Data Migration Test and Strategy Plan - Vdraft
Data Migration Test and Strategy Plan - Vdraft
Data Migration Test and Strategy Plan - Vdraft
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1 DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT........................................................................3 1.1 Contributors...........................................................................................................3 1.2 Version Control......................................................................................................3 2 VAL DAT ON AND TE!T NG........................................................................" 2.1 Vali ation S!o"e.....................................................................................................# 2.2 Vali ation A""roa!$es..........................................................................................# 2.2.1 Spot Checking...................................................................................................4 2.2.2 Record Count.....................................................................................................4 2.2.3 Report ...............................................................................................................5 2.2.4 Test Types.........................................................................................................5 3 DATA M G#AT ON TE!T $DMT%...................................................................& 3.1 De%inition.................................................................................................................& 3.2 Roles an Res"onsibilities.....................................................................................& 3.3 Test Re'uire(ents ..............................................................................................) 3.# Test *arti!i"ants ....................................................................................................) 3.3 Test S!$e ule .........................................................................................................+ 3.# Assu("tions ...........................................................................................................+ " DATA M G#AT ON TE!T! AND OUTCOME!.............................................' #.1 Data Mi,ration Test S!enarios %ro( -usiness Re'uire(ents Do!u(ent ........+ #.2 Ot$er DMT S!enarios ............................................................................................ #.3 O"en Issues.............................................................................................................. #.# Do!u(ent Si,n O%%..................................................................................................
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1 Document M(n()ement
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1.1 Contri*utors
Please provide details of all contributors to this document. #o+e Sponsor Business Analyst (Owner) Application Analyst De eloper Testers Unit Capgemini Capgemini Capgemini Capgemini N(me
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2.2 Validation Approaches "#$s will be responsible for %ata &alidation activities and will adopt the following approach!
Checking each o& the supplied data e+tract &iles against 'oth the corresponding C%$)$ /unctional Design and the layouts pro ided 'y !he *+tract !eam# 0ser &ield mappings (&ields on the Oracle ""i screens) will 'e pro ided in the data e+tract &iles and !he *+tract !eam will pro ide layouts to assist with this so that a column in the supplied data e+tract &ile can easily 'e re&erenced 'ack to &ield in ""i Spot checking a su'1set o& records in the data e+tract &iles against the data held in ""i 2eporting o& any data anomalies which can then 'e addressed 'y the Data *+tract !eam#
!he *+tract !eam will pro ide support to the S.*s in ad ance o& this acti ity to help them understand how data alidation can 'e per&ormed and which supporting tools - techniques can 'e used# 3n addition, the Capgemini &unctional team will 'e on hand to answer any queries during the data alidation acti ities 'eing undertaken 'y #
2.2.1 !/ot C,ec0in)
!his will in ol e checking &ields on the e+tract against the &ields on the &orm# !he purpose o& the spot checking is to pro ide con&idence that the e+tract process is e+tracting the correct &ields# 3n some cases, the S.*s would 'e reasona'ly e+pected to know in which &orm the rele ant data is iewa'le# 3n many cases, the detail o& which &orm shows the data has 'een included in the detail column,
2.2.2 #ecor- Count
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!his will in ol e checking the num'er o& records in the e+tract &ile against the detail o& where to &ind out the e+pected record count#
Standard or e+isting custom reports may need to 'e run in order to eri&y that the scope o& e+tract is correct# !he report &ield names may not match the &ield names in the e+tract#
2.2." Test T1/es
!he areas to 'e co ered 'y Data %alidation and 2econciliation !esting include4 %eri&ying data e+tract &ile quality %eri&ying data e+tract &ile completeness 3denti&ication o& any data gaps or issues with the supplied data e+tract &iles 2econciliation o& alues and record counts o& the data e+tract &iles
3 3.1
!he purpose o& Data .igration !est(D.!) is to ensure that the solution 'y the pro(ect meets the &unctional and non1&unctional requirements speci&ied in the 'usiness requirements# D.! may also identi&y issues that ha e not 'een speci&ied in the B2D such as those relating to usa'ility# D.! is the &inal step 'e&ore rolling out the solution# D.! is typically carried out 'y end users in an en ironment that closely models the real world# A well1managed D.! process will gi e the 5ro(ect Sponsor, pro(ect team and end users con&idence that the solution 'eing deli ered meets the requirements# !his document outlines the plan &or D.! o& the pro(ect deli era'les# !his document is a high le el guide and will initially 'e de eloped during requirements gathering as part o& the Business Analysis stage# Detailed test scripts-cases will 'e de eloped as part o& the D.! 5lan and will 'e used to record the results o& user testing# !esting itsel& and the &ormal recording o& D.! results takes place during the Acceptance stage#
5ro(ect Sponsor
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detailed test scripts-cases, scenarios and instructions are made a aila'le to testers prior to the start o& D.! *nsure (with 5ro(ect .anager) that the test schedule is communicated and that D.! takes place at the agreed time &rame *nsure that 'usiness issues identi&ied during D.! are logged in the !est 6og %alidation o& D.! en ironment *+ecute test scripts-cases 2ecord test results
Test 4(rtici/(nts
!esting participants must include representati es &rom all areas who will use or 'e impacted 'y the solution# N(me Unit #e/resenteTestin) Are( o2 #es/onsi*i+it1 *nsure the 'usiness requirements are met 'y testing, the en ironment and any re1work# %alidate the test criteria and ensure the test en ironment allows testing o& the 'usiness requirements# 2e1work code where necessary to allow success&ul test results# !est the 'usiness requirements according to the tests de&ined in this test document and record the results o& tests
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3.4 Assumptions
!he D.! en ironment will 'e a aila'le and &ully con&igured ahead o& the D.!# !he 'usiness team has re iewed and accepted &unctionality identi&ied in the Business 2equirements Document (B2D) and System Design Document (SDS)# Code walkthroughs-re iews ha e 'een completed 'y the De elopment !eam and signed o&& as part o& the 5eer 5ro(ect Build 2e iew (55B2) 3ntegration testing, including where rele ant load and testing, has 'een completed and signed o&& as part o& the 5eer 5ro(ect 3ntegration 2e iew# !esters will test the &unctionality documented in the appro ed B2D (taking into account any changes in 'usiness requirement su'sequently agreed 'y the 5ro(ect !eam) 2esources identi&ied in this plan are a aila'le to conduct the D.! and address issues as they are raised 'y the test team# 'usiness Analyst should record any additional assumptions here
!he 5ro(ect .anager must noti&y the 5ro(ect Sponsor i& any o& these assumptions are not correct 'e&ore commencing the D.!#
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5#D #e2
D(te Teste-
Outcome $4A!! 6 7A L%
5#D #e2
Name Name
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