Ironsworn Badlands 0.3
Ironsworn Badlands 0.3
Ironsworn Badlands 0.3
Ironsworn: Badlands is a supplement for the Ironsworn RPG by Shawn Tomkin, designed to
adapt the mechanics to a Western setting. Included in the document are a world workbook,
oracles, assets, moves, a map and region write-ups.
The world workbook functions the same as the base game workbook. Players may choose an
option, combine several options, or write their own.
The oracles are number 3 (replacing the regions), number 7 (replaciing the settlement names),
number 13 (replacing the Ironlander names from the core game), and number 20 (adding on a
wildlife oracle). For oracle 13d, Nicknames, the nickname may work best when combined with
a first or last name, or in place of a name. For space purposes, the oracles are not in numerical
Some of the included assets are renamed versions of previously existing assets in order to better
fit in the Western setting. The mechanics have been changed little, if at all.
• Apothecary replaces Alchemist
• Big Wig replaces Empowered
• Huckster replaces Trickster
• Preacher replaces Devotant
• Scout replaces Wildblood
• Two Fisted replaces Duelist
In addition the following assets are recommended for all Badlands games:
• Bonded • Horse • Rider
• Brawler • Hound • Slayer
• Cutthroat • Infiltrator • Storyweaver
• Dancer • Kindred • Veteran
• Fortune Hunter • Loyalist • Wayfinder
• Hawk • Oathbreaker • Wright
• Herbalist • Outcast
• Honorbound • Pretender
If you decide to play in an occult or weird Western setting, the following assets may also be
• Animal Kin • Keen • Spirit-Bound
• Augur • Owl • Sway
• Awakening • Raven • Talisman
• Bind • Revenant • Totem
• Communion • Scry • Visage
• Divination • Shadow-Walk • Ward
• Invoke • Sighted
The moves include a few new moves to cover gaps in play that may arise from the change in
setting. There is also a version of Draw the Circle revised for flavor.
To print this document, set your printer for double sided. Each section, save for moves, is an
even number of pages long. This means the asset cards will print front-to-back as intended.
If you have previously printed version 0.2, you need only print pages 10, and 15-28 to have all
the new material appearing here for the first time.
The text of this work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. For details on licenses and the
Ironsworn System Reference Document, visit
Some speak of odd doings in the Badlands, but these are nothing but superstitions and old wives’ tales. People of reason
know better.
Quest Starter: Homesteaders a day’s ride out of town have been turning up dead. Local gossip suggests the murders are the work
of a ghost or haunt, but there may be more mundane forces at work. What is your connection to these killings? What will you do
to stop them?
Strange occurrences populate the land if you know where to look, and wary folks look elsewhere. Only the foolhardy would
venture into the night alone and unarmed.
Quest Starter: You bear the scars of an attack by an abomination. What was it? Are those scars physical, emotional, or both?
How do you seek to make yourself whole again?
Horrors walk the land and it is only the naive or the lucky who could say otherwise. We must stand in constant defense
against them.
Quest Starter: A group of Badlanders establish a settlement in a territory cursed by a malevolent horror. What evil plagues this
land? Why are the Badlanders so intent on settling here? Will you aid them, or attempt to force them to give up this
foolish undertaking?
The religious strictures Back East prevented us from worshipping as we wished. We came West seeking the freedom to pray
as our god dictates.
Quest Starter: A missionary arrives in the community to prosthelytize for the old ways. Is it revulsion or fascination that draws
you to their words? If the community takes offense at these sermons, how will you react?
Mayors, councilmen, senators, governors and aldermen all had a hand in dictating how we should live Back East. We came
West to organize our own politics to fit our way of life.
Quest Starter: The vote for statehood is coming up and getting some strong support in many counties. How do you feel about
joining the union? How will you ensure that your vision is the one that prevails?
Back East the rich got richer and the poor got nothing. Out here in the Badlands everyone has a more-or-less equal chance
to earn a good living, or even strike it big.
Quest Starter: Land barons have been buying up cheap acreage and leasing it to those it was intended for. Who do you know
that has been squeezed by this practice? What can you do to help them?
A wary peace exists between the Badlanders and those who first lived on the land we occupy. Relationships - commercial,
social, and familial - are not uncommon, but can still draw ire from those set in their ways.
Quest Starter: Someone on one side of the peace has put plans in motion to end it. What do they have to gain from conflict?
How can you oppose them without starting a different battle?
There is open conflict between settler and native. Violence regularly breaks out on both sides, and no one is safe from its
Quest Starter: A noted combatant has laid down their arms and is trying to make peace. What made them change their ways?
How do they hope to end the bloodshed? And what makes you think you can help?
Our roots Back East are all but forgotten. We have lived in the Badlands for generations and it is all we know.
Quest Starter: A well-dressed stranger arrives from Back East. What motivated them to come all this way? What is your connec-
tion to their business? Will you aid or hinder them?
Contact with the East is sporadic, but still important. Many still feel a connection to their Eastern kin.
Quest Starter: Contact with the East is cut off. What caused the disconnection? Who benefits and who suffers from it? How will
you reestablish connection?
Back East thinks we are nothing but their colony and seeks to rule over us as they did before we came to Badlands. Their
meddling is constant and oppressive.
Quest Starter: Some Badlanders have begun to gather in groups and organize against Eastern influence. What is your relation-
ship to these groups? When Back East moves against them, as they are sure to do, how will you react?
Settlements in the Badlands range in size from a steading with a few families to a village of several hundred. Travel and
trade between towns is not uncommon.
Quest Starter: A decades-long feud between two communities has flared into open conflict. What is the cause of this dispute? Do
you join in the fight, or swear to put a stop to it?
We have established a foothold here in the Badlands. Some large towns could even claim the name city, and those dealing in
the cattle trade or mining could even be called prosperous.
Quest Starter: Stagecoaches are forced to pay for passage along a trade road. This payment leaves several communities without
sufficient winter stores. Who is making these demands? How will you set things right?
The railroad is for places where people want to go. The Badlands is not such a place. Why would the railroad ever come
Without the railroad, travel in the Badlands is grueling and dangerous. It’s not rare for a rider to leave a steading and never be
seen again. Who do you know that this has happened to? What do you plan to do about it?
Surveyors from the railroads have started to appear in the Badlands, planning out routes and taking notes. Perhaps even a
few small rail lines have already been built.
Quest Starter: Word is that the railroad is coming to your town. This may mean prosperity, but will definitely mean problems.
Are the benefits worth the drawbacks? Do you help or hinder these efforts?
Rail lines crisscross the Badlands. They are the backbone of trade and models of efficiency. Anywhere that’s anywhere has a
station and facilities for passengers, as well as freight.
Quest Starter: A well organized gang of bandits have made it their job to rob the Badlands many trains. They have been getting
more violent, and more than money is at risk now. How will you stop these bandits? Or will you join them?
There are frightful beasts that slither, stalk and stampede throughout the wilds of the Badlands. They ain’t exactly common,
but they ain’t exactly as rare as some folks might hope.
Quest Starter: A prominent Badlander is consumed with the need to bring vengeance upon a specific beast. What makes this
creature distinctive? How did it earn the wrath of this Badlander? Do you aid this person in their quest, or act to prevent their
blind hate from destroying more than just the beast?
Beasts of all sorts roam the Badlands. They dwell primarily in the reaches, but range into the settled lands to hunt. There,
they often prey on cattle, but attacks on travelers, coaches, or even settlements are not uncommon.
Quest Starter: Professional slayers earn their keep by killing beasts. This particular slayer, famed throughout the Ironlands for
their numerous kills, has gone missing on a hunt. Did they finally meet their match, or is something more nefarious at play.
What is your connection to them?
Shooting irons are rare and precious. If a body owns one, it’s likely the most expensive possession they have, and they’re not
liable to let it out of their sight.
Quest starter: A prominent member of your steading has had their gun go missing - one of the few guns around. You have been
tasked with finding and retrieving it. But it is an awfully nice piece, and once you find it, who could stop you from keeping it?
Guns are tools. Most folk who work dangerous jobs keep them, but those in more pacific professions have no need of them.
Quest starter: An acquaintance of yours who normally carries was caught in a bad spot without their shooting iron. What were
the consequences? How do you aim to rectify the situation? And why weren’t they carrying in the first place?
Rare is the Badlander who isn’t carrying iron, and if you draw down on someone you best expect them to draw back.
Quest starter: No one is sure what the spark was that lit the fuse, but someone said or did something untoward and now several
bodies are cooling in the town square. Who has asked you to get to the bottom of it and enact the proper justice? Who opposes
your efforts? Why might they be right to do so?
Crime ain’t exactly rare here in the Badlands. Folks are just about as likely to do what they wish as what they ought, regard-
less of what might be written down on a piece of paper.
Quest starter: They say it ain’t a crime if you don’t get caught, and you didn’t. But now the ramifications of your seemingly
inconsequential act are becoming clear, and you’re starting to get caught in your own conscience. But now it might be too late.
What did you do, and how can you make it right despite the long odds?
The Badlands truly is the Wild West. The only law out here is your will imposed upon another person. Lawbreakers are just
as common, if not moreso, than law abiders.
Quest starter: A noted gunfighter has styled themselves a self-appointed Marshal and aims to bring law and order to the county.
Could this plan ever be successful? Do you aim to help or hinder their efforts? And don’t you have as much claim to appoint
yourself Marshal as they do?
The Badlands are aptly named; there is nothing good here. It is a wasteland as brutal on the eyes as it is on the body, and
survival is a constant battle.
Quest starter: Seems that a group of someones who ought to have known better founded a town where they shouldn’t have and
are now reaping the consequences. It’s hard to tell if famine, drought, or predation will take them out first, but something sure
will - unless you help. How do you plan to undo their poor decisions?
The Badlands are a cruel, but beguiling mistress. Gorgeous vistas and stunning sunsets belie the perils of the wide and dan-
gerous land.
Quest starter: As beautiful as it is, the land can be deadly, especially if you end up in the wrong part. That’s why you’ve vowed to
map the Badlands. What made you undertake such a vow? Are you working alone? How can you hope to complete it?
The Badlands are only dangerous if you’re as ignorant as a Back Easter. The landscape is downright verdant if you know
where and how to look.
Quest starter: A well-heeled Back Easter has heard the siren song of the Badlands and is looking for a tour guide to its many
wonders. Coin is coin, and how difficult could it be? Pretty difficult, it turns out. What mistakes does this tinhorn keep making,
and why is it not so simple for you to leave their employ?
[famous place]
36-65 From a person’s name
1-16 Paris 50-66 Istanbul
1-25 [Name] 51-75 [Name] + [Suffix] 17-32 Cairo 67-83 St. Petersburg
26-50 [Name] + [Feature] 76-00 Ft./St. + [Name]
33-49 Berlin 84-00 Hidalgo
0 +1 +2 +3 +4 0 +1 +2 +3
• Hushed, humid air • Cacophonous birdsong
• Colossal trees • Rich scent of growth and
• Soft blanket of leaves and decay
debris • Well-organized permanent
• The skittering of unseen communities
The Tall Pines region is aptly named. Forests of monumentally tall trees -
pine and otherwise - blanket this region. Highlands, lowlands, slopes, and
valleys all play host to vibrant green life of all sorts from moss to red-
wood. Such a variety of flora supports a similar variety of fauna. Herbi-
vores thrive here, which means so, too, do carnivores. The climate is moist
and temperate, with warm winters and mild summers. Crops grow well
here, but native plants grow better, and this makes Tall Pines the most
lush and verdant region in the Badlands.
Badlanders living in Tall Pines tend to focus their energies on nature’s
bounty. Hunting, fishing, trapping, and forestry are lucrative activities.
Such a bountiful land supports larger settlements, and all types of folks
band together.
Quest Starter: Something, or someone, is living out there in the trees and
preying on a nearby settlement. Whatever it is doing the pillaging, the nor-
mal things aren’t going missing; food, money, and weapons are all secure.
What is it that has been disappearing, and why is it much more worrisome?
Why have you vowed to discover the culprits?
• Warmth of radiant sunlight • Well-organized settlements
• Crystalline waters • All manner of entrepreneurs,
• The odor of blossoms on the legitimate and otherwise
breeze • Cultures mixing and clashing
• A plenitude of both flora and • Riches of all sorts and the
fauna dangers they bring
The folks who make it this far west call Costa Dorada paradise, at least for
a time. The beautiful sunlight gilds everything from the rolling grass-cov-
ered hills, to the stands of majestic trees, to the golden beaches and crystal
clear waters. Hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters lend themselves to
a profusion of life - animal, vegetable, and human.
The natural charms of Costa Dorada draw a crowd, and the more people
who gather, the more likely that some of them are going to step out of
line. Especially when there’s the promise of easy riches, and they do say
there’s gold in them thar hills. Despite its location as on the western edge
of the continent, Costa Dorada is one of the most populous regions and
features the largest settlements in the Badlands. Folks here make their
livings in just about every possible manner, both legal and not.
Quest Starter: Turns out there really is gold in them thar hills, or so says
your friend who purports to have struck the motherlode. Seems like other
people believe them, or else why would they be applying such terrible pres-
sure to give up the claim? Who is this prospector, and why are you willing to
protect them, and maybe also their supposed claim?
• Awe-inspiring rock • Well-tended herds of sheep
formations and cattle
• Rough, red earth • Sturdy houses couched
• Wide, blue sky arching against the wind
overhead • The taste of grit on the wind
• Every texture of rock
The stunning scenery that those Back East think of when they conjure
up romantic images of the Badlands? That’s here in Mil Piedras. A vast
and wild landscape stretches horizon to horizon, riven by deep canyons
and dwarfed by towering buttes. Rock formations that seem carved by
some giant hand rather than formed by nature bewilder even those that
live here. Hot summers contrasted with cold winters cause much geologic
activity. The region suffers long periods of drought, and short, intense
periods of rains.
Resources in Mil Piedras are not scarce, but they are hard to find, and
Badlanders living here must be creative and clever. Most folks do a num-
ber of things to get by, such as herding, ranching, farming and foraging.
Quest Starter: There are so many mind boggling rock formations out here
that it’s hard to keep track of them. That being said, everyone is quite cer-
tain that one particular one didn’t used to be there. How does such a thing
happen? What do you worry that it means? And why do you swear to find
out the truth?
• Merciless sun • A few grizzled travelers
• Featureless stretches of sand • Mirages caused by the
• Twisted and gnarled cacti unrelenting heat
• Opportunistic buzzards circle • Slight solace for those who
and wait know how to look
• Precious few oases
“Nothing,” might be hyperbolic, but when the average person scans the
region, they don’t find much beckoning them here. Sun scoured sand
is crossed by precious few animals and offers purchase for precious few
plants. Those that do live here have evolved to be hardy, though not
particularly nutritious for human beings. There’s next to no rain over
the course of the year, and that which does fall tends to do so all at once,
causing floods rather than nurturing. The temperature during the day
could damn near boil water, and the temperature at night will definitely
freeze it.
Few Badlanders live any part of their lives in the Big Nothing, and those
brave enough to dwell in this place are by necessity nomadic. What re-
sources there are become exhausted easily, and those depending on them
must move on to the next source. Folks out here aren’t so concerned with
making money as with keeping living.
Quest Starter: A certain party claims to have found an exceedingly valuable
resource in the Nothing and needs you to help them trek to the middle of no-
where to get it. Do you believe them? What is it they said they found? And
why do you hope to get some (or all?) of it for yourself?
• Monumental rock faces • Shockingly bright colors
• Toothy crags and vertigo- amidst a panoply of gray
inducing drops • Rough hewn cabins in
• Swirling fogs improbable places
• Unpredictable precipitation • Well-hidden riches
• Hardy flora and fauna • Rugged inhabitants
There are mountains Back East, but nothing like the Lithics. Rugged
hills gradually grow in size, leading up to rugged peaks and jagged crags.
When you stand at the base of the highest of the Lithics you can’t see
the top, but if you could you’d see the snow there never melts. Weather
changes rapidly at all elevations of the Lithics, and it’s a dangerous place
in which to get caught out. Travel in the winter is not recommended, as
some folks have found out the hard way.
Badlanders living in this region are known for their self reliance. Settle-
ments are rare, so folks who want to stay here have to learn to do things
on their own. That said, the potential of gold and other precious resourc-
es hiding in the indomitable faces of the Lithics still manages to draw a
sizable number of either brave or foolhardy settlers.
Quest Starter: The wagon train was warned about the dangers of crossing
the Lithics in winter, but they were sure they would complete the passage
before the first snow. They were wrong. Whom do you know in the party,
and why do they mean so much to you that you’re willing to save them from
their own ignorance?
• Towering plateaus • Beauty and desolation side by
• Unbroken expanses of rock side
• Unceasing elevation • Studies in contrast
• Thin air that leaves outsiders • Stout, low-slung buildings
gasping • The wind - always the wind
• Well-adapted flora and fauna
The wind rules the High Plains. In summer it offers the benediction of a
gentle breeze; in winter, the scourge of its howling fury. It deigns to leave
rich topsoil lying for the growth of nutritious crops, or it whips it away
into the ether leaving nothing but scrub and sagebrush. Its gusting has
shaped the High Plains, and the wind is conspicuous even in its absence,
leaving an uneasy stillness that makes Badlanders tense for what it may
do next.
Some would call it respect and others fear, but every Badlander takes the
wind into account. Houses are built against its wrath. Mills harness its
strength. Fields are planted to inhibit its erosion or they are not fields for
long. Every decision must be made with the wind in mind. Good, bad, or
indifferent, it is a constant presence in the lives of Badlanders of the High
Quest Starter: It’s been days since the wind last blew. At first folks thought it
was a pleasant reprieve; now they try to laugh off their panic. The whispers
as to why range from practical to occult. Why do you fear is true? And how
will you go about confirming or - god willing - disproving it?
• Water, water everywhere • Ramshackle houses stradling
• Pervasive marine odor water
• Copious plant life • Bobbing buoys signaling
• The squelch of mud underwater traps
underfoot • Rivers as roads, boats as
• Thick clouds of insects stagecoaches
Very little of the land in the Swale can be counted on to be land as such
365 days out of the year. Rivers change their meandering course frequent-
ly, sudden bursts of rain can inundate any given region, and every body of
water from the ocean on down is liable to flood out past its banks. All this
water allows for riotous plant growth, and just about every surface in the
Swale has some green on it. It also makes for powerful humidity, intensi-
fying both the stultifying heat of summer and what little cold winter has
to offer.
Badlanders who live in the Swale have not only adapted themselves to
survive in such an unstable environment, but to thrive. When the water
that had claimed an area recedes, it leaves a trove of riches behind, in-
cluding shrimp, fish and all type of man-made riches previously thought
reclaimed by nature.
Quest Starter: The shifting of a river has left a sizable community high and
dry. They, like most Badlanders in the Swale, depend on the water for food,
transportation and recreation. The people are reluctant to leave their home,
no matter how untenable remaining there may be. How do you propose to
help them? And what powerful figure in the community opposes your plan?
• Every shade of green • Rich, black soil
• A long, low sky • Practical people
• The unending susurration of • Well-fed herds, both tended
the wind through grass and wild
• Sturdy built houses jutting • The rich odor of growth and
from the flat land decay
• Complicated currents • Folks living off as well as on
• Unseen obstructions the river
• Power and beauty • Belching stacks of steamboats
• Islands of all sizes • Leisure, pleasure and vice
• Hidden coves • A bit of every other part of
• River pirates the Badlands
The Big Muddy certainly is both. It’s over 2,000 miles long, not counting
tributaries, and at points it’s so far across that the opposite shore is just
a distant line. Its palette is every shade of brown and tan, and it carries
over four hundred million tons of mud to the sea every year. Every native
group whose lives have touched the river have their own name to capture
its imposing grandeur, and almost all of them are more interesting than
the Easterner’s sobriquet of Big Muddy - but guess who makes the maps?
The river has had more courses than names, constantly jumping its banks
and changing its run. But wherever it is, it’s the de facto border between
East and West. It’s also its own liminal space, where the elements of East,
West, and elsewhere mix freely and create a unique culture.
The transient nature of the Big Muddy has influenced the character of
its people. The ability to just float down stream as needed has made it a
haven for con men, corruption and counterfeiting. Of course, there are
also legitimate businessmen, in addition to the “legitimate businessmen;”
traders, travelers, fisherfolk and merchantsall ply the river.
Quest Starter: Find an excuse to get on a steamboat!
• Bunch of haughty tinhorns • Fashion and other foolish-
• New fangled doodads and ness
whatsits • “Civilization”
• Pollution, congestion, and • Odious responsibilities
noise • All sorts of people living
• Ostentatiously tall buildings cheeck to jowl
Back East being on the map is a bit of a formality. It’s the place to show
you where not to go. Why would you? Back East embodies everything
our ancestors derided and left. Back East is the reason we’re Out West. It’s
filled with cities and pollution and fashion and politics. You’d better have
a damn good reason for heading here. You’ll be as out of place there as
they would be here.
People Back East either make their living by exploiting others or by being
so exploited. Because other folks grow their feed and protect their land
hundreds or thousands of them can have such outlandish occupations as
“financier” or “alderman.” The whole enterprise is quite offputting. Why
would you want to go here?
Quest Starter: Somebody’s past is about to catch up with them, and they’d
rather meet it head on, with your assistance. What mess did they leave Back
East that needs cleaning? And why are you willing to head into the belly of
the beast to help them out?
FOLLOW THE PATH • Added Badlands map and region write ups.
• Added region oracle (3a & 3b).
When you travel a well known path, but may still encounter danger,
• Added new assets (Holdout Gunner, Marshal, Drifter).
name your destination and roll. If your strategy is primarily to:
• Added clarifying text to Draw the Circle (Revised).
• Travel at speed: Roll +edge
• Added attribution section.
• Travel cautiously: Roll +wits
• Added printing guide for new edition.
• Travel with a group: Roll +heart
• Eliminated Your World - Truths Workbook title page.
On a strong hit, your journey is efficient and safe. Take +1 momentum.
On a weak hit, you reach your destination, but not without incident. Pay
On a miss, you are lost or waylaid. Pay the Price and when you continue Asset icons courtesy of and Clarissa Baut Stetson.
your travels you must Undertake a Journey to reach your destination. Photographs courtesy of and the Library of Congress
When you use a firearm and roll a 1 on your action die, you have used
the final bullet and must suffer -1 supply to reload before using it again.
Both the myth and the reality of the American West are contentious
subjects. Many groups were historically ill treated by the European
settlers and then excluded from the mythology. People of all stripes were
present and contributing to the West, and most of them came out the
worst for it.