Evil Triplet Gallery Walk Notes
Evil Triplet Gallery Walk Notes
Evil Triplet Gallery Walk Notes
1. Visit this link to view the gallery walk.
2. Use the gallery walk and any other resources to complete the notes below. You will have 25 minutes!
3. For each Threat:
a. Provide the definition (what is the threat?).
b. State the definition in your own words.
c. Provide AT LEAST THREE examples.
d. Provide AT LEAST TWO visuals of the threat (image, video, meme, gif, Social Media Post, etc.).
4. Once complete, turn in your notes to google classroom. If you worked as a team, ONLY ONE member needs to turn in the notes
with each member’s name.
5. If you finish early, explore the extra resources embedded in the Gallery Walk!
Invasive An invasive species can be When a species that is not Bermuda buttercups.
Species any kind of living organism, supposed to be in a habitat ● Green Crab
plant, insect, fish, fungus, comes there and kills (Carcinus maenas)
bacteria, or even an animals, and hoards food This European crab
organism’s seeds or eggs-that and water.
has been carried by
is not native to an ecosystem
and causes harm. ships in ballast water
and is sold as fish
bait in much of the
● Killer Algae
(Caulerpa taxifolia)
● Sea Walnut
(Mnemiopsis leidyi)
● Veined Rapa Whelk
(Rapana venosa) ...
● Zebra Mussel
Overexploitat to exploit (something, such as When we take way more Over fishing.
ion a natural resource) to an resources than we need, Over hunting.
excessive degree. causing a drop in species Over harvesting.
numbers, and resources.