NDT Level 2 in Leak - Testing
NDT Level 2 in Leak - Testing
NDT Level 2 in Leak - Testing
Leak Testing (LT)
16 to 28 April, 2015
Gavade Institute of Non‐Destructive Testing & Training (GINDT)
710/3A Ground Floor Phone No: +091‐831‐2484060, 4204060
1st Cross, Swami Vivekananda Road Fax No:+091‐831‐2469074
34 No Marathi Government School Bus Stop Mobile No:+091‐9632916690 (Belgaum)
Angol, Belgaum ‐ 590 006 Mobile No:+091‐9967581383 (Mumbai)
Karnataka State, India Email: [email protected]
Website: www.gindt.co.in
Gavade Institute of Non‐Destructive Testing & Training (GINDT)
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Leak Testing (LT)
Leak Testing (LT)
Leak Testing is used to detect through leaks using one of the four major LT techniques: Bubble,
Pressure Change, Halogen Diode and Mass Spectrometer Testing.
Bubble Leak Testing relies on the visual detection of a gas (usually air) leaking from a
pressurized system; Pressure Change Leak Testing can be performed on closed systems only‐‐
detection of a leak is done by either pressurizing the system or pulling a vacuum then
monitoring the pressure.
Pressure Change Testing
Pressure Change Testing can be performed on closed systems only. Detection of a leak is done
by either pressurizing the system or pulling a vacuum then monitoring the pressure. Loss of
pressure or vacuum over a set period of time indicates that there is a leak in the system.
Changes in temperature within the system can cause changes in pressure, so readings may have
to be adjusted accordingly.
Halogen Diode Leak Testing is done by pressurizing a system with a mixture of air and a
halogen‐based tracer gas‐‐ after a set period of time, a halogen diode detection unit, or
"sniffer", is used to locate leaks.
Mass Spectrometer Leak Testing can be done by pressurizing the test part with helium or a
helium/air mixture within a test chamber then surveying the surfaces using a sniffer, which
sends an air sample back to the spectrometer.
Gavade Institute of Non‐Destructive Testing & Training (GINDT)
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Course Content: Leak Testing (LT)
Principles theory
x Physical principles in leak testing
x Principles of gas flow
x Proper selection of LT as method of choice
x Leak testing standards
x Detector/instrument performance factors
x Vacuum pumps
x Bubble testing practices and techniques
x Absolute pressure testing equipment
x Absolute pressure hold testing of containers
x Absolute pressure leakage rate testing of containers
x Analysis of data for determination of accurate results
x Halogen testing equipment
x Helium mass spectrometer testing equipment
x Bubble test
x Pressure change/measurement test
x Halogen diode detector leak test
x Mass spectrometer leak testing
x Helium mass spectrometer vacuum testing by dynamic method
x Helium mass spectrometer vacuum testing by static method
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x Basic techniques and/or units
x Test materials and equipment effects
x Effects of temperature and other atmospheric conditions
x Calibration for testing
x Probing/scanning or measurement/monitoring
x Leak interpretation evaluation
x Acceptance and rejection criteria
Leak testing procedures
Leak testing specifications
Safety and Health
x Safety considerations
x Safety precautions
x Pressure precautions
x Safety devices
x Hazardous and tracer gas safety
x Types of monitoring equipment
x Safety
Leak Testing, as the name implies, is used to detect through leaks using one of the four major
LT techniques:
Bubble, Pressure Change, Halogen Diode and Mass Spectrometer Testing.
• Mass Spectrometer Testing
• Halogen Diode Detector Testing Method
• Bubble Leak Testing Method
• Pressure Change Measurement Testing Method
Vacuum Box Testing is normally and widely using for "New Tanks constructed" as per API‐650
Above Ground Storage Tanks or which Tanks are placed "in‐service" as per API‐653.
Bubble Leak Testing
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Bubble Leak Testing, as the name implies, relies on the visual detection of a gas (usually air)
leaking from a pressurized system. Small parts can be pressurized and immersed in a tank of
liquid and larger vessels can be pressurized and inspected by spraying a soap solution that
creates fine bubbles to the area being tested. For flat surfaces, the soap solution can be applied
to the surface and a vacuum box can be used to create a negative pressure from the inspection
side. If there are through leaks, bubbles will form, showing the location of the leak.
Pressure Change Testing
Pressure Change Testing can be performed on closed systems only. Detection of a leak is done
by either pressurizing the system or pulling a vacuum then monitoring the pressure. Loss of
pressure or vacuum over a set period of time indicates that there is a leak in the system.
Changes in temperature within the system can cause changes in pressure, so readings may have
to be adjusted accordingly.
Halogen Diode Testing or Halogen Diode Leak Detection (HDLD)
Halogen Diode Testing is done by pressurizing a system with a mixture of air and a Halogen‐
based tracer gas. After a set period of time, a halogen diode detection unit, or "sniffer", is used
to locate leaks.
Mass Spectrometer Testing or Mass Spectrometer Leak Detection (MSLD)
Mass Spectrometer Testing can be done by pressurizing the test part with helium or a Helium /
Air mixture within a test chamber then surveying the surfaces using a sniffer, which sends an air
sample back to the spectrometer. Another technique creates a vacuum within the test chamber
so that the gas within the pressurized system is drawn into the chamber through any leaks. The
mass spectrometer is then used to sample the vacuum chamber and any helium present will be
ionized, making very small amounts of helium readily detectable.
Vacuum Box Testing is normally and widely using for Tanks constructed as per API‐650 Above
Ground Storage Tanks
"NDT Level‐II/2 in Leak Testing" Training is conducted as per our Company Written Practice and
SNT‐TC‐1A Edition: 2011 (recommended by ASNT)
Gavade Institute of Non‐Destructive Testing & Training (GINDT)
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Attached details of LT‐2 for reference, there may be slightly changes as per ASNT‐SNT‐TC‐1A
Edition: 2011
Eminent faculty from reputed institutions and organizations.
This course is suitable for the novice NDT/ NDE professionals, practicing Engineers, Energy audit
professionals, maintenance, condition monitoring professional, researchers and QA personnel
who intend to carry out the Leak Testing into the field of Refrigeration System, Liquid Oxygen
Plant, Petrochemical Plant and Oil and Gas Refinery and the requirement mentioned in API‐570.
It is also ideal for the personnel already involved in Leak Testing as it would enhance their
understanding and sharpen their skills with respect to image processing and interpretation. The
course is also suitable for Supervisory personnel, In‐service Inspection personnel of Piping,
Quality Assurance and practicing NDE surveyors and Inspection Engineer.
Preparation of Leak Testing Procedure, understanding of Specific requirement of Leak Testing
application and Interpretation of ASME Section V Article 10, Leak Testing (Including Mandatory
Appendix I Bubble Test –Direct Pressure Technique):
The inspector should be familiar with and understand the general rules for applying and using
the leak testing method including, but not limited to the following:
a) The scope of Article 10,
b) General requirements such as but not limited to:
x Procedures
x Equipment
x Calibration
x Test
x Evaluation
c) Documentation and record keeping
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Rs. 16000/‐ + 12.36% = INR 17,978.00
Course fee includes course material and refreshments including lunch and delegates kit and
exam fee.
Amount in Word Rupees: Seventeen Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy Eight only
The mode of payment will be by local cheque or DD in favour of “Gavade Institute of Non‐
Destructive Testing & Training” Payable at Belgavi.
The course fee can also be directly wire transferred to bank. The person making direct payment
to bank please provides the payment details along with the registration form. The bank details
for E‐transfer are
Account Name: Gavade Institute of Nondestructive Testing & Training (GINDT)
A/C No.: 33892850593 (11 Eleven Digit)
Branch Code: 4160
IFSC Code: SBIN0004160
BELGAVI – 590 006
Karnataka State, INDIA
The course will be from 16 to 28 April, 2015
The examination will be conducted on 28th April, 2015
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Minimum Educational Qualification: Technical degree at least 2 years engineering or science,
Diploma in Mechanical Engineer.
Experience*: A minimum 24 months in the Leak Testing with above mentioned application in
the field Leak Rate measurement / condition monitoring. Process Industries and Petrochemical
Vision requirements: As per SNT‐TC‐1A Edition: 2011
J1 and J2 to e qualified at 12 inch distance and Color Blindness
The course will be conducted as per the guidelines provided in SNT‐TC‐1A. At the end of the
course, examination will be conducted and successful candidates will be awarded
“NDT Level‐II certificates in Leak Testing by GINDT.
*Candidates not meeting experience criteria can attend only the training. Examination for all
such candidates the will be conducted separately later after meeting the minimum experience
Participants who desire to attend the course are requested to first submit the qualification
documents (Educational, Eye certificate and Experience details) to Course Director.
Note: The last date for registration is 31st March, 2015.
Sunil B. Gavade
Gavade Institute of Non‐Destructive Testing & Training (GINDT)
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Training + Examination & Certification Course on Leak Testing (LT)
From: 16 to 28 February 2015
1. Name : _____________________________________________________________
2. Designation : _____________________________________________________________
3. Address for : _____________________________________________________________
Correspondence : _____________________________________________________________
______________________________ PIN
Tel. Off : ________________________ Res: ________________________________
Fax : ______________________E mail: ________________________________
4. Organization : _____________________________________________________________
Address : _____________________________________________________________
______________________________ PIN
Tel. Off : ____________________ Fax:___________________________
Email : _________________________________________________________
5. Fees* Leak Testing fees: Rs. 16,000/‐ + 12.36% = INR 17,978.00
Amount in Word Rupees: Seventeen Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy Eight only
*Fees shall be paid after approval from Course Director verifying candidate’s initial qualification
documents. For details refer section Eligibility Criteria and Registration of this brochure.
Enclosed DD/Cheque No.___________ Drawn on. ___________ Bank Name _______________
________________________________ Dated. ____________for Rs. _______________________
Cheque / DD to be drawn in favour of “Gavade Institute of Non‐Destructive Testing & Training (GINDT) ”
payable at Belgavi, Karnataka.
Please provide the E‐Transfer details on separate sheet, and attached to this filled form.
Date: Signature
Gavade Institute of Non‐Destructive Testing & Training (GINDT)
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