A Critical Insight Into Policy Implementation and Implementation Performance
A Critical Insight Into Policy Implementation and Implementation Performance
A Critical Insight Into Policy Implementation and Implementation Performance
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What are the characteristics of a good theory? A good argument must follow
virtues such as uniqueness, parsimony, conservation, the ability to be generalised,
fecundity, internal consistency, empirical riskiness, and abstraction that applies to
all research methods [20]. It is highly unlikely that policy theory would contain all
these characteristics, and is almost impossible for any theory to include all these
traits at once [11]. Ironically, there is no grand theory for policy implementation and,
as such, this serves to obfuscate what implementation is and is not [6]. Nonetheless,
although the discipline of policy implementation requires having classical theories
over a span of time, different theoretical models or approaches (at least two: top-
down and bottom-up) [17] and case studies have been developed in this area.
Anisur Rahman Khan, Shahriar Khandaker. A Critical Insight into Policy Implementation
540 and Implementation Performance
Independent Variables
1. Clarity of policy goals, Variable
targets and objectives
2. Accurate and consistent
Positive Implementation
3. Clear and detailed task
impact Performance
4. Accurate standardisation
5. Proper monitoring
Hypothesis 1: The clearer the goals, targets and objectives, the more chance that the policy
successfully implemented; Hypothesis 2: The more accurate and consistent the planning, the gre
Public Policy and Administration. 2016, Vol. 15, No 4, p. 538–548. 543
2. Management Model
This model is based on the belief that the performance of policy implementa-
tion depends on many factors such as organisational structure, personnel and human
resources, the activities of front-line implementers, equipment and technology, the
level of coordination and cooperation, the exercise of authority, and place/location
as implementation infrastructure. This model also attempts to identify problems or
obstacles to policy implementation caused by any shortages in resources or delays to
resource acquisition. The key independent variables and their impacts with regard
to implementation performance have been stated in the following model.
Independent Variables
Hypothesis 1: The greater the budget and the more efficiently it is used, the
greater the chance of implementation success; Hypothesis 2: The right organisa-
tional structure will help lead to successful implementation; Hypothesis 3: Quick,
clear and two-way communication will help to ensure better performance during
policy implementation; Hypothesis 4: The greater the involvement of people (key
stakeholders or beneficiaries) as co-producers, the greater the chance for produc-
tive and fruitful implementation of the policy; Hypothesis 5: Adequate equipment
and appropriate technology will increase the effectiveness of policy performance;
Hypothesis 6: The correct location of implementation processes will decrease de-
lays and enhance the possibility of success.
Independent Variables
1. Effective leadership Variable
2. Motivation
3. Engagement of people
4. Team building Positive
5. Accuracy of decisions
Hypothesis 1: The1:success
Hypothesis of implementation
The success depends
of implementation largelylargely
depends upon upon
effective leadership. The
effective The more
the leader, effective
the more the leader,
successful the more successful
the implementation of policy; the implementa-
Hypothesis 2: Motivation wil
tion of policy; Hypothesis 2: Motivation will lead to successful implementation;
to successful implementation; Hypothesis 3: The engagement of people will lead to succ
Hypothesis 3: The engagement of people will lead to successful implementation;
Hypothesis 4: The Hypothesis 4: The more
more committed and committed
fruitful theand fruitful
team, the team,
the greater the the greater the possibil
of implementation
implementation success;
success; Hypothesis
Hypothesis 5: The The accuracy
5: accuracy of theofdecisions
the decisions of leaders
of leaders will aid the succ
will aid the successful
implementation of policy. implementation of policy.
4. Bureaucratic Model
The bureaucratic model considers the role of front-line staff members in the implementati
policy. The idea is that successful policy implementation relies heavily on the role of members of
who directly come into contact with people and other stakeholders. This model is intended to asc
social reality with regard to the discretionary power of front-line implementers. This model is bas
implementation; Hypothesis 4: The more committed and fruitful the team, the greater the possibility o
implementation success; Hypothesis 5: The accuracy of the decisions of leaders will aid the successfu
implementation of policy.
Public Policy and Administration. 2016, Vol. 15, No 4, p. 538–548. 545
4. Bureaucratic Model
4. Bureaucratic Model
bureaucratic model
bureaucratic considers
model the role
considers of front-line
the role staff staff
of front-line members in thein implementation
members the o
policy. The idea is of
thatpolicy. The policy
successful idea isimplementation
that successfulrelies
policy implementation
heavily on the role relies
of members of sta
who oncome
directly the role
staff who
and directly come into This
other stakeholders. contact withispeople
model intended to ascertai
and other stakeholders. This model is intended to ascertain social reality with regard
social reality with regard to the discretionary power of front-line implementers. This model is based o
to the discretionary power of front-line implementers. This model is based on the
bottom-up theory
theory of policy
policy implementation.
regardto to
policy compliance,
policy the the
compliance, behavior of fron
behavior of front-line policy implementers includes: (i) voluntary compliance; (ii)
line policy implementers includes: (i) voluntary compliance; (ii) unintentional non-compliance; (ii
unintentional non-compliance; (iii) intentional non-compliance; and (iv) involun-
intentional non-compliance; and (iv) involuntary compliance. Important independent variables and th
tary compliance. Important independent variables and the way in which they impact
they impact on arepolicy
shown performance are shown
in the following in the following model.
Independent Variables
5. Political Model
Independent Variables
1. Avoiding complexity of joint Variable
2. Higher bargaining capacity
3. Harmony among political Positive impact
4. Active political motivation
5. Minimising the influence of
pressure politics
Hypothesis 1: The 1:
Hypothesis lower
The the complexity
lower of joint
the complexity actions,
of joint the greater
actions, the chance
the greater of implementat
the chance
of implementation
success; Hypothesis 2:success; Hypothesis
The greater 2: Thepower,
the bargaining greater
thethe bargaining
greater power, the
the possibility of implementat
greater the possibility of implementation success; Hypothesis 3: Harmony among
success; Hypothesis 3: Harmony among political actors aids implementation success; Hypothesis
political actors aids implementation success; Hypothesis 4: Implementation carried
out with a positive political motivation will result in successful implementation;
Hypothesis 5: Minimising the influence of pressure politics helps lead to imple-
mentation success.
This paper has significant implications, at least in some critical areas. Firstly, it
reminds us of the need for scholars to undertake efforts to produce substantial theo-
ries so that policy implementation is recognised as an important discipline. Once the
subject is rich with regard to theoretical sophistication, it will be possible to provide
appropriate guidelines to implementers for carrying out tasks in the best possible
way. Secondly, the paper helps us to revisit some of the biggest problems in the area
of policy implementation identified by scholars working in this field. Thirdly, it
develops five different models of policy implementation, each of which comes up
with some hypotheses. If these assumptions are applied before carrying out policy
implementation, it is expected that good theories will be developed. If the discipline
has theoretical sophistication, it will be easier not only to carry out effective policy
implementation, but also to reduce problems in this area. In conclusion, a large
amount of work still needs to be carried out by scholars to bolster the theoretical
basis of this discipline.
Public Policy and Administration. 2016, Vol. 15, No 4, p. 538–548. 547
Anisur Rahman Khan, Doctor of Social Sciences, Assistant Professor of the Department of
Social Relations, East West University, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh.
E-mail: [email protected]
Anisur Rahman Khan – socialinių mokslų daktaras, Rytų ir Vakarų Universiteto Socialinių
santykių fakulteto docentas, Dhaka, Bangladešas.
El. paštas: [email protected]
Shahriar Khandaker, Master of Arts, a faculty member of the Department of Social Relations
at East West University, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh.
E-mail: [email protected]
Shahriar Khandaker – magistras, Rytų ir Vakarų Universiteto Socialinių santykių fakulteto
dėstytojas, Dhaka, Bangladešas.
El. paštas: [email protected]