A2 Electrical Circuits and Power Jan 2021

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Electrical Circuits and Power

Assignment 2


1. This is an individual assignment. No duplication of work will be tolerated. Any

plagiarism or collusion may result in disciplinary action in addition to ZERO
mark being awarded to all involved.

2. Submit your Assignment to the Online Assignment Submission (OAS) system.

Submission of Assignments in hard copy will not be accepted.

3. The total marks for Assignment 2 is 100% and contributes 25% towards the
total grade. Marks will be awarded for correct working steps and answer.

4. Assignment 2 covers topics from Unit 3, Unit 4 and lab.

5. Your assignment must be word processed in Time New Roman 12pt font.
Answer all questions in English. Any additional appendices or attachments must
be placed at the end of the submitted document.

6. Students are required to attach the Assignment declaration (T-DF) form as the
front cover of their Assignment. No duplication of work will be tolerated. Any
plagiarism or collusion may result in disciplinary action to all parties involved.

TEE201/05 Electrical Circuits and Power July 2020

Question 1 (16 marks)
Three impedances are connected in series across a 100V, 2kHz supply.

The impedances comprise:

 an inductance of 0.45mH and resistance 2
 an inductance of 570H and 5 resistance
 a capacitor of capacitance 10F and resistance 3

Assuming no mutual inductive effects between the two inductances.

(i) Calculate the total impedance of the circuit.

[2 marks]
(ii) Calculate the total current of the circuit.
[2 marks]
(iii) Calculate the circuit phase angle.
[2 marks]
(iv) Calculate the voltages across each impedance.
[6 marks]
(v) Draw the phasor diagram.
[4 marks]

Question 2 (9 marks)
A 10 𝑘𝑉𝐴, single-phase transformer has a turns ratio of 12: 1 and is supplied from a
2.4 𝑘𝑉 supply. Neglecting losses, determine:
(i) the full load secondary current.
[4 marks]
(ii) the minimum value of load resistance which can be connected across the
secondary winding without the 𝑘𝑉𝐴 rating being exceeded.
[3 marks]
(iii) the primary current.
[2 marks]

TEE201/05 Electrical Circuits and Power July 2020

Question 3 (15 marks)
Laboratory 1: Ohm’s Law and Kirchoff’s Laws

i- To understand and verify Ohm’s law
ii- To understand and verify Kirchoff’s laws

Calculate and summarize the theoretical values in Table 1.2 and Table 1.3. Show the
working steps in your report.
Refer to the online tutorials in using LTSpice:

Experiment Equipment and Components

i- Computer with LTSpice installed

Ohm’s Law
For a complete circuit, there is a voltage across and current flows through a resistor.
The relationship between current and voltage for a resistor is known as Ohm’s Law.
The law is introduced by a German physicist, Georg Simon Ohm (1787-1854). To be
Ohm’s Law state that the voltage, v across a resistor is directly proportional to the
current, i flowing through the resistor
In mathematical form, the relationship can be represented by:
v  iR
where R is resistance of a resistor. R is measured in ohm,  .

Kirchoff’s Laws
There are two Kirchoff’s Laws as follows:
i- Kirchoff’s Current Law (KCL)
ii- Kirchoff’s Voltage Law (KVL)

TEE201/05 Electrical Circuits and Power July 2020

The KCL is based on the law of conservation of charge, which requires that the
algebraic sum of charges within a system cannot change.
Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL) states that the algebraic sum of currents entering a
node is zero
In mathematical form:

n 1
n 0

where N is the number of branches connected to the node and in is the nth current
entering or leaving the node.
For example, based on Figure 1.1,

n 1
n 0

i1  (i2 )  i3  i4  (i5 )  0
Based on the equation obtained, the equation could be rearranged as
i1  i3  i4  i2  i5
which may be interpreted as
Sum of currents entering a node = Sum of currents leaving the node



i2 i3

Figure 1.1

The second law, KVL is formed based on the principle of conservation of energy,
Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL) states that the algebraic sum of all voltages around a
closed path (or loop) is zero

TEE201/05 Electrical Circuits and Power July 2020

In mathematical form:

m 1
m 0

where M is the number of voltages in the loop and vm is the mth voltage.

For example, based on Figure 1.2,


m 0

 v1  v2  v3  v4  v5  0
Based on the equation obtained, the equation could be rearranged as
v2  v3  v5  v1  v4
which may be interpreted as
Sum of voltage drops = Sum of voltage rises

 v2
  v3

 
v1 v4
 

 v5 
Figure 1.2
1. Construct the circuit shown in Figure 1.3 using the software LTSpice.

TEE201/05 Electrical Circuits and Power July 2020

I1 I3

a R1  1k  b R3  1.2k 
+ V1
_ + V3

+ V2 R2  2.4k  I 2 V4 R4  1k  I 4
_ VS
_ _ _

R5  1.2k 
e d
_ V5 +

Figure 1.3
2. Set the power supply (Vs) to 5 Volts. Perform the operating point analysis (.op) by
clicking Simulate -> Edit Simulation Command -> DC op pnt.
3. Run the simulation and check the voltages and currents at all resistors in the circuit
in the results window. You can also point at a node to check the voltage or a mesh
to check the current.
4. Record the simulation results in Table 1.1.
5. Then, based on the simulated voltages and currents, calculate the value of resistance
using Ohm’s Law. Compare the calculated resistance value with their values in the
Table 1.1

Resistors Voltage across Current flowing Calculated resistor

resistor (Volts) through resistor (mA) value (KΩ)

R1 = 1 KΩ

R2 = 2.4 KΩ

R3 = 1.2 KΩ

R4 = 1 KΩ

R5 = 1.2 KΩ

TEE201/05 Electrical Circuits and Power July 2020

6. Using Khirchoff’s and Ohm’s Laws, determine the theoretical value for each
voltage and branch current. Tabulate the obtained values in Table 1.2 and 1.3
respectively. Compare with the simulation results. Show all steps during the
calculation of theoretical values.

Table 1.2

Voltages Theoretical value Simulated values

(Volts) (Volts)







Table 1.3

Currents Theoretical value Simulated values

(mA) (mA)







i- If we change the polarity of the voltage source in Figure 1.3, suggest the value
of each voltage and current.
ii- Determine the relationship among VS, V1, V3, V4 and V5.

TEE201/05 Electrical Circuits and Power July 2020

You should capture results based on each condition of your simulations and present
them in your report. You may use “Print Screen” to capture your simulation results.
You must also include the circuit diagrams that you have constructed from LTSpice.
Your report should contain a short introduction, procedure, results you obtain at every
stages of the simulation, discussion and conclusion.

TEE201/05 Electrical Circuits and Power July 2020

Question 4 (15 marks)
Laboratory 2: Thevenin Theorem

i- To understand and verify Thevenin theorem.

Refer to the online tutorials in using LTSpice:

Experiment Equipment and Components

i- Computer with LTSpice installed

Thevenin Theorem
Commonly, an electrical circuit consists of two sub-circuits, namely fixed circuit and
variable circuit as shown in Figure 2.1. Thevenin’s theorem is designed to transform
the circuit in Figure 2.1 into a simpler circuit consists of one voltage source connected
in series with one equivalent resistor and the load, as shown in Figure 2.2. The
Thevenin’s theorem simplifies only the fixed part of the original circuit. The circuit to
the left of the terminals a-b in Figure 2.1 is known as the Thevenin equivalent circuit.
Based on these two figures, we need to determine magnitude of two elements namely,
Thevenin voltage, VTH and Thevenin resistor, RTH .
variable part
of a circuit
I a

part of V Load
a circuit _

Figure 2.1

TEE201/05 Electrical Circuits and Power July 2020

TH a

V Load
TH _ V
Figure 2.2

1. Construct the circuit shown in Figure 2.3 using LTSpice. Let consider R3 represents
a load. Run the simulation by performing the operating point analysis (.op) by
clicking Simulate -> Edit Simulation Command -> DC op pnt.


+ R2 10k R3 3.3k

Figure 2.3

2. By pointing at a node to check the voltage or a mesh to check the current in LTSpice,
measure the current through R3 and the voltage across R3. Record their values.

I R3  ____________
(simulated #1)

VR3  ____________
(simulated #1)

3. Now, by using Thevenin theorem, we will calculate the current through R3. The
procedure is given step by step. Show all work in the space provided. First, we will

TEE201/05 Electrical Circuits and Power July 2020

calculate the VTH. To find VTH, we remove R3 and find the voltage at open terminal
a-b as shown in Figure 2.4. Based on this figure, determine VTH. Show all workings
in details.
1.2k +

+ R2 10k VTH

Figure 2.4

VTH = _________________ (calculated)

4. Verify the actual VTH by simulation. Construct the circuit shown in Figure 2.4 using
LTSpice and record VTH.

VTH = _________________ (simulated result)

5. Next, we will calculate the RTH. To find RTH, we remove R3 and turn off the voltage
source (i.e. replaced by a short circuit) as in Figure 2.5. Based on this figure,
determine RTH, the equivalent resistance looking from terminal a-b. Show all
workings in details.

R2 10k RTH

Figure 2.5

TEE201/05 Electrical Circuits and Power July 2020

RTH = _________________ (calculated)
6. Verify the actual RTH by simulations. Construct the circuit shown in Figure 2.5 using
LTSpice. Connect a DC voltage source (set to 1 V) between nodes a and b. Measure
the current flowing out from the voltage source. Calculate RTH by dividing 1 V with
the current flowing out from the voltage source.

RTH = _________________ (simulation result)

7. Draw the Thevenin equivalent circuit using the calculated VTH and RTH in the box
below. This circuit is Figure 2.6.

Figure 2.6

8. Based on Figure 2.6, calculate I R3 .

I R3  ____________

9. Construct circuit in Figure 2.6 using LTSpice. Insert a resistor for RTH with the
calculated value in step 6.

10. Measure the current through R3 and the voltage across R3. Record them.

TEE201/05 Electrical Circuits and Power July 2020

I R3  ____________ (simulated #2)

VR3  ____________ (simulated #2)

1. Compare the current in Step 2 and Step 8. Are they close? If not, find the reason for
the discrepancy.

2. Compare those results in Step 10 and Step 2. Are they close? If not, find the reason
for the discrepancy.

You should capture results based on each condition of your simulations and present
them in your report. You may use “Print Screen” to capture your simulation results.
You must also include the circuit diagrams that you have constructed from LTSpice.
Your report should contain a short introduction, procedure, results you obtain at every
stages of the simulation, discussion and conclusion.

TEE201/05 Electrical Circuits and Power July 2020

Question 5 (15 marks)
Laboratory 3: Norton Theorem
To understand and verify Norton theorem

Experiment Equipment and Components

i- Computer with LTSpice installed

Calculate and summarize the theoretical values in Table 3.1. Show the working steps
in your report.
Refer to the online tutorials in using LTSpice:

Commonly, an electrical circuit consists of two sub-circuits, namely fixed circuit and
variable circuit as shown in Figure 3.1. Thevenin’s theorem is designed to transform
the circuit in Figure 3.1 into a simpler circuit consists of one current source connected
in parallel with one equivalent resistor and the load, as shown in Figure 3.2. The
Norton’s theorem simplifies only the fixed part of the original circuit. The circuit to the
left of the terminals a-b in Figure 3.2 is known as the Norton equivalent circuit. Based
on these two figures, we need to determine magnitude of two elements namely, Norton
current, IN and Norton resistor, RN .

variable part
of a circuit
I a

part of V Load
a circuit _

Figure 3.1

TEE201/05 Electrical Circuits and Power July 2020


I R Load

Figure 3.2

1. Construct the circuit as shown in Figure 3.3 using LTSpice.

3.6k 100


820 RL 180
+ Rl
_ 15V

Figure 3.3
2. Remove resistor RL from the network. RL is selected as the resistor where it is
proposed to determine the current value.
3. Run the simulation by performing the operating point analysis (.op) by clicking
Simulate -> Edit Simulation Command -> DC op pnt. Measure the voltage
between terminals A and D.
4. This is Norton’s current, IN. Record its value in Table 3.1.

TEE201/05 Electrical Circuits and Power July 2020

5. Switch off the power supply by stopping the simulation. Replace the 15 V
supply with a short circuit.
6. Connect a DC voltage source (set to 1 V) between terminals A and D. Measure
the current flowing out from the voltage source. Calculate the resistance
between terminals A and D by dividing 1 V with the current measured. This is
the Norton’s resistance, record the value in Table 3.1.
7. Remove the DC voltage source between terminals A and D. Place back the
resistance RL in the circuit.
8. Place back the 15 V power supply in the circuit and remove the short circuit
9. Read and record the current value flowing in the resistor RL.
10. Draw Norton’s equivalent circuit inclusive of resistor RL.

Table 3.1

Measured Values from Simulation Theoretical Values

Norton’s Norton’s Current in Norton’s Norton’s Current in

resistance current RL resistance current RL

Norton Equivalent Circuit

TEE201/05 Electrical Circuits and Power July 2020

Compare the simulated results with theoretical values. Are they close? If not, find the
reason for the discrepancy.

You should capture results based on each condition of your simulations and present
them in your report. You may use “Print Screen” to capture your simulation results.
You must also include the circuit diagrams that you have constructed from LTSpice.
Your report should contain a short introduction, procedure, results you obtain at every
stages of the simulation, discussion and conclusion.

TEE201/05 Electrical Circuits and Power July 2020

Question 6 (15 marks)
Laboratory 4: DC Electric Motor
1. Understand the principles of a DC brushed motor.
2. Determine the characteristics of a DC brushed motor.

1. Personal computer with up-to-date web browser.
2. Multisim Live.

Basic theories of a DC brushed motor

Electric motors can be divided into two major categories: DC and AC. The similarities
between them are:
1. The output torque is proportional to the input current.
2. The equivalent circuit for both DC and AC motors are similar, but DC motors are
powered by DC sources and AC motors are powered by AC sources.

The equivalent circuit of a motor is shown in Figure 4.1. The supply voltage is
represented by Vin, while the input current is represented by I.

Figure 4.1 Equivalent circuit of a DC brushed motor

The resistance of the motor coil is represented by R, while the inductance of the motor
coil is represented by L. The back emf of the motor, E is proportional to the rotational
speed of the motor, ω. Due to the motor is operating in DC instead of AC, the coil
inductance, L can be omitted in the measurements and calculations.
The equation obtained from the equivalent circuit in Figure 4.1 is:
Vin  I  R  E (1)

The back emf of the motor, E is proportional to the rotational speed of the motor, which
is also proportional to the change of magnetic field, dϕ, according to Faraday’s Law:
E (2)

TEE201/05 Electrical Circuits and Power July 2020

The torque of the motor, Г can be calculated indirectly from the mechanical output
power of the motor, Pmech:
Pmech   (3)

The relation between the back emf, E, input current, I, and the torque of the motor, Г
can be written as:
E  I   (4)


1. Log on to Multisim Live Online Circuit Simulator at Multisim website

simulator/). Sign up for a free account.

2. After logging in to Multisim Live as shown in Figure 4.2, click the button
“CREATE CIRCUIT” to start creating the circuit.

Figure 4.2 The page after logging into Multisim Live

3. The window for new circuit will appear after clicking the button “CREATE
CIRCUIT” as shown in Figure 4.3.

Figure 4.3 New window for the circuit

TEE201/05 Electrical Circuits and Power July 2020

4. Start placing the components for the circuit. Select DC Voltage Source as shown
in Figure 4.4. Set the voltage of the DC Voltage Source to 1 V.

Figure 4.4 Selecting DC Voltage Source

5. Next, pick the DC motor by selecting Electromechanical -> Machines -> DC

Machine Permanent Magnet as shown in Figure 4.5. Take note on the
parameters of the selected DC motor by double clicking the DC motor object.
Place two motors in your circuit.

Figure 4.5 DC Motor Permanent Magnet

6. Place a resistor in the circuit by choosing “Passive -> Resistor”. Then place a
ground node in the circuit by choosing “Schematic Connectors -> Ground”.
Connect the components as shown in Figure 4.6. The current and voltage probes
can be obtained in the icon “Analysis and Annotation”. The voltage probe which
is probing the motor shafts provides the reading of the rotational speed of the
motor with the readings shown in the unit of rad/s.

TEE201/05 Electrical Circuits and Power July 2020

Figure 4.6 Complete circuit with the shaft of the two motors connected together

7. By running the simulation, measure the input current to motor M1 (PR1), output
voltage produced by motor M2 (PR4), output current produced by motor M2
(PR3) and the rotational speed of the motors (PR2). Plot the graph showing the
changes versus time between the input current for M1, output voltage and
current for M2 and the motor speed in your report. The graph must be extended
until the motor speed achieves steady speed which can be observed in the

8. Repeat step 7 by changing the value of the load resistor from 10 Ω to 5 Ω. Plot
the graph showing the changes versus time between the input current for M1,
output voltage and current for M2 and the motor speed in your report.

9. Repeat step 7 by changing the value of the load resistor to 1 Ω.

10. Analyze the results obtained. Write a detailed discussion on the relationship of
the input power, back emf, torque and the application of the motor configured
as a generator in your report.

You should capture the generated results from Multism Live and present them in your
report. You may use “Print Screen” to capture your results. You must also include the
circuit diagrams that you have constructed from Multisim Live. Your report should
contain a short introduction, procedure, results, discussion and conclusion.

TEE201/05 Electrical Circuits and Power July 2020

Question 7 (15 marks)
Laboratory 5: Simulating Transformer in Multisim Live
To simulate two common types of transformers in Multisim Live.

1. Personal computer with up-to-date web browser.
2. Multisim Live.

Step Down Transformer
Figure 5.1 shows the circuit schematic of a basic step down transformer. On the left
terminals, it can take as input a 115VRMS sinusoid. It will then “step down” the voltage
to a 9VRMS sinusoid. It is simple to see that this transformer has a step down voltage
ratio of (115:9) or 12.78:1. The ratio for a transformer is set by having the same ratio
for the number of turns of wire in the primary coil to the number of turns or wire in the
secondary coil. As an example, if one wrapped the first coil with 10,000 turns of wire,
the secondary coil would then need to have 782.65 turns of wire to achieve the 12.78:1
ratio. Basic transformer equation is shown below:

= =√

VP = the primary voltage.

VS = the secondary voltage.
NP = the number of turns in the primary winding.
NS = the number of turns in the secondary winding.
LP = the primary inductance.
LS = the secondary inductance.

Figure 5.1: Step down transformer

TEE201/05 Electrical Circuits and Power July 2020

Center-Tapped Transformer
Figure 5.2 shows the circuit schematic of a center tapped step down transformer. The
center tapped transformer works almost similar to a normal transformer. The difference
lies in just the fact that its secondary winding is divided into two parts, so two individual
voltages can be acquired across the two line ends. The internal process is the same,
which is when an alternating current is supplied to the primary winding of the
transformer it creates a magnetic flux in the core, and when the secondary winding is
brought near, an alternating magnetic flux is also induced in the secondary winding as
the flux flows through the ferromagnetic iron core and changes its direction with each
and every cycle of the alternating current. In this way an alternating current also flows
through the two halves of the secondary winding of the transformer and flows to the
external circuit.

Figure 5.2: Center-Tapped Transformer

Note: In this example, we are using a 115VRMS to 18VRMS transformer. In a spec sheet
for a transformer, if you see the rating: 115VRMS to 18VRMS C.T. (center tapped), this
would indicate that the voltage from the top to the bottom of the secondary coil was

TEE201/05 Electrical Circuits and Power July 2020

Part I – Simulating a Step Down Transformer
1. Build the circuit as shown in Figure 5.3 in Multisim Live:

Figure 5.3

2. Select AC Power for the voltage source.

Figure 5.4

3. Double-click the AC Power to change its setting as shown below in Figure 5.5.

TEE201/05 Electrical Circuits and Power July 2020

Figure 5.5

4. Select the 1P1S transformer from Passive -> Transformers -> 1P1S.
Note: This stands for 1 Primary 1 Secondary.

Figure 5.6

5. Double-click the transformer to change its turn ratio as shown below in Figure 5.7.

TEE201/05 Electrical Circuits and Power July 2020

Figure 5.7

6. Be sure to ground both sides of the circuit to ensure the correct voltage references.
7. Run a Transient Analysis to plot the voltage on both the primary coil and the
secondary coil on the same graph. We would like to see 5 cycles of the sinusoid.
Since its frequency is 60Hz, the period is 16.6ms. To see 5 cycles, we need a transient
simulation to run for 83.3ms.
8. Select “Transient” as shown in Figure 5.8.

Figure 5.8

9. Set the End Time to 83.3ms or 0.0833s as shown in Figure 5.9.

TEE201/05 Electrical Circuits and Power July 2020

Figure 5.9

10. Place voltage probes at the primary and secondary coil nodes so that we can examine
the output waveforms. Refer to Step 6 in Laboratory 4 on how to place the voltage
probes in the circuit.
11. Press Run.
12. The following figure should be appearing:

Figure 5.10

TEE201/05 Electrical Circuits and Power July 2020

From the graph, measure the following parameters for the primary and secondary by moving
the cursor:
1. VP

2. V P-P

3. Vrms

Figure 5.11

Part II – Simulating a Center-Tapped Transformer

1. Build the circuit as shown in Figure 5.12 in Multisim Live:

TEE201/05 Electrical Circuits and Power July 2020

Figure 5.12

2. Select AC Power for the voltage source.

Figure 5.13

3. Double-click the AC Power to change its setting as shown below in Figure 5.14.

TEE201/05 Electrical Circuits and Power July 2020

Figure 5.14

4. Select the 1P2S transformer. Be sure to wire the middle two pins on the secondary
coil side together to make this a center-tapped transformer.
Note: This stands for 1 Primary 2 Secondary.

Figure 5.15

TEE201/05 Electrical Circuits and Power July 2020

5. Double-click the transformer to change its turn ratio as shown below in Figure 5.16.

Figure 5.16

6. Be sure to ground both sides of the circuit to ensure the correct voltage references.
7. Run a Transient Analysis to plot the voltage on both the primary coil and the
secondary coil on the same graph. We would like to see 5 cycles of the sinusoid.
Since its frequency is 60Hz, the period is 16.6ms. To see 5 cycles, we need a transient
simulation to run for 83.3ms.
8. Click Simulate> Analyses and simulation

Figure 5.17

9. Set the End Time to 0.0833s.

TEE201/05 Electrical Circuits and Power July 2020

Figure 5.18

10. Place voltage probes at the primary and secondary coil nodes so that we can examine
the output waveforms. Refer to Step 6 in Laboratory 4 on how to place the voltage
probes in the circuit.
11. Press Run.
12. The following figure should be appearing

Figure 5.19

TEE201/05 Electrical Circuits and Power July 2020

From the graph measure the following parameters for the primary and secondary by moving
the cursor:

1. VP

2. V P-P

3. Vrms

You should capture the generated results from Multism Live and present them in your
report. You may use “Print Screen” to capture your results. You must also include the
circuit diagrams that you have constructed from Multisim Live. Your report should
contain a short introduction, procedure, results, discussion and conclusion.

TEE201/05 Electrical Circuits and Power July 2020

Rubric for Assessing Lab Report

1 2 3 4 Total Score
Needs improvement Satisfactory Good Excellent Weightage
Introduction/ Very little Some introductory Introduction is Introduction complete 2.5 10
Pre-Lab background information, but nearly complete, and well-written; Example:
information provided still missing some missing some provides all necessary 4*2.5=10
or information is major points minor points background principles marks or
incorrect for the experiment 3*2.5=7.5
Experimental Most of the steps are Some of the steps Lists all steps in a Lists all steps in a 4.0 16
procedure/ missing are missing detailed detailed
Methodology Missing some of the Missing some of the Missing some of Contains all of the
relevant information relevant information the relevant relevant information
about the methods about the methods information about about the methods
used used the methods used. used
The procedures are The procedures are The procedures The procedures are
not in the proper not in the proper are clearly and clearly and
sequences sequences systematically systematically stated in
No circuit diagrams Circuit is designed stated in correct correct sequences
completely but no sequence. Circuit is designed
proper Circuit is designed completely as per
specifications completely with specifications
missing some of
the specification.
Results: Simulated results, Most simulated All simulated All simulated results, 8.0 32
Simulated graphs, tables contain results, graphs, results, graphs, graphs, tables are
results, figures, errors or are poorly tables are correctly tables are correctly correctly presented,
graphs, tables, presented, have presented, some still presented, but are numbered and
etc. missing titles, missing some some have minor contain titles/captions
captions or numbers, important or problems or could
units missing or required features still be improved
incorrect, etc
Discussion Very incomplete or Some of the results Almost all of the All important trends 7.5 30
incorrect have been correctly results have been and data comparisons
interpretation of interpreted and correctly have been interpreted
trends and discussed; partial interpreted and correctly and
comparison of data but incomplete discussed, only discussed, good
indicating a lack of understanding of minor understanding of
understanding of results is still improvements are results is conveyed
results evident needed
Conclusion No attempt was made Conclusion is Conclusion is Conclusion is excellent 3.0 12
to conclude. Lab derived from the good and derived and derived from the
questions were not simulated and from the simulated simulated and analysed
answered. analysed data but is and analysed data data and not from
not answering the and not from other other sources.
lab questions or sources and Conclusion clearly
objectives. directly answer the answers the lab
lab questions or questions or
objectives. objectives.
𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝑺𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒆
( × 𝟏𝟓%)
Remarks: Applicable for Lab 1-Lab 5


TEE201/05 Electrical Circuits and Power July 2020

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