ES CE - Civil Engineering Orientation Lecture Notes - 6
ES CE - Civil Engineering Orientation Lecture Notes - 6
ES CE - Civil Engineering Orientation Lecture Notes - 6
Objectives: By the end of the discussion, the students will be able to:
a) Understand clearly what is Environmental Engineering.
Time Frame: 4 hours
I. Introduction
The Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers (PICE), the only accredited professional organization
for Civil Engineering by the PRC, identified six (6) areas of specialization under Civil
1. Structural Engineering
2. Construction Engineering and Management
3. Geotechnical Engineering
4. Water Resources Engineering
5. Transportation Engineering
6. Environmental and Energy Engineering
Lecture notes/Handouts
Lecture notes/Handouts
Green advocacy: Environmental lawyers are emerging as major players in ensuring proper
enforcement of environmental regulations, laws, and programmers. Public Interest Litigation
(PIL) empowers of ordinary people to fight against any anti-environment activity.
Government jobs: Many numbers of conventional and current common jobs are available in
government bodies such as environmental ministry, pollution control boards, national parks,
and biosphere reserves.
International agencies: Eligible human resources are required to implement environmental
projects of various international organizations such as UNEP, IUCN, TSBF, and World Bank.
Lecture notes/Handouts