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Antenna Interface Standards Group

Standard No. AISG-Antenna Port-Colour Coding v3.1

07th of May, 2015

AISG Specification
Antenna Port Colour Coding

Revision History


28. June 2012 1.0 First issue
9. July 2012 1.1 Chapter 1 FOREWORD, amended as agreed
31 January 2013 2.0 Chapter 8.1 wording, Chapter 10 Array ID,
12th March 2014 3.0 Introduction of Coding Reference Point for port
and array numbering
7th May 2015 3.1 Editorial corrections and extension to lower
frequency ranges

© Copyright AISG Ltd 2012-2015

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Antenna Interface Standards Group
Standard No. AISG-Antenna Port-Colour Coding v3.1
07th of May, 2015

Revision History ............................................................................................................................ 1
1. Foreword.......................................................................................................................... 2
2. Scope .............................................................................................................................. 2
3. References ...................................................................................................................... 3
4. Abbreviations ................................................................................................................... 3
5. Terminology and Definitions............................................................................................. 3
6. General colour and pattern coding and text marking rules ............................................... 4
7. Colour coding definitions .................................................................................................. 4
7.1. Frequency range and colour codes .................................................................................. 4
7.2. Pattern coding.................................................................................................................. 4
8. Text marking Requirements of RF ports .......................................................................... 9
8.1. Port Number .................................................................................................................... 9
8.2. Array Position ................................................................................................................ 10
8.3. Frequency Range .......................................................................................................... 10
8.4. AISG/DC port ................................................................................................................. 10
8.5. Polarization .................................................................................................................... 10
9. Text Marking Requirements of AISG control ports ......................................................... 11
9.1. AISG Control Port .......................................................................................................... 11
9.2. Array Position ................................................................................................................ 11
9.3. Frequency Range .......................................................................................................... 11
10. Array ID ......................................................................................................................... 12
Annex A: Examples of colour coding ....................................................................................... 13
Annex B: Examples of colour and pattern coding .............................................................. 14
Annex C: Examples of text marking for array positions ..................................................... 21
Annex D: Example of left/right marking for array positions ................................................ 22
Annex E: Example of port and array numbering ............................................................... 23

The Antenna Interface Standards Group (AISG) published the AISG standard to facilitate the
introduction of antenna line products with remote control and monitoring facilities. The purpose of
this standard is to introduce a colour and print-pattern coding scheme as well as a text marking
scheme for the Antenna RF and AISG Control Ports. Using this specified colour/pattern coding
and text marking should help an installer/rigger to minimize cabling errors by identifying the RF
ports of an antenna array and the associated AISG Control Ports.

For purposes of compliance, users should note that this entire Standard is optional. However,
once this standard is referred to in a device, the entire specification becomes mandatory.

This document does not apply to ALDs external to the antenna.

This document is a stand-alone specification (independent to other AISG antenna or ALD related

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Antenna Interface Standards Group
Standard No. AISG-Antenna Port-Colour Coding v3.1
07th of May, 2015

This AISG Standard incorporates references to other publications. These are cited in the text and
the referenced publications are listed below. Where references are listed with a specific version or
release, subsequent amendments or revisions of these publications apply only when specifically
incorporated by amendment or revision of this AISG specification. For references listed without a
version or release, the latest edition of the publication referred to applies.

1 [Not used]
2 Colour list RAL-840-HR (matt finish)

Where abbreviations or acronyms are used in this document they have the following meaning:

ALD Antenna Line Device

RET Remote Electrical Tilting


Where the following terms are used in this document, they have the meaning listed below.

Antenna Line A group of logical devices associated with one or more antenna
systems, which may include antenna control actuator, amplifiers
and other equipment.
Antenna Line Device A generic term for an addressable physical device, such as an
antenna drive or amplifier.
RF Port The port which is carrying the radio frequency signal.
Array An Array is a logical group of single or dual polarized radiators
inside the antenna radome supporting a common frequency band
and a common beam shape and tilt.
Array Position The relative position of an antenna array for a specific frequency
band inside the antenna radome.
AISG Control Port The antenna interface carrying AISG control functionality related
to RF Ports (e.g. mechanical RET interface or electrical control
port like RS485)
RAL Colour List Defined set of colours specified by the RAL institute
Coding Reference If an antenna contains more than one array having the same
Point colour group, then the arrays shall be numbered beginning from
the coding reference point.
The coding reference point is defined as the lower left corner of
the antenna looking at the front of the antenna, oriented as

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Antenna Interface Standards Group
Standard No. AISG-Antenna Port-Colour Coding v3.1
07th of May, 2015


To assign a colour and/or pattern coding to an antenna RF Port and AISG Control Port, the
following general rules shall apply:
(1) The assigned colour shall be defined by the highest frequency of the frequency band
supported by the antenna RF Port, i.e. the upper band edge.
(2) If the antenna has only one AISG IN Control Port, and if there is no ambiguity, then the AISG
Control Port shall not require a colour/pattern code.
(3) It shall be possible to identify all ports before and after port connections are made.


7.1. Frequency range and colour codes

Colour coding is used to identify antenna RF Ports and the associated AISG Control Ports. The
applied colours shall be part of the RAL Colour List defined in [2]. Table 7.1.1 shows the definition
of the frequency range and the associated colour code.

To assign a colour to an AISG control port and/or an RF port the following rule shall apply:
“Use the upper edge of the frequency range to select the colour code.”

Table 7.1.1 Definition of RF frequency range and associated RAL code

Assigned Colour
Upper Band Edge Range Abbreviation
380 MHz and 1000 MHz RAL 3020 R
1001 MHz and 1700 MHz RAL 6029 G
1701 MHz and 2300 MHz RAL 5015 B
2301 MHz and 4000 MHz RAL 1023 Y

7.2. Pattern coding

The following chapter introduces a pattern coding that is required for differentiation of array ports
carrying the same colour coding.

If more than one array uses the same colour coding, additional differentiation with clearly
distinguishable pattern coding is mandatory. The used pattern shall remain visible and
distinguishable after all connectors are attached.

Recommended patterns are shown in table 7.2.1 – 7.2.3.

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Antenna Interface Standards Group
Standard No. AISG-Antenna Port-Colour Coding v3.1
07th of May, 2015

Table 7.2.1 Pattern coding for non-multiplexed ports

Pattern Description Comment

Ports of array 1 Solid pattern

Segmented pattern 1
(3 + 3 segments of colour and
Ports of array 2

Segmented pattern 2
(6 + 6 segments of colour and
Ports of array 3 gaps)

Segmented pattern 3
(12 + 12 segments of colour and
Ports of array 4 gaps)

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Antenna Interface Standards Group
Standard No. AISG-Antenna Port-Colour Coding v3.1
07th of May, 2015

Segmented pattern 4
(4 small and 4 large segments of
colour separated by 8 gaps)
Ports of array 5

NOTE: Gaps between coloured segments may be white or antenna background colour.

Table 7.2.2 Pattern coding for diplexed ports

Pattern Description Comment

Segmented pattern 1
Ports of array 1 and 2 (6 segments of the colours of the
two diplexed frequency bands,
colours of diplexed frequency
bands alternate)

Segmented pattern 2
Ports of array 3 and 4 (6 + 6 segments of colours and
gaps, colours of diplexed
frequency bands alternate)

Segmented pattern 3
(12 + 12 segments of colours and
Ports of array 5 and 6 gaps, colours of diplexed
frequency bands alternate)

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Antenna Interface Standards Group
Standard No. AISG-Antenna Port-Colour Coding v3.1
07th of May, 2015

Segmented pattern 4
(12 segments of colours of the
Ports of array 7 and 8 diplexed frequency bands, colours
of diplexed frequency bands

Segmented pattern 5
(24 segments of colours of the
Ports of array 9 and 10 diplexed frequency bands, colours
of diplexed frequency bands

NOTE: Gaps between coloured segments can be white or antenna background colour.

Table 7.2.3 Pattern coding for triplexed ports

Pattern Description Comment

Segmented pattern 1
Ports of array 1, 2 and 3 (6 segments of the colours of the
three triplexed frequency bands,
colours of triplexed frequency
bands alternate)

Segmented pattern 2
Ports of array 4, 5 and 6 (6 + 6 segments of colours and
gaps, colours of triplexed
frequency bands alternate)

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Antenna Interface Standards Group
Standard No. AISG-Antenna Port-Colour Coding v3.1
07th of May, 2015

Segmented pattern 3
(12 + 12 segments of colours and
Ports of array 7, 8 and 9 gaps, colours of triplexed
frequency bands alternate)

NOTE: Gaps between coloured segments can be white or antenna background colour.

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Antenna Interface Standards Group
Standard No. AISG-Antenna Port-Colour Coding v3.1
07th of May, 2015


Text markings shall be located close to the related ports.
8.1. Port Number
The RF ports shall be marked with unique port numbers. RF port numbering shall start with 1 and
increment by 1 for each following RF port without resetting the number to 1.

To assign the RF port numbers start with non-multiplexed ports, continue with diplexed ports and
then continue with triplexed ports.

The following rules shall be used to assign RF port numbers for non-multiplexed ports:
(1) Start RF port numbering for the colour representing the lowest frequency band supported in
the antenna and continue in the order red to green to blue to yellow.
(2) Within the same colour, RF port numbering begins from nearest array position to the Coding
Reference Point at solid pattern and then continues bottom-up as first direction and left-to-
right as second direction to segmented colour pattern 1 up to segmented colour pattern 4.
(3) Within the same colour pattern, port numbering is in the order +45° to -45°, RHC to LHC, or V
to H.

The following rules shall be used for diplexed RF ports

(1) Start at the last incremented number of non-multiplexed ports and increment by 1 for
segmented pattern 1 up to segmented pattern 5.
(2) Start with colour combinations with red as the first colour and the second colour in the order
red to green to blue to yellow. Continue accordingly for combinations containing green, blue,
and yellow as the first colour.
(3) Within the same colour combination, port numbering begins from the nearest array position to
the Coding Reference Point bottom up as first direction and left-to-right as second direction in
the order +45° to -45°, RHC to LHC, or V to H.

The following rules shall be used for triplexed RF ports

(1) Start at the last incremented number of diplexed ports and increment plus 1 for segmented
pattern 1 up to segmented pattern 3.
(2) Start with colour combinations with red as the first colour, red as the second colour, and the
third colour in the order red to green to blue to yellow. Continue accordingly for combinations
containing green, blue, and yellow as the second colour and finally with the first colour in the
order green to blue to yellow.
(3) Within the same colour combination, port numbering begins from the nearest array position to
the Coding Reference Point bottom up as first direction and left-to-right as second direction in
the order +45° to -45°, RHC to LHC, or V to H.

In the case of more than one array having the same colour and occupying the same position
relative to the Coding Reference Point, RF port numbering begins with the array having the lowest
operating frequency and proceeds in the order of increasing lowest frequency.

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Antenna Interface Standards Group
Standard No. AISG-Antenna Port-Colour Coding v3.1
07th of May, 2015

8.2. Array Position

If the antenna includes two or more arrays supporting the same frequency range, then the relative
position of the arrays shall be marked by using the abbreviation or full text format given in table
8.2.1. The use of upper and/or lower case is acceptable.
In addition to the left/right port marking, the left/right orientation of the array position shall be
marked on the antenna (see Annex D).

Table 8.2.1 Definition of array position

Vertical definition Horizontal definition
Abbreviation format Full text format Abbreviation format Full text format
T Top L Left
MT Mid Top CL Centre Left
M Mid C Centre
MB Mid Bottom CR Centre Right
B Bottom R Right

For two-dimensional arrangements combinations of the definitions shall be used (see Annex C).

NOTE: If there is a need for marking more than 5 positions in horizontal and/or vertical line the
marking can be vendor specific.
8.3. Frequency Range
The supported frequency band of the RF Port shall be marked as defined in table 8.3.1.

Table 8.3.1 Definition of RF frequency marking format for RF port

The use of <MHz> in the marking is optional.

The used resolution of start and stop frequency shall be 1MHz (e.g., 880-960 MHz).
NOTE: If there are multiple supported frequency bands, concatenated strings with a slash “/”
in between are recommended.(e.g. 880-960/1710-2170 MHz)

8.4. AISG/DC port

RF ports that are used to receive and transmit AISG OOK signalling and DC power supply to
integrated devices shall be marked with the letters “AISG IN”.

8.5. Polarization
The polarization of the array connected to the RF port shall be marked as defined in table 8.5.1.

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Antenna Interface Standards Group
Standard No. AISG-Antenna Port-Colour Coding v3.1
07th of May, 2015

Table 8.5.1. Definition of polarization marking

cross polar antennas Vertical Horizontal Right Hand Left Hand
Circular Circular
+[45°] 1) or -[45°]1) V H RHC LHC
The use of <45°> in the marking is optional.


Text markings shall be located close to the related ports.
9.1. AISG Control Port
Any port that is used to receive and transmit AISG control signalling shall be marked with the
letters “AISG IN” or “AISG OUT”.

If an AISG Control Port is implemented as a proprietary interface (e.g. mechanical RET interface)
the text marking “AISG IN” or “AISG OUT” may be replaced by a vendor-specific term.

9.2. Array Position

If the antenna includes two or more arrays supporting the same frequency range, the AISG
Control Port shall be marked with the same relative position of the arrays as used to mark the RF
port by using either the abbreviation or full text format given in table 8.2.1. This shall only apply if
more than one AISG control interface is used for the given frequency range.

9.3. Frequency Range

The marking of the frequency range is optional as defined in table 9.3.1.

Table 9.3.1 Definition of RF frequency marking format for AISG control port

The use of <MHz> in the marking is optional.

The used resolution of start and stop frequency shall be 1MHz (e.g. “880-960 MHz”).
NOTE: If there are multiple supported frequency ranges, concatenated strings with a slash “/”
in between are recommended.(e.g. “880-960/1710-2170 MHz”)

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Antenna Interface Standards Group
Standard No. AISG-Antenna Port-Colour Coding v3.1
07th of May, 2015

An antenna includes one or more arrays which shall have an assigned unique array identifier
called array ID. This array ID shall be built as a concatenated string which consists of the first
letter of the appropriate colour (R, Y, G, B) and a unique number within each colour.

To assign the array ID number, start with non-multiplexed ports, continue with diplexed ports and
then continue with triplexed ports.

The following rule shall be used to assign the array ID number for non-multiplexed ports:
 Within each colour, start numbering with 1 beginning from nearest array position to the
Coding Reference Point at solid pattern and increment by 1. Continue bottom-up as first
direction and left-to-right as second direction for segmented pattern 1 up to segmented
pattern 4 (see table 7.2.1)

The following rules shall be used to assign the array ID number for diplexed ports:
(1) Start with the last incremented array number of non- multiplexed ports from nearest array
position to the Coding Reference Point of the same colour code and increment by 1 continue
bottom-up as first direction and left-to-right as second direction for segmented pattern 1 up to
segmented pattern 5 (see table 7.2.2).
(2) Concatenate the array ID string of the two colour strings separated by slash for diplexed ports
(e.g. R1/B1, …)

The following rules shall be used to assign the array ID number for triplexed ports:
(1) Start with the last incremented array number of diplexed ports from nearest array position to
the Coding Reference Point of the same colour code and increment plus 1 continue bottom-up
as first direction and left-to-right as second direction for segmented pattern 1 up to segmented
pattern 3 (see table 7.2.3).
(2) Concatenate the array ID string of the three colour strings separated by slash for triplexed
ports (e.g. R1/B1/Y1 …)

In the case of more than one array having the same colour and occupying the same position
relative to the Coding Reference Point s, numbering begins with the array having the lowest
operating frequency and proceeds in the order of increasing lowest frequency.

The array ID number shall be marked on the antenna closed to the RF ports and control ports. If
there is no ambiguity one text marking position may be sufficient.

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Antenna Interface Standards Group
Standard No. AISG-Antenna Port-Colour Coding v3.1
07th of May, 2015

Annex A: Examples of colour coding (informative)

Table A.1 shows the colour coding for typical frequency examples.

Table A.1 Examples of RF frequency marking

Typical frequency bands and the Colour Code

f_low [MHz] f_high [MHz]
applicable antenna port colour coding
400 MHz 380 500 RAL 3020
500+600 MHz 500 698 RAL 3020
700 MHz 698 806 RAL 3020
800 MHz 791 862 RAL 3020
850 MHz 824 894 RAL 3020
700+850 MHz 698 894 RAL 3020
900 MHz 880 960 RAL 3020
850+900 MHz 824 960 RAL 3020
800+900 MHz 791 960 RAL 3020
700+800+900 MHz 698 960 RAL 3020
1400 MHz 1428 1496 RAL 6029
1500 MHz 1525 1661 RAL 6029
1800 MHz 1710 1880 RAL5015
1900 MHz 1850 1990 RAL5015
2100 MHz 1920 2170 RAL5015
1800+2100 MHz 1710 2170 RAL5015
2300 MHz 2300 2400 RAL 1023
2600 MHz 2496 2690 RAL 1023
1800+2100+2600 MHz 1710 2690 RAL 1023
3500 MHz 3400 3600 RAL 1023

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Antenna Interface Standards Group
Standard No. AISG-Antenna Port-Colour Coding v3.1
07th of May, 2015

Annex B: Examples of colour and pattern coding (informative)

(1) Dual Band Antenna 880-960/1710-2170 MHz

 880-960 MHz  880-960 MHz  1710-2170 MHz  1710-2170 MHz

+45 -45° +45° -45°

R1 R1 B1 B1

880-960 MHz 1710-2170 MHz


R1 B1

Minimum marking required:

   
880-960 1710-2170

+ R1
- + B1 -

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Antenna Interface Standards Group
Standard No. AISG-Antenna Port-Colour Coding v3.1
07th of May, 2015

(2) Dual Band Antenna 880-960/1710-2170 MHz with an integrated multi RET interface for both

 880-960 MHz  1710-2170 MHz

-45° -45°

R1 B1

880-960/1710-2170 MHz
 880-960 MHz AISG IN  1710-2170 MHz
+45° +45°

R1 B1

Minimum marking required:

- -
R1 880-960
AISG IN B1 1710-2170
 

+ +

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Antenna Interface Standards Group
Standard No. AISG-Antenna Port-Colour Coding v3.1
07th of May, 2015

(3) Side-by-Side low band antenna 880-960/880-960 MHz

LEFT 880-960 MHz LEFT 880-960 MHz RIGHT 880-960 MHz RIGHT 880-960 MHz
 +45°  -45°  +45°  -45°

R1 R1 R2

LEFT 880-960 MHz RIGHT 880-960 MHz



Minimum marking required:

   
L 880-960 R 880-960

+ R1
- +

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Antenna Interface Standards Group
Standard No. AISG-Antenna Port-Colour Coding v3.1
07th of May, 2015

(4) Dual Band Antenna 880-960/1710-2170 MHz with integrated BIAS-T and integrated RETs

 880-960 MHz  880-960 MHz  1710-2170 MHz  1710-2170 MHz

AISG IN +45° -45° AISG IN +45° -45°

R1 R1 B1 B1

Minimum marking required:

   
R1 880-960 B1 1710-2170

+ - + -

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Antenna Interface Standards Group
Standard No. AISG-Antenna Port-Colour Coding v3.1
07th of May, 2015

(5) Triple Band Antenna 800 MHz / 900 MHz / 800+900 MHz

L 790-862 MHz L 790-862 MHz R 790-960 MHz R 790-960 MHz

 +45°  -45°  +45°  -45°
C 880-960 MHz
R1 R1 R3 R3
L 790-862 MHz R 790-960 MHz
C 880-960 MHz C 880-960 MHz
 +45°  -45°
R1 R3
R2 R2

Minimum marking required:

   
L 698-787 R 698-894

R1 R3
+ - + -
TILT  C 824-894  TILT


+ -

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Antenna Interface Standards Group
Standard No. AISG-Antenna Port-Colour Coding v3.1
07th of May, 2015

(6) Dual Band Antenna 880-960/1710-2170 MHz with diplexed ports

880-960/1710-2170 MHz 880-960/1710-2170 MHz

 +45°  -45°

R1/B1 R1/B1

880-960 MHz 1710-2170 MHz

R1 B1

Minimum marking required:

 

+ -

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Antenna Interface Standards Group
Standard No. AISG-Antenna Port-Colour Coding v3.1
07th of May, 2015

(7) Dual Band Antenna 880-960/1710-2170 MHz with an integrated multi RET interface for both
bands and AISG OUT port for ALD cascading

 880-960 MHz  1710-2170 MHz

-45° -45°
880-960/1710-2170 MHz

 880-960 MHz  1710-2170 MHz

+45° AISG OUT +45°
R1 B1

Minimum marking required:

 


- -
R1 880-960 B1 1710-2170

+ +

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Antenna Interface Standards Group
Standard No. AISG-Antenna Port-Colour Coding v3.1
07th of May, 2015

Annex C: Examples of text marking for array positions (informative)

Annex C shows which descriptors to select in one-dimensional arrays of a given size. For two-
dimensional arrangements, combinations of the definitions shall be used, i.e. Top Left, Mid Bottom
Right, etc.

Table C.1 Text marking examples

Number of vertical
Abbreviation format Full text format
1 -------no array position marking-------
2 T, B Top, Bottom
3 T, M, B Top, Mid, Bottom
4 T, MT, MB, B Top, Mid Top, Mid Bottom, Bottom
5 T, MT, M, MB, B Top, Mid Top, Mid, Mid Bottom, Bottom

Number of
Abbreviation format Full text format
horizontal arrays
1 -------no array position marking-------
2 R, L Right, Left
3 R, C, L Right, Centre, Left
4 R, CR, CL, L Right, Centre Right, Centre Left, Left
5 R, CR, C, CL, L Right, Centre Right, Centre, Centre Left, Left

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Antenna Interface Standards Group
Standard No. AISG-Antenna Port-Colour Coding v3.1
07th of May, 2015

Annex D: Example of left/right marking for array positions (informative)

The following picture shows a typical left/right marking on the antenna.

Figure D.1: Left/Right marking example

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Antenna Interface Standards Group
Standard No. AISG-Antenna Port-Colour Coding v3.1
07th of May, 2015

Annex E: Example of port and array numbering (informative)

The following picture shows array numbering for a hexa-band antenna.

R1: 698 – 862 MHz

R2: 880 – 960 MHz
R1 and R2 occupy the same location

Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4: 1710 – 2690 MHz

Y2 Y4

R1 R2

Y1 Y3
Coding Reference Point

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