Paf-Karachi Institute of Economics & Technology Spring - 2021
Paf-Karachi Institute of Economics & Technology Spring - 2021
Paf-Karachi Institute of Economics & Technology Spring - 2021
Spring -2021
Instructor: Bushra
Email Address: [email protected]
Course Code: EE-4321
Credit Hours : 2+1
Pre-requisite(s): LCS
Contact Hours: Check with academic officer ROOM 28 CoE or by appointment
The objective of this course is to provide students with knowledge & skills to understand
and design systems for the emerging applications in the field of Industrial Automation. The
students should be able to get core knowledge of the following
PLO-10 Communication
Grading Policy
Assessment Items Percentage
Assignments 10 + 5%
Quizes 10%
Midterm Exam 25%
Final Exam 50%
Text Book
Industrial Electronics by Thomas E. Kissell 3rd Edition
Reference Books
Applied Instrumentation in the Process Industries by W.G. Andreq, H.B. Willaims