Team 35 The FSK Design Through AWR in High Frequency Domain

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Team 35

The FSK design through AWR in high frequency domain

FSK is used for the frequency modulation through the phenomenon of the discrete frequency.
The main method behind the discrete frequency is the input signal and its changing
frequency. Other advantages of using this technique due to its easiness because data can be
sent in the form of the pure binary such as it will be either 0 or 1. In this assessment practical
implementation of the calculated values is done on the AWR software as well as verification
of the results also done on the same software which is discussed in the further upcoming

Background of the FSK

The need for the FSK when there was not a proper system for the sending and the receiving
data because old fashion local area network was not able to communicate the multiple
workstations. If there were happening of the more than 1 workstations overlapping occurred
which was the major issue in the communication sector. Other limitations were, the old
fashion system was not accurate as well as had the loss in the signals that’s why there was a
need to such tape of a transmitter which can handle such type of difficulties such as losses,
overlapping and the accurate communication among the multiple workstations. After
installing the FSK transmitter communication become easy and accurate which was the main
reason behind the invention of such type of the transmitter.

Team Member Name: Rumon Hussain
Range of the frequency is from 1.853 GHz to 2GHz

The Block diagrm for FSK design

Selection of Detector
The use of detector is to detect the power which is received at the receiver side of FSK. The
first detector is used after the low pass filter that how much power is collected at this side.
At upper side, the detector will detect the all lower frequency which are allowed by the low
pass filter and then converted into the voltage levels. For upper side the detector A is used
which will be further used in the link power budgeting of FSK to find out the required
voltage levels. Similarly, at lower side another detector is used which is detector B which is
also used for same purposes as detector A is used.

Selection of Splitter
The splitter is a device which can split the signal of the RF among the different ports to the
other devices for the transmission as well as it’s a multi-port device which has the ports more
than 1.

Splitter (resistive power)

This type of splitter is used to maintain the impedance in the devices for proper

Splitter (Hybrid power):

On the other hand, this type of splitter is used to handle the losses in the system which is
possible by the transformer that is used in this type of splitter.


 Losses of the system minimised.

 It provides accurate isolation
 Simple and easy to install and use.

T junction splitter:

T Junction splitter is a type of the power splitter which can take the light from the channel
and responsible to split in the multiple channels in perpendicular output channels. This type
of splitter has a shape like a wall and split the signal equally.


Zo is input impedance

Z1 is the output impedance of the line 1

Z2 is the output impedance of the line 2

As there are no losses in the lines that’s why complex part JB would be neglected

Case 1:

1:1 output power spilt

Power (input) = 0.5 (Vo^2) / Zo


Power1 (output) = 0.5 (Vo^2) / Z1

Power1 (output) = 0.5 (Vo^2) / Z1 = 0.5 * Power (input)

Power2 (output) = 0.5 (Vo^2) / Z2

Power2 (output) = 0.5 (Vo^2) / Z1 = 0.5 * Power (input)

Z1 = Z


Zo = 0.5 * Z1

Zo = 0.5 * Z1 = 0.5 * Z2

On the other hand


Zo = 50 ohms


Z1 = Zo / 0.5

Z1 = Zo / 0.5 = 50/0.5

Z1 = Zo / 0.5 = 50/0.5 = 100 ohms

Similarly, for Z2

Z2 = Zo / 0.5

Z2 = Zo / 0.5 = 50/0.5

Z2 = Zo / 0.5 = 50/0.5 = 100 ohms

In this step reflection coefficients will be


1:1 power split it become

T1 = ZL – Z1 / ZL +Z1 from the port 2

On the other hand, ZL becomes

ZL = Zo parallel to Z1

ZL = Zo parallel to Z1 = 50 parallel 100


ZL = Zo parallel to Z1 = 50 parallel 100 = 50*100 / 50+100

ZL = Zo parallel to Z1 = 50 parallel 100 = 50*100 / 50+100 = 33.33 ohms


T1 = 33.33 – 100 / 33.33 +100

T1 = 33.33 – 100 / 33.33 +100 = -0.5

For the T2

T1 = ZL – Z2 / ZL +Z2 from the port 3

On the other hand, ZL becomes

ZL = Zo parallel to Z2

ZL = Zo parallel to Z2 = 50 parallel 100


ZL = Zo parallel to Z1 = 50 parallel 100 = 50*100 / 50+100

ZL = Zo parallel to Z1 = 50 parallel 100 = 50*100 / 50+100 = 33.33 ohms


T2 = 33.33 – 100 / 33.33 +100

T1 = 33.33 – 100 / 33.33 +100 = -0.5

As we can see that

T1 = T2 = -0.5

It means that splitter can split the power equally because the answer is the same for the both
cases such as T1 and T2

For the purpose to design the splitter of the T junction values of the wavelength are essential
which can be calculated through the usage of the following formula

We know that by the formula



h = wavelength (lemda)

C= speed of light

F = 2 GHz

Values of the C = 3*10^8 m/s

h = wavelength (lemda) = c/f

h = wavelength (lemda) = c/f = 3*10^8 m/s / 2 GHz

h = wavelength (lemda) = c/f = 3*10^8 m/s / 2 GHz = 0.15

so the length of the microstrip line can be calculated with the help of this values of the lemda
using the Tx line method.

On the hand values of the length and width for the input impedance be

W50 = 0.54 mm


L50 = 0.036 mm

Values of the length and width for the output impedance 1 be

W100 = 0.13 mm


L100 = 0.038 mm

Values of the length and width for the output impedance 2 be

W100 = 0.13 mm


L100 = 0.038 mm

The Schematic of T junction Splitter

Selection of Low Pass Filter
The filter is used to handle the noise and the harmonics in the signal and pass out the signal
which does not have any noise or the harmonics because the filter is the basic building block
in the communication. It has multiple types but the RF is the modern type of filter that is used
in the project.


Band reject filter:

The only frequency will stop by that type of filter which is specified and other all frequencies
will be passed without any restrictions.

Low pass filter:

The frequencies which are less than the cut off frequency can be passed through this type

High pass filter:

The frequencies which are greater than the cut off frequency can be passed through this type

Band pass filter:

Those frequencies that are in the range of the defined frequencies can be transmitted and
other frequencies blocked through this type of the filter.


 Multiple application such as desired channel frequency can be selected by the

broadcast channels which is the basic need of the transmissions.
 Image frequencies can be rejected by the usage of the filter.

KI low pass filter:

Richard transformation

In this case, there are mostly used two transformations Kuroda's identity (a) and Kuroda's
identity (b)

Design of the low pass filter:

The used filter in the current assessment is a normalized low pass filter:

The values which are used in this case can be taken from the Chebyshev type 0.5dB table

Where we can see the values of the g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6

g1 = 1.7058

g1 = 1.2296

g1 = 2.5408

g1 = 1.2296

g1 = 1.7058

g1 = 1.0000

The normalized circuit is converted to short circuit elements and open circuit elements

And the elements of this circuit will be like

Z1 = Z5

Z1 = Z5 = 1/ 1.7058

Z1 = Z5 = 1/ 1.7058 = 0.586


Z3 = 1/ 2.5408

Z3 = 1/ 2.5408 = 0.3936

On the other hand, inductances will be

Z2 = Z4

Z2 = Z4 =1.2296

The microwave circuit can be calculated with the help of the four different elements and two
main identifiers are such as (a) and (b) which are as below

In the above case

n^2 = 1+Z2/Z1

after the addition of the unit lines on the both side of the circuits then final microwave circuit
will be

n^2 = 1+Z2/Z1

n^2 = 1+Z2/Z1 = 1 + 0.5862/1

n^2 = 1+Z2/Z1 = 1 + 0.5862/1 = 1.5862


Z1 / n2 = 0.58562/1.5862

Z1 / n2 = 0.5862/1.5862 = 0.3696

Z2 / n2 = 1/1.5862

Z1 / n2 = 1/1.5862 = 0.6304

These values is get by the applying the KI-a

After the implementation of the KI-a now implementation of the KI-b will be done

n^2 = 1+Z2/Z1

n^2 = 1+Z2/Z1 = 1 + 0.6304/1

n^2 = 1+Z2/Z1 = 1 + 0.6304/1= 1.6304

n2Z1 = 1.6304*1

n2Z1 = 1.6304*1 = 1.6304


1/ n2Z1

1/ n2Z1 = 1/ 1.6304*0.6304

1/ n2Z1 = 1/ 1.6304*0.6304 = 0.9729


n^2 = 1+1.2296/0.3096

n^2 = 1+1.2296/0.3096 = 4.32


n2Z1 = 4.32 * 0.696

n2Z1 = 4.32 * 0.696 = 1.5992


1/ n2Z2

1/ n2Z1 = 1/ 4.32 * 1.2296

1/ n2Z1 = 1/ 4.32 * 1.2296 = 0.188


For the purpose to find the real impedance there is need to multiply the each available
resistance by 50

ZuE1 = 1.5992 * 50

ZuE1 = 1.5992 * 50 = 79.96 ohms

ZuE2 = 1.5992 * 50

ZuE2 = 1.5992 * 50 = 79.96 ohms

ZuE3 = 1.6304 * 50

ZuE3 = 1.6304 * 50 = 81.52 ohms

ZuE4 = 1.6304 * 50

ZuE3 = 1.6304 * 50 = 81.52 ohms = ZuE3

Z1 = 0.9724 * 50

Z1 = 0.9724 * 50 = 44.645 ohms

Z2 = 0.188 * 50

Z2 = 0.188 * 50 = 9.4 ohms

Z3 = 0.93936 * 50

Z3 = 0.93936 * 50 = 19.68 ohms

Z4 = 0.1888 * 50

Z4 = 0.1888 * 50 = 9.4 ohms

Z5 =0.9724 * 50

Z5 =0.9724 * 50 = 44.645 ohms

Z5 =0.9724 * 50 = 44.645 ohms = Z1

As the value of the h (lemda) is 0.15

WzuE1 = 0.225 mm

WzuE2 = 0.225 mm

WzuE3 = 0.216 mm

WzuE4 = 0.216 mm

Wz1 = 0.56 mm

Wz2 = 4.16 mm

Wz3 = 1.96 mm

Wz4 = 4.96 mm

Wz5 = 0.56 mm

For the purpose of the find the value of the h * g

As we know by the formula

H * g = h / √ (Eeff)

And the values of the W50 is 0.54mm

And the values of the Eff = 2.941

h *g = h * g / Შ

h *g = h * g / = 0.0874 / 8

h *g = h * g / = 0.0874 / 8 = 0.0100 mm

The Schematic Digam of Low Pass Filter

The Schematic of Frequency Shift Keying

The Link Power Budgeting

The link power budgeting is used to calculate the total power recived at the receiver of FSK.
The power budgeting for both cases of FSK and for all frequencies is given below.


EM output Graph

Student Name: Reshma Begum

The range of the frequency is 1.853 GHz to 2 GHz

Detector Selection
The selection of detector is very important for the design of FSK. The detector is used at the
side of receiver of fsk to detect the power which is sent by the transmitter. The power is
detected by the detector and then converted into the required voltage levels. The detectors are
used for the both sides of FSK. Two different detectors are used for the both sides of FSK.
For the upper the detector B is used and for lower arm the detector A is used. The detector B
will detect the lower frequencies and detector A will detect the higher frequencies.

Splitter Design
Simple quarter wave splitter:


½ = power of the splitter


Value of the Zo = 50 ohms

But Z (virtual) = 2 * Zo

Put the value of the Zo in the above equation

So, Z (virtual) = 2 * Zo = 2* 50


Z (virtual) = 2 * Zo = 2* 50 = 100 ohms

On the other hand

Z qtr = √(50 * 100)


Z qtr = √(50 * 100) = 70.7 ohms

We know that by the formula



h = wavelength (lemda)

C= speed of light

F = 2 GHz

Values of the C = 3*10^8 m/s

h = wavelength (lemda) = c/f

h = wavelength (lemda) = c/f = 3*10^8 m/s / 2 GHz

h = wavelength (lemda) = c/f = 3*10^8 m/s / 2 GHz = 0.15

so the length of the microstrip line can be calculated with the help of this values of the lemda
using the Tx line method.

On the hand values of the length and width for the input impedance be

W50 = 0.54 mm


L50 = 0.036 mm


W (virtual) = w100 = 0.131 mm

L = 0.0338


Wqrt = W70.7 = 0.291mm

L = 0.0371 mm

Diagram of Splitter

The values of the W (virtual) and the Wqrt are the same in the case of the both arms.

Design of Low Pass Filter

Stepped Impedance Low Pass Filter

There is transformation to find the length

B * l = C * Z * l / Ro for capacitor


For inductor

B * l = L * Ro / Zn for capacitor

As the value of the Ro = 50 ohms

Zn = 120 ohms

Z * l = 20 ohms

As well as

The value of the lemda = 0.15 for the purpose of the 2 GHz

And the formula for the frequency is

h * g = h / √ (Eeff)

width for the all impedances is

WRo = W50 = 0.541 mm

WZn = W120 = 0.0778 mm

Eeff = 2.9442


WR * l = w20 = 1.92 mm

Eeff = 3.269

The value of the h * g for the high impedances

h * g (high) = h / √ (Eeff)

h * g (high) = h / √ (Eeff) = 0.15 / sqrt (2.9442)

h * g (high) = h / √ (Eeff) = 0.15 / sqrt (2.9442) = 0.087

on the other hand value of the h * g for the low impedances

h * g (low) = h / √ (Eeff)

h * g (low) = h / √ (Eeff) = 0.15 / sqrt (3.269)

h * g (low) = h / √ (Eeff) = 0.15 / sqrt (3.269) = 0.082

while the fifth order low pass filter is

In this case values of the Ls and the C5 are actually normalized

While the Chebyshev type of 0.5dB table and we can get the values such as g1, g2, g3, g4,
g5, g6

g1 = 1.7058

g1 = 1.2296

g1 = 2.5408

g1 = 1.2296

g1 = 1.7058

g1 = 1.0000

on the other hand, length of the C1

B * l = C * Z * l / Ro

B * l = C * Z * l / Ro = 1.7058 * 20 / 50

B * l = C * Z * l / Ro = 1.7058 * 20 / 50 = 0.6823 rad

Length for the L2

B * l = L * Ro / 2 h

B * l = L * Ro / 2 h = 1.2296 * 50 / 120

B * l = L * Ro / 2 h = 1.2296 * 50 / 120 = 0.512


length of the C3

B * l = C * Z * l / Ro

B * l = C * Z * l / Ro = 2.540 * 50 / 120

B * l = C * Z * l / Ro = 2.540 * 50 / 120 = 1.016 rad

Length for the L4

B * l = L * Ro / 2 h

B * l = L * Ro / 2 h = 1.2296 * 50 / 120

B * l = L * Ro / 2 h = 1.2296 * 50 / 120 = 0.512

length of the C5

B * l = C * Z * l / Ro

B * l = C * Z * l / Ro = 1.7058 * 20 / 150

B * l = C * Z * l / Ro = 1.7058 * 20 / 150= 0.68232 rad

For the purpose to convert the length into the mm first divide by the 2 * pi and then multiply
by the h * g

L1 = 0.68232 * 0.082 / 2 * pi

L1 = 0.68232 * 0.082 / 2 * pi = 8.904 um


L2 = 0.5123 * 0.087 / 2 * pi

L2 = 0.5123 * 0.087 / 2 * pi = 7.093 um


L3 = 1.016 * 0.082 / 2 * pi

L3 = 1.016 * 0.082 / 2 * pi = 13.25 um

L4 = L2 = 7.093 um

At the end

L5 = L1= 0.68232 * 0.082 / 2 * pi

L5 = L1= 0.68232 * 0.082 / 2 * pi = 8.904 um

The Diagram of Low Pass Filter 5th order

Band Pass Filter
The band pass filter is such a circuit which is used to pass the specific range of signals within
the specifi range. In this coursework of fsk, the band pass filter is used to filter out the lower
frequencies which are transmitted by the receiver. As the band pass filter has two cut off
frequencies, the band pass filter can be used to replace the low pass filter or high pass filter.
The design of band pass filter is given and just we used the design of band pass filter to
complete the design of FSK.

The Link Power Budgeting

The link power budgeting is the calaculation of power when power is transmitted from the
source and after some losses and gains. The schematic of fsk is given below and according to
that link power budget is calculated.


EM Result



For T junction Splitter W50 = 0.54 mm, L50 = 0.036 mm

1:1 output power spilt W100 = 0.13 mm, L100 = 0.038 mm

Zo = 50 ohms W100 = 0.13 mm, L100 = 0.038 mm

Z1 = Zo / 0.5 = 50/0.5 = 100 ohms

Z2 = Zo / 0.5 = 50/0.5 = 100 ohms

h = wavelength (lemda) = c/f = 3*10^8 Quarter Wave Splitter

m/s / 2 GHz = 0.15

Value of the Zo = 50 ohms Wqrt = W70.7 = 0.291mm, L = 0.0371
Z (virtual) = 2 * Zo = 2* 50 = 100 ohms
The calculation for both of the designs are
Z qtr = √(50 * 100) = 70.7 ohms
almost same Bur in the quarter wave
W50 = 0.54 mm, L50 = 0.036 mm splitter, we have to used two extra

W (virtual) = w100 = 0.131 mm, L = mircorstrip lines of Quarter wavelength.

0.0338 mm

Low Pass Filters

Kuroda’s Identity Low Pass Filter n^2 = 1+Z2/Z1 = 1 + 0.6304/1= 1.6304

g1 = 1.7058 n2Z1 = 1.6304*1 = 1.6304

g2 = 1.2296 1/ n2Z1 = 1/ 1.6304*0.6304 = 0.9729

g3 = 2.5408 n^2 = 1+1.2296/0.3096

g4 = 1.2296 n^2 = 1+1.2296/0.3096 = 4.32

g5 = 1.7058 n2Z1 = 4.32 * 0.696

g6 = 1.0000 n2Z1 = 4.32 * 0.696 = 1.5992

Z1 = Z5 1/ n2Z1 = 1/ 4.32 * 1.2296 = 0.188

Z1 = Z5 = 1/ 1.7058 ZuE1 = 1.5992 * 50 = 79.96 ohms

Z1 = Z5 = 1/ 1.7058 = 0.586 ZuE2 = 1.5992 * 50 = 79.96 ohms

Z3 = 1/ 2.5408 ZuE3 = 1.6304 * 50 = 81.52 ohms

Z3 = 1/ 2.5408 = 0.3936 ZuE3 = 1.6304 * 50 = 81.52 ohms =

Z2 = Z4
Z1 = 0.9724 * 50 = 44.645 ohms
Z2 = Z4 =1.2296
Z2 = 0.188 * 50 = 9.4 ohms
n^2 = 1+Z2/Z1 = 1 + 0.5862/1 = 1.5862
Z3 = 0.93936 * 50 = 19.68 ohms
Z1 / n2 = 0.5862/1.5862 = 0.3696
Z4 = 0.1888 * 50 = 9.4 ohms
Z2 / n2 = 1/1.5862
Z5 =0.9724 * 50 = 44.645 ohms = Z1
Z1 / n2 = 1/1.5862 = 0.6304

WzuE1 = 0.225 mm WR * l = w20 = 1.92 mm

WzuE2 = 0.225 mm Eeff = 3.269

WzuE3 = 0.216 mm B * l = C * Z * l / Ro = 2.540 * 50 / 120 =

1.016 rad, B * l = L * Ro / 2 h = 1.2296 *
WzuE4 = 0.216 mm
50 / 120 = 0.512, B * l = C * Z * l / Ro =
Wz1 = 0.56 mm 1.7058 * 20 / 150= 0.68232 rad

Wz2 = 4.16 mm L1 = 0.68232 * 0.082 / 2 * pi = 8.904 um

Wz3 = 1.96 mm L2 = 0.5123 * 0.087 / 2 * pi = 7.093 um

Wz4 = 4.96 mm L3 = 1.016 * 0.082 / 2 * pi = 13.25 um

Wz5 = 0.56 mm L4 = L2 = 7.093 um

Stepped Impedance Low Pass Filter L5 = L1

Ro = 50 ohms These are the calculations upon which both

Zn = 120 ohms of filters are designed. The kuroda’s

identity low pas filter includes the more
Z * l = 20 ohms
calculations are compared to the stepped
WRo = W50 = 0.541 mm impedance filter.

WZn = W120 = 0.0778 mm

Eeff = 2.9442

The overall task is achieved to design a frequency shift keying FSK for high speed digital
design. We are assigned a range of frequency upon which we had to design the FSK For, the
FSK we needed to design the transmission lines first and then through the transmission line
we have to design the other blocks of FSK. We have fully designed the all blocks and both of
us designed the two different filters and two different splitter which are further used to design
the comple FSK. The task is fully completed and this report includes the all calculations of all
designs. We have learned the overall subject all design through designing the FSK for higher
