Effect of Duct Type On Shear Strength of Thin Webs: Aci Structural Journal Technical Paper
Effect of Duct Type On Shear Strength of Thin Webs: Aci Structural Journal Technical Paper
Effect of Duct Type On Shear Strength of Thin Webs: Aci Structural Journal Technical Paper
A series of 16 specimens of concrete web panels 23.6 x 23.6 x 4.9 in. struts acting in compression and of stirrups acting in tension.
(600 x 600 x 125 mm) was tested in compression to investigate the The design shear strength is limited by the strength of either
effect of the presence of various types of post-tensioning ducts on or both components, and it is desired that the compressive
the strength of the shear-induced compression struts. Most panels strength of concrete be sufficient to avoid a brittle failure
were cast in the laboratory, but some were extracted from an actual
bridge girder, which had been previously loaded, allowing
mode. As Fig. 2 shows, the inclined concrete compression struts
investigation of the effect of web cracking on the ultimate strength. are crossed by the post-tensioning tendons, which decreases
The presence of a duct in a web, whether injected or not, decreases the their load-carrying capacity. When considering an inclined
compressive strength of the panel. This effect is most pronounced for cross section of a web (Fig. 3(a)), the presence of an empty duct
non-injected ducts, but is also much larger for injected plastic has the effect of deviating the compression field around the
ducts than for injected steel ducts. The effect of web cracking further void, which induces transverse tensile stresses in the immediate
decreases the strength of web panels containing post-tensioning vicinity of the tendon duct. At the other extreme, the presence
ducts, and this effect can be estimated using classical strength of a very stiff injected tendon duct (Fig. 3(b)) attracts a large
reduction formulas. part of the effort, which also induces transverse tensile
stresses, at a larger distance from the duct. In addition, if the
Keywords: post-tensioning duct; shear strength; testing; web.
surface of the duct is smooth, sliding can occur, increasing
the splitting effect. In reality, the stiffness of the combined
system duct/injection grout/tendon is typically not very large,
Post-tensioning is a system for introducing a prestressing
force in a structure after the concrete has been cast and hardened.
This disposition has the advantage over flat-bed prestressing
in that there is no need for massive anchoring blocks, as the
tendons are directly stressed against the structure itself. It is
also the most practicable solution for the prestressing of cast-
in-place structures, and for ensuring continuity between
precast girders. To be able to stress the tendons, however,
they need to be separated from the concrete so that large
strains can be applied to them. This is usually done by
inserting the tendons in ducts that are later filled with an
injection grout or by a corrosion-inhibiting grease or wax. Fig. 1—Disposition of tendon ducts in web of bridge girders.
The presence of the duct in the web of a girder has an influence
on the strength of the section (Fig. 1). Whereas this effect is
generally negligible for the bending and axial compressive
strength of post-tensioned girders, it can be significant for
webs, especially in area of high shear (Fig. 2). This is true
whether the duct is left empty, filled with a soft material such as
grease, or filled by a stiff injection grout.
The presence of ducts decreases the strength of webs in
concrete girders, and current design codes account for this
effect. Most test results available at the present time are for
corrugated steel ducts, which are increasingly being substituted
by high-density polyethylene (HDPE) ducts. This paper presents
information on the behavior of web girders with post-
tensioning ducts using steel or HDPE ducts. The replacement
of steel ducts by HDPE ducts decreases the strength of thin
webs. This paper also investigates the combined effect of the Fig. 2—Tendon duct crossing diagonal shear compression
presence of post-tensioning ducts and of cracking, based on struts.
tests performed on specimens extracted from real bridge girders.
150 mm2]) were inserted into the ducts. Three days after
casting, they were injected with non-shrink grout with a w/c
of 0.33, except for Specimens W7 and W8 which were kept
ungrouted. The measured grout strength fg′ is given in Table 3.
Specimens W11 and W12 included injected grouted tendons
Fig. 7—Geometry and reinforcement of tested specimens. ducts that were extracted from beams of the existing bridge.
The purpose of the inclusion of these specimens was to
assess the influence of older duct types on the load-carrying
Table 2—Measured properties of passive
capacity of thin webs and to compare the results with those
reinforcing steel
from panels directly extracted from the existing bridge girders.
f ′y, ksi (MPa) 73.8 (509) The second test series (bridge panels) consisted of two
f ′t , ksi (MPa) 86.6 (597) cracked specimens containing two tendons (1967 steel duct)
f ′t /f ′y 1.17 placed on top of one another at a spacing of more than one
Es, ksi (MPa) 29,300 (202,000)
duct diameter (W21 and W22, Fig. 7(b)) and two reference
specimens without tendons and with no visible cracking
(W23 and W24), also extracted from the existing bridge
Table 3—Measured cylinder strength of concrete girders. The panels with tendons were cut from the bridge
and injection grout at 14, 21, and 28 days* girder after it had been tested in the laboratory. They were
thus extensively cracked, although the girder had failed in
t, days 14 21 28
shear at the opposite side of the beam. The orientation of the
Concrete f ′c , psi (MPa) 5030 (34.7) 5310 (36.6) 5410 (37.3) panels W21 and W22 was chosen so that the shear cracks are
Grout f ′g , psi (MPa) 3920 (27.0) 1060 (28.7) 4670 (32.2) running parallel to the direction of the loading (Fig. 8). The
*Note: Cylinder dimensions = ∅/h = 6.3/12.6 in. (160/320 mm). uncracked reference panels W23 and W24 were extracted in
a vertical orientation. The amount of passive reinforcement
reinforcement similar to that of the existing bridge to make in the bridge panels was comparable to that of the laboratory
a direct comparison possible. Table 2 shows the properties of panels (Fig. 7(b)).
the reinforcing steel used for the laboratory specimens. All Table 4 shows the main parameters for all test specimens,
specimens were cast horizontally in a single batch with a including the estimated concrete strength at the time of testing.
normal strength concrete (fc′ ≅ 5200 psi [36 MPa], Ec ≅ 4600 ksi Each specimen was tested in a high-capacity universal
[31,500 MPa]). The maximum concrete aggregate size was testing machine (Fig. 9), at a constant speed of 3.7 × 10–5 in./s
0.63 in. (16 mm) and the water-cement ratio (w/c) was 0.55. (0.9 × 10–3 mm/s), corresponding to approximately 0.3 kips/s
All specimens were tested at ages between 14 and 30 days. (1.3 kN/s) in the linear part of the loading curve. The load
Table 3 gives the measured concrete strength at 14, 21, and was introduced through a thin 0.4 to 0.6 in. (10 to 15 mm)
28 days. Seven 7-wire-strands 0.6 in. (A = 7 x 0.23 in.2 [7 x layer of cement-based high-strength mortar placed at the
the slenderness of the panels and shows that the strength was
not increased by local confinement effects due to friction at
Fig. 10—Average compression stress versus average strain. the loading plates. Specimens W7 and W8 with empty ducts
reached the lowest value (38% of the average strength of
reference specimens W3 and W4). The largest values for
base and on top of the specimen. Surface measurements were specimens with injected ducts were reached by specimens with
made on the concrete using 34 surface-mounted displacement steel ducts (W5 and W6, approximately 87%), while the
transducers on all sides of the specimen (Fig. 9). The
specimens with HDPE ducts reached the lowest value (W1,
measurement base was 4.9 in. (125 mm) vertically, 9.8 in.
W2 and W9, and W10; 63%). The angle of inclination β of
(250 mm) horizontally, and 4.5 in. (115 mm) transversally,
the duct does not seem to have influenced the strength (64%
with a range of ±0.08 in. [2 mm] and a non-linearity of 1%. The
compared with 63%), but seems to have caused a more
ambient temperature during testing was approximately 20 °C.
ductile behavior in the load-deformation response (W9 and
W10). Finally, one of the specimens with tendons retrieved
from an existing bridge reached values significantly lower
Figure 10 shows the stress-strain curve for all tested
specimens, based on average vertical strain measurements than specimens with comparable steel ducts (W11; 71%),
(Fig. 9) and the applied load. The initial branch of the load- probably because the injection grout was precracked by the
deflection curve is linear for all specimens, followed by a previous loading of the tendon and by the extraction process.
loss of stiffness until the maximum load is reached. In most The other specimen with an extracted tendon reached a
cases, the failure was sudden, with little or no post-peak higher value (W12; 82%).
strength. Table 4 and Fig. 11 give the ratio ηD of the ultimate The measurement of the transverse expansion at the level
load carried by each specimen, after deduction of the of the tendon gives valuable information about the way in-
contribution of the steel reinforcement, compared with the plane cracking occurs, although most cracks remain invisible
average strength of the two reference specimens without ducts, to the naked eye up to high levels of loading. As Fig. 12
also after deduction of the contribution of the longitudinal shows, specimens without a duct exhibited limited transverse
reinforcement. No reduction was applied to the specimens expansion until very high levels of loading. The expansion
W21 and W22 that were extracted from the existing bridge, as was mainly caused by Poisson’s ratio. Specimens with ducts
the passive reinforcement runs diagonally and is insufficiently started to diverge from the behavior of reference specimens
anchored, thus contributing little to the load-carrying capacity. at fairly low load levels, with a lateral expansion of 5.9 × 10–3
to 11.8 × 10–3 in. (0.15 to 0.30 mm), mainly due to thin splitting
Results from laboratory panels cracks, reached at 80% of ultimate. The behavior of panels
Specimens W3 and W4, the two solid specimens, reached containing HDPE ducts is clearly different from the behavior
the highest load capacity, corresponding to 92% of the of panels with steel ducts, with a more rapid development of
concrete compressive strength. This reduction results from inner cracking. It also differs from that of empty ducts.
N Rc
---------------------- 0.58 0.58 0.92 0.92 0.78 0.82 0.35 0.35 0.58 0.59 0.65 0.75 0.48 0.51 0.88 0.90
b w ⋅ c ⋅ f c′
ηD 0.63 0.62 1.00 1.00 0.84 0.89 0.38 0.38 0.63 0.64 0.71 0.82 0.54 0.57 0.99 1.01
f ce 1
----- = ------------------------------------------------------ (4)
f c′ ε1
1 + 0.27 ⋅ ⎛ ------- - – 0.37⎞
⎝ –εp ⎠
Fig. 12—Average compression stress versus transverse
expansion at duct location. one can estimate the reduction in strength caused by the
transverse strains from the testing of the bridge, which were
Shortly before the ultimate load was reached, splitting measured at approximately ε1 = 3.5‰, and taking εp = –2‰,
cracks became visible on the side faces. At the ultimate load, to approximately 0.7fc′ .
the specimen was almost split in two parts (Fig. 13). On the Assuming that the same deformation ε1 would have been
front faces, no cracking was observed before the ultimate imposed to Specimens W11 and W12, their strength would
load, except for specimens with empty ducts, for which have been reduced by a factor 0.73, yielding ηD values of
cracks appeared at approximately 70% of ultimate. 0.52 and 0.60, respectively, which compare very well with