The Harmonic Analysis of Tidal Model Time Series: M. G. G. Foreman and R. F. Henry
The Harmonic Analysis of Tidal Model Time Series: M. G. G. Foreman and R. F. Henry
The Harmonic Analysis of Tidal Model Time Series: M. G. G. Foreman and R. F. Henry
Institute of Ocean Sciences, P.O. Box 6000, Sidney, B.C., V8L 4B2, Canada
The harmonic analysis of tides is reviewed and guidelines for the analysis of tidal model time series
are presented. The analysis technique introduced by Godin and circulated by Foreman is
summarized. The related issues of constituent selection, time series length, confidence regions, and
inference are discussed. It is shown that since numerical model time series have a much lower
non-tidal content than observational time series, constituents can be separated with shorter record
"~) 1989 Computational Mechanics Publications Adv. Water Resources, 1989, Volume 12, September 109
The harmonic analysis of tidal model time series: M. G. G. Foreman and R. F. Henry
the same cluster have frequencies that differ by linear time series. This point will be discussed in more detail
multiples of the rates of change of p, n', and p'. The major later.
constituent gives its name to the cluster while the lesser In addition to a criterion that restricts constituents
constituents are referred to as satellites. For example, according to the length of record, a complementary
Godin's M 2 cluster contains the major constituent M2, criterion is also required for deciding the order of
with Doodson numbers (2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); and seven inclusion. For example, if the Rayleigh criterion has
satellites with Doodson numbers (2, 0, 0, - 1 , 0, 0), determined that the constituents associated with
(2, 0, 0, 0 , - 2 , 0), (2, 0, 0, 0, - 1 , 0), (2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), frequencies al and a2 cannot both be included in the
(2,0,0, 1, 1,0), (2,0,0, 2,0, 0),and (2,0,0,2, 1,0). Given a analysis, a second criterion is then needed to decide which
time series, Godin's harmonic analysis first calculates the one should be included. Godin makes this second decision
amplitude and phase for the sinusoid representing each on the basis of tidal potential amplitude. That is, the
cluster. Then it accounts for the presence of the satellites constituent with the larger expected amplitude is chosen
and calculates the amplitude and phase of each major first. The decision trees used by Foreman 9 for constituent
constituent. inclusion in the diurnal and semi-diurnal species are
With short records, it is not wise from a mathematical shown in Tables 1 and 2. The tidal potential amplitudes in
perspective to include all possible constituent clusters in a these tables do not include a latitudinal dependence factor
harmonic analysis. Although linear algebra only requires which is constant throughout each species. At latitude ~b,
that the number of unknowns (two for each constituent the factor is sin 2q~ for diurnal constituents and cos 2 q~for
cluster, and amplitude and phase) be no larger than the semi-diurnal constituents. See Doodson ¢ for further
number of equations (one for each observation), short details. The values in the record length columns are
records and close frequencies result in an ill-conditioned calculated from equation (1) with R = l.
matrix equation. Although such equations can be solved,
the confidence intervals for the solutions are large. In
particular, a small change in the observations can THE LEAST SQUARES ANALYSIS
produce a large change in the solutions.
In order to narrow the confidence intervals, a criterion Assume that a selection procedure has chosen M
is needed to restrict the inclusion of constituent clusters in constituents for inclusion in the analysis. The next stage is
the analysis. Godin uses the Rayleigh separation equation to calculate the amplitude and phase for the sinusoids
representing each constituent cluster. This is done by
la2-al[r> R (1) solving a system of linear equations. For a one
where (71 and a2 are major constituent frequencies dimensional time series (such as would arise from surface
(cycles/unit time), T is the record length, and R is the elevations), the analysis objective is to solve the system of
Rayleigh constant. This criterion includes both constitu- equations
ents in the analysis if the number of cycles separating al M
and a2 over the period T is greater than R. For yi=Ao + ~ Ajcos(ajti-(I)j) (2)
observational time series, R is commonly set to 1. j=1
However it can be smaller if the non-tidal content of the for the unknowns Aj and (:I)j,j = 1, M. Aj, aj, (I)j are the
signal is small. Such is generally the case with tidal model amplitude, frequency and phase of constituent j; and Yi,
Table 1. Order of Diurnal Constituent Selection in the Foreman 9 harmonic analysis programs
', Link Royleigh Comparison P a i r s
( ) Tidal Potential Amplitudes for Main Constituents
\ \
\ P'/
',jI *
SI PSII r 5671
(~o28) (416) (422}
Table 2. Order of Semi-Diurnal Constituent Selection in the Foreman9 harmonic analysis programs
Link Rayleigh Comparison Pairs
( ) Tidal Potential Amplitudes for Main Constituents
Inclusion 002 IEPS2 2N2 M R2 K2 MSN?-- I
4 38 3 ') / / S2 / / SN~
I I :3 2 6 (273}
i = 1, N, is the observation at time t~. Each equation can be sampling, the M 2 harmonic whose frequency is closest but
made linear in the new unknowns C~ and St by rewriting still less than the Nyquist threshold, is m]2.
Ajcos(cTjti-(Yl)/)=Cjcos(ajti)+ Sjsin(~yjtl) (3)
A~ = (C 2 + 82) 1/2 and (I)j = arctan(SflC). SOLUTION
The statistical properties of the least squares solution can
As the number of equations, N, is greater than the number
of unknowns, 2 M + l , the system of equations is be found in any analysis of variance or regression model
text (e.g., Draper and Smith11). They are summarized as
overdetermined and all the equations cannot be solved
exactly. The solution must therefore be calculated by
The system of equations given by (2) and (3) can be
minimizing the equation residuals in some sense. The least
re-expressed in matrix form as
squares approach, wherein the sum of the squares of the
residuals is minimized, has been adopted by Godin. This y = Ax + e (4)
approach produces the so-called normal equations which
where y, x, e are vectors of the observations, the C i and Sj
are efficiently solved with the Cholesky algorithm (see
Ortega1°). coefficients, and the residuals. The normal equations that
result from minimizin9 e'e are
It should be mentioned that a harmonic analysis which
uses the least squares approach permits the time series to AtAx = Aty (5)
be irregularly sampled, or to be regularly sampled and
and their solution is
contain gaps. Such would not be the case if a Fourier
transform were used to calculate the amplitudes and x s=(AtA) tA'y. (6)
phases. However, if the time series is regularly sampled
and has no gaps (as would be the case with tidal model The total sum of squares is y'y and the sum of squares
time series), the terms in the normal equations matrix can due to regression is x'sAty. Their difference is the residual
be calculated efficiently and accurately and the matrix can error sum of squares, and this difference divided by the
be partitioned. This partitioning reduces the solution time degrees of freedom is the residual mean square error, a2mse.
by a factor of four. See Foreman 9 for further details. With an analysis of N observations that includes M
The recommended sampling interval for the time series constituents and the constant term Zo, a,,~e2 is then
is one hour. In addition to convenience, such an interval 2 yty _ xtsAty
- -
permits at least two observations per period for the high a,,~e - N - 2M - 1 (7)
frequency shallow water tides such as M4, M6, and M s. It
also avoids aliasin9 wherein constituents that are sampled If it is assumed that e is distributed normally with 0
fewer than twice per cycle become irretrievably confused mean and 0-2I variance (where I is the unit diagonal
with lower frequency constituents. With one hour matrix), then the variance ofxs is (AtA) - ~a z. Since ~rz~eis
referred to as the astronomical argument correction. It With good inference parameters, that is accurate
simply re-expresses phase lags with respect to an absolute amplitude ratios and phase differences for P~/K 1 and
time and space origin. Instead of regarding each tidal Kz/S z, both these problems would be greatly reduced.
constituent as the result of a particular component in the The question of when constituents should be included
tidal potential, an artificial causal agent can be attributed directly in the least squares analysis and when they should
to each constituent in the form of a fictitious star which be inferred is not easily answered. The presumption that a
travels around the equator with an angular speed equal to record of length T is required to distinguish constituents
that of its corresponding constituent. Making use of this with a frequency separation of T - ~ (i.e., equation (1) with
conceptual aid and setting t o to be a reference time and er R = 1) is incomplete. In fact it conflicts with the algebraic
to be the frequency, the astronomical argument of a given viewpoint whereby, for any n independent observations,
tidal constituent, one can obtain n equations and solve for n unknowns
V(t)=•(t-to)+ V(to) (13) (e.g., n/2 amplitudes and n/2 phases) regardless of the
frequency separation.
can then be viewed as the angular position (longitude) of The missing consideration in both of these viewpoints is
its fictitious star. For historical reasons, all such that the observations contain other non-tidal contribu-
arguments or longitudes are expressed relative to the tions, henceforth referred to as noise, in addition to the
Greenwich meridian and can consequently be expressed discrete tidal signals. With actual observations, this noise
as functions of time only. The phase lag for a particular may be comprised of meteorological effects, non-tidal
constituent can then be viewed as the time between the waves, and random errors in recording the observations.
overhead passage of the fictitious star and the time of With tidal model time series, the noise may be comprised
maximum tide. So the contribution of each major of transient solutions and rounding errors. Taking these
constituent can be expressed as effects into account, Munk and Hasselmann 13 showed
a cos(a(t - to) + V(to)-9) (14) that meaningful statements can be made about a~ and a2
where 9 is a phase lag that is measured with respect to an
absolute time and space origin. standard deviation of noise
It should be pointed out that many types of phase lag ''laZ-allT>standard deviation of signal
can be used in harmonic analyses depending on whether
or not one wishes to take into account the longitude and (Notice that this equation gives a guideline to the choice
time zone of the observation site. Schureman 12 of R in equation (1).) Munk and Hasselmann refer to any
lpp. 75 78) discusses several common phase lags. The resolution improvement over and above the frequency
analysis programs distributed by Foreman 9 calculate G, separation T - 1 as super-resolution. They also show that
the Greenwich epoch, if the time series is in Greenwich for two neighbouring spectral lines at frequencies fo and
lime and g, the modified epoch, if the time series is in local f0 + N', the variance in the estimate of either amplitude is
lime. They do not employ any longitude correction.
Consequently, the analysis results from neighbouring 3S ( f o)/(zr2(Af)2 T 3) (17)
sites that were recorded in the same time zone can be where S(f) is the underlying power spectrum of the noise.
compared directly. And the conversion of a phase lag Munk and Bullard 14 estimate S ( f ) = l cm2/cycle/day
from one time zone to another is straightforward. For based on measurements of the noise spectrum well to one
example, if g is calculated from observations that were side or the other of the tidal line clusters. However when
recorded in PST, then cusps in the noise spectrum are taken into account,
G=g+8a (15) estimates of S(f) increases dramatically to as much as
300cm2/cycle/day (Munk and Hasselmann 13) within a
for a constituent with frequency a measured in band of _+0.01 cycles/day around the M 2 frequency.
degrees~hour. With S(f)= 300 cmZ/cycle/day and frequencies separ-
ated by A f = 1/180 cycles/day (the approximate separ-
ation between K 1 and P1, and S 2 and K 2 ) , the amplitude
INFERENCE variances for each constituent arising from analyses of 30,
60, 90, and 180 days, are 109, 13.7, 4.05, and 0.51 cm 2
A final correction that is sometimes made to the least respectively. However with tidal model observations,
squares solution is referred to as inference. It involves the both S(f) and these variance estimates will be much
extraction of important constituents, excluded from the smaller.
analysis because the record was too short, but deduced Uncertainties in the analysis results can also be viewed
afterwards from known relationships with constituents from the perspective of matrix theory (see Ortega ~° for
that were included. If it is done properly, inference serves example). Assume B x = b and B x ' = b ' are the normal
the dual purpose of further reducing the residual error in equations (see equation (5)) arising from a least squares fit
the least squares solution, and eliminating a periodic for the amplitudes and phases of several tidal
behaviour in the estimated amplitudes and phases of the constituents. In particular, assume the right-hand sides b
reference constituents. For example, a 182-day time series and b' are respectively calculated from observations
is required to separate P~ from K 1 (the third largest and without and with background noise. That is, b assumes a
largest diurnal constituents), and K z from S z (the fourth pure tidal time series whereas b' assumes tide and noise. If
and second largest semi-diurnal constituents) by one for some norm II'l], K ( B ) = [IBII lIB-11] is the condition
cycle. Without inference, a series of monthly analyses number of matrix B, then
would show a periodic behaviour in the amplitudes and
phases o f K 1 and S z and have substantial contributions to [Ix--x'll ~<K(B)Ilb-h'[I (18)
the residual errors due to the P1 and K 2 constituents. rlxll Ilbll
] 60 g
r mean
I! 85.856
i min 24.743 ~2.131 i 132.2 5.158 193.5
s.d. .252 i 2.398 ! 34.2 2.974 19.5
mean 25.118 3.681 298.0 i5.223t179.6 r
9.014 220.2 4.201 69.8
8 60 C max 25.429 4.052 310.3 i 5 . 7 5 0 i 191.9 9.323 221.3 4.345 70.9
lllii1 24.743 3.350 292.4 j 4.753 , 174.0 8.561 218.3 3.990 67.9
o96J lO
, i
s.d. .252 .244 4.8 i .346 4.8 .206 1.0
The effect of seeking amplitudes and phases corre- constituents Z o, 01, K 1, M2, and $2, and the other with
sponding to frequencies al and a2 that are relatively close, these same constituents plus some random background
i.e. [al-a2[ < T-1, is to make the appropriate rows in B noise. Time periods of 328 hours and 355 hours are
more linearly dependent and increase K(B). So in the required to respectively separate O 1 from K 1 and S 2 from
presence of substantial background noise, one can expect M 2 by one cycle. (See Tables 1 and 2.) The tidal
significant differences between the calculated set of amplitudes (cm) and phases (degrees) were chosen to be
parameters x' and their true values x. If accurate inference (25.000,0.0), (3.70,297.5), (5.25, 179.1), (9.065,220.3),
parameters are available, inference in such a case should and (4.225, 69.9), for constituents Z o, O1, K1, M2, and S 2
yield better results, because solving for the parameters of respectively; while the noise was uniformly distributed in
only one frequency, either al or a2, would remove the the range [ - 1 . 0 , 1.0]. Nodal corrections were not
rows that are almost linearly dependent and reduce K(B). included in any of the time series syntheses or analyses.
On the other hand, if the noise level were very small the Three sets of twelve consecutive 60-hour harmonic
effect of a large K(B) would be counteracted and a analyses were executed: the first searching directly for all
reasonably accurate set of parameters x' could be constituents; the second searching for only Z o, K l, and
expected without inference. This should be the case with M2; and the third extending the second by inferring O 1
time series from numerical tidal models that have been and S 2 from K 1 and m 2 respectively. (Inference
run sufficiently long that the transient solutions have parameters were calculated from the true amplitudes and
essentially died away. (Such models are usually said to phases.) In order to compare performances, means,
have reached a steady state.) maximum and minimum values, and the standard
Table 3 gives the results of tests designed to deviations were calculated for each amplitude and phase
demonstrate these points. Two 30-day records of hourly from the twelve analysis results in each series.
tidal heights were simulated, one using only the The standard deviation ratio of noise to signal (without
that the tidal model has either been forced directly with required to separate P1 from K 1 and g 2 from S 2 by a full
astronomical body forcing or indirectly by specifying cycle, these constituents can be adequately separated with
tides, either surface elevations or currents, on some of the much shorter time series. However it is important to note
model boundaries. It is also assumed that the tidal model that the non-tidal content in the time series is partially
has been run sufficiently long for it to have reached an determined by the constituents chosen for the analysis,
approximately steady state. This is probably best and these may only be a subset of the constituents in the
determined by producing several time series plots at model. For example, if the advective terms are included in
representative points in the model domain. a model simulation but the compound tides generated by
The first comment is that it is important to maintain these terms are not included in the analysis, the
consistency between model forcing and the harmonic compound tide energy is effectively noise.
analysis. This not only means that the same constituent These points are now illustrated with two runs using
frequency values (i.e., to the same precision) should be Flather's18 Vancouver Island model. The advective terms
used in both the model and the analysis, but also that the and the forcing constituents Q1, O1, P~, K1, N2, m 2 , $2,
nature of the forcing should be consistent. Specifically, if and K 2 are included in the first run, but only the forcing
single major constituents (rather than clusters) are used in constituents are included in the analysis. Figure 3 shows
the forcing, then nodal corrections should not be included the P~ amplitude contours based on a 30-day time series
in the analysis. On the other hand, if the model results are analysis. (The model was run for six days prior to this
to be compared with observations or to predict tides, the analysis period in order to permit the transient solutions
satellite effects should be included, though their to decay.) The wiggliness of the contours indicates an
contribution is minor for many constituents. This can be unsatisfactory variability in the analysis results. As
done in either of two ways. The first way is to force the predicted by equation (18), a combination of too short a
model with the representative sinusoids for the record and too much noise has perturbed the results from
constituent clusters, rather than just major constituents. their correct values. This wiggliness decreases slightly
The second way is to use the major constituents for the when thirteen shallow water constituents are also
forcing and analysis and adjust the harmonic analysis included in the analysis, but the results are still
results so that conventional nodal modulation correc- unsatisfactory. However, as seen in Fig. 3, with a 60-day
tions are applied to account for the presence of the other harmonic analysis the contours become much smoother.
constituents in the cluster. When the model is rerun without the advective terms, the
A second important point is that the constituents to be time series are less noisy and P~ and K~ (and K : and Sz)
included in the harmonic analysis should be chosen by the are adequately separated with a 30-day analysis.
user and not by the analysis program. Specifically, the Nevertheless, from a statistical viewpoint a longer record
constituents in the analysis should be those included in will reduce the confidence intervals around the solutions.
the forcing and those generated in the model interior by So, computing resources permitting, a longer simulation
nonlinear interactions. Constituents chosen by the is always preferable,
Rayleigh selection criterion in the analysis program may In summary, ifa model can be run sufficiently long that
not necessarily include all of the constituents in the model all transients have decayed below machine precision at
time series. For example, the simulation period may not
be sufficiently long that the selection criterion includes P~.
Consequently, some of the energy from the constituents Table 4. Shallowwater constituent and astronomical constituent twins
that are not included in the analysis will spill over and
contaminate the results of the constituents that have been Astronomical Constituent [ Shallow Water Constituenl~
~ b,x':
15.0 %
Fig. 3. P1 amplitude (cm) contours based on a 30-day analysis of Flather's TM model with advection
Fig. 4. P1 amplitude (cm) contours based on a 60-day analysis of Flather's 18 model with advection
128 123
50 I 50
47 I I I 47
(a) 128 LONGITUDE (ow) 123
Fig. 5. (a) Freeland's 21 CODE-II current meter sites. Barotropic K 1 (b), and M 2 (c) current ellipses at the CODE-II sites.
The largest semi-major axis is 15.3 cm/s for M 2. Lines within each ellipse denote g. Arrows denote the direction of rotation
around the ellipse. Observed - - , model - - -
it t)
the beginning of the analysis period, and the analysis the model interior but not included in the forcing can
period itself is long enough to resolve constituents such as disrupt a comparison. A safer technique is to compare
Px and K 1, then including all constituents in the analysis amplitudes and phases for individual constituents.
is the best strategy. However, it may either be difficult to Special mention is also warranted for comparing model
determine the time required for this decay, or it may not and observational currents. Obviously if the model is two
be economically feasible to run a model this long. So the dimensional (i.e. barotropic), the current observations
noise may not be as small as one would hope, and should also be averaged in some sense. This requires
inference may be required to resolve closely separated simultaneous observations at several depths. If baroclinic
constituents. The numerical tests whose results are shown processes are suspected in the observations, some attempt
in Table 3 suggest that neighbouring constituents can be should be made to remove them before comparing the
adequately separated with R ~>1/6 in equation (1) when observations with barotropic model results. For example,
the noise level is less than 0.5 × 10 - 4 for each observation. using baroclinic theory such as presented by Phillips 19, it
This translates to a 30-day period for separating P1 and is sometimes possible to fit the observations with the
K 1. The Flather ~8 model tests with no advection confirm barotropic and one or more baroclinic mode shape
this value. functions.
If computer storage is at a premium during a model As with one dimensional tidal signals, it is generally
run, the information to be retained for a subsequent preferable with tidal currents to compare model results
harmonic analysis can be reduced significantly if at each and observations on a constituent by constituent basis.
model grid point, the right hand sides for the normal Figures 5b and 5c show K 1 and M z current ellipse
equations, rather than hourly time series, are stored. For comparisons for an array of six current meter sites in the
example, if a model with 500 grid points is run for 60 days, CODE-II experiment off the west coast of Vancouver
storage of all hourly time series requires 720 000 words per Island. (Figure 5a shows the locations of these sites.) The
variable. If on the other hand, the mean and 15 vertically-averaged model currents were obtained with
constituents are to be included in the harmonic analysis, the Walters 2° finite element method and the barotropic
storage of the right hand sides requires only 15 500 words. currents were calculated by forming weighted averages of
(Each right hand side entry is the summation of a series of observations (courtesy of Freeland 2~) at a minimum of
products of a sinusoid with a grid point value. See two depths. The lines within each ellipse are the phase lag
Foreman 9 for further details.) However a major g, measured in the same manner as shown in Fig. 2, and
disadvantage with storing right hand sides is that the the arrows denote the direction of rotation around the
constituents to be included in the analysis must be chosen ellipse. The K~ model ellipses are too thin because the
prior to running the model. In other words, the harmonic barotropic model cannot accurately reproduce the
analysis cannot be repeated with additional constituents clockwise rotary component of the current that is largely
unless the model run is also repeated. So when calculating due to a baroclinic shelf wave. Although the model ellipses
right hand sides during a model execution, one must for M 2 are more accurate, the discrepancies are still not
anticipate all the constituents that could be present in the acceptable. As the moorings are near the edge of a canyon,
model time series. it is likely that the model grid requires a refinement in
In comparing model time series with observations there order to more accurately represent the topography and
are several points of caution. Obviously it is important to the correct tidal behaviour. (See Foreman z2 for further
ensure that the two time series contain the same details.)
constituents. As demonstrated by Lynch and Werner 17, When comparing model results and observations on a
the presence of shallow water constituents generated in constituent by constituent basis, one may either compare