Transmission Line Basics II - Class 6: Prerequisite Reading Assignment: CH2

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Transmission Line Basics II - Class 6

Prerequisite Reading assignment: CH2

Acknowledgements: Intel Bus Boot Camp: Michael Leddige

Real Computer Issues

Dev a data Dev b ignal Measured here


witch Threshold

An engineer tells !ou the measured clock is non"monotonic and because o# this the #lip #lop internall! ma! double clock the data$ The goal #or this class is to b! inspection determine the cause and suggest whether this is a problem or not$ Transmission Lines Class 6


T e Transmission Line Concept Transmission line equi!alent circuits

and rele!ant equations Re"lection diagram # equation Loading Termination met ods and comparison Propagation dela$ %imple return pat & circuit t eor$' net(or) t eor$ come later*
Transmission Lines Class 6

T(o Transmission Line ,ie(points

%tead$ state & most istorical !ie(*

-requenc$ domain

Time domain .ot circuit element / $0

/e mi1 metap ors all t e time

/ $ con!enience and istor$

Transmission Lines Class 6

Transmission Line Concept

Power Frequency (f) is @ 60 Hz
Wavelength () is 5 10
( !ver "#100 $iles)

Power Plant

Consumer Home

Transmission Lines Class 6

PC Transmission Lines
%ignal Frequency (f) is a&&roaching 10 'Hz
Wavelength () is 1(5 c
( 0(6 inches)
Microstrip PCB substrate Integrated Circuit Stripline T

W Cross Section of Above PCB Copper Trace

Cross section view taken here

Via %&' (ielectric

Micro" trip

Signal !icrostrip" #round$Power Signal stripline" Signal stripline" #round$Power Signal !icrostrip" W Transmission Lines Class 6

Copper Plane

Key point about transmission line operation Voltage and current on a transmission line is a function of both time and position

V = f ( z, t ) I = f ( z, t )





+z The major deviation from circuit theory with transmission line, distributed networks is this positional dependence of voltage and current! Must think in terms of position and time to understand transmission line behavior This positional dependence is added when the assumption of the size of the circuit being small compared to the signaling wavelength

Transmission Lines Class 6

51amples o" Transmission Line %tructures- I

Ca6les and (ires
&a* &6* &c* &d* Coa1 ca6le /ire o!er ground Tri-lead (ire T(isted pair &t(o-(ire line*

Long distance interconnects

. /

. /



. (c)

. (+)

Transmission Lines Class 6

%egment 2: Transmission line equi!alent circuits and rele!ant equations

!hysics of transmission line structures "asic transmission line e#uivalent circuit $%#uations for transmission line propagation

Transmission Lines Class 6

5 # H -ields : ;icrostrip Case )ow does the signal !ove fro! source to load*
Signal path . into the page" , +lectric field Magnetic field &emember fields are setup given an applied forcing function '(ource) #round return path


T e signal is reall$ t e (a!e propagating 6et(een t e conductors

Transmission Lines Class 6

Transmission Line <=e"inition>

?eneral transmission line: a closed s$stem in ( ic @ur class: onl$ T5; mode transmission lines
po(er is transmitted "rom a source to a destination
A t(o conductor (ire s$stem (it t e (ires in close pro1imit$' pro!iding relati!e impedance' !elocit$ and closed current return pat to t e sourceA C aracteristic impedance is t e ratio o" t e !oltage and current (a!es at an$ one position on t e transmission V line


Z0 =

Propagation !elocit$ is t e speed (it ( ic signals are transmitted t roug t e transmission line in its surrounding mediumA c


Transmission Lines Class 6

Presence o" 5lectric and ;agnetic -ields

* * * *


, . ,

, . ,

0 ) ,
+ + + +

) . ) , . ,

) ,

) . ) , . ,

Both Electric and Magnetic fields are present in the

transmission lines
T ese "ields are perpendicular to eac ot er and to t e direction o" (a!e propagation "or T5; mode (a!es' ( ic is t e simplest mode' and assumed "or most simulators&e1cept "or microstrip lines ( ic assume <quasi-T5;>' ( ic is an appro1imated equi!alent "or transient response calculations*A

Electric field is established by a potential difference

between two conductors.

Magnetic field induced by current flowing on the line

Implies equi!alent circuit model must contain inductorA
Transmission Lines Class 6

Implies equi!alent circuit model must contain capacitorA

T-Line 5qui!alent Circuit

,eneral -haracteristics of Transmission
!ropagation delay per unit length 'T0) / time0distance1 2ps0in3 4r Velocity 'v0) /distance0 time1 2in0ps3 -haracteristic 5mpedance 'Z0) !er+unit+length -apacitance 'C0) 2pf0in3 !er+unit+length 5nductance 'L0) 2nf0in3 !er+unit+length '(eries) &esistance 'R0) 20in3 !er+unit+length '!arallel) -onductance 'G0) 2(0in3






Transmission Lines Class 6

Ideal T Line
5deal 'lossless) -haracteristics of
Transmission .ine
5deal T. assumes6 7niform line !erfect 'lossless) conductor 'R00) !erfect 'lossless) dielectric 'G00) 8e only consider T0, Z0 , C0, and L0 l10 l30


9 transmission line can be represented by a

cascaded network 'subsections) of these e#uivalent models
The smaller the subsection the more accurate the model

The delay for each subsection should be no larger than :0:;th the signal rise time
Transmission Lines Class 6

%ignal -requenc$ and 5dge Rate !sA Lumped or Tline ;odels

5n theory, all circuits that deliver transient power from one point to another are transmission lines, but if the signal fre#uency's) is low compared to the size of the circuit 'small), a reasonable appro<imation can be used to simplify the circuit for calculation of the circuit transient 'time vs voltage or time vs current) response


Transmission Lines Class 6

T Line Rules o" T um6

o, !hat are the rules of thumb to use"


May treat as lumped Capacitance Use this 10:1 ratio for accurate modeling of transmission lines

Td % $& T'
May treat as RC on-chip, and treat as LC for PC board interconnect

Td % $( T'
Transmission Lines Class 6

Other Rules of



"re#uency $nee %"$nee& ' (.)*+ r %so if r is

,n-. "$nee is )*(MH/& his is the fre#uency at which most energy is below r is the ,(01(2 edge rate of the signal 3ssignment4 3t what fre#uency can your thumb be used to determine which elements are lumped5
3ssume ,*( ps+in

Transmission Lines Class 6

6hen does a

0line become a

Whether it is a


When do we need to use transmission line analysis techniques vs. lumped circuit analysis?

bump or a mountain depends on the ratio of its size (tline) to the size of the vehicle (signal wavelength)

Similarly, whether
or not a line is to be considered as a transmission line depends on the ratio of length of the line (delay) to the wavelength of the applied frequency or the rise/fall edge of the signal

8avelength0edge rate


Transmission Lines Class 6

E#uations 8 "ormulas
How to model 8 e9plain transmission line beha:ior

Rele!ant Transmission Line 5quations Propagation equation

( R + j L)(G + j C ) = + j


is t e attenuation &loss* "actor is t e p ase &!elocit$* "actor

C aracteristic Impedance equation

Z0 =

( R + j L ) (G + j C )
Transmission Lines Class 6

In class pro6lem: =eri!e t e ig "requenc$' lossless appro1imation "or B9

Ideal Transmission Line Parameters

Knowing any two out of Z0,
Td, C0, and L0, the other two can be calculated C0 and L0 are reciprocal functions of the line cross+ sectional dimensions and are related by constant me is electric permittivity
;= > >? @ :;+:A F/m 'free space) ri s relative dielectric constant


Z0 = C0 =

L0 ; C0

T d = L0 C0 ; L0 = Z 0 T 0 ; C0 L0 = ;

T0 ; Z0 1 = v0 ;

is magnetic permeability
;= Bp @ :;+C H/m 'free space) r is relative permeability

= r 0 ;

= r 0 .

DonEt forget these relationships and what they mean!

Transmission Lines Class 6

Parallel Plate 3ppro9imation



T5; conditions Cni"orm dielectric & * 6et(een conductors TCDD T=E /CFF T=


T-line c aracteristics are

"unction o":
;aterial electric and magnetic properties =ielectric T ic)ness &T=* /idt o" conductor &/C*

* PlateArea Base C= d equation

C0 WC F TD m TD WC pF 8.85 r TD m



L0 "0

F WC m
#$$ TD WC r r

TD ! 0. r WC m

T= E C9 ' L9 ' B9 /C E C9 ' L9 ' B9

To a first order, t+line capacitance and inductance can be appro<imated using the parallel plate appro<imation
Transmission Lines Class 6

Impro!ed ;icrostrip -ormula

Parallel Plate Assumptions G
Large ground plane (it Hero t ic)ness To accuratel$ predict microstrip impedance' $ou must calculate t e effecti:e dielectric constantA

W3 43 45



5.%8TD &n r + 1. 1 0.8WC + TC r+ 1 r 1 8$

' + 1'TD ' 1+ WC

From Gall, Gall H Mc-all6 Valid when !"# $ W%/&' $ ("! and # $ r $ #)

+ F 0.'1$( r 1)



WC 0.0'( r 1) 1 T D 0

WC <1 TD WC >1 TD

)ou can*t beat a #ield solver


Transmission Lines Class 6

Impro!ed %tripline -ormulas

%ame assumptions as
used "or microstrip appl$ ere

W3 43 451 45*


From Gall, Gall H Mc-all6 (ymmetric 'balanced) (tripline -ase TD: = TDA

Z 0 sym


(TD1 + TD1) &n 0.($ (0.8WC + TC ) r

)ou can*t beat a #ield solver

Valid when W%/(&'#*&'() $ !"+) and &%/(&'#*&'() $ !"() 4ffset 'unbalanced) (tripline -ase TD: I TDA

Z 0 sym(' A,WC , TC , r ) Z 0 sym(' B, WC , TC , r ) Z 0offset ' Z 0 sym(' A,WC , TC , r ) + Z 0 sym(' B, WC , TC , r )

Transmission Lines Class 6

Re"ection coe""icient
%ignal on a transmission line can 6e anal$Hed 6$
)eeping trac) o" and adding re"lections and transmissions "rom t e <6umps> &discontinuities* Re"ection coe""icient


Amount o" signal re"lected "rom t e <6ump> -requenc$ domain Isign&%88*JK%88K I" at load or source t e re"lection ma$ 6e called gamma &L or s* Time domain is onl$ de"ined a location Time domain anal$sis is causalA -requenc$ domain is "or all timeA /e use similar terms : 6e care"ul
T e <6ump>

Re"lection diagrams : more later

Transmission Lines Class 6

Re"lection and Transmission

Incident 1+ Transmitted



Re"lection Coe"icient Transmission Coe""iecent

"t "0 "t + "0

(1 + )

)) )) ' "t "t + "0


"t "0 "t + "0

Transmission Lines Class 6

%pecial Cases to Remem6er

A1 Ter!inated in .o .s Vs .o .o = Zo Zo = 0 Zo + Zo


B1 Short Circuit .s Vs .o = 0 Zo = / 0 + Zo

C1 2pen Circuit .s Vs .o

Zo =/ + Zo

Transmission Lines Class 6

Assignment : Building t e %I Tool Bo1

%ompare the parallel plate appro,imation to the improved microstrip and stripline formulas for the following cases -icrostrip W% . / mils, &' . 0 mils, &% . # mil, r . 0 Symmetric Stripline W% . / mils, &'# . &'( . 0 mils, &% . # mil, r . 0 Write Math Cad Progra! to calculate .03 Td3 4 5 C for each case6 What factors cause the errors with the parallel plate appro7i!ation*
Transmission Lines Class 6


Transmission line equi!alent circuits and rele!ant equations

"asic pulse launching onto transmission lines -alculation of near and far end waveforms for
classic load conditions


Transmission Lines Class 6

Re!ie(: ,oltage =i!ider Circuit

-onsider the
simple circuit that contains source voltage V(, source resistance &(, and resistive load &. voltage, V. is easily calculated from the source amplitude and the values of the two series resistors
&( &.




The output

V. = V(

&. &. * & (

8hy do we care for$ Je<t pageK

Transmission Lines Class 6

%ol!ing Transmission Line Pro6lems

The ne<t slides will establish a procedure that will allow you to solve transmission line problems without the aid of a simulator Gere are the steps that will be presented6


L Determination of launch voltage H

final MD-N or Mt =;N voltage

B -alculation of load reflection coefficient and

voltage delivered to the load

? -alculation of source reflection coefficient

and resultant source voltage

These are the steps for solving all t+line problems

Transmission Lines Class 6

=etermining Launc ,oltage

TD Vs 0


Rs A Zo

B Rt

(initial voltage) t=0, V=Vi

Vi = V(

P; P ; * &(

Vf = V(

&t &t * &(

(tep : in calculating transmission line waveforms is to determine the launch voltage in the circuit

The behavior of transmission lines makes it

Transmission Lines Class 6

easy to calculate the launch H final voltages O it is simply a voltage divider!


,oltage =eli!ered to t e Load

TD Vs 0

Rs A Zo

B Rt

(initial voltage) t=0, V=Vi t=2TD, V=Vi A(B)(Vi ) + Rt+ B(Vi) Zo (signal is reflected) t=TD, V=Vi + B(Vi )

Rt + Zo

Vreflected = 'Vincident)

V" = Vincident * Vreflected

(tep A6 Determine V" in the circuit at time t = TD

The transient behavior of transmission line delays the arrival of launched voltage until time t = TD

Voltage wavefront will be reflected at the end of the t+line

V" at time ; Q t Q TD is at #uiescent voltage '; in this case) V" = Vincident * Vreflected at time t = TD

Transmission Lines Class 6

,oltage Re"lected Bac) to t e %ource

Vs 0


Rs A

B Zo


(initial voltage) t=0, V=Vi


t=2TD, V=Vi + B (Vi) + A( B )(Vi )

(signal is reflected) t=TD, V=Vi + B (Vi )

Transmission Lines Class 6

,oltage Re"lected Bac) to t e %ource

Zo = Rs Rs + Zo
Vreflected = 'Vincident) V9 = Vlaunch * Vincident * Vreflected


(tep L6 Determine V9 in the circuit at time t = ATD

The transient behavior of transmission line delays the arrival of voltage reflected from the load until time t = ATD

Voltage wavefront will be reflected at the source

V9 at time ; Q t Q ATD is at launch voltage

V9 = Vlaunch * Vincident * Vreflected at time t = ATD

5n the steady state, the solution converges to V" = V(2&t 0 '&t * &s)3
Transmission Lines Class 6


olved ,omework


Consider t e circuit

s o(n to t e right (it a resisti!e load' assume propagation dela$ I ' R-I ;( A Calculate and s o( t e (a!e "orms o" <,%t&.=,%t&'<>%t&. and =>%t& "or &a* R7I and &6* R7I 3;(



60 # 0 l






Transmission Lines Class 6

%tep--unction into T-Line: Relations ips


%ource matc ed case: R-I ;(

<,%(& I 9A2<3' =,%(& I 9A2=3 - I (' <&9'* I 9A2<3&,? 7*

Cnc arged line

<>%(& I 9' =>%(& I 9

@pen circuit means R7I

7 I + I , <,%& I <>%& I 9A2<3%,?,& I <3 =,%& I => %& I 9A2=3%,0,& I (
Transmission Lines Class 6


%tep--unction into T-Line (it @pen C)t


At t I ' t e !oltage (a!e reac es load end

<>% & I <3' => % & I 9

and dou6led (a!e tra!els 6ac) to source end <,% & I 9A2<3' =,% & I 9A2<3L;(

At t I 2 ' t e dou6led (a!e reac es t e

source end and is not re"lected <,%> & I <3' =,%> & I 9

<>%> & I <3' =>%> & I 9

Transmission Lines Class 6

/a!es ape:
,7 3urrent (7) 0(95,7 0(5, 7 0(*5,7


%tep--unction into T-Line (it @pen C)t

I1 I2
2% ,1 60 # 0 l ,*





0 )7 )oltage ()) 0(95)7 0(5) 7 0(*5)7


4i e (ns)

V1 V2

This is called -re#lected wave switching.


4i e (ns)


Transmission Lines Class 6

Pro6lem 86: Relations ips


%ource matc ed case: R-I ;(

<,%(& I 9A2<3' =,%(& I 9A2=3 - I (' <&9'* I 9A2<3&,? 7*

Cnc arged line

<>%(& I 9' =>%(& I 9

R7I 3;(
7 I &3;( -;(* + &3;( G;(* I (.* <,%& I <>%& I (.*<3%,G(.*& I (.@*<3 =,%& I =>%& I 9A2=3%,-(.*& I (.>*=3
Transmission Lines Class 6


Pro6lem 86: %olution


At t I ' t e !oltage (a!e reac es load end

<>% & I (.@*<3 ' =>% & I (.>*=3

and positi!e (a!e tra!els 6ac) to t e source <,% & I 9A2<3' =,% & I 9A2=3

At t I 2 ' t e re"lected (a!e reac es t e

source end and a6sor6ed <,%> & I (.@*<3 ' =,%> & I (.>*=3

<>%> & I (.@*<3 ' =>%> & I (.>*=3

Transmission Lines Class 6

/a!es apes "or Pro6lem 86

,7 3urrent (7) 0(95,7 0(5, 7 0(*5,7


I1 I2



6 0 # 0 l





0 )7 )oltage ()) 0(95)7 0(5) 7 0(*5)7


8 4i e (ns)

I1 I2

/ote that a properl! terminated wave settle out at 0$1 2 olution

4i e (ns)



Transmission Lines Class 6

Transmission line step response

5ntroduction to lattice diagram analysis -alculation of near and far end waveforms for
classic load impedances (olving multiple reflection problems


-omple< signal reflections at different types of transmission line MdiscontinuitiesN will be analyzed in this chapter .attice diagrams will be introduced as a solution tool
Transmission Lines Class 6


Lattice =iagram Anal$sis : Me$ Concepts

The lattice diagram is a tool0techni#ue to simplify the accounting of reflections and waveforms
*s 0 *s "o *(sour,e) +s TD - . ps *(&oad) +t

Time *(sour,e) 0 . ps a 0

*(&oad) 01 / , B1

Diagram shows the boundaries

'x =0 and x=l) and the reflection coefficients 'GL and GL ) Time 'in T) a<is shown vertically (lope of the line should indicate flight time of signal
!articularly important for multiple reflection problems using both microstrip and stripline mediums

'. ps #. ps B

d . ps 5. ps C1 e

-alculate voltage amplitude for

each successive reflected wave Total voltage at any point is the sum of all the waves that have reached that point

Transmission Lines Class 6

Lattice =iagram Anal$sis : =etail




*(sour,e) 0 *&aun,2


0 Time *&aun,2 . ps *&aun,2 load *&aun,2(13load *&aun,2 loadsource *&aun,2(13load 3load source *&aun,2 2loadsource . ps *&aun,2 2load2source 0 *(&oad) *(sour,e) "o *s +s TD - . ps *s +t Transmission Lines Class 6 5. ps *&aun,2(13load!2loadsource! 2load2source) #. ps Time

'. ps

Transient Anal$sis : @!er =amped

'5 0 *s "o *(sour,e) "s TD - '50 ps *(&oad) 0ssume "s-$5 o2ms "o-50o2ms *s-04' 5o&ts


Time *(sour,e) 0 500 ps


= 0.'

load = 1
*(&oad) 05

V"#"t"al = Vs

Zo 50 = ( ') = 0 .8 Zs + Zo $5 + 50

source = load =

Zs Zo $5 50 = = 0 .' Zs + Zo $5 + 50 Zl Zo 50 = =1 Zl + Zo + 50
&esponse from lattice diagram


0.85 0.1(5 1.(5

1000 ps 1500 ps 1.$(5


0.1(5 '000 ps '500 ps 1.%'5 0.0#'5

V o lt s

( #") # !") ! ! ( )! )!! 1)! #!!! #()! T im e , p s Sour ce 2oad

Transmission Lines Class 6

Transient Anal$sis : Cnder =amped

*(sour,e) '5 0 *s "s TD - '50 ps "o *(&oad) 0ssume "s-'5 o2ms "o -50o2ms *s-04' 5o&ts


source = 0 . ####
Time 0 *(sour,e) 1.##5

load = 1
*(&oad) 05

V"#"t"al =Vs

50 Zo = (') =1.#### + + Zs Zo '5 50

source = = load

Zs Zo '5 50 = = 0.##### + + Zs Zo '5 50

500 ps 1.##5

1.##5 '.((5

Zl Zo 50 = =1 + + Zl Zo 50
&esponse from lattice diagram

1000 ps 1500 ps '.''5

40. #5

40. #5 1.$$5 0.1 85


(") ( #") # !")

'000 ps '500 ps 1.%'

Source 2oad
! ()! )!! 1)! #!!! #()! #)!! #1)! (!!! (()! Time, ps

0.1 85 '.0$

Transmission Lines Class 6

wo -egment
+s *s

ransmission 7ine -tructures

6 6 "o1 TD "o' TD +t


a TD 0 'TD #TD B TD 5TD C , d 7 2 9

T# T' ' #

A= a B = a+ c+ d C = A+ c+ d + f + $

A; = ' + e B; = ' + e + & + " C; = ' + e + & + " + % + l

/ e 8 i : & C1 B1 01

Z o1 v" = Vs Rs + Z o1

a = v" ' = aT' c = a


1= '=

Rs Z o1 Rs + Z o1 Z o ' Z o1 Z o ' + Z o1

d = c 1 e = ' f = d ' + eT# & = e # + dT' $ = f 1 " = & j = $ ' + "T# % = " # + $T'

Z Zo' # = o1 Z o1 + Z o ' Rt Z o ' = Rt + Z o ' T' = 1 + '

Transmission Lines Class 6

T# = 1 + #



3revious e'amples are the preparation Consider t e t(o segment transmission line s o(n to t e right. Assume R-I 3;(, and ;(>I 3;(, A Cse Lattice 2 , , , 6 # 6 # diagram and calculate l l ) ) ) ) re"lection coe""icients at t e inter"aces and s o( t e (a!e "orms o" <,%t&. <>%t&. and <)%t&.
% 1 * 01 01 0* 0* % 1 1 * * "



C ec) results (it P%PIC5

Transmission Lines Class 6

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