Topographical Survey Method Statement: Prepared For: BGC Prepared By: BGC Geomatics Date of Document: 1st April 2021
Topographical Survey Method Statement: Prepared For: BGC Prepared By: BGC Geomatics Date of Document: 1st April 2021
Topographical Survey Method Statement: Prepared For: BGC Prepared By: BGC Geomatics Date of Document: 1st April 2021
Method Statement
Geomatics proposes to perform the majority of the requested services with GPS RTK Surveying
To conduct an RTK survey at least one GPS base station and one GPS rover unit, with a
radio link in between, is required.
The base station will be set-up at a known control point and observe continuous GPS
signals. The differences between the observed co-ordinates and the published co-ordinates
are known as 'corrections '. The corrections are transmitted from the base to the rover unit
to compute the latter's accurate position.
GPS RTK Surveying techniques will either be used by means of Pole mounted, Back-Pack
Survey or Vehicle Mounted Survey.
In cases where location circumstances (Safety, GPS Signal Blocking etc) prevent the use
of GPS alternative, conventional surveying techniques (total station etc.) will be used.
Data collection methods will be suited to client requirements and required end products.
This can involve the use of specific data collectors, tablet PC's etc.
All surveys will be conducted according to pre-defined procedures or Technical
Specifications. The procedures are laid down in in-house developed procedures and method
In principal, all procedures will be accompanied by and summarized in check-lists to enable
a real time in-field quality control. Data will undergo an office quality check before being
used for further processing and delivery.
As stated, all surveys will be performed according to the technical specifications. The
following chapters contain brief method statements for the most common survey works.
Survey Crew
CAD Processor
Existing control will be used. If required, control will be transferred to the site. Transfer of
control will be done by GPS RTK as long as client's and accuracy requirements allow.
For topographical site surveys, a grid of spot levels will be surveyed. The grid size will be
adjusted to client requirements and the terrain circumstances.
Existing topography, including roads around the boundaries of the site, will be captured. The
survey will include but not necessarily be limited to:
Control points
Building and Structures
Boundary Features (including fences)
Roads Tracks and Footpaths.
Street Furniture
Water and Drainage features
Slopes and earth works
Industrial Features.
If required, proposed features will be marked (staked) on the ground by clearly labelled stakes.
Underground services will in principal be surveyed based upon above ground markers or
historically available data. No excavations by hand will take place for survey purposes without
client's approval or permission. If required, a radio detection device will be used to locate underground services.
Survey Operations Manager: and
Survey Crew.
(Fast) Static GPS, Geodetic GPS receivers; and
Traversing, Total Stations
a. Design of Geodetic Network
Based upon the requirement (approximate location and number of control stations) a GPS
Geodetic Network will be designed . The GPS network design will consist of: Tie-in Stations
(Exact Locations), New Control Points (Approximate locations) and Planned GPS Baselines
(from point, to point).
For larger networks Move3 Software is used to perform the network design check, in order
to test the geometric quality of the network and to predict the quality of the resulting coordinates
after adjustment.
b. Defining optima/locations of new control
The optimal location for newly established control stations will be defined based upon the
Prior to mobilising to the field for the actual survey, a Survey Plan will be made. The planning
will focus on two items:GPS Sessions and Satellite Constellation Prediction .
GPS Session Planning: In order to realise the survey of the designed network, a number of
sessions will be planned. A session is defined by the number of receivers that will log data
simultaneously, the locations where they will be set-up, the start and end time of logging
(and thus duration) and eventually the baselines that will be calculated from it.
Satellite Constellation Prediction,;_The validity of a GPS Session planning (especially the
date and timing) is defined by the Satellite Constellation at the planned location in the
planned time span.
The expected Satellite Configuration at a certain location will be predicted by using GPS
planning software. The GPS Planning Software provides detailed information on the number
of available satellites and a prediction of the quality of the Satellite Constellation.
If the session planning software indicates that the required criteria can be met, such as
maximum DOP allowed and minimum satellites above elevation mask , the session plan is
valid and the survey can be executed accordingly.
Dual Frequency geodetic receivers will be used to conduct the static survey . Two or more
independent operators (surveyors or survey crews) will move and set-up receivers as per
defined plan. Data will be logged for the required and defined time span.
Receiver, Station and Session details will be logged on GPS Static Log sheets. One log
sheet will be used per receiver per day.
e. Baseline Processing
The raw GPS data, collected during the GPS Static Survey as described above , will be
downloaded and imported into the GPS baseline processing software (TBC).
While importing the raw data and before start of processing the planned baselines, the
raw data will be checked against the information available on the GPS log sheets. It is critical
that antenna heights, point numbering etc are defined correctly.
The processed baselines will form the GPS network as designed in the planning stage.
f. Network Adjustments
The surveyed network will be adjusted using a least square constrained adjustment
technique. A least squares constrained adjustment will take place in two phases; a free
network adjustment and a constrained adju stment. This approach is intended to separate
the testing of the observations and the known stations
Phase 1: Free Network Adjustment: an adjustment will be executed without tie-in to any
known station. The result of this adjust ment will define the quality of the network internally
Survey Operations Manager (adjustment): and
Survey Crew (field works).
For first order levelling projects, Geomatics will provide a survey crew consisting of at least one
surveyor and two survey assistants.
A reconnaissance of (a section of) the route to be levelled will take place prior to the
commencement of the actual levelling. In case of a double loop run, the route will be flagged
and pegged as much as possible to enable the use of same changing points in the
subsequent runs.
Prior to the commencement of the levelling instrument will be tested by running actual level
routes and calibrate the instrument and staves accordingly. The following calibration tests
may be carried out:
Two Peg Test (regular) Circular Bubble
Test Rod Verticality (daily)
Forward and backward levelling methods will be used to close off each section between
benchmarks. To reduce errors due to atmospheric conditions the forward and backward
levelling of any one section will be carried out on different days if possible.
All sections between (temporary) benchmarks will have an even number of instrument
setups to cancel out the accumulation of rod index error. In order to maintain first order
precision and to reduce the effects of refraction, the foresight and back sight distances will
not differ more than 5m and will not exceed 40m in sight length in case of first order levelling.
The elevation difference between benchmarks will be determined by the two independent
level runs (forward and backward) and must agree with the following limit specified for special
order levelling:
E = +/- (2 • .JK) em
Where E is the closure error and K is the distance in Kilometres
If the discrepancy between the forward and the backward leveling exceeds the above limit,
the relevant or suspected section will be re-leveled until the differences agree.