/FileOnOff/FileOnOffAgent" />



28 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Agent Information File

Agent Information
The information describing the agent is contained in the rst section of the XML le. The
following table describes this information, which is also contained in the previous le

Agent Information Example

Agent name


Agent description
<agent_description>Creates, removes, and

monitors files.</agent_description>

Platform. For example, Windows <platform>Solaris</platform>

2000 i386, or Solaris sparc.

Agent vendor <vendor>VERITAS<\vendor>

info entry point implemented <info_implemented>No</info_implemented>

or not; Yes, or No; if not

indicated, info entry point is
assumed not implemented

Agent type, for example, Binary, <agenttype>Binary</agenttype>

Script or Mixed

VCS compatibility; the <minvcsversion>4.0</minvcsversion>

minimum version required to

support the agent

Attribute Argument Details

The agents attribute information is described by several arguments which are listed in the
following table. Refer also to the previous XML le example for the FileOnOff agent and
see how the PathName attribute information is included in the le.

Argument Description

type Possible values for attribute type, such as str for strings; see Attribute Data
Types on page 12

Chapter 2, Agent Entry Points 29

Agent Information File

Argument Description

dimension Values for the attribute dimension, such as Scalar;" see Attribute
Dimensions on page 13 for more information on dimensions

editable Possible Values = True or False

Indicates if the attribute is editable or not. In most cases, the resource
attributes are editable.

important Possible Values = True or False

Indicates whether or not the attribute is important enough to display. In most
cases, the value is True.

mustcongure Possible Values = True or False

Indicates if the attribute must be congured to make the resource online. GUI
displays such attributes with special indication. If the value of the
mustconfigure attribute is not specied, the resource state should become
UNKNOWN in the rst monitor cycle. Example of such attributes are
Address for the IP agent, Device for the NIC agent, and FsckOpt for the
Mount agent).

unique Possible Values = True or False

Indicates if the attribute value must be unique in the VCS conguration, that
is, whether or not two resources of same resource type may have the same
value for this attribute. Example of such an attribute is Address for the IP
agent. Not used in the GUI.

persistent Possible Values = True. This argument should always be set to True; it is
reserved for future use.

range Denes the acceptable range of the attribute value. GUI or any other client can
use this value for attribute value validation.
Value Format: The range is specied in the form {a,b} or [a,b]. Square brackets
indicate that the adjacent value is included in the range. The curly brackets
indicate that the adjacent value is not included in the range. For example, {a,b]
indicates that the range is from a to b, contains b, and excludes a. In cases
where the range is greater than a and does not have an upper limit, it can be
represented as {a,] and, similarly, as {,b] when there is no minimum value.

default It indicates the default value of attribute

displayname It is used by GUI or clients to show the attribute in user friendly manner. For
example, for FsckOpt its value could be fsck option.

30 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Implementing Entry Points Using C++ 3
This chapter describes how to use C++ to implement agent entry points. This chapter also
describes agent primitives, the C++ functions provided by the VCS agent framework.
Because the agent framework is multithreaded, all C++ code written by the agent
developer must be MT-safe. For best results, avoid using global variables. If you do use
them, access must be serialized (for example, by using mutex locks).
The following guidelines also apply:
Do not use C library functions that are unsafe in multithreaded applications. Instead,
use the equivalent reentrant versions, such as readdir_r() instead of readdir().
Access manual pages for either of these commands by entering: man command.
When acquiring resources (dynamically allocating memory or opening a le, for
example), use thread-cancellation handlers to ensure that resources are freed properly.
See the manual pages for pthread_cleanup_push and pthread_cleanup_pop
for details. Access manual pages for either of these commands by entering: man

Data Structures
// Values for the state of a resource - returned by the

// monitor entry point.

enum VCSAgResState {

VCSAgResOffline,// Resource is offline.

VCSAgResOnline,// Resource is online.

VCSAgResUnknown// Resource is neither online nor offline.


Data Structures

// Values for the reason why the clean entry point

// is called.

enum VCSAgWhyClean {

VCSAgCleanOfflineHung, // offline entry point did

// not complete within the

// expected time.

VCSAgCleanOfflineIneffective, // offline entry point

// was ineffective.

VCSAgCleanOnlineHung, // online entry point did

// not complete within the

// expected time.

VCSAgCleanOnlineIneffective, // online entry point

// was ineffective.

VCSAgCleanUnexpectedOffline, // the resource became

// offline unexpectedly.

VCSAgCleanMonitorHung // monitor entry point did

// not complete within the

// expected time.


// Structure used to register the entry points.

typedef struct {

void (*open)(const char *res_name, void **attr_val);

void (*close)(const char *res_name, void **attr_val);

VCSAgResState (*monitor)(const char *res_name,

void **attr_val, int, *conf_level);

unsigned int (*online)(const char *res_name,

void **attr_val);

unsigned int (*offline)(const char *res_name,

void **attr_val);

unsigned int (*action) (const char *res_name, const char

*action_token, void **attr_val, char **action_args,

char *action_output);

unsigned int (*info) (const char *res_name, VCSAgResInfoOp

resinfo_op, void **attr_val, char **info_output, char

***opt_update_args, char ***opt_add_args);

void (*attr_changed)(const char *res_name,

const char *changed_res_name, const char

*changed_attr_name, void **new_val);

unsigned int (*clean)(const char *res_name,

VCSAgWhyClean reason, void **attr_val);

void (*shutdown) ();

} VCSAgV40EntryPointStruct;

The structure VCSAgV40EntryPointStruct consists of function pointers, one for each

VCS entry point except VCSAgStartup. The VCSAgStartup entry point is called by
name, and therefore must be implemented using C++ and named VCSAgStartup.

32 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

ArgList Attribute

ArgList Attribute
The ArgList attribute is a predened static attribute that species the list of attributes
whose values are passed to the open, close, online, offline, action, info, and
monitor entry points. The values of the ArgList attributes are passed through a
parameter of type void **. For example, the signature of the online entry point is:
unsigned int

res_online(const char *res_name, void **attr_val);

The parameter attr_val is an array of character pointers that contains the ArgList
attribute values. The last element of the array is a NULL pointer. Attribute values in
attr_val are listed in the same order as attributes in ArgList.
The values of scalar attributes (integer and string) are each contained in a single element
of attr_val. The values of non-scalar attributes (vector, keylist, and association) are
contained in one or more elements of attr_val. If a non-scalar attribute contains N
components, it will have N+1 elements in attr_val. The rst element is N, and the
remaining N elements correspond to the N components. SeeArgList on page 99 for more
information. See the chapter describing the VCS conguration language in the VERITAS
Cluster Server Users Guide for attribute denitions.

Chapter 3, Implementing Entry Points Using C++ 33

ArgList Attribute

For example, if Type Foo is dened in the le as:

Type Foo (

str Name

int IntAttr

str StringAttr

str VectorAttr[]

str AssocAttr{}

static str ArgList[] = { IntAttr, StringAttr,

VectorAttr, AssocAttr }

And if a resource Bar is dened in the le as:

Foo Bar (

IntAttr = 100

StringAttr = "Oracle"

VectorAttr = { "vol1", "vol2", "vol3" }

AssocAttr = { "disk1" = "1024", "disk2" = "512" }

The parameter attr_val will be:

attr_val[0] ===> "100" // Value of IntAttr, the first

// ArgList attribute.

attr_val[1] ===> "Oracle" // Value of StringAttr.

attr_val[2] ===> "3" // Number of components in VectorAttr.

attr_val[3] ===> "vol1"

attr_val[4] ===> "vol2"

attr_val[5] ===> "vol3"

attr_val[6] ===> "4" // Number of components in AssocAttr.

attr_val[7] ===> "disk1"

attr_val[8] ===> "1024"

attr_val[9] ===> "disk2"

attr_val[10]===> "512"

attr_val[11]===> NULL // Last element.

34 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

C++ Entry Point Syntax

C++ Entry Point Syntax

The following paragraphs describes the syntax for C++ entry points.

void VCSAgStartup();

The entry point VCSAgStartup() must use the primitive

VCSAgRegisterEPStruct() to register the other entry points with the VCS agent
framework. (See VCS Primitives on page 51.) Note that the name of the C++ function
must be VCSAgStartup().
For example:
// This example shows the VCSAgStartup() entry point

// implementation,assuming that the monitor, online, and

// offline entry points are implemented in C++ and the respective

// function names are res_monitor, res_online, and res_offline.

#include "VCSAgApi.h"

void VCSAgStartup() {

VCSAgV40EntryPointStruct ep; = NULL;

ep.close = NULL;

ep.monitor = res_monitor; = res_online;

ep.offline = res_offline;

ep.action = NULL; = NULL;

ep.attr_changed = NULL;

ep.clean = NULL;

ep.shutdown = NULL;

VCSAgRegisterEPStruct(V40, &ep);

VCSAgResState res_monitor(const char *res_name, void

**attr_val, int *conf_level) {


unsigned int res_online(const char *res_name,

void **attr_val) {


unsigned int res_offline(const char *res_name,

void **attr_val) {


Chapter 3, Implementing Entry Points Using C++ 35

C++ Entry Point Syntax


res_monitor(const char *res_name, void **attr_val,int


You may select any name for the function.

The parameter conf_level is an output parameter. The return value, which indicates
the resource status, must be a dened VCSAgResState value. See Summary of Return
Values for Entry Points on page 27.
The monitor eld of VCSAgV40EntryPointStruct passed to
VCSAgRegisterEPStruct() must be assigned a pointer to this function.
For example:
#include "VCSAgApi.h"


res_monitor(const char *res_name, void **attr_val, int


// Code to determine the state of a resource.

VCSAgResState res_state = ...

if (res_state == VCSAgResOnline) {

// Determine the confidence level (0 to 100).

*conf_level = ...

else {

*conf_level = 0;

return res_state;

void VCSAgStartup() {

VCSAgV40EntryPointStruct ep;


ep.monitor = res_monitor;


VCSAgRegisterEPStruct(V40, &ep);

36 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

C++ Entry Point Syntax

unsigned int (*info) (const char *res_name,

VCSAgResInfoOp resinfo_op, void **attr_val, char

**info_output, char ***opt_update_args, char


You may select any name for the function.

The resinfo_op parameter indicates whether to initialize or update the data in the
ResourceInfo attribute. The values of this eld and their signicance are described in
the following table:

Value of Signicance

1 Add and initialize static and dynamic name-value data pairs

in the ResourceInfo attribute.

2 Update just the dynamic data in the ResourceInfo


The parameter info_output is a character string that stores the output of the info entry
point. The output value could be any summarized data for the resource. The Msg key in
the ResourceInfo attribute is updated with info_output. If the info entry point exits
with success (0), the output stored in info_output is dumped into the Msg key of the
ResourceInfo attribute.
The info entry point is responsible for allocating memory for info_output. The agent
framework handles the deletion of any memory allocated to this argument. Since memory
is allocated in the entry point and deleted in the agent framework, the entry point needs
to pass the address of the allocated memory to the agent framework.

The opt_update_args parameter is an array of character strings that represents the
various name-value pairs in the ResourceInfo attribute. This argument is allocated
memory in the info entry point, but the memory allocated for it will be freed in the agent
framework. The ResourceInfo attribute is updated with these name-value pairs. The
names in this array must already be present in the ResourceInfo attribute.

Chapter 3, Implementing Entry Points Using C++ 37

C++ Entry Point Syntax

For example:
ResourceInfo = { State = Valid, Msg = "Info entry point output",

TS = "Wed May 28 10:34:11 2003", FileOwner = root,

FileGroup = root, FileSize = 100 }

A valid opt_update_args array for this ResourceInfo attribute would be:

opt_update_args = { "FileSize", "102" }
This array of name-value pairs updates the dynamic data stored in the ResourceInfo
An invalid opt_update_args array would be one that species a key not already
present in the ResourceInfo attribute or one that species any of the keys: State, Msg,
or TS. These three keys can only be updated by the agent framework and not by the entry

opt_add_args is an array of character strings that represent the various name-value
pairs to be added to the ResourceInfo attribute. The names in this array represent keys
that are not already present in the ResourceInfo association list and have to be added to
the attribute. This argument is allocated memory in the info entry point, but this
memory is freed in the agent framework. The ResourceInfo attribute is populated with
these name-value pairs.
For example:
ResourceInfo = { State = Valid, Msg = "Info entry point output",

TS = "Wed May 28 10:34:11 2003" }

A valid opt_add_args array for this would be:

opt_add_args = { "FileOwner", "root", "FileGroup", "root",

"FileSize", "100" }

This array of name-value pairs adds to and initializes the static and dynamic data stored
in the ResourceInfo attribute.
An invalid opt_add_args array would be one that species a key that is already present
in the ResourceInfo attribute, or one that species any of the keys State, Msg, or TS;
these are keys that can be updated only by the agent framework, not by the entry point.

38 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

C++ Entry Point Syntax

Example, Info Entry Point Implementation in C++

The info eld of VCSAgV40EntryPointStruct passed to
VCSAgRegisterEPStruct() must be assigned a pointer to this function.
For example:
extern "C" unsigned int

file_info(const char *res_name, VCSAgResInfoOp resinfo_op,

void **attr_val, char **output, char ***opt_update_args,

char ***opt_add_args) {

struct stat stat_buf;

int i;

char **args = NULL;

char *out = new char [80];

*output = out;

VCSAgSnprintf(out, 80,

"Output of info entry point...updates the Msg key in ResourceInfo


// Use the stat system call on the file to get its information

if ((attr_val) && (*attr_val)) {

if ((stat((CHAR *)(*attr_val), &stat_buf) == 0) &&

(strlen((CHAR *)(*attr_val)) != 0)) {

if (resinfo_op == VCSAgResInfoAdd) {

// Add and initialize all the static and

// dynamic keys in the ResourceInfo attribute

args = new char * [7];

for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {

args[i] = new char [15];

// All the static information - file owner and group

VCSAgSnprintf(args[0], 15, "%s", "Owner");

VCSAgSnprintf(args[1], 15, "%d", stat_buf.st_uid);

VCSAgSnprintf(args[2], 15, "%s", "Group");

VCSAgSnprintf(args[3], 15, "%d", stat_buf.st_gid);

Chapter 3, Implementing Entry Points Using C++ 39

C++ Entry Point Syntax

// Initialize the dynamic information for the file

VCSAgSnprintf(args[4], 15, "%s", "FileSize");

VCSAgSnprintf(args[5], 15, "%d", stat_buf.st_size);

args[6] = NULL;

*opt_add_args = args;

else {

// Simply update the dynamic keys in the ResourceInfo

// attribute. In this case, the dynamic info on the file

args = new char * [3];

for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {

args[i] = new char [15];

VCSAgSnprintf(args[0], 15, "%s", "FileSize");

VCSAgSnprintf(args[1], 15, "%d", stat_buf.st_size);

args[2] = NULL;

*opt_update_args = args;

else {

// Set the output to indicate the error

VCSAgSnprintf(out, 80, "Stat on the file %s failed",


return 1;

else {

// Set the output to indicate the error

VCSAgSnprintf(out, 80,

"Error in arglist values passed to the info entry


return 1;

// Successful completion of the info entry point

return 0;

40 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

C++ Entry Point Syntax

unsigned int

res_online(const char *res_name, void **attr_val);

You may select any name for the function.

The online eld of VCSAgV40EntryPointStruct passed to
VCSAgRegisterEPStruct() must be assigned a pointer to this function.
For example:
#include "VCSAgApi.h"

unsigned int

res_online(const char *res_name, void **attr_val) {

// Implement the code to online a resource here.


// If monitor can check the state of the resource

// immediately, return 0. Otherwise, return the

// appropriate number of seconds to wait before

// calling monitor.

return 0;

void VCSAgStartup() {

VCSAgV40EntryPointStruct ep;

... = res_online;


VCSAgRegisterEPStruct(V40, &ep);

Chapter 3, Implementing Entry Points Using C++ 41

C++ Entry Point Syntax

unsigned int

res_offline(const char *res_name, void **attr_val);

You may select any name for the function.

The offline eld of VCSAgV40EntryPointStruct passed to
VCSAgRegisterEPStruct() must be assigned a pointer to this function.
For example:
#include "VCSAgApi.h"

unsigned int

res_offline(const char *res_name, void **attr_val) {

// Implement the code to offline a resource here.


// If monitor can check the state of the resource

// immediately, return 0. Otherwise, return the

// appropriate number of seconds to wait before

// calling monitor.

return 0;

void VCSAgStartup() {

VCSAgV40EntryPointStruct ep;


ep.offline = res_offline;


VCSAgRegisterEPStruct(V40, &ep);

42 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

C++ Entry Point Syntax

unsigned int

res_clean(const char *res_name, VCSAgWhyClean reason, void


You may select any name for the function.

The clean eld of VCSAgV40EntryPointStruct passed to
VCSAgRegisterEPStruct() must be assigned a pointer to this function.
For example:
#include "VCSAgApi.h"

unsigned int

res_clean(const char *res_name, VCSAgWhyClean reason,

void **attr_val) {

// Code to forcibly offline a resource.


// If the procedure is successful, return 0; else

// return 1.

return 0;

void VCSAgStartup() {

VCSAgV40EntryPointStruct ep;


ep.clean = res_clean;


VCSAgRegisterEPStruct(V40, &ep);

Chapter 3, Implementing Entry Points Using C++ 43

C++ Entry Point Syntax

unsigned int

action(const char *res_name, const char *action_token,

void **attr_val, char **args, char *output);

You may select any name for the function.

The action eld of VCSAgV40EntryPointStruct passed to
VCSAgRegisterEPStruct() must be assigned a pointer to this function.
For example:
extern "C"

unsigned int file_action (const char *res_name, const char *token,

void **attr_val, char **args, char *output)


// checks on the attr_val entry point arg list



// perform an action based on the action token passed in


if (!strcmp(token, "token1")) {


// Perform action corresponding to token1


} else if (!strcmp(token, "token2") {


// Perform action corresponding to token2


} else {


// a token that doesnt have an impl yet


VCSAgSnprintf(ep_output, MAXBUFFER,

"No implementation provided for token(%s)",



44 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

C++ Entry Point Syntax

// Any other checks to be done



// return value should indicate whether the ep succeeded or

// not:

// return 0 on success

// any other value on failure


if (success)

return 0;


return 1;

Chapter 3, Implementing Entry Points Using C++ 45

C++ Entry Point Syntax


res_attr_changed(const char *res_name, const char


const char *changed_attr_name,

void **new_val);

The parameter new_val contains the attributes new value. The encoding of new_val is
similar to the encoding of the ArgList Attribute on page 33.
You may select any name for the function.
The attr_changed eld of VCSAgV40EntryPointStruct passed to
VCSAgRegisterEPStruct() must be assigned a pointer to this function.

Note This entry point is called only if you register for change notication using the
primitive VCSAgRegister on page 54, or the agent parameter RegList (see
RegList on page 108).

For example:
#include "VCSAgApi.h"


res_attr_changed(const char *res_name,

const char *changed_res_name,

const char *changed_attr_name,

void **new_val) {

// When the value of attribute Foo changes, take some action.

if ((strcmp(res_name, changed_res_name) == 0) &&

(strcmp(changed_attr_name, "Foo") == 0)) {

// Extract the new value of Foo. Here, it is assumed

// to be a string.

const char *foo_val = (char *)new_val[0];

// Implement the action.


46 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

C++ Entry Point Syntax

// Resource Ora1 managed by this agent needs to

// take some action when the Size attribute of

// the resource Disk1 is changed.

if ((strcmp(res_name, "Ora1") == 0) &&

(strcmp(changed_attr_name, "Size") == 0) &&

(strcmp(changed_res_name, "Disk1") == 0)) {

// Extract the new value of Size. Here, it is

// assumed to be an integer.

int sizeval = atoi((char *)new_val[0]);

// Implement the action.


void VCSAgStartup() {

VCSAgV40EntryPointStruct ep;


ep.attr_changed = res_attr_changed;


VCSAgRegisterEPStruct(V40, &ep);

Chapter 3, Implementing Entry Points Using C++ 47

C++ Entry Point Syntax

void res_open(const char *res_name, void **attr_val);

You may select any name for the function.

The open eld of VCSAgV40EntryPointStruct passed to
VCSAgRegisterEPStruct() must be assigned a pointer to this function.
For example:
#include "VCSAgApi.h"

void res_open(const char *res_name, void **attr_val) {

// Perform resource initialization, if any.

// Register for attribute change notification, if needed.

void VCSAgStartup() {

VCSAgV40EntryPointStruct ep;

... = res_open;


VCSAgRegisterEPStruct(V40, &ep);

48 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

C++ Entry Point Syntax

void res_close(const char *res_name, void **attr_val);

You may select any name for the function.

The close eld of VCSAgV40EntryPointStruct passed to
VCSAgRegisterEPStruct() must be assigned a pointer to this function.
For example:
#include "VCSAgApi.h"

void res_close(const char *res_name,void **attr_val) {

// Resource-specific de-initialization, if needed.

// Unregister for attribute change notification, if any.

void VCSAgStartup() {

VCSAgV40EntryPointStruct ep;


ep.close = res_close;


VCSAgRegisterEPStruct(V40, &ep);

Chapter 3, Implementing Entry Points Using C++ 49

C++ Entry Point Syntax

void res_shutdown();

You may select any name for the function.

The shutdown eld of VCSAgV40EntryPointStruct passed to
VCSAgRegisterEPStruct() must be assigned a pointer to this function.
For example:
#include "VCSAgApi.h"

void res_shutdown(const char *res_name) {

// Agent-specific de-initialization, if any.

void VCSAgStartup() {

VCSAgV40EntryPointStruct ep;


ep.shutdown = res_shutdown;


VCSAgRegisterEPStruct(V40, &ep);

50 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

VCS Primitives

VCS Primitives
Primitives are C++ methods implemented by the VCS agent framework. Beginning with
the primitive VCSAgRegisterEPStruct() below, each VCS primitive is listed and
dened in the following sections.

void VCSAgRegisterEPStruct (VCSAgAgentVersion version, void *


This primitive requests that the VCS agent framework use the entry point
implementations designated in entry_points. It must be called only from the
VCSAgStartup entry point.
For example:
// This example shows how to use VCSAgRegisterEPStruct()

// Primitive within the VCSAgStartup() entry point. It

// is assumed here that the monitor, online, and offline

// entry points are implemented in C++, and that the

// respective function names are res_monitor,

// res_online, and res_offline.

#include "VCSAgApi.h"

void VCSAgStartup() {

VCSAgV40EntryPointStruct ep; = NULL;

ep.close = NULL;

ep.monitor = res_monitor; = res_online;

ep.offline = res_offline;

ep.action = NULL; = NULL;

ep.attr_changed = NULL;

ep.clean = NULL;

ep.shutdown = NULL;

VCSAgRegisterEPStruct(V40, &ep);

Chapter 3, Implementing Entry Points Using C++ 51

VCS Primitives

void VCSAgSetCookie(const char *name, void *cookie);

This primitive requests that the VCS agent framework store a cookie. This value is
transparent to the VCS agent framework, and can be obtained later by calling the
primitive VCSAgGetCookie(). Note that a cookie is not stored permanently; it is lost
when the VCS agent process exits. This primitive can be called from any entry point.
For example:
#include "VCSAgApi.h"



// Assume that the online, offline, and monitor

// operations on resource require a certain key. Also

// assume that obtaining this key is time consuming, but

// that it can be reused until this process is

// terminated.


// In this example, the open entry point obtains the key

// and stores it as a cookie. Subsequent online,

// offline, and monitor entry points get the cookie and

// use the key.


// Note that the cookie name can be any unique string.

// This example uses the resource name as the cookie

// name.


void *get_key() {


void res_open(const char *res_name, void **attr_val) {

if (VCSAgGetCookie(res_name) == NULL) {

void *key = get_key();

VCSAgSetCookie(res_name, key);

52 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

VCS Primitives

VCSAgResState res_monitor(const char *res_name, void

**attr_val, int *conf_level_ptr) {

VCSAgResState state = VCSAgResUnknown;

*conf_level_ptr = 0;

void *key = VCSAgGetCookie(res_name);

if (key == NULL) {

// Take care of the rare cases when

// the open entry point failed to

// obtain the key and set the the cookie.

key = get_key();

VCSAgSetCookie(res_name, key);

// Use the key for testing if the resource is

// online, and set the state accordingly.


return state;

Chapter 3, Implementing Entry Points Using C++ 53

VCS Primitives


VCSAgRegister(const char *notify_res_name,

const char *res_name,

const char *attr_name);

This primitive requests that the VCS agent framework notify the resource
notify_res_name when the value of the attribute attr_name of the resource
res_name is modied. The notication is made by calling the attr_changed entry
point for notify_res_name. Note that notify_res_name can be the same as
res_name. This primitive can be called from any entry point, but it is useful only when
the attr_changed entry point is implemented.
For example:
#include "VCSAgApi.h"


void res_open(const char *res_name, void **attr_val) {

// Register to get notified when the

// "CriticalAttr" of this resource is modified.

VCSAgRegister(res_name, res_name, "CriticalAttr");

// Register to get notified when the

// "CriticalAttr" of "CentralRes" is modified.

VCSAgRegister(res_name, "CentralRes, "CriticalAttr");

// Register to get notified when the

// "CriticalAttr" of another resource is modified.

// It is assumed that the name of the other resource

// is given as the first ArgList attribute.

VCSAgRegister(res_name, (const char *)attr_val[0],


54 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

VCS Primitives


VCSAgUnregister(const char *notify_res_name, const char *res_name,

const char *attr_name);

This primitive requests that the VCS agent framework stop notifying the resource
notify_res_name when the value of the attribute attr_name of the resource
res_name is modied. This primitive can be called from any entry point.
For example:
#include "VCSAgApi.h"


void res_close(const char *res_name, void **attr_val) {

// Unregister for the "CriticalAttr" of this resource.

VCSAgUnregister(res_name, res_name, "CriticalAttr");

// Unregister for the "CriticalAttr" of "CentralRes".

VCSAgUnregister(res_name, "CentralRes, "CriticalAttr");

// Unregister for the "CriticalAttr" of another resource.

// It is assumed that the name of the other resource is

// given as the first ArgList attribute.

VCSAgUnregister(res_name, (const char *)

attr_val[0], "CriticalAttr");

Chapter 3, Implementing Entry Points Using C++ 55

VCS Primitives

void *VCSAgGetCookie(const char *name);

This primitive requests that the VCS agent framework get the cookie set by an earlier call
to VCSAgSetCookie(). It returns NULL if cookie was not previously set. This primitive
can be called from any entry point.
For example:
#include "VCSAgApi.h"



// Assume that the online, offline, and monitor

// operations on resource require a certain key. Also

// assume that obtaining this key is time consuming, but

// that it can be reused until this process is terminated.


// In this example, the open entry point obtains the key

// and stores it as a cookie. Subsequent online,

// offline, and monitor entry points get the cookie and

// use the key.


// Note that the cookie name can be any unique string.

// This example uses the resource name as the cookie name.


void *get_key() {


56 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

VCS Primitives

void res_open(const char *res_name, void **attr_val) {

if (VCSAgGetCookie(res_name) == NULL) {

void *key = get_key();

VCSAgSetCookie(res_name, key);

VCSAgResState res_monitor(const char *res_name, void

**attr_val, int *conf_level_ptr) {

VCSAgResState state = VCSAgResUnknown;

*conf_level_ptr = 0;

void *key = VCSAgGetCookie(res_name);

if (key == NULL) {

// Take care of the rare cases when the open

// entry point failed to obtain the key and

// set the the cookie.

key = get_key();

VCSAgSetCookie(res_name, key);

// Use the key for testing if the resource is

// online, and set the state accordingly.


return state;

Chapter 3, Implementing Entry Points Using C++ 57

VCS Primitives

int VCSAgEncodeString(VCSAgEncodingType from_encoding,

void *input_string, int input_string_length,

VCSAgEncodingType to_encoding,

void **output_string, int *output_string_length)

where VCSAgEncodingType is an enumerated data type dened as:

enum VCSAgEncodingType {

VCSAgUTF8, /* UTF-8 encoding */

VCSAgUCS2, /* UCS-2 encoding */

VCSAgStr /* OS encoding */


This primitive is used to encode a string from one encoding format to another. The
encoding formats are limited to UTF-8 and the default OS encoding formats for UNIX
This API allocates the required amount of memory for the output encoded string. The
caller is responsible for freeing this memory. The function stores a pointer to the encoded
string in the variable output_string and sets ouput_string_length to the number of
characters (ASCII or UCS-2) in this newly encoded string.
The return values of this primitive are 0 on success, 1 on failure.
This API is needed as part of the localization changes in the agent framework. The agent
entry points written in C++ receive the arguments in UTF-8 encoding format. If the entry
points need the localized values for these arguments, they must convert the arguments,
using the VCSAgEncodeString API, into the OS_encoding or the UCS-2 encoding
Currently, the VCS engine does not accept localized values as input for arguments. Also,
any output captured from the script entry points run in a locale other than C are
converted into the UTF-8 encoding format by the agent framework and logged in the VCS
engine log, also in the UTF-8 encoding format. To view the output in the appropriate
locale, use the hamsg utility. Please refer to the VCS Users Guide for more on the hasmg

58 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

VCS Primitives

Example: VCSAgEncodeString

// The example shows how the primitive VCSAgEncodeString can

// be used in the agent.



// A function used in the agent to convert a given string in UTF-8

// encoding to the OS-encoding. Its a wrapper around the primitive

// VCSAgEncodeString.


char* ConvertToOSEncoding(const char *utf8_string)

int len = 0, out_string_len;

char *out_string = NULL;

len = strlen(utf8_string);

VCSAgEncodeString(VCSAgUTF8, /* convert from UTF8 */

(void *)utf8_string,


VCSAgStr, /* to the OS encoding format */

(void **)&out_string,


return out_string;

VCSAgResState res_monitor(const char *res_name, void **attr_val,

int *conf_level_ptr)

{ ...

char *os_encoded_string = NULL;



// Memory for os_encoded_string is allocated in the agent

// framework primitive VCSAgEncodeString


os_encoded_string = ConvertToOSEncoding((const char



// Free the memory allocated to os_encoded_string

if (os_encoded_string) {

delete[] os_encoded_string;

os_encoded_string = NULL;


Chapter 3, Implementing Entry Points Using C++ 59

VCS Primitives

void VCSAgStrlcpy(CHAR *dst, const CHAR *src, int size)

This primitive copies the contents from the input buffer src to the output buffer dst
up to a maximum of size number of characters. Here, size refers to the size of the
output buffer dst. This helps prevent any buffer overow errors. The output contained
in the buffer dst may be truncated if the buffer is not big enough.

void VCSAgStrlcat(CHAR *dst, const CHAR *src, int size)

This primitive concatenates the contents of the input buffer src to the contents of the
output buffer dst up to a maximum such that the total number of characters in the
buffer dst do not exceed the value of size. Here, size refers to the size of the output
buffer dst.
This helps prevent any buffer overow errors. The output contained in the buffer dst
may be truncated if the buffer is not big enough.

int VCSAgSnprintf(CHAR *dst, int size, const char *format, ...)

This primitive accepts a variable number of arguments and works just like the C library
function sprintf. The difference is that this primitive takes in, as an argument, the size of
the output buffer dst. The primitive stores only a maximum of size number of
characters in the output buffer dst. This helps prevent any buffer overow errors. The
output contained in the buffer dst may be truncated if the buffer is not big enough.

60 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Implementing Entry Points Using Scripts 4
As mentioned in previously, the VCSAgStartup entry point must be implemented using
C++. Other entry points may be implemented using C++ or scripts. If no other entry
points are implemented in C++, implementing VCSAgStartup is not required. Instead,
developers may use ScriptAgent. SeeUsing Script Entry Points on page 89 for an
Script entry points can be executables or scripts, such as shell or Perl (VCS includes a Perl
distribution). Also, the PATH environment variable must include the directory where sh is
Adhere to the following rules when implementing a script entry point:
In the VCSAgStartup entry point, set the corresponding eld of
VCSAgV40EntryPointStruct to NULL prior to calling VCSAgRegisterEPStruct().
(If necessary, review Agent Entry Points on page 19.)
Place the script le in the correct directory after verifying the name of the script le.
Verify that the name of the script le is the same as the entry point.
Place the le in the directory $VCS_HOME/bin/resource_type. For example, if
the online entry point for Oracle is implemented using Perl, the online script
must be:
The input parameters of script entry points are passed as command-line arguments. The
rst command-line argument for all the entry points is the name of the resource (except
shutdown, which has no arguments).
Some entry points have an output parameter that is returned through the program exit
value. Some entry points return their output in the arguments passed to them, for
example, info and action.

ArgList Attributes

ArgList Attributes
The open, close, online, offline, monitor, action, info, and clean scripts
receive the resource name and values of the ArgList attributes. The values of scalar
ArgList attributes (integer and string) are each contained in a single command-line
argument. The values of complex ArgList attributes (vector and association) are
contained in one or more command-line arguments.
If a vector or association attribute contains N components, it is represented by N+1
command-line arguments. The rst command-line argument is N, and the remaining N
arguments correspond to the N components. (For more information, see ArgList on
page 99. See the chapter on the VCS conguration language in the VERITAS Cluster Server
Users Guide for attribute denitions.)
If Type Foo is defined in as:

Type Foo (

str Name

int IntAttr

str StringAttr

str VectorAttr[]

str AssocAttr{}

static str ArgList[] = { IntAttr, StringAttr,

VectorAttr, AssocAttr }

And if a resource Bar is dened in as:

Foo Bar (

IntAttr = 100

StringAttr = "Oracle"

VectorAttr = { "vol1", "vol2", "vol3" }

AssocAttr = { "disk1" = "1024", "disk2" = "512" }

The online script for Bar is invoked as:

online Bar 100 Oracle 3 vol1 vol2 vol3 4 disk1 1024 disk2 512

62 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Script Entry Point Syntax

Script Entry Point Syntax

The following paragraphs describe the syntax for script entry points.

monitor resource_name ArgList_attribute_values
A script entry point combines the status and the condence level in the exit value. For
100 indicates ofine.
101 indicates online and condence level 10.
102109 indicates online and condence levels 2090.
110 indicates online and condence level 100.
If the exit value falls outside the range 100110, the status is considered unknown. For
example, if the exit value equals 99, the status of the resource is considered UNKNOWN.

online resource_name ArgList_attribute_values

The exit value is interpreted as the expected time (in seconds) for the online procedure to
be effective. The exit value is typically 0.

offline resource_name ArgList_attribute_values

The exit value is interpreted as the expected time (in seconds) for

the offline procedure to be effective. The exit value is typically


Chapter 4, Implementing Entry Points Using Scripts 63

Script Entry Point Syntax

clean resource_name ArgList_attribute_values
The variable clean_reason equals one of the following values:
0 - The offline entry point did not complete within the expected time. (See
OfineTimeout on page 105.)
1 - The offline entry point was ineffective.
2 - The online entry point did not complete within the expected time. (See
OnlineTimeout on page 105.)
3 - The online entry point was ineffective.
4 - The resource was taken ofine unexpectedly.
5 - The monitor entry point consistently failed to complete within the expected time.
(See FaultOnMonitorTimeouts on page 101.)
The exit value is 0 (successful) or 1.

action resource_name ArgList_attribute_values_AND_action_arguments

The exit value is 0 (successful) or 1 (if unsuccessful).

For example:


ResName = $1

ArgListattr1 - $2

ArgListattr2 = $3

ArgListattrn = $n+1

NumActionArgs - $n+2

Actionarg1 = $n+3

Actionarg2 = $n+4

64 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Script Entry Point Syntax

attr_changed resource_name changed_resource_name

changed_attribute_name new_attribute_value

The exit value is ignored.

Note This entry point is called only if you register for change notication using the
primitive VCSAgRegister() (see VCSAgRegister on page 54), or the agent
parameter RegList (see RegList on page 108).

info resource_name resinfo_op ArgList_attribute_values
The attribute resinfo_op can be have the values 1 or 2.

Values of Signicance

1 Add and initialize static and dynamic name-value data pairs in the
ResourceInfo attribute.

2 Update just the dynamic data in the ResourceInfo attribute.

This entry point can add and update static and dynamic name-value pairs to the
ResourceInfo attribute. The info entry point has no specic output, but rather, it
updates the ResourceInfo attribute (see ResourceInfo on page 107).

Example Script Implementation of the Info Entry Point


# Parse the args to the entry point







# output of the info entry point

echo "Output of info entry point...updates the Msg key in

ResourceInfo attribute";

Chapter 4, Implementing Entry Points Using Scripts 65

Script Entry Point Syntax

if [ -z "$PathName" ]


exit 1;


# Capture the info on the file

file_info=$LS -l "$PathName" 2>/dev/null

res = echo $?

if [ $res -ne 0 ]


# ls failed on the pathname

exit 1


if [ $ResInfo_op -eq 1 ]


# Add and initialize static and dynamic data in the

# ResourceInfo attribute

size=echo "$file_info" | awk BEGIN { FS = " " }

{ print $5 }


# Fire the "hares -modify commands to add these

# name-value pairs to the ResourceInfo attribute

$HARES -modify "$ResName" ResourceInfo -add

"FileOwner" "$owner" "FileGroup" "$group" "FileSize"


res=echo $?

if [ $res -ne 0 ]


exit 1


elif [ $ResInfo_op -eq 2 ]


# Update the dynamic data only in the ResourceInfo

# attribute.In this case, the file size is what will

# keep changing dynamically - so update only that.

size=echo "$file_info" | awk BEGIN { FS = " " }

{ print $5 }

66 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Script Entry Point Syntax

# Fire the hares -modify -update command to update

# the "FileSize" key in the ResourceInfo attribute

# with the current file size. An enhancement here

# is, check if the file size hasnt changed from the

# value stored currently in the ResourceInfo

# attribute. If so, dont update the

# "FileSize" key. Else, update it.

resinfo_size=$HARES -value "$ResName" ResourceInfo |

grep FileSize

# Get the FileSize value

prev_size=echo "$file_size" | awk BEGIN

{ FS = " " } { print $2 }


if [ $prev_size -ne $size ]


# File size has changed =- so update the attribute

# ResourceInfo so that it shows the latest file size

$HARES -modify "$ResName" ResourceInfo -update

"FileSize" "$size"

res=echo $?

if [ $res -ne 0 ]


exit 1




#The info entry point has completed successfully.

exit 0


open resource_name ArgList_attribute_values
The exit value is ignored.

Chapter 4, Implementing Entry Points Using Scripts 67

Script Entry Point Syntax

close resource_name ArgList_attribute_values
The exit value is ignored.


The exit value is ignored.

68 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Logging Agent Messages 5

This chapter describes the APIs and functions that developers can use within their agents
to generate log le messages that conform to a standard message logging format.
For information on creation and management of messages for internationalization,
see VCS Internationalized Message Catalogs on page 137.
For information on APIs used by VCS 3.5 and earlier, see How the VCS 4.0 Agent
Framework Works with VCS 2.0 and 3.5 Agents on page 145.

Logging in C++ and Script-based Entry Points

For VCS 4.0, developers creating C++ agent entry points can use a set of macros to log
application or debug messages. Developers of script-based entry points can use a set of
functions, or wrappers, that call the VCS halog utility to generate application or debug

VCS Agent Messages: Format

An agent log message consists of ve elds. The format of the message is:
<Timestamp> <Mnemonic> <Severity> <UMI> <MessageText>
The following is an example message, of severity ERROR, generated by the VCS
FileOnOff agents online entry point when attempting to online the resource, a le
named MyFile:
Jun 26 2003 11:32:56 VCS ERROR V-16-2001-14001

FileOnOff:MyFile:online:Resource could not be brought up because,

the attempt to create the file (/tmp/MyFile) failed with error (Is

a Directory)

The rst four elds of the message above is composed of the timestamp, an uppercase
mnemonic that represents the product (VCS, in this case), the severity, and the UMI (unique
message ID). The subsequent lines contain the message text.

Logging in C++ and Script-based Entry Points

The timestamp indicates when the message was generated. It is formatted according to
the locale.

The mnemonic eld is used to indicate the product. The mnemonic, such as VCS, must
use all capital letters. All VCS bundled agents, enterprise agents, and custom agents use
the mnemonic: VCS.

The severity of each message is displayed in the third eld of the message (Critical, Error,
Warning, Notice, or Information for normal messages; 1-21 for debug messages). All C++
logging macros and script-based logging functions provide a means to dene the severity
of messages, both normal and debugging.

The UMI (unique message identier) includes an originator ID, a category ID, and a
message ID.
The originator ID is a decimal number preceded by a V- assigned by VERITAS.
The category ID is a number in the range of 0 to 65536 assigned by VERITAS. For each
custom agent, VERITAS must be contacted so that a unique category ID can be
registered for the agent.
For C++ messages, the category ID is dened in the VCSAgStartup entry point
(see Log Category on page 76).
For script-based entry points, the category is set within the VCSAG_SET_ENVS
function (see VCSAG_SET_ENVS on page 81).
For debug messages, the category ID, which is 50 by default, need not be dened
within logging functions.
Message IDs can range from 0 to 65536 for a category. Each normal message (that is,
non-debug message) generated by an agent must be assigned a message ID. For C++
entry points, the msgid is set as part of the VCSAG_LOG_MSG and
VCSAG_CONSOLE_LOG_MSG macros. For script-based entry points, the msgid is set
using the VCSAG_LOG_MSG function. The msgid eld is not used by debug
functions or required in debug messages.

70 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

C++ Agent Logging APIs

Message Text
The message text is a formatted message string preceded by a dynamically generated
header consisting of three colon-separated elds. namely, <name of the
agent>:<resource>:<name of the entry point>:<message>. For example:
FileOnOff:MyFile:online:Resource could not be brought up because,

the attempt to create the file (/tmp/MyFile) failed with error (Is

a Directory)

In the case of C++ entry points, the header information is generated

In the case of script-based entry points, the header information is set within the
VCSAG_SET_ENVS function (see VCSAG_SET_ENVS on page 81).

C++ Agent Logging APIs

The VCS agent framework provides four logging APIs (macros) for use in agent entry
points written in C++.
These APIs include two application logging macros:
VCSAG_CONSOLE_LOG_MSG(sev, msgid, flags, fmt, variable_args...)

VCSAG_LOG_MSG(sev, msgid, flags, fmt, variable_args...)

and the macros for debugging:

VCSAG_LOGDBG_MSG(dbgsev, flags, fmt, variable_args...)

VCSAG_RES_LOG_MSG(dbgsev, flags, fmt, variable args...)

The arguments of these APIs are described, briey described in the tables that, are
described in detail in the following paragraphs:

Chapter 5, Logging Agent Messages 71

C++ Agent Logging APIs

Agent Application Logging Macros for C++ Entry Points

The macro VCSAG_LOG_MSG can be used within C++ agent entry points to log all
messages ranging in severity from CRITICAL to INFORMATION to the agent log le. The
VCSAG_CONSOLE_LOG_MSG macro can be used to send messages to the engine log,
and, in the case of messages of CRITICAL and ERROR severity, to the console.
The argument elds for the application logging macros are described in the following

sev Severity of the message from the application. The values of sev are
and VCS INFORMATION; see Severity Arguments for C++ Macros on
page 74.

msgid The 16-bit integer message ID.

flags Default ags (0) prints UMI, NEWLINE. A macro,

VCS_DEFAULT_FLAGS, represents the default value for the ags.

fmt A formatted string containing formatting speciers symbols. For

example: Resource could not be brought down because the attempt to
remove the le (%s) failed with error (%d)

variable_args Variable number (as many as 6) of type char, char *, or integer

In the following example, both macros are used to log an error message to the agent log
and to the console:


"Resource could not be brought down because the

attempt to remove the file(%s) failed with error(%d)",

CHAR *)(*attr_val), errno);


"Resource could not be brought down because, the

attempt to remove the file(%s) failed with error(%d)",

(CHAR *)(*attr_val), errno);

72 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

C++ Agent Logging APIs

Agent Debug Logging Macros for C++ Entry Points

The macros VCSAG_RES_LOG_MSG and VCSAG_LOGDBG_MSG can be used within
agent entry points to log debug messages of a specic severity level to the agent log.
The LogDbg attribute can be used to specify a debug message severity level. See the
description of the LogDbg attribute (LogDbg on page 102). The LogDbg attribute can
be set at the resource type level, and can be overridden to be set at the level for a specic
The VCSAG_LOGDBG_MSG macro controls logging at the level of the resource type
level, whereas VCSAG_RES_LOG_MSG macro can enable logging debug messages at the
level of a specic resource.
The argument elds for the application logging macros are described in the following

dbgsev Debug severity of the message. The values of dbgsev are macros
ranging from VCS_DBG1 to VCS_DBG21; see Severity Arguments for
C++ Macros on page 74.

flags Describes the logging options.

Default ags (0) prints UMI, NEWLINE. A macro,
VCS_DEFAULT_FLAGS, represents the default value for the ags

fmt A formatted string containing symbols. For example: PathName is


variable_args Variable number (as many as 6) of type char, char * or integer

For example:

(CHAR *)(*attr_val));

For the example shown, the specied message is logged to the agent log if the specic
resource has been enabled (that is, the LogDbg attribute is set) for logging of debug
messages at the severity level DBG4.

Chapter 5, Logging Agent Messages 73

C++ Agent Logging APIs

Severity Arguments for C++ Macros

A severity argument for a logging macro, for example, VCS_ERROR or VCS_DBG1, is in
fact a macro itself that expands to include the following information:
actual message severity
function name
name of the le that includes the function
line number where the logging macro is expanded
For example, the application severity argument VCS_ERROR within the monitor entry
point for the FileOnOff agent would expand to include the following information:
ERROR, file_monitor, FileOnOff.C, 28

Application severity macros map to application severities dened by the enum

VCSAgAppSev and the debug severity macros map to severities dened by the enum
VCSAgDbgSev. For example, in the VCSAgApiDefs.h function, these enumerated types
are dened as:
enum VCSAgAppSev {







enum VCSAgDbgSev {







With the severity macros, agent developers need not specify the name of the function, the
le name, and the line number in each log call. The name of the function, however, must
be initialized by using the macro VCSAG_LOG_INIT. See Initializing function_name
Using VCSAG_LOG_INIT on page 75.

74 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

C++ Agent Logging APIs

Initializing function_name Using VCSAG_LOG_INIT

One requirement for logging of messages included in C++ functions is to initialize the
function_name variable within each function. The macro, VCSAG_LOG_INIT, denes a
local constant character string to store the function name:
VCSAG_LOG_INIT(func_name) const char *_function_name_ = func_name

For example, the function named le_ofine would contain:

void file_offline (int, a, char *b)


Note If the function name is not initialized with the VCSAG_LOG_INIT macro, when the
agent is compiled, errors indicate that the name of the function is not dened.

See the Examples of Logging APIs Used in a C++ Agent on page 77 for more examples
of the VCSAG_LOG_INIT macro.

Chapter 5, Logging Agent Messages 75

C++ Agent Logging APIs

Log Category
The log category for the agent is dened using the primitive VCSAgSetLogCategory
(cat_ID) within the VCSAgStartup entry point.The log category is set to 2001 in the
following example:


VCSAgV40EntryPointStruct ep;


= file_monitor;
= file_online;

= file_offline;

= file_clean;





char *s = setlocale(LC_ALL, NULL);


%s", s);

VCSAgRegisterEPStruct(V40, &ep);

The log category for debug messages is by default 50, and does not need to be set.

76 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

C++ Agent Logging APIs

Examples of Logging APIs Used in a C++ Agent

#include <stdio.h>

#include <locale.h>

#include "VCSAgApi.h"

void file_attr_changed(const char *res_name, const char

*changed_res_name,const char *changed_attr_name, void



* NOT REQUIRED if the function is empty or is not logging

* any messages to the agent log file



extern "C" unsigned int

file_clean(const char *res_name, VCSAgWhyClean wc, void



if ((attr_val) && (*attr_val)) {

if ((remove((CHAR *)(*attr_val)) == 0) || (errno ==

ENOENT)) { return 0; // Success

return 1; // Failure

void file_close(const char *res_name, void **attr_val)



// Determine if the given file is online (file exists) or

// offline (file does not exist).


extern "C" VCSAgResState

file_monitor(const char *res_name, void **attr_val, int



VCSAgResState state = VCSAgResUnknown;

*conf_level = 0;

Chapter 5, Logging Agent Messages 77

C++ Agent Logging APIs


* This msg will be printed for all resources if VCS_DBG4

* is enabled for the resource type. Else it will be

* logged only for that resource that has the dbg level

* VCS_DBG4 enabled



(%s)", (CHAR *)(*attr_val));

if ((attr_val) && (*attr_val)) {

struct stat stat_buf;

if ( (stat((CHAR *)(* attr_val), &stat_buf) == 0)

&& (strlen((CHAR *)(* attr_val)) != 0) ) {

state = VCSAgResOnline; *conf_level = 100;

else {

state = VCSAgResOffline;

*conf_level = 0;


(%d)", (int)state);

return state;

extern "C" unsigned int

file_online(const char *res_name, void **attr_val) {

int fd = -1;


if ((attr_val) && (*attr_val)) {

if (strlen((CHAR *)(* attr_val)) == 0) {


"The value for PathName attribute is not specified");



"The value for PathName attribute is not specified");

return 0;

78 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

C++ Agent Logging APIs

if (fd = creat((CHAR *)(*attr_val), S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR) < 0) {


"Resource could not be brought up because, "

"the attempt to create the file(%s) failed "

"with error(%d)", (CHAR *)(*attr_val), errno);



"Resource could not be brought up because, "

"the attempt to create the file(%s) failed "

"with error(%d)", (CHAR *)(*attr_val), errno);

return 0;


return 0;

extern "C" unsigned int

file_offline(const char *res_name, void **attr_val)


if ((attr_val) && (*attr_val) && (remove((CHAR*)

(*attr_val)) != 0) && (errno != ENOENT)) {


"Resource could not be brought down because, the

attempt to remove the file(%s) failed with

error(%d)", (CHAR *)(*attr_val), errno);


VCS_DEFAULT_FLAGS, "Resource could not be brought

down because, the attempt to remove the file(%s)

failed with error(%d)", (CHAR *)(*attr_val), errno);

return 0;

Chapter 5, Logging Agent Messages 79

Script Entry Point Logging Functions

void file_open(const char *res_name, void **attr_val)




VCSAgV40EntryPointStruct ep; = NULL;

ep.close = NULL;

ep.monitor = file_monitor; = file_online;

ep.offline = file_offline;

ep.clean = file_clean;

ep.attr_changed = NULL;

ep.shutdown = NULL;

ep.action = NULL; = NULL;


char *s = setlocale(LC_ALL, NULL);


%s", s);

VCSAgRegisterEPStruct(V40, &ep);

Script Entry Point Logging Functions

For script based entry points, VCS 4.0 provides functions, or wrappers, to call the VCS
halog command for message logging purposes. While the halog command can be called
directly within the script to log messages, the following entry point logging functions are
easier to use and less error-prone:
VCSAG_SET_ENVS - sets and exports entry point environment variables
VCSAG_LOG_MSG - passes normal agent message strings and parameters to the
halog utility
VCSAG_LOGDBG_MSG - passes debug message strings and parameters to the
halog utility

80 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Script Entry Point Logging Functions

The VCSAG_SET_ENV function is used in each script-based entry point le. Its purpose is
to set and export environment variables that identify the agents category ID, the agents
name, the resources name, and the entry points name. With this information set up in the
form of environment variables, the logging functions can handle messages and their
arguments in the unied logging format without repetition within the scripts.
The VCSAG_SET_ENV function sets the following environment variables for a resource:

VCSAG_LOG_CATEGORY Sets the category ID. For custom agents, VERITAS

assigns the category ID. See the category ID description
in UMI on page 70. NOTE: For VCS bundled agents,
the category ID is pre-assigned, based on the platform
(Solaris, Linux, AIX, HP-UX, or Windows) for which the
agent is written.

VCSAG_LOG_AGENT_NAME The absolute path to the agent. For example:

Since the entry points are invoked using their absolute
paths, this environment variable is set at invocation. If
the agent developer wishes, this agent name can also be
hardcoded and passed as an argument to the

VCSAG_LOG_SCRIPT_NAME The absolute path to the entry point script. For example:
Since the entry points are invoked using their absolute
paths, this environment variable is set at invocation. The
script name variable is overridable.

VCSAG_LOG_RESOURCE_NAME The resource is specied in the call within the entry

VCSAG_SET_ENVS $resource_name

Chapter 5, Logging Agent Messages 81

Script Entry Point Logging Functions

VCSAG_SET_ENVS Examples, Shell Script Entry Points

The VCSAG_SET_ENVS function must be called before any of the other logging
A minimal call:
VCSAG_SET_ENVS ${resource_name}

Setting the category ID:

VCSAG_SET_ENVS ${resource_name} ${category_ID}

VCSAG_SET_ENVS ${resource_name} 1062

Overriding the default script name:

VCSAG_SET_ENVS ${resource_name} ${script_name}

VCSAG_SET_ENVS ${resource_name} "monitor"

Setting the category ID and overriding the script name:

VCSAG_SET_ENVS ${resource_name} ${script_name} ${category_id}

VCSAG_SET_ENVS ${resource_name} "monitor" 1062

VCSAG_SET_ENVS ${resource_name} ${category_id} ${script_name}

VCSAG_SET_ENVS ${resource_name} 1062 "monitor"

VCSAG_SET_ENVS Examples, Perl Script Entry Points

A minimal call:
VCSAG_SET_ENVS ($resource_name);

Setting the category ID:

VCSAG_SET_ENVS ($resource_name, $category_ID);

VCSAG_SET_ENVS ($resource_name, 1062);

Overriding the script name:

VCSAG_SET_ENVS ($resource_name, $script_name);

VCSAG_SET_ENVS ($resource_name, "monitor");

Setting the category ID and overriding the script name:

VCSAG_SET_ENVS ($resource_name, $script_name, $category_id);

VCSAG_SET_ENVS ($resource_name, "monitor", 1062);

VCSAG_SET_ENVS ($resource_name, $category_id, $script_name);

VCSAG_SET_ENVS ($resource_name, 1062, "monitor");

82 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Script Entry Point Logging Functions

The VCSAG_LOG_MSG function can be used to pass normal agent messages to the
halog utility. At a minimum, the function must include the severity, the message within
quotes, and a message ID. Optionally, the function can also include parameters and
specify an encoding format.

Severity Levels (sev) C - critical, E - error, W - warning, N - notice, I -

information; place error code in quotes

Message (msg) A text message within quotes; for example: One le copied

Message ID (msgid) An integer between 0 and 65535

Encoding Format UTF-8, ASCII, or UCS-2 in the form: -encoding format

Parameters Parameters (up to six), each within quotes

VCSAG_LOG_MSG Examples, Shell Script Entry Points

Calling a function without parameters or encoding format:
VCSAG_LOG_MSG "<sev>" "<msg>" <msgid>

VCSAG_LOG_MSG "C" "Two files found" 140

Calling a function with one parameter, but without encoding format:

VCSAG_LOG_MSG "<sev>" "<msg>" <msgid> "<param1>"

VCSAG_LOG_MSG "C" "$count files found" 140 "$count"

Calling a function with a parameter and encoding format:

VCSAG_LOG_MSG "<sev>" "<msg>" <msgid> "-encoding <format>"


VCSAG_LOG_MSG "C" "$count files found" 140 "-encoding utf8"


Note that if encoding format and parameters are passed to the functions, the encoding
format must be passed before any parameters.

Chapter 5, Logging Agent Messages 83

Script Entry Point Logging Functions

VCSAG_LOG_MSG Examples, Perl Script Entry Points

Calling a function without parameters or encoding format:
VCSAG_LOG_MSG ("<sev>", "<msg>", <msgid>);

VCSAG_LOG_MSG ("C", "Two files found", 140);

Calling a function with one parameter, but without encoding format:

VCSAG_LOG_MSG ("<sev>", "<msg>", <msgid>, "<param1>";

VCSAG_LOG_MSG ("C", "$count files found", 140, "$count");

Calling a a function with one parameter and encoding format:

VCSAG_LOG_MSG ("<sev>", "<msg>", <msgid>, "-encoding <format>",


VCSAG_LOG_MSG ("C", "$count files found", 140, "-encoding utf8",


Note that if encoding format and parameters are passed to the functions, the encoding
format must be passed before any parameters.

This function can be used to pass debug messages to the halog utility. At a minimum, the
severity must be indicated along with a message. Optionally, the encoding format and
parameters may be specied.

Severity (dbg) An integer indicating a severity level, 1 to 21.

Message (msg) A text message in quotes; for example: One le copied

Encoding Format UTF-8, ASCII, or UCS-2 in the form: -encoding format

Parameters Parameters (up to six), each within quotes

84 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Script Entry Point Logging Functions

VCSAG_LOGDBG_MSG Examples, Shell Script Entry Points

Calling a function without encoding or parameters:
VCSAG_LOGDBG_MSG <dbg> "<msg>"

VCSAG_LOGDBG_MSG 1 "This is string number 1"

Calling a function with a parameter, but without encoding format:

VCSAG_LOGDBG_MSG <dbg> "<msg>" "<param1>"

VCSAG_LOGDBG_MSG 2 "This is string number $count" "$count"

Calling a function with a parameter and encoding format:

VCSAG_LOGDBG_MSG <dbg> "<msg>" "-encoding <format>" "$count"

VCSAG_LOGDBG_MSG 2 "This is string number $count" "$count"

VCSAG_LOGDBG_MSG Examples, Perl Script Entry Points

Calling a function:
VCSAG_LOGDBG_MSG (<dbg>, "<msg>");

VCSAG_LOGDBG_MSG (1 "This is string number 1");

Calling a function with a parameter, but without encoding format:

VCSAG_LOGDBG_MSG (<dbg>, "<msg>", "<param1>");

VCSAG_LOGDBG_MSG (2, "This is string number $count", "$count");

Calling a function with a parameter and encoding format:

VCSAG_LOGDBG_MSG <dbg> "<msg>" "-encoding <format>" "<param1>"

VCSAG_LOGDBG_MSG (2, "This is string number $count", "-encoding

utf8", "$count");

Using the Functions in Scripts

The script-based entry points require a line that species the le dening the logging
functions. Include the following line exactly once in each script. The line should precede
the use of any of the log functions.
Shell Script include le
. ${VCS_HOME:-/opt/VRTSvcs}/bin/

Perl Script include le

use ag_i18n_inc;

Chapter 5, Logging Agent Messages 85

Script Entry Point Logging Functions

Example of Logging Functions Used in Script Agent

The following example shows the use of VCSAG_SET_ENVS and VCSAG_LOG_MSG
functions in a shell script for the online entry point.


# Parse other input arguments


. $VCSHOME/bin/

# Assume the category id assigned by VERITAS for this custom agent

#is 10061

VCSAG_SET_ENVS $ResName 10061

# Online entry point processing

# Successful completion of the online entry point

VCSAG_LOG_MSG "N" "online succeeded for resource $ResName" 1


exit 0

86 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Building a Custom VCS Agent 6

The VRTSvcs package installed by the VCS installation program includes the following
les to facilitate agent development. Note that custom agents are not supported by
VERITAS Technical Support.

Script Agents

Description Pathname

Ready-to-use VCS agent that $VCS_HOME/bin/ScriptAgent

includes a built-in ScriptAgent cannot be used with C++ entry points.

implementation of the

VCSAgStartup entry point.

C++ Agents

Description Pathname

Directory containing a sample $VCS_HOME/src/agent/Sample

C++ agent and Makefile.

Sample Makefile for $VCS_HOME/src/agent/Sample/Makele

building a C++ agent.

Entry point templates for C++ $VCS_HOME/src/agent/Sample/agent.C


Compiling is not required if all entry points are implemented using scripts. A copy of
ScriptAgent is sufcient.
Compiling is required to build the agent if any entry points are implemented using C++.
We recommend the following procedures for developers implementing entry points using

1. Edit agent.C to customize the implementation; agent.C is located in the directory


2. After completing the changes to agent.C, invoke the make command to build the
agent. The command is invoked from $VCS_HOME/src/agent/Sample, where the
Makele is located.

Additional Recommendations
We also recommend naming the agent binary resource_typeAgent. Place the agent in
the directory $VCS_HOME/bin/resource_type.
The agent binary for Oracle would be $VCS_HOME/bin/Oracle/OracleAgent, for
example. If the agent le is different, for example /foo/ora_agent, the le
must contain the following entry:

Type Oracle (


static str AgentFile = "/foo/ora_agent"


If entry points are implemented using scripts, the script le must be placed in the
directory $VCS_HOME/bin/resource_type. It must be named correctly (if necessary,
review Script Agents on page 16).
If all entry points are scripts, all scripts should be in the directory
$VCS_HOME/bin/resource_type. Copy the ScriptAgent into the agent directory as

88 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Building a VCS Agent for MyFile Resources

Building a VCS Agent for MyFile Resources

The following sections describe different ways to build a VCS agent for MyFile
resources. For test purposes, instructions for installing the agent on a single VCS system
are also provided. For multi-system congurations, you must install the agent on each
system in the cluster.
The examples assume that VCS is installed under /opt/VRTSvcs. If your VCS
installation directory is different, change the commands accordingly.
A MyFile resource represents a regular le. The MyFile online entry point creates the le
if it does not already exist. The MyFile offline entry point deletes the le. The MyFile
monitor entry point returns online and condence level 100 if the le exists; otherwise, it
returns ofine. The examples in this chapter use the following type and resource

// Define the resource type called MyFile (in

type MyFile (

str PathName;

static str ArgList[] = { PathName };

// Define a MyFile resource (in


MyFile MyFileRes (

PathName = "/tmp/VRTSvcs_file1"

Enabled = 1

The resource name and ArgList attribute values are passed to the script entry points as
command-line arguments. For example, in the preceding conguration, script entry
points receive the resource name as the rst argument, and PathName as the second.

Using Script Entry Points

The following example shows how to build the MyFile agent without writing and
compiling any C++ code. This example implements the online, offline, and monitor
entry points only.

1. Create the directory /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/MyFile:

# mkdir /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/MyFile

2. Use the VCS agent /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/ScriptAgent as the MyFile agent. Copy

this le to /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/MyFile/MyFileAgent, or create a link.

Chapter 6, Building a Custom VCS Agent 89

Building a VCS Agent for MyFile Resources

To copy the agent binary:

# cp /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/ScriptAgent


To create a link to the agent binary:

# ln -s /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/ScriptAgent


3. Implement the online, offline, and monitor entry points using scripts.

a. Using any editor, create the le /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/MyFile/online with the

# !/bin/sh

# Create the file specified by the PathName attribute.

touch $2

b. Create the le /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/MyFile/offline with the contents:

# !/bin/sh

# Remove the file specified by the PathName attribute.

rm $2

c. Create the le /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/MyFile/monitor with the contents:

# !/bin/sh

# Verify file specified by the PathName attribute exists.

if test -f $2

then exit 110;

else exit 100;


4. Additionally, you can implement the info and action entry points. For the action
entry point, create a subdirectory named actions under the agent directory, and
create scripts with the same names as the action_tokens within the subdirectory.

Using VCSAgStartup() and Script Entry Points

The following example shows how to build the MyFile agent using your own
VCSAgStartup entry point. This example implements the VCSAgStartup, online,
offline, and monitor entry points only.

1. Create the directory /opt/VRTSvcs/src/agent/MyFile:

# mkdir /opt/VRTSvcs/src/agent/MyFile

90 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Building a VCS Agent for MyFile Resources

2. Copy the contents from the directory /opt/VRTSvcs/src/agent/Sample

to the directory you created in the previous step:
# cp /opt/VRTSvcs/src/agent/Sample/*


3. Change to the new directory:

cd /opt/VRTSvcs/src/agent/MyFile

4. Edit the le agent.C and modify the VCSAgStartup() function (the last several
lines) to match the following example:
void VCSAgStartup() {

VCSAgV40EntryPointStruct ep;

// Set all the entry point fields to NULL because

// this example does not implement any of them

// using C++. = NULL;

ep.close = NULL;

ep.monitor = NULL; = NULL;

ep.offline = NULL;

ep.action = NULL; = NULL;

ep.attr_changed = NULL;

ep.clean = NULL;

ep.shutdown = NULL;

VCSAgRegisterEPStruct(V40, &ep);

5. Compile agent.C and build the agent by invoking make. (Makefile is provided.)
# make

6. Create the directory /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/MyFile:

# mkdir /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/MyFile

7. Install the MyFile agent built in step 5.

# make install AGENT=MyFile

8. Implement the online, offline, and monitor entry points, as instructed in step 3
on page 90.

Chapter 6, Building a Custom VCS Agent 91

Building a VCS Agent for MyFile Resources

Using C++ and Script Entry Points

The following example shows how to build the MyFile agent using your own
VCSAgStartup entry point, the C++ version of the monitor entry point, and the script
version of online and offline entry points. This example implements the
VCSAgStartup, online, offline, and monitor entry points only.

1. Create the directory /opt/VRTSvcs/src/agent/MyFile:

# mkdir /opt/VRTSvcs/src/agent/MyFile

2. Copy the contents from the directory /opt/VRTSvcs/src/agent/Sample

to the directory you created in the previous step:
# cp /opt/VRTSvcs/src/agent/Sample/*


3. Change to the new directory:

# cd /opt/VRTSvcs/src/agent/MyFile

4. Edit the le agent.C and modify the VCSAgStartup()function (the last several
lines) to match the following example:
void VCSAgStartup() {

VCSAgV40EntryPointStruct ep;

// This example implements only the monitor entry

// point using C++. Set all the entry point

// fields, except monitor, to NULL. = NULL;

ep.close = NULL;

ep.monitor = res_monitor; = NULL;

ep.offline = NULL;

ep.action = NULL; = NULL;

ep.attr_changed = NULL;

ep.clean = NULL;

ep.shutdown = NULL;

VCSAgRegisterEPStruct(V40, &ep);

92 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Building a VCS Agent for MyFile Resources

5. Modify the res_monitor() function:

// This is a C++ implementation of the monitor entry

// point for the MyFile resource type. This function

// determines the status of a MyFile resource by

// checking if the corresponding file exists. It is

// assumed that the complete pathname of the file will

// be passed as the first ArgList attribute.

VCSAgResState res_monitor(const char *res_name, void

**attr_val,int *conf_level) {

// Initialize the OUT parameters.

VCSAgResState state = VCSAgResUnknown;

*conf_level = 0;

if (attr_val) {

// Get the pathname of the file.

const char *path_name = (const char *) attr_val[0];

// Determine if the file exists.

struc stat stat_buf;

if (stat(path_name, &stat_buf) == 0) {

state = VCSAgResOnline;

*conf_level = 100;

else {

state = VCSAgResOffline;

*conf_level = 0;

// Return the status of the resource.

return state;

6. Compile agent.C and build the agent by invoking make. (Makefile is provided.)
# make

7. Create the directory /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/MyFile:

# mkdir /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/MyFile

8. Install the MyFile agent built in step 6.

# make install AGENT=MyFile

9. Implement the online, offline, action, and info entry points, as instructed in
step 3 on page 90.

Chapter 6, Building a Custom VCS Agent 93

Building a VCS Agent for MyFile Resources

Using C++ Entry Points

The example in this section shows how to build the MyFile agent using your own
VCSAgStartup entry point and the C++ version of online, offline, and monitor
entry points. This example implements the VCSAgStartup, online, offline, and
monitor entry points only.

1. Edit the le agent.C and modify the VCSAgStartup() function

(the last several lines) to match the following example:
void VCSAgStartup() {

VCSAgV40EntryPointStruct ep;

// This example implements online, offline, and monitor

// entry points using C++. Set the corresponding fields

// of VCSAgV40EntryPointStruct passed to VCSAgRegisterEPStruct.

// Set all other fields to NULL. = NULL;

ep.close = NULL;

ep.monitor = res_monitor; = res_online;

ep.offline = res_offline;

ep.action = res_action; = res_info;

ep.attr_changed = NULL;

ep.clean = NULL;

ep.shutdown = NULL;


VCSAgRegisterEPStruct(V40, &ep);

2. Modify res_online() and res_offline():

// This is a C++ implementation of the online entry

// point for the MyFile resource type. This function

// brings online a MyFile resource by creating the

// corresponding file. It is assumed that the complete

// pathname of the file will be passed as the first

// ArgList attribute.

unsigned int

res_online(const char *res_name, void **attr_val) {


if (attr_val) {

// Get the pathname of the file.

const char *path_name = (const char *) attr_val[0];

94 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Building a VCS Agent for MyFile Resources

// Create the file

int fd = creat (path_name,S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);

if (fd < 0) {

// if creat() failed, send a log message to

// the console.

char msg [1024];


"failed for for file(%s)", path_name);

else {


// Completed onlining resource. Return 0 so monitor

// can start immediately. Note that return value

// indicates how long agent framework must wait before

// calling the monitor entry point to check if online

// was successful.

return 0;

// This is a C++ implementation of the offline entry

// point for the MyFile resource type. This function

// takes offline a MyFile resource by deleting the

// corresponding file. It is assumed that the complete

// pathname of the file will be passed as the first

// ArgList attribute.

unsigned int

res_offline(const char *res_name, void **attr_val) {


if (attr_val) {

// Get the pathname of the file.

const char *path_name = (const char *)


// Delete the file

remove (path_name);

// Completed offlining resource. Return 0 so monitor

// can start immediately. Note that return value

// indicates how long agent framework must wait before

// calling the monitor entry point to check if offline

// was successful.

return 0;

Chapter 6, Building a Custom VCS Agent 95

Building a VCS Agent for MyFile Resources

3. Modify res_monitor(), as shown on step 5 on page 93.

4. Compile agent.C and build the agent by invoking make. (Makefile is provided.)
# make

5. Create the directory /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/MyFile:

# mkdir /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/MyFile

6. Install the MyFile agent built in step 4.

# make install AGENT=MyFile

96 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Setting Agent Attributes 7

The VCS agents can be customized for a resource type by setting the values of the agent
attributes. Agent attributes are predened static attributes of the resource type. They can
be assigned values when dening the resource type in, and they can be set
dynamically using the command hatype -modify (described in the VERITAS Cluster
Server Users Guide).

Note VCS allows you to specify priorities and scheduling classes for VCS processes. For
details on the additional attributes included with this feature, and for instructions
on initializing them in the le or setting them from the command line,
see Scheduling Class and Priority Conguration Support on page 109.

Overriding Static Attributes

Typically, the value of a static attribute of a resource type applies to all resources of the
type. However, the value of a static attribute for a specic resource may be modied
(overridden) without affecting the value of the attribute for other resources of that type. In
this chapter, the description of each agent attribute indicates whether the attributes
values are overridable.
Users can override the values of overridable static attributes two ways:
By explicitly dening the attribute in a resource denition in the
conguration le
By using the hares command from the command line with the -override option
The values of the overridden attributes may be displayed using the
hares -display command. The overridden values of static attributes may be removed
by using the hares -undo_override option from the command line.
See hares manual page and the VERITAS Cluster Server Users Guide for a additional
information about overriding the values of static attributes.

Agent Attribute Definitions

Agent Attribute Denitions

Beginning with ActionTimeout below, each agent attribute is listed and dened in the
following sections.

After the hares -action command has instructed the agent to perform a specied
action, the action entry point has the time specied by the ActionTimeout attribute
(scalar-integer) to perform the action. The value of ActionTimeout may be set for
individual resources. The default is 40 seconds. The ActionTimeout attribute value can
be overridden.

The default name of the agent le to be executed is:
The AgentFile attribute value cannot be overridden.

The engine restarts the agent if it has not received the periodic heartbeat from the agent
for the number of seconds specied by this attribute. The default value of 130 seconds
works well for most congurations. Increase this value if the engine is restarting the
agent. This may occur when the system is heavily loaded or if the number of resources
exceeds three or four hundred. (See the command haagent -display in the chapter on
administering VCS from the command line in the VERITAS Cluster Server Users Guide.)
Note that the engine will also restart a crashed agent. The AgentReplyTimeout attribute
value cannot be overridden.

After the engine has started the agent, this is the amount of time the engine waits for the
initial agent handshake before attempting to restart. Default is 60 seconds. The
AgentStartTimeout attribute value cannot be overridden.

98 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Agent Attribute Definitions

An ordered list of attributes whose values are passed to the open, close, online,
offline, monitor, and clean entry points. Default is empty list. The ArgList
attribute value cannot be overridden.

ArgList Reference Attributes

Reference attributes refer to attributes of a different resource. If the value of a resource
attribute is dened as the name of another resource, the ArgList of the rst resource can
refer to an attribute of the second resource using the : operator.
For example, if the resource ArgList resembles the following code sample (in which the
value of attr3 is the name of another resource), the entry points are passed the values of
the attr1, attr2 attributes of the rst resource, and the value of the attr_A attribute of
the second resource.
{ attr1, attr2, attr3:attr_A }

Maximum time (in seconds) within which the attr_changed entry point must complete
or else be terminated. Default is 60 seconds. The AttrChangedTimeout attribute value
can be overridden.

Maximum time (in seconds) within which the clean entry point must complete or else be
terminated. Default is 60 seconds. The CleanTimeout attribute value can be overridden.

Maximum time (in seconds) within which the close entry point must complete or else be
terminated. Default is 60 seconds.The CloseTimeout attribute value can be overridden.

Chapter 7, Setting Agent Attributes 99

Agent Attribute Definitions

An attribute that indicates whether or not VCS is to keep track of monitor statistics for a
given resource. A value of 1 indicates VCS is to keep track of the monitor time for the
resource. A value of 0 indicates that VCS is not keep track of monitor statistics for a
resource. See MonitorStatsParam on page 104.
The default is 0.

Species an interval in seconds. When a resource has remained online for the designated
interval (all monitor invocations during the interval reported ONLINE), any earlier faults
or restart attempts of that resource are ignored. This attribute is used with ToleranceLimit
to allow the monitor entry point to report OFFLINE several times before the resource is
declared FAULTED. If monitor reports OFFLINE more often than the number set in
ToleranceLimit, the resource is declared FAULTED. However, if the resource remains online
for the interval designated in ConfInterval, any earlier reports of OFFLINE are not counted
against ToleranceLimit.
The agent framework uses the values of MonitorInterval (MI), MonitorTimeout (MT), and
ToleranceLimit (TL) to determine how low to set the value of ConfInterval. The agent
framework ensures that ConfInterval (CI) cannot be less than that expressed by the
following relationship:
(MI + MT) * TL + MI + 10
Lesser specied values of ConfInterval are ignored. For example, assume that the values
are 60 for MI, 60 for MT, and 0 for TL. If you specify any value lower than 70 for CI, the
agent framework ignores the specied value and sets the value to 70. However, you can
successfully specify and set CI to any value over 70.
ConfInterval is also used with RestartLimit to prevent VCS from restarting the resource
indenitely. VCS attempts to restart the resource on the same system according to the
number set in RestartLimit within ConfInterval before giving up and failing over.
However, if the resource remains online for the interval designated in ConfInterval, earlier
attempts to restart are not counted against RestartLimit. Default is 600 seconds. The
ConfInterval attribute value can be overridden.

100 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Agent Attribute Definitions

Indicates the number of consecutive monitor failures to be treated as a resource fault.

A monitor attempt is considered a failure if it does not complete within the time specied

by the MonitorTimeout attribute. When a monitor fails as many times as the value

specied by this attribute, the corresponding resource is brought down by calling the

clean entry point. The resource is then marked FAULTED, or it is restarted, depending on

the value set in the Restart Limit attribute.

When FaultOnMonitorTimeouts is set to 0, monitor failures are not considered indicative

of a resource fault. Default is 4. The FaultOnMonitorTimeouts attribute value can be


Note This attribute applies only to online resources. If a resource is ofine, no special
action is taken during monitor failures.

A re drill refers to the process of bringing up a database or application on a secondary
or standby system for the purpose of doing some processing on the secondary data, or to
verify that the application is capable of onlining on the secondary in case of a primary
fault. The FireDrill attribute species whether a resource type has re drill enabled or
not. A value of 1 for the FireDrill attribute indicates a re drill is enabled. A value of 0
indicates a re drill is not enabled. The default is 0.
Refer to the VERITAS Cluster Server Users Guide for details of how to set up and
implement a re drill.
The FireDrill attribute cannot be overridden.

Species the interval, in seconds, between successive invocations of the info entry point
for a given resource. The default value of the InfoInterval attribute is 0, which
species that the agent framework is not to schedule the info entry point periodically;
the entry point can be invoked, however, by the user from the command line. The
InfoInterval attribute value can be overridden.

A scalar integer specifying the time the agent framework is to allow for completion of the
info entry point. The InfoTimeout attribute value can be overridden. The default is 30

Chapter 7, Setting Agent Attributes 101

Agent Attribute Definitions

LogDbg is a resource type-level attribute that species which debug messages are to be
logged to the agent log. The LogDbg attribute applies only for those agent entry points
written in C++.
By default, LogDbg is an empty list, meaning that no debug messages are logged for a
resource type. Users can modify this attribute for a given resource type, specifying that
debug messages of specic severities be printed to the agent log.
For example, if you want to log debug messages for the FileOnOff resource type with
severity levels DBG_3 and DBG_4, use the hatype command:
# hatype -modify FileOnOff LogDbg -add DBG_3 DBG_4

# hatype -display FileOnOff -attribute LogDbg


FileOnOff LogDbg DBG_3 DBG_4

The FileOnOff agent entry points can now log debug messages with severity DBG_3 and
DBG_4. They are printed to the agent log le. An example line in the agent log would now

2003/06/06 11:02:35 VCS DBG_3 V-16-50-0 FileOnOff:f1:monitor:This

is a debug message


LogDbg is an overrideable attribute. For example, for a specic critical resource, the
attribute value can be set to obtain debug messages of particular severity level in addition
to those severity levels already set for the resource type. From the command line, this can
be done using the hares command. For example:
# hares -override f1 LogDbg

# hares -modify f1 LogDbg DBG_5

# hares -display f1 -attribute LogDbg

Resource Attribute System Value

f1 LogDbg global DBG_5

The FileOnOff agent log would now include debug messages for the f1 resource at
severity level DBG_5 in addition to debug messages at the severity levels DBG_3 and
DBG_4 enabled for the resource type.
The LogDbg attribute value can be overridden.

Note Values of LogDbg overridden for a resource are effective only if the agent uses the
macro VCSAG_RES_LOG_MSG, which is the only macro that checks if a particular
debug severity is enabled for the resource before writing the message to the log le.
Please refer to Logging Agent Messages on page 69 for more information.

102 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Agent Attribute Definitions

Sets the size of an agent log le. Value must be specied in bytes. Minimum is 65536 bytes
(64KB). Maximum is 134217728 bytes (128MB). Default is 33554432 bytes (32MB). For
# hatype -modify FileOnOff LogSize 2097152

Values specied less than the minimum acceptable value will be changed 65536 bytes.
Values specied greater than the maximum acceptable value will be changed to 134217728
bytes. Therefore, out-of-range values displayed for the command:
# hatype -display restype -attribute LogSize

will be those entered with the -modify option, not the actual values. The LogFileSize
attribute value cannot be overridden.

A service group level attribute. ManageFaults species if VCS manages resource
failures within the service group by calling clean entry point for the resources. This
attribute value can be set to ALL or NONE. Default = ALL.
If set to NONE, VCS does not call clean entry point for any resource in the group. User
intervention is required to handle resource faults/failures. When ManageFaults is set to
NONE and one of the following events occur, the resource enters the ADMIN_WAIT state:
1 - The offline entry point did not complete within the expected time. Resource
2 - The offline entry point was ineffective. Resource state is
3 - The online entry point did not complete within the expected time. Resource state
4 - The online entry point was ineffective. Resource state is
5 - The resource was taken ofine unexpectedly. Resource state is
6 - For the online resource the monitor entry point consistently failed to complete
within the expected time. Resource state is ONLINE| MONITOR_

Chapter 7, Setting Agent Attributes 103

Agent Attribute Definitions

Duration (in seconds) between two consecutive monitor calls for an ONLINE or
transitioning resource. Default is 60 seconds. The MonitorInterval attribute value can
be overridden.

Refer to the VERITAS Cluster Server Users Guide for details about the
MonitorStatsParam attribute, and the MonitorTimeStats attribute that is updated
by VCS. See also ComputeStats on page 100.
MonitorStatsParam is a resource type-level attribute, which stores the required
parameter values for calculating monitor time statistics.
static str MonitorStatsParam = { Frequency = 10, ExpectedValue =

3000, ValueThreshold = 100, AvgThreshold = 40 }

Frequency: Denes the number of monitor cycles after which the average monitor
cycle time should be computed and sent to the engine. The value for this attribute is
must be between 1 and 30 and is set to 0 by default.
ExpectedValue: The expected monitor time in milliseconds for all resources of this type.
ValueThreshold: The acceptable percentage difference between the expected monitor
cycle time (ExpectedValue) and the actual monitor cycle time. Default=100.
AvgThreshold: The acceptable percentage difference between the benchmark average
and the moving average of monitor cycle times. Default=40.
The MonitorStatsParam attribute values can be overridden.

Maximum time (in seconds) within which the monitor entry point must complete or else
be terminated. Default is 60 seconds. The MonitorTimeout attribute value can be
The determination of the value of the MonitorTimeout attribute can be assisted by the
use of the MonitorStatsParam attribute.

104 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Agent Attribute Definitions

Number of threads used within the agent process for managing resources. This number
does not include the three threads used for other internal purposes. Default is 10 threads.
The NumThreads attribute value cannot be overridden.

Duration (in seconds) between two consecutive monitor calls for an OFFLINE resource. If
set to 0, OFFLINE resources are not monitored. Default is 300 seconds. The
OfflineMonitorInterval attribute value can be overridden.

Note In previous releases, agents monitored ofine resources once every minute by
default. To reduce monitoring overhead, this frequency was changed to once every
ve minutes. This interval may be adjusted to meet specic conguration

Maximum time (in seconds) within which the offline entry point must complete or else
be terminated. Default is 300 seconds. The OfflineTimeout attribute value can be

Number of times to retry online, if the attempt to online a resource is unsuccessful. This
attribute is meaningful only if clean is implemented. Default is 0. The
OnlineRetryLimit attribute value can be overridden.

Maximum time (in seconds) within which the online entry point must complete or else
be terminated. Default is 300 seconds. The OnlineTimeout attribute value can be

Chapter 7, Setting Agent Attributes 105

Agent Attribute Definitions

Number of monitor intervals to wait after completing the online procedure, and before the
resource becomes online. If the resource is not brought online after the designated monitor
intervals, the online attempt is considered ineffective. This attribute is meaningful only if
the clean entry point is implemented.
If clean is not implemented, the agent continues to periodically run monitor until the
resource comes online.
If clean is implemented, when the agent reaches the maximum number of monitor
intervals it assumes that the online procedure was ineffective and runs clean. The agent
then noties the engine that the online failed, or retries the procedure, depending on
whether or not the OnlineRetryLimit is reached. Default is 2. The OnlineWaitLimit
attribute value can be overridden.

Maximum time (in seconds) within which the open entry point must complete or else be
terminated. Default is 60 seconds. The OpenTimeout attribute value can be overridden.

Indicates the valid operations of resources of the resource type. The values are OnOff (can
be onlined and ofined), OnOnly (can be onlined only), and None (cannot be onlined or
ofined). Default is OnOff. The Operations attribute value cannot be overridden.

106 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Agent Attribute Definitions

The ResourceInfo (association-string) is a temporary attribute, the scope of which is set
by the engine to be global for failover groups or local for parallel groups. Because
ResourceInfo is a temporary attribute, its values are never dumped to the
The values of the ResourceInfo attribute are expressed in three mandatory keys:
State, Msg, and TS.For State, the possible values are Valid, (the default),
Invalid, and Stale). Msg (default is , a null string) contains the output from the entry
point. TS contains the time at which the attribute is has been updated or modied. These
mandatory keys are updated only by the agent framework, not the entry point. The entry
point can dene and add other keys (name-value pairs) and update them.
The value of the ResourceInfo attribute can be displayed using the hares command.
The output of hares -display shows the rst 20 characters of the current value; the
output of hares -value resource ResourceInfo shows all name-value pairs in the
The resource for which the info entry point is invoked must be online. When a resource
goes ofine or faults, the State key is marked Stale because the information is not
current. If the info entry point exits abnormally, the State key is marked Invalid
because not all of the information is known to be valid. The other key data, including Msg
and TS keys, are not touched. The values of the ResourceInfo attribute can be manually
cleared using the hares -flushinfo command. This command deletes any optional
keys for the ResourceInfo attribute and sets the three mandatory keys to their default
See the hares manual page.

Affects how the agent responds to a resource fault (seeFaultOnMonitorTimeouts on
page 101 and ToleranceLimit on page 108). A non-zero RestartLimit causes VCS to
invoke the online entry point instead of failing over the service group to another system.
VCS attempts to restart the resource according to the number set in RestartLimit before it
gives up and fails over. However, if the resource remains online for the interval
designated in ConfInterval, earlier attempts to restart are not counted against
RestartLimit. Default is 0. The RestartLimit attribute value can be overridden.

Note The agent will not restart a faulted resource if the clean entry point is not
implemented. Therefore, the value of the RestartLimit attribute applies only if
clean is implemented.

Chapter 7, Setting Agent Attributes 107

Agent Attribute Definitions

Keylist of attribute names. All resources are automatically registered for change
notication for specied attributes. Default is empty list. The RegList attribute value
cannot be overridden.

The SupportedActions (string-keylist) attribute lists all possible actions dened for an
agent, including those dened by the agent developer. The engine validates the
action_token value specied in the hares -action resource action_token
command against the SupportedActions attribute. It is the responsibility of the agent
developer to initialize the SupportedActions attribute in the resource type denition and
update the denition for each new action added to the action entry point code or script.
See action on page 25. This attribute serves as a reference for users of the command line
or the graphical user interface.
An example denition of a resource type may resemble:
Type DBResource (

static str ArgList[] = { Sid, Owner, Home, User, Pwork, StartOpt,

ShutOpt }

static keylist SupportedActions = { VRTS_GetRunningServices,

DBRestrict, DBUndoRestrict, DBSuspend, DBResume }

str Sid

str Owner

str Home

str User

str Pword

str StartOpt

str ShutOpt

In the SupportedActions attribute denition above, VRTS_GetRunningServices is

a VERITAS predened action, and the actions following it are dened by the developer.
The SupportedActions attribute value cannot be overridden.

A non-zero ToleranceLimit allows the monitor entry point to return OFFLINE several
times before the ONLINE resource is declared FAULTED. If the monitor entry point reports
OFFLINE more times than the number set in ToleranceLimit, the resource is declared
FAULTED. However, if the resource remains online for the interval designated in
ConfInterval, any earlier reports of OFFLINE are not counted against ToleranceLimit.
Default is 0. The ToleranceLimit attribute value can be overridden.

108 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Scheduling Class and Priority Configuration Support

Scheduling Class and Priority Conguration Support

VCS allows you to specify priorities and scheduling classes for VCS processes.
VCS supports the following scheduling classes:
RealTime (specied as RT in the conguration le)
TimeSharing (specied as TS in the conguration le)
SRM scheduler (Solaris only) (specied as SHR in the conguration le)

Priority Ranges
The following table displays the platform-specic priority range for RealTime,
TimeSharing, and SRM scheduling (SHR) processes.

Platform Scheduling Default Priority Range Using #ps Commands

Class Priority Range
Weak / Strong

AIX RT 126 / 52 126 / 52

TS 60 Priority varies with CPU consumption.
Note On AIX, use #ps -ael

HP-UX RT 127 / 0 127 / 0

Note On HP-UX, use #ps -ael

Solaris RT 0 / 59 100 /159

TS -60 / 60 N/A
SHR -60 / 60 N/A
Note On Solaris, use #ps -ae -o pri, args

Scheduling Default Priority Priority Range Using #ps Commands

Class Range
Weak / Strong

RT 1/99 L- high priority task

TS N- high priority task
Note On Linux, use #ps -el

Chapter 7, Setting Agent Attributes 109

Scheduling Class and Priority Configuration Support

Default Scheduling Classes and Priorities

The following table lists the default class and priority values used by VCS. Note that the
default priority value is platform-specic. Therefore, when priority is set to 0, VCS
converts the priority to a value specic to the platform on which the system is running.
For TS, the default priority equals the strongest priority supported by the TimeSharing
class. For RT, the default priority equals two less than the strongest priority supported by
the RealTime class. So, if the strongest priority supported by the RealTime class is 59, the
default priority for the RT class is 57. For SHR (on Solaris only), the default priority is the
strongest priority support by the SHR class.

Process Default Default Priority

Class AIX HP-UX Solaris

Engine RT 52 (Strongest + 2) 2 (Strongest + 2) 57 (Strongest - 2)

Process created TS 60 N/A 60 (Strongest)

by Engine

Agent TS 60 N/A 0

Script TS 60 N/A 0

110 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Scheduling Class and Priority Configuration Support

Attributes for Scheduling Class and Priorities

The following attributes are used to set the class and the priority for VCS agent and script

Indicates the scheduling class for the VCS agent process. TS is default.

Indicates the priority in which the agent process runs. 0 is default.

Indicates the scheduling class of the script processes (for example, online) created by the
agent. TS is default.

Indicates the priority of the script processes created by the agent. 0 is default.

Chapter 7, Setting Agent Attributes 111

Scheduling Class and Priority Configuration Support

Initializing Attributes in the Conguration File

The following conguration shows how to initialize these attributes through
conguration les. The example shows attributes of a FileOnOff resource.
type FileOnOff (

static str AgentClass = RT

static str AgentPriority = 10

static str ScriptClass = RT

static str ScriptPriority = 40

static str ArgList[] = { PathName }

str PathName

Setting Attributes Dynamically from the Command Line

To update the AgentClass

hatype -modify resource_type AgentClass value

For example, to set the AgentClass attribute of the FileOnOff resource to Realtime, type:
hatype -modify FileOnOff AgentClass "RT"

To update the AgentPriority

hatype -modify resource_type AgentPriority value

For example, to set the AgentPriority attribute of the FileOnOff resource to 10, type:
hatype -modify FileOnOff AgentPriority "10"

To update the ScriptClass

hatype -modify resource_type ScriptClass value

For example, to set the ScriptClass of the FileOnOff resource to RealTime, type:
hatype -modify FileOnOff ScriptClass "RT"

112 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Scheduling Class and Priority Configuration Support

To update the ScriptPriority

hatype -modify resource_type ScriptPriority value

For example, to set the ScriptClass of the FileOnOff resource to RealTime, type:
hatype -modify FileOnOff ScriptPriority "40"

Note: For the attributes AgentClass and AgentPriority, changes are effective immediately.
For ScriptClass and ScriptPriority, changes become effective for scripts issued after the
execution of the hatype command.

Chapter 7, Setting Agent Attributes 113

Scheduling Class and Priority Configuration Support

114 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Testing VCS Agents 8

VCS agents can be tested using two methods:

The VCS engine (see Using the VCS Engine Process on page 116)
The AgentServer utility (see Using the AgentServer Utility on page 117)
Before testing an agent, make sure you have completed the following tasks:
Built the agent binary and put it in the directory $VCS_HOME/bin/resource_type.
Installed script entry points in the directory $VCS_HOME/bin/resource_type.
And, if you are using the VCS engine process to test the agent, make sure you have:
Dened the resource type in, dened the resources in, and
restarted the engine. You may dene the new type and resources using the commands
listed in the VERITAS Cluster Server Users Guide.

Using Debug Messages

You can activate C++ agent debug messages by setting the value of the LogDbg attribute
of the resource type to DBG_AGINFO. This directs the framework to print messages logged
with agent debug severity of DBG_AGINFO. Debug messages are logged to a specic le:
Use the halog command with the -addtags option to set up debug tags for use by script
agents. Messages from halog are logged to the VCS engine log.

Using the VCS Engine Process

Using the VCS Engine Process

When the VCS engine process had becomes active on a system, it automatically starts
the appropriate agent processes, based on the contents of the conguration les. A single
VCS agent process monitors all resources of the same type on a system.
After the VCS engine process is active, type the following command at the system prompt
to verify that the agent has been started and is running:
haagent -display resource_type

For example, to test the Oracle agent, type:

haagent -display Oracle

If the Oracle agent is running, the output resembles:

#Agent Attribute Value

Oracle AgentFile

Oracle Faults 0

Oracle Running Yes

Oracle Started Yes

Test Commands
The following examples show how VCS commands can be used to test the agent:
To activate agent debug messages for C++ agents, type:
hatype -modify resource_type LogDbg -add DBG-AGINFO

To check the status of a resource, type:

hares -display resource_name

To bring a resource online, type:

hares -online resource_name -sys system
This causes the online entry point of the corresponding agent to be called.

To take a resource ofine, type:

hares -offline resource_name -sys system
This causes the offline entry point of the corresponding agent to be called.

To deactivate agent debug messages for C++ agents, type:

hatype -modify resource_type LogDbg -delete DBG-AGINFO

116 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Using the AgentServer Utility

Using the AgentServer Utility

The AgentServer utility enables you to test agents without running the VCS engine
process. The utility is part of the VCS package and is installed in the directory
$VCS_HOME/bin. Run the AgentServer utility when the VCS engine is not running.

To start the AgentServer and access help

1. Type the following command to start AgentServer:

# $VCS_HOME/bin/AgentServer
The AgentServer utility monitors a TCP port for messages from the VCS agents.
This port number can be congured by setting vcstest to the selected port number
in the le /etc/services. If vcstest is not specied, AgentServer uses the
default value 14142.

2. When AgentServer is started, a message prompts you to enter a command or to

type help for a complete list of the AgentServer commands. We recommend you
type help to review the commands before getting started.
> help

Output resembles:
The following commands are supported.(Use help for more

information on using any command.)



















Chapter 8, Testing VCS Agents 117

Using the AgentServer Utility

3. For help on a specic command, type help command_name at the AgentServer

prompt (>). For example, for information on how to bring a resource online, type:
>help onlineres

The output resembles:

Sends a message to an agent to online a resource.

Usage: onlineres <agentid> <resname>

where <agentid> is id for the agent - usually same as

the resource type name.

where <resname> is the name of the resource.

To test the FileOnOff agent

1. Start the agent for the resource type:

>startagent FileOnOff /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/FileOnOff/FileOnOffAgent
You receive the following messages:
Agent (FileOnOff) has connected.

Agent (FileOnOff) is ready to accept commands.

2. The following are examples of and conguration les that can be
referred to when testing the FileOnOff agent:
Example denition for the FileOnOff agent:
type FileOnOff (

str PathName

static str ArgList[] = { PathName }

Example denition for a FileOnOff resource:


group ga (


FileOnOff file1 (

Enabled = 1

PathName = "/tmp/VRTSvcsfile001"

In step 3, the sample conguration is set up using AgentServer commands.

118 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Using the AgentServer Utility

3. Complete step a through step f to pass this sample conguration to the VCS agent.

a. Add a type:
>addtype FileOnOff FileOnOff

b. Add attributes of the type:

>addattr FileOnOff FileOnOff PathName str ""

>addattr FileOnOff FileOnOff Enabled int 0

c. Add the static attributes to the FileOnOff resource type:

>addstaticattr FileOnOff FileOnOff ArgList

vector PathName

d. Add the LogLevel attribute to see the debug messages from the
VCS agent:
>addstaticattr FileOnOff FileOnOff LogLevel str info

e. Add a resource:
>addres FileOnOff file1 FileOnOff

f. Set the resource attributes:

>modifyres FileOnOff file1 PathName str


>modifyres FileOnOff file1 Enabled int 1

4. After adding and modifying resources, type the following command to obtain the
status of a resource:
>proberes FileOnOff file1

This calls the monitor entry point of the FileOnOff agent.

You will receive the following messages indicating the resource status:

Resource(file1) is OFFLINE

Resource(file1) confidence level is 0

a. To bring a resource online:

>onlineres FileOnOff file1

This calls the online entry point of the FileOnOff agent. The following message
is displayed when file1 is brought online:
Resource(file1) is ONLINE

Resource(file1) confidence level is 100

Chapter 8, Testing VCS Agents 119

Using the AgentServer Utility

b. To take a resource ofine:

>offlineres FileOnOff file1

This calls the offline entry point of the FileOnOff agent. A status message
similar to the example in step a is displayed when file1 is taken ofine.

5. View the list of VCS agents started by the AgentServer process:

Output resembles:
Following Agents are started:


6. Stop the agent:

>stopagent FileOnOff

7. Exit from the AgentServer:


120 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

State Transition Diagrams 9

This chapter illustrates the state transitions within the agent framework. State transition
diagrams are shown separately for the following behaviors:
Opening a resource
Resource in a steady state
Onlining a resource
Ofining a resource
Resource fault (without automatic restart)
Resource fault (with automatic restart)
Monitoring of persistent resources
Closing a resource
In addition, state transitions are shown for the handling of resources with respect to the
ManageFaults service group attribute. By default, ManageFaults is set to NONE, in
which case the clean entry point is not called by VCS. See ManageFaults on
page 103.The diagrams cover the following conditions:
Onlining a resource when the ManageFaults attribute is set to NONE
Ofining a resource when the ManageFaults attribute is set to NONE
Resource fault when ManageFaults attribute is set to ALL
Resource fault (unexpected offline) when ManageFaults attribute is set to NONE
Resource fault (monitor is hung) when ManageFaults attribute is set to ALL
Resource fault (monitor is hung) when ManageFaults attribute is set to NONE
The states shown in these diagrams are associated with each resource by the agent
framework. These states are used only within the agent framework and are independent
of the IState resource attribute values indicated by the engine.
The VCS agent writes resource state transition information into the agent log le when the
LogDbg parameter, a static resource type attribute, is set to the value DBG_AGINFO. Agent
developers can make use of this information when debugging agents.

Opening a resource

timed out or done /

start PM
Opening Probing Online

timed out or
enabled=1 unknown status Online

status Ofine
Detached Monitoring Ofine

PM - Periodic Monitoring

When the agent starts up, each resource starts with the initial state of Detached. In the
Detached state (Enabled=0), the agent rejects all commands to online or ofine the
When the resource is enabled (Enabled=1), the open entry point is invoked. Periodic
Monitoring begins after open times out or succeeds. Depending on the return value of
monitor, the resource transitions to either the Online or the Ofine state. In the unlikely
event that monitor times out or returns unknown, the resource stays in a Probing state.

122 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Resource in steady state

Ofine Monitoring
status Ofine (Ofine)

status Online

(Online) status Online

When resources are in a steady state of Online or Ofine, they are monitored at regular
intervals. The intervals are specied by the MonitorInterval parameter for a resource
in the Online state and the OfflineMonitorInterval parameter for a resource in the
Ofine state. An Online resource that is unexpectedly detected as Ofine is considered to
be faulted. Refer to diagrams describing faulted resources.

Chapter 9, State Transition Diagrams 123

Onlining a resource: ManageFaults = ALL
done /
Going start PM Going
Online timed out And
Online OWL not reached /
timed out Waiting increment OWC
online / Or failed /
stop PM start PM
Clean status
returned not Online
success, timed out And
Ofine ORL not OWL not Online
reached / reached /
increment increment
ORC Clean succeeds OWC
ORL reached /
success start PM status Online
ORL reached /
start PM Cleaning Monitoring
reset ORC status not online
set as FAULTED and OWL reached /
stop PM, reset OWC OWC - OnlineWaitCount
Or OWL - OnlineWaitLimit
timed out and ORC - OnlineRetryCount
OWL reached ORL - OnlineRetryLimit
PM - Periodic Monitoring

status Ofine, Monitor timed out, OWL, and ORL reached

ORL and ORL are reached / start PM, reset ORC, set to FAULTED.

When the agent receives a request from the VCS engine to online the resource, the
resource enters the Going Online state, where the online entry point is invoked. If
online completes successfully, the resource enters the Going Online Waiting state where
it waits for the next monitor cycle.
If monitor returns a status of online, the resource moves to the Online state.
If, however, the monitor times out, or returns a status of not Online (that is, unknown
or ofine), the agent returns the resource to the Going Online Waiting state and waits for
the next monitor cycle.
When the OnlineWaitLimit is reached, the clean entry point is invoked.
If clean times out or fails, the resource again returns to the Going Online Waiting
state and waits for the next monitor cycle. The agent again invokes the clean entry
point if the monitor reports a status of not Online.
If clean succeeds with the OnlineRetryLimit reached, and the subsequent
monitor reports ofine status, the resource transitions to the ofine state and is
marked FAULTED.
If clean succeeds and the ORL is not reached, the resource transitions to the Going
Online state where the online entry point is retried.

124 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Ofining a resource

Going timed out


ofine / success /
cleaned = true status not ofine
stop PM
start PM And cleaned is

Online Ofine
done /
start PM timed out Or
cleaned is false /
start PM
status Ofine

Going monitor
Ofine Monitoring
Waiting timed out Or
status not Ofine
And cleaned is true /
start PM
PM - Periodic Monitoring

Upon receiving a request from the VCS engine to ofine a resource, the agent places the
resource in a Going Ofine state and invokes the offline entry point.
If offline succeeds, the resource enters the Going Ofine Waiting state where it waits
for the next monitor.
If monitor returns a status of ofine, the resource is marked Ofine.
If the monitor times out or return a status not ofine, the agent invokes the clean entry
point. Also, if, in the Going Ofine state, the offline entry point times out, the agent
invokes clean entry point.
If clean fails or times out, the resource is placed in the Going Ofine Waiting state
and monitored. If monitor reports not ofine, the agent invokes the clean entry
point, where the sequence of events repeats.
If clean returns success, the resource is placed in the Going Ofine Waiting state and
monitored. If monitor times out or reports not ofine, the resource returns to the
GoingOfineWaiting state. The UNABLE _TO_OFFLINE ag is sent to engine.

Chapter 9, State Transition Diagrams 125

Resource fault without automatic restart

Clean timed out or failed

status Ofine
And TL reached
monitor And RL reached
Online Monitoring timed out Cleaning
timed out And FMT And FMT reached
not reached, And RL reached
Or, status Ofine
and TL not reached,
Or, Clean succeeds, but clean
monitor returns Online succeeds /
start PM
Clean Clean
succeeds, succeeds,
monitor returns monitor times
Ofine / Start PM out or returns
FMT - FaultOnMonitorTimeout
RL - RestartLimit Ofine
TL - ToleranceLimit
PM - Periodic Monitoring

This diagram describes the activity that occurs when a resource faults and the
RestartLimit is reached. When the monitor entry point times out successively and
FaultOnMonitorTimeout is reached, or monitor returns ofine and the
ToleranceLimit is reached, the agent invokes the clean entry point.
If clean fails, or if it times out, the agent places the resource in the Online state as if no
fault occurred.
If clean succeeds, the resource is placed in the Going Ofine Waiting state, where the
agent waits for the next monitor.
If monitor reports Online, the resource is placed back Online as if no fault occurred.
If monitor reports Ofine, the resource is placed in an Ofine state and marked as
If monitor reports unknown or times out, the agent places the resource back into the
Going Ofine Waiting state, and sets the UNABLE_TO_OFFLINE ag in the engine.

126 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Resource fault with automatic restart

timed out And FMT not reached, Or

status Ofine and TL not reached
Online Monitoring

timed out, FMT

reached and
RL not reached /
stop PM; reset TC;
timed out or increment RC status Ofine
failed / start PM And TL reached
And RL not reached /
stop PM; reset TC;
increment RC

Going Cleaning
Online success,
start Online

FMT - FaultOnMonitorTmeout

RC - RestartCount

RL - RestartLimit

TC - ToleranceCount

PM - Periodic Monitoring

TL - ToleranceLimit

This diagram describes the activity that occurs when a resource faults and the
RestartLimit is not reached. When the monitor entry point times out successively
and FaultOnMonitorTimeout is reached, or monitor returns ofine and the
ToleranceLimit is reached, the agent invokes the clean entry point.
If clean succeeds, the resource is placed in the Going Online state and the online
entry point is invoked to restart the resource; refer to the diagram, Onlining a
If clean fails or times out, the agent places the resource in the Online state as if no
fault occurred.
Refer to the diagram Resource fault without automatic restart, for a discussion of
activity when a resource faults and the RestartLimit is reached.

Chapter 9, State Transition Diagrams 127

Monitoring of persistent resources online Or ofine /

Monitoring Ofine
(Ofine) status Ofine

status Online status Ofine

And TL reached /
reset TC

online Or ofine / monitor Monitoring

ignore Online
status not Ofine

status Ofine TC - Tolerance Count

And TL not reached / TL - Tolerance Limit
increment TC

For a persistent resource in the Online state, if monitor returns a status of ofine and the
ToleranceLimit is not reached, the resource stays in an Online state. If monitor
returns ofine and the ToleranceLimit is reached, the resource is placed in an Ofine
state and noted as FAULTED. If monitor returns not ofine, the resource stays in an
Online state.
Likewise, for a persistent resource in an Ofine state, if monitor returns ofine, the
resource remains in an Ofine state. If monitor returns a status of online, the resource is
placed in an Online state.

128 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Closing a resource


Going stop / stop PM

stop / stop PM
done Or timed out
Closing Detached
stop / stop PM
Waiting stop / stop PM
PM - Periodic Monitoring


When the resource is disabled (Enabled=0), the agent stops Periodic Monitoring and the
the close entry point is invoked. When the close entry point succeeds or times out, the
resource is placed in the Detached state.

Chapter 9, State Transition Diagrams 129

Onlining a resource: ManageFaults attribute = NONE


online /
stop PM
ONH - Online Hang
Going ONI - Online Ineffective
ORC - Online Retry Count
Online ORL - Online Retry Limit
OWC - Online Wait Count
OWL - Online Wait Limit
PM - Periodic Monitoring
timed out / done /
set ADMIN-WAIT; insert
start PM monitor;
clean reason = ONH start PM

status =
Monitoring Online
status = ofine
MSG_RES_ or unknown
CLRADMINWAIT_ or monitor timed out
FAULT / reset
Going Online OWL
Waiting reached
NO /
start PM ?
reset OWC
ManageFaults = 1 Is
NO / set reached
clean reason =

status= Ofine
NO (status Ofine YES /
unknown or ? start PM
monitor timed out) /
start PM

130 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Ofining a resource; ManageFaults attribute = NONE

Online Going
ofine / Ofine
stop PM

done /
insert monitor;
start PM

timed out /
set ADMIN_WAIT; status = ofine
clean reason = OFH

status =
online or
unknown or
timed out
or MSG_RES_RESET_MF / NO / set
insert monitor clean reason = Is
Going Ofine Ofine
Waiting cleaned


ofine_cleaned = 1;
insert monitor

OFH - Ofine Hang

OFI - Ofine Ineffective

PM - Periodic Monitoring

Chapter 9, State Transition Diagrams 131

Resource fault: ManageFaults attribute = ALL

Status = ofine
monitor start PM
Online Monitoring
Status = online /
start PM
Status = ofine

NO / increment Ofine
tolerance count Is TL

YES / stop PM; faulted = 1

call clean;
increment clean count monitor

status unknown
Cleaning or monitor timed out
clean timed out or failed /
Start PM
clean not
or persistent
resource /
Clean success / ofine_cleaned = 0
ofine_cleaned = 1; reset clean_count
increment restart count;
reset tolerance count
Going Ofine

NO /
call online;

Going Online
PM - Periodic Monitoring
RL - Restart Limit
See Onlining a resource with TL - Tolerance Limit
ManageFaults = ALL

132 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Resource fault (unexpected ofine): ManageFaults attribute = NONE

YES / clean reason = 00;


reset ADMIN_WAIT; ?
insert monitor

monitor status = ofine /

start PM
Online Monitoring
status = online or
status = unknown /

monitor timed out /


status = online /
reset faulted; reset clean count;
reset ofine-cleaned;
start PM

monitor status = unknown or

monitor timed out

Going Ofine
/reset ADMIN_WAIT; faulted = 1;
insert monitor

PM - Periodic Monitoring
TL - Tolerance Limit

Chapter 9, State Transition Diagrams 133

Resource fault (monitor hung): ManageFaults attribute = ALL

status = ofine /
start PM

monitor monitor
Online Monitoring Going Ofine
status = online / status = unknown or
reset consecutive monitor timed out / set
monitor timeout count UNABLE_TO_OFFLINE

status = unknown /
monitor timed
out / set
status = online
reset faulted;
reset clean count;
reset consecutive monitor
timeout count
NO / reached
increment consecutive ?
monitor timeout count
stop PM;
increment clean count;
call clean (MH);
faulted = 1 YES /
insert monitor /
start PM
clean success /
increment consecutive
monitor timeout count Is RL
Cleaning reached
clean failed or
timed out / ?
start PM
NO / call online;

FOMT - Fault On Monitor Timeout

MH - Monitor Hung
PM - Periodic Monitoring
RL - Restart Limit Going

134 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Resource fault (monitor hung): ManageFaults attribute = NONE




ManageFaults = 1
faulted = 1

monitor monitor
Online Monitoring Going Ofine
status = online / status = unknown or
reset consecutive monitor timed out / set
monitor timeout count UNABLE_TO_OFFLINE

status = unknown /

status = online
reset faulted; status = ofine /
reset clean count; start PM
reset consecutive monitor Ofine
timeout count

monitor timed
out / set

NO /
increment consecutive Is
monitor timeout count FOMT
FOMT - Fault On Monitor Timeout
MH - Monitor Hung
YES / PM - Periodic Monitoring
clean reason = MH

Chapter 9, State Transition Diagrams 135

136 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide
VCS Internationalized Message Catalogs 10
VCS handles internationalized messages in binary message catalogs (BMCs) generated from
source message catalogs (SMCs).
A source message catalog (SMC) is a plain text catalog le encoded in ASCII or in
UCS-2, a two-byte encoding of Unicode. Developers can create messages using a
prescribed format and store them in an SMC.
A binary message catalog (BMC) is a catalog le in a form that VCS can use. BMCs are
generated from SMCs through the use of the bmcgen utility.
Each VCS module requires a BMC. For example, the VCS engine (HAD), GAB, and LLT
require distinct BMCs, as do each enterprise agent and each custom agent. For agents, a
BMC is required for each operating system platform.
Once generated, BMCs must be placed in specic directories that correspond to the
module and the language of the message. You can run the bmcmap utility within the
specic directory to create a BMC map le, an ASCII text le that links BMC les with their
corresponding module, language, and range of message IDs. The map le enables VCS to
manage the BMC les.
You can change an existing SMC le to generate an updated BMC le.

Creating SMC Files

Creating SMC Files

Since Source Message Catalog les are used to generate the Binary Message Catalog les,
they must be created in a consistent format.

SMC Format
#!language = language_ID

#!module = module_name

#!version = version

#!category = category_ID

# comment

message_ID1 {%s:msg}

message_ID2 {%s:msg}

message_ID3 {%s:msg}

# comment

message_ID4 {%s:msg}

message_ID5 {%s:msg}


Example SMC File

Examine an example SMC le, named VRTSvcsSunAgent.smc, based on the SMC
#!language = en

#!module = HAD

#!version = 4.0

#!category = 203

# common library

100 {"%s:Invalid message for agent"}

101 {"%s:Process %s restarted"}

102 {"%s:Error opening /proc directory"}

103 {"%s:online:No start program defined"}

104 {"%s:Executed %s""}

105 {"%s:Executed %s"}

138 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Creating SMC Files

Formatting SMC Files

SMC les must be encoded in UCS-2, ASCII, or UTF-8. See Naming SMC Files, BMC
Files on page 139 for a discussion of le naming conventions.
All messages should begin with %s: that represents the three-part header
Agent:Resource:EntryPoint generated by the agent framework.
The HAD module must be specied in the header for custom agents. See Example
SMC File.
The minor number of the version (for example, 2.x) can be modied each time a BMC
is to be updated. The major number is only to be changed by VCS. The version
number indicates to processes handling the messages which catalog is to be used. See
Updating BMC Files.
In the SMC header, no space is permitted between the # and the ! characters.
Spaces can follow the # character and regular comments in the le. See the example
SMC lenames must use the extension: .smc.
A message should contain no more than six string format speciers.
Message IDs must contain only numeric characters, not alphabetic characters. For
example, 2001003A is invalid. Message IDs can range from 1 to 65535.
Message IDs within an SMC le must be in ascending order.
A message formatted to span across multiple lines must use the \n characters to
break the line, not a hard carriage return. Line wrapping is permitted. See the
examples that follow.

Naming SMC Files, BMC Files

BMC les, which follow a naming convention, are generated from SMC les. The name of
an SMC le determines the name of the generated BMC le. The naming convention for
BMC les has the following pattern:
where the platform and agent_name are included.
For example:

The name of the SMC le used to generate the BMC le for the preceding example is

Chapter 10, VCS Internationalized Message Catalogs 139

Creating SMC Files

Message Examples
An illegal message, with hard carriage returns embedded with the message:
201 {%s:To be or not to be!

That is the question"}

A valid message using \n:

10010 {%s:To be or not to be!\n

That is the question"}

A valid message with text wrapping to the next line:

10012 {"%s:To be or not to be!\n

That is the question.\n Whether tis nobler in the mind to

suffer\n the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune\n or to

take arms against a sea of troubles"}

Using Format Speciers

Using the %s specier is appropriate for all message arguments unless the arguments
must be reordered. Since the word order in messages may vary by language, a format
specier, %#$s, enables the reordering of arguments in a message; the # character is a
number from 1 to 99.
In an English SMC le, the entry might resemble:
301 {%s:Setting cookie for proc=%s, PID = %s"}

In a language where the position of message arguments need to switch, the same entry in
the SMC le for that language might resemble:
301 {%s:Setting cookie for process with PID = %3$s, name = %2$s"}

140 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Converting SMC Files to BMC Files

Converting SMC Files to BMC Files

Use the bmcgen utility to convert SMC les to BMC les. For example:
# bmcgen VRTSvcsSunAgent.smc
The le VRTSvcsSunAgent.bmc is created in the directory where the SMC le exists. A
BMC le must have an extension: .bmc.
By default, the bmcgen utility assumes the SMC le is a Unicode (UCS-2) le. For ASCII
or UTF-8 encoded les, use the -ascii option. For example:
# bmcgen -ascii VRTSvcsSunAgent.smc

Storing BMC Files

By default, BMC les must be installed in /opt/VRTSvcs/messages/language, where
language is a directory containing the BMCs of a given supported language. For example,
the path to the BMC for a Japanese agent on a Solaris system resembles:

VCS Languages
The languages supported by VCS are listed as subdirectories, such as /ja (Japanese) and
/en (English), in the directory /opt/VRTSvcs/messages.

Displaying the Contents of BMC Files

The bmcread command enables you to display the contents of the binary message catalog
le. For example, the following command displays the contents of the specied BMC le:
# bmcread VRTSvcsAIXAgent.bmc

Chapter 10, VCS Internationalized Message Catalogs 141

Using BMC Map Files

Using BMC Map Files

VCS uses a BMC map le to manage the various BMC les of a given module for a given
language. HAD is the module for the VCS engine, bundled agents, enterprise agents, and
custom agents. A BMC map le is an ASCII text le that associates BMC les with their
category and unique message ID range.

Location of BMC Map Files

Map les, by default, are created in the same directories as their corresponding BMC les:

Creating BMC Map Files

Developers can add BMCs to the BMC map le. After generating a BMC le:

1. Copy the BMC le to the corresponding directory. For example:

# cp VRTSvcsSunOracle.bmc /opt/VRTSvcs/messages/en

2. Change to the directory containing the BMC le and run the bmcmap utility. For
# cd /opt/VRTSvcs/messages/en

# bmcmap -create en HAD

The bmcmap utility scans the contents of the directory and dynamically generates the
BMC map. In this case, HAD.bmcmap is created.

Example BMC Map File

In the following example, a BMC named VRTSvcsHPNewCustomAgent.bmc is included
in the BMC map le for the HAD module and the English language.

# Copyright(C) 2001 VERITAS Software Corporation.



HAD=VRTSvcsHad VRTSvcsHPAgent VRTSvcsHPNewCustomAgent

142 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Updating BMC Files






# HP Bundled Agents





# HP NewCustomAgent





Updating BMC Files

You can update an existing BMC le. This may be necessary, for example, to add new
messages or to change a message. This can be done in the following way:

1. If the original SMC le for a given BMC le exists, you can edit it using a text editor.
Otherwise create a new SMC le.

a. Make your changes, such as adding, deleting, or changing messages.

b. Change the minor number of the version number in the header. For example,
change the version from 2.0 to 2.1.

c. Save the le.

2. Generate the new BMC le using the bmcgen command; place the new BMC le in
the corresponding language directory.

3. In the directory containing the BMC le, run the bmcmap command to create a new
BMC map le.

Chapter 10, VCS Internationalized Message Catalogs 143

Updating BMC Files

144 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

How the VCS 4.0 Agent Framework

Works with VCS 2.0 and 3.5 Agents A

The agent framework is the component of VCS that supports all VCS agents by enabling
them to communicate with the engine about the denitions of resource types, the values
congured for the resource attributes, and entry points they use.

Guidelines for Pre-VCS 4.0 Agents with VCS 4.0 Framework

With VCS 4.0, changes to the agent framework affect how the agents developed using the
2.0 or 3.5 agent framework can be used. While it is not necessary, it is recommended that
all pre-VCS 4.0 agents be modied to work with 4.0 framework so that the new entry
points can be used.
Note the following guidelines:
If the pre-VCS 4.0 agent is implemented strictly in scripts, then the version 4.0
ScriptAgent can be used. If desired, the 4.0 agent framework action and info entry
points can be used directly.
If the pre-VCS 4.0 agent is implemented using some or all C++ entry points, then the
agent can be used as long as developers do not care to implement the action or info
entry points. The new agent framework assumes all pre-VCS 4.0 agents are version
If the pre-VCS 4.0 agent is implemented using some or all C++ entry points, and
developers want to implement the either the action or the info entry points, the
following must be done:
The new entry points, either C++ or script-based, can be added to the agent.
The entry points must be dened in the VCS primitive,
VCSAg40EntryPointStruct and use the primitive
VCSAgRegisterEPStruct to register the agent as a VCS 4.0 agent.
The agent must be recompiled.

Note Agents developed on the 4.0 agent framework are not compatible with the 2.0 or the
3.5 framework.

Log Messages in pre-VCS 4.0 Agents

Log Messages in pre-VCS 4.0 Agents

The log messages in pre-VCS 4.0 agents are automatically converted to the VCS 4.0
message format. Logging Agent Messages on page 69 describes the VCS 4.0 message

Mapping of Log Tags (pre-VCS 4.0) to Log Severities (VCS 4.0)

For agents, the severity levels of entry point messages for VCS 4.0 correspond to the
pre-VCS 4.0 entry point message tags as shown in this table:

Log Tag (Pre-VCS 4.0) Log Severity (VCS 4.0 and later)






TAG_F through TAG_Z

VCS_DBG1 through VCS_DBG21

How pre-VCS 4.0 Messages are Displayed by VCS 4.0

In the following examples, a message written in a VCS 3.5 agent is shown as it would
appear in VCS 3.5 and as it appears in VCS 4.0. Note that when messages from pre-VCS
4.0 agents are displayed by VCS 4.0, a category ID of 10000 is included in the unique
message identier portion of the message. The category ID is introduced with VCS 4.0.
Pre-VCS 4.0 message output:
TAG_B 2003/12/08 15:42:30

VCS:141549:Mount:nj_batches:monitor:Mount resource will not go

online because FsckOpt is incomplete

Pre-VCS 4.0 message displayed by VCS 4.0

2003/12/15 12:39:32 VCS ERROR V-16-10000-141549

Mount:nj_batches:monitor:Mount resource will not go online because

FsckOpt is incomplete

146 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Log Messages in pre-VCS 4.0 Agents

Comparing pre-VCS 4.0 APIs and VCS 4.0 Logging Macros

The topic Logging Agent Messages on page 69 describes how to use the VCS 4.0
logging macros for C++ agents and script-based agents.
For the purpose of comparison, the examples that follow show a pair of messages in C++
that are formatted using the pre-VCS 4.0 API and the VCS 4.0 macros.
Pre-VCS 4.0 APIs:

"VCS:140003:FileOnOff:%s:online:The value for PathName attribute

is not specified", res_name);

VCSAgLogI18NMsg(TAG_C, msg, 140003,


VCSAgLogI18NConsoleMsg(TAG_C, msg, 140003, res_name,


VCS 4.0 macros:


"The value for PathName attribute is not specified");


"The value for PathName attribute is not specified");

Appendix A, How the VCS 4.0 Agent Framework Works with VCS 2.0 and 3.5 Agents 147
Pre-VCS 4.0 Message APIs

Pre-VCS 4.0 Message APIs

The message APIs described in this section of the document are maintained to allow VCS
4.0 to work with the agents developed on the 2.0 and 3.5 agent framework.


VCSAgLogConsoleMsg(int tag, const char *message, int flags);

This primitive requests that the VCS agent framework write message to the agent log le,
$VCS_LOG/log/resource_type_A.log. The message must not exceed 4096 bytes. A
message greater that 4096 bytes is truncated.
tag can be any value from TAG_A to TAG_Z. Tags AE are enabled by default. To enable
other tags, use the halog command. flags can be zero or more of LOG_NONE,
LOG_TIMESTAMP (prints date and time), LOG_NEWLINE (prints a new line), and LOG_TAG
(prints tag). This primitive can be called from any entry point.
For example:
#include "VCSAgApi.h"


VCSAgLogConsoleMsg(TAG_A, "Getting low on disk space",



148 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Pre-VCS 4.0 Message APIs


VCSAgLogI18NMsg(int tag, const char *msg,

int msg_id, const char *arg1_string, const char *arg2_string,

const char *arg3_string, const char *arg4_string, int flags);

This primitive requests that the VCS agent framework write an internationalized
message with a message ID and four string arguments to the agent log le,
$VCS_LOG/log/resource_type_A.log. The message must not exceed 4096 bytes. A
message greater that 4096 bytes is truncated. The size of all argument strings combined
must not exceed 4096 bytes. If the argument string total exceeds 4096 bytes, then each
argument is allowed an equal portion of 4096 bytes and truncated if it exceeds the allowed
tag can be any value from TAG_A to TAG_Z. Tags A through H are enabled by default.
To enable other tags, modify the LogTags attribute of the corresponding resource type.
flags can be zero or more of LOG_NONE, LOG_TIMESTAMP (prints date and time),
LOG_NEWLINE (prints a new line), and LOG_TAG (prints tag). This primitive can be called
from any entry point.
For example:
#include "VCSAgApi.h"


char buffer[256];

sprintf(buffer, "VCS:2015001:IP:%s:monitor:Device %s address

%s", res_name, device, address);

VCSAgLogI18NConsoleMsg(TAG_B, buffer, 2015001, res_name, device,


Appendix A, How the VCS 4.0 Agent Framework Works with VCS 2.0 and 3.5 Agents 149
Pre-VCS 4.0 Message APIs


VCSAgLogI18NMsgEx(int tag, const char *msg,

int msg_id, const char *arg1_string, const char *arg2_string,

const char *arg3_string, const char *arg4_string,

const char *arg5_string, const char *arg6_string, int flags);

This primitive requests that the VCS agent framework write an internationalized
message with a message ID and six string arguments to the agent log le,
$VCS_LOG/log/resource_type_A.log. The message must not exceed 4096 bytes. A
message greater that 4096 bytes is truncated. The size of all argument strings combined
must not exceed 4096 bytes. If the argument string total exceeds 4096 bytes, then each
argument is allowed an equal portion of 4096 bytes and truncated if it exceeds the allowed
tag can be any value from TAG_A to TAG_Z. Tags A through H are enabled by default.
To enable other tags, modify the LogTags attribute of the corresponding resource type.
flags can be zero or more of LOG_NONE, LOG_TIMESTAMP (prints date and time),
LOG_NEWLINE (prints a new line), and LOG_TAG (prints tag). This primitive can be called
from any entry point.
For example:
#include "VCSAgApi.h"


char buffer[256];

sprintf(buffer, "VCS:2015004:Oracle:%s:%s:During scan for

process %s ioctl failed with return code %s, errno = %s",

res_name, ep_name, proc_name, ret_buf, err_buf);

VCSAgLogI18NConsoleMsgEx(TAG_A, buffer, 2015004, res_name,

ep_name, proc_name, ret_buf, err_buf, NULL, flags);

150 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

Pre-VCS 4.0 Message APIs


VCSAgLogI18NConsoleMsg(int tag,

const char *msg, int msg_id, const char *arg1_string,

const char *arg2_string, const char *arg3_string,

const char *arg4_string, int flags);

This primitive requests that the VCS agent framework write an internationalized
message with a message ID and four string arguments to the agent log le,
$VCS_LOG/log/resource_type_A.log. The message must not exceed 4096 bytes. A
message greater that 4096 bytes is truncated. The size of all argument strings combined
must not exceed 4096 bytes. If the argument string total exceeds 4096 bytes, then each
argument is allowed an equal portion of 4096 bytes and truncated if it exceeds the allowed
tag can be any value from TAG_A to TAG_Z. Tags A through E are enabled by default. To
enable other tags, use the halog command. flags can be zero or more of LOG_NONE,
LOG_TIMESTAMP (prints date and time), LOG_NEWLINE (prints a new line), and LOG_TAG
(prints tag). This primitive can be called from any entry point.
For example:
#include "VCSAgApi.h"


char buffer[256];

sprintf(buffer, "VCS:2015002:IP:%s:monitor:Device %s address

%s", res_name, device, address);

VCSAgLogI18NConsoleMsg(TAG_B, buffer, 2015002, res_name, device,


Appendix A, How the VCS 4.0 Agent Framework Works with VCS 2.0 and 3.5 Agents 151
Pre-VCS 4.0 Message APIs


VCSAgLogI18NConsoleMsgEx(int tag,

const char *msg, int msg_id, const char *arg1_string,

const char *arg2_string, const char *arg3_string,

const char *arg4_string, const char *arg5_string,

const char *arg6_string, int flags);

This primitive requests that the VCS agent framework write an internationalized
message with a message ID and six string arguments to the agent log le,
$VCS_LOG/log/resource_type_A.log. The message must not exceed 4096 bytes. A
message greater that 4096 bytes is truncated. The size of all argument strings combined
must not exceed 4096 bytes. If the argument string total exceeds 4096 bytes, then each
argument is allowed an equal portion of 4096 bytes and truncated if it exceeds the allowed
tag can be any value from TAG_A to TAG_Z. Tags A through E are enabled by default. To
enable other tags, use the halog command. flags can be zero or more of LOG_NONE,
LOG_TIMESTAMP (prints date and time), LOG_NEWLINE (prints a new line), and LOG_TAG
(prints tag). This primitive can be called from any entry point.
For example:
#include "VCSAgApi.h"



char buffer[256];

sprintf(buffer, "VCS:2015003:Oracle:%s:%s:During scan for

process %s ioctl failed with return code %s, errno = %s",

res_name, ep_name, proc_name, ret_buf, err_buf);

VCSAgLogI18NConsoleMsgEx(TAG_A, buffer, 2015003, res_name,

ep_name, proc_name, ret_buf, err_buf, NULL, flags);

152 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide


action entry point debug message severity level 73
C++ syntax 44
ActionTimeout 98
entry points
agent messages
attr_changed 26
formatting 69
clean 23
AgentClass parameter 111
close 26
AgentFile parameter 98
definition 2, 15
AgentPriority parameter 111
info 21
AgentReplyTimeout parameter 98
monitor 20
AgentStartTimeout parameter 98
offline 22
ArgList parameter 99
online 22
ArgList reference attributes 99
open 26
attr_changed entry point 26
sample structure 17
C++ syntax 46
shutdown 26
script syntax 65
enum types for clean
AttrChangedTimeout parameter 99
VCSAgCleanMonitorHung 23
B VCSAgCleanOfflineHung 23
Binary Message Catalog (BMC) files VCSAgCleanOfflineIneffective 23
converting from SMC files 141 VCSAgCleanOnlineHung 23
displaying contents 141 VCSAgCleanOnlineIneffective 23
updating 143 VCSAgCleanUnexpectedOffline 23
bmcgen utility 141
bmcread utility 141
FaultOnMonitorTimeouts parameter 101

C FireDrill parameter 101

classes, scheduling 109 formatting agent messages 69

clean entry point 23

C++ syntax 43
info entry point 21
enum types 23
InfoTimeout parameter 101
script syntax 64
initializing functions with
CleanTimeout parameter 99
close entry point 26
C++ syntax 49 L
script syntax 68 localization primitives 58
CloseTimeout parameter 99 log category 76
ComputeStats 100 LogDbg parameter 102
ConfInterval parameter 100

LogFileSize parameter 103 CloseTimeout 99

logging APIs 71 ConfInterval 100

FaultOnMonitorTimeouts 101

FireDrill 101

ManageFaults parameter 103

InfoTimeout 101

message format 69
LogDbg 102

message text format 71

LogFileSize 103

mnemonic message field 70

MonitorLevel 104

monitor entry point 20

MonitorTimeout 104

C++ syntax 36, 37

NumThreads 105

script syntax 63
OfflineMonitorInterval 105

MonitorLevel parameter 104

OfflineTimeout 105

MonitorStatsParam parameter 104

OnlineRetryLimit 105

MonitorTimeout parameter 104

OnlineTimeout 105

N OnlineWaitLimit 106

NumThreads parameter 105 OpenTimeout 106

O Operations 106

offline entry point 22 RegList 108

C++ syntax 42 RestartLimit 107

script syntax 63 ScriptClass 111

OfflineMonitorInterval parameter 105 ScriptPriority 111

OfflineTimeout parameter 105 ToleranceLimit 108

online entry point 22 Persistent resource type 10

C++ syntax 41 primitives
script syntax 63 definition 51
OnlineRetryLimit parameter 105 for localization 58
OnlineTimeout parameter 105 VCSAgEncodeString 58
OnlineWaitLimit parameter 106 VCSAgGetCookie 56
OnOff resource type 10 VCSAgLogI18NMsg 149, 151, 152
OnOnly resource type 10 VCSAgLogI18NMsgEx 150
open entry point 26 VCSAgLogMsg 148
C++ syntax 48 VCSAgRegister 54
script syntax 67 VCSAgRegisterEPStruct 51
OpenTimeout parameter 106 VCSAgSetCookie 52
Operations parameter 106 VCSAgSnprintf 60
VCSAgStrlcat 60
P VCSAgStrlcpy 60
parameter VCSAgUnregister 55
ManageFaults 103 priorities, specifying 109
parameter MonitorStatsParam 104
parameters 100 R
AgentClass 111 RegList parameter 108
AgentFile 98 Resource
AgentPriority 111 closing (state transition diagram) 129
AgentReplyTimeout 98 fault (state transition diagram) 126, 127
AgentStartTimeout 98 monitoring (state transition
ArgList 99 diagram) 128
AttrChangedTimeout 99 offlining (state transition diagram) 125
CleanTimeout 99 onlining (state transition diagram) 124

154 VERITAS Cluster Server Agent Developers Guide

opening (state transition diagram) 122
steady state (state transition
timestamp message field 70
diagram) 123
ToleranceLimit parameter 108
OnOff type 10
UMI (unique message identifier) 70
OnOnly type 10
Persistent type 10 V
types of 10 VCSAG_CONSOLE_LOG_MSG logging
RestartLimit parameter 107 macro 71
VCSAG_LOG_INIT initializing function 75
VCSAG_LOG_MSG logging macro 71
script-based logging functions 80

VCSAG_LOG_MSG script logging

ScriptClass parameter 111

function 80
ScriptPriority parameter 111

VCSAG_LOGDBG_MSG logging macro 71

severity macros 74

VCSAG_LOGDBG_MSG script logging

severity message field 70

function 80
shutdown entry point 26

VCSAG_RES_LOG_MSG logging macro 71

C++ syntax 50
VCSAG_SET_ENVS script logging
script syntax 68
function 80
Source Message Catalog (SMC) files
VCSAgEncodeString primitive 58
converting to BMC files 138
VCSAgGetCookie primitive 56
creating 138
VCSAgLogI18NMsg primitive 149, 151, 152
State transition diagram
VCSAgLogI18NMsgEx primitive 150
closing a resource 129
VCSAgLogMsg primitive 148
monitoring persistent resources 128
VCSAgRegister primitive 54
offlining a resource 125
VCSAgRegisterEPStruct primitive 51
onlining a resource 124
VCSAgSetCookie primitive 52
opening a resource 122
VCSAgSnprintf primitive 60
resource fault with auto restart 127
VCSAgStartup entry point, C++ syntax 35
resource fault, no auto restart 126
VCSAgStrlcat primitive 60
resource in steady state 123
VCSAgStrlcpy primitive 60
VCSAgUnregister primitive 55

Index 155

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