Environmental Sampling and Analytical Methods SSTM Zg516: ESI Mass Spectrometry MALDI Mass Spectrometry
Environmental Sampling and Analytical Methods SSTM Zg516: ESI Mass Spectrometry MALDI Mass Spectrometry
Environmental Sampling and Analytical Methods SSTM Zg516: ESI Mass Spectrometry MALDI Mass Spectrometry
Course Modules
Text Book(s)
T2 Spectroscopy, Donald L. Pavia, 4th Edition, Cengage Learning India Pvt Ltd, New
T3 Principles of Environmental Chemistry, Second Edition, James E. Girard, Jones &
Bartlett Learning , (For module 1)
R1 Research Papers relevant to the topic will be provided by the instructor during the
course (Other reference material will be shared dynamically in eLearn and/or in the
classes. Students are advised to remain updated!)
Module Title: Structure and function of pollutants, and Sampling and analytical data.
Session 3
An optional Review Session before Mid-Semester Test (will be announced as and when need arises)
Module Title: Chemical equilibrium and electroanalytical methods for analysis of pollutants
Session 13
Module Title: Chemical equilibrium and electroanalytical methods for analysis of pollutants
Session 15
Module Title: Chemical equilibrium and electroanalytical methods for analysis of pollutants
Session 16
An optional Review Session before Comprehensive Exam (will be announced as and when need
Evaluation Scheme:
Students are expected to visit the Elearn portal on a regular basis and stay up to date with the latest
announcements and deadlines.
Contact sessions: Students should attend the online lectures as per the schedule provided on the
Elearn portal.
Evaluation Guidelines:
1. EC-1 consists of either two Assignments or three Quizzes. Students will attempt them
through the course pages on the Elearn portal. Announcements will be made on the portal, in
a timely manner.
2. For Closed Book tests: No books or reference material of any kind will be permitted.
3. For Open Book exams: Use of books and any printed / written reference material (filed or
bound) is permitted. However, loose sheets of paper will not be allowed. Use of calculators
is permitted in all exams. Laptops/Mobiles of any kind are not allowed. Exchange of any
material is not allowed.