Wordsworth Graphic Organizer B

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Wordsworth Graphic Organizer B

Directions: Read each stanza of Wordsworth’s poem. Using what you learned in the lesson, analyze the poem
and fill in the graphic organizer with complete sentences.

● Diction: Identify at least ​two specific examples​ of diction that contribute to the tone. Explain the
connotation of each example.
● Effect: What is the tone? Is there a change in tone? Describe the resulting mood. Remember, mood
describes the emotional response in the reader, and tone describes the author’s attitude.
● Syntax: Does the poet use traditional syntax? Does the poet use a unique order of words, repeated
structure, or purposeful punctuation?
● Effect: How does the poet’s syntax affect the rhythm of this stanza? How does the rhythm influence the

Stanza Diction Effect: Tone and Mood Syntax Effect: Rhythm and


Wordsworth uses At first, the rhythm is

I wandered lonely as a cloud The phrase “lonely as a Initially, Wordsworth’s traditional syntax slow like the
cloud” has a negative tone in this stanza is in this stanza. He wandering cloud. The
That floats on high o'er vales connotation of being somber. His tone uses several list of phrases
and hills, alone, floating along by shifts to hopeful when phrases divided divided by commas
himself. The word he encounters the by commas to speeds up the
When all at once I saw a “dancing” to describe daffodils. The mood describe the rhythm, which
crowd, the daffodils has a shifts from melancholy daffodils. creates a happy,
positive connotation to joyful. joyful mood at the
A host, of golden daffodils; and creates an image end of the stanza.
of happy, carefree
Beside the lake, beneath the flowers.

Fluttering and dancing in the

The tone, or Wordsworth’s syntax
Continuous as the stars that “Continuous as the stars Wordsworth’s attitude, “Ten thousand affects the rhythm of
shine that shine and twinkle on is a dreamy and saw I at a the stanza. It helps
the milky way” shows a joyous feeling. He glance.” the stanza as a
And twinkle on the milky way, positive connotation contributes a tone Wordsworth uses whole flow smoothly,
because it compares two through his word and it creates a
a traditional
They stretched in things that are seen as
choice, which includes syntax. He uses unique way for the
majestic. Wordsworth
never-ending line positive words. This a unique readers to read. The
uses a positive word
choice and diction to can be seen when he sentence rhythm creates a
Along the margin of a bay: describes the swaying structure, and relaxed mood as
contribute to his tone. He
uses words like “twinkle” daffodils. He uses places the verb in well. The rhythm runs
Ten thousand saw I at a and “Sprightly” to show encouraged and front of the smoothly because
glance, his positivity. These words joyous words like there are not that
subject. The verb
help show his view on sprightly and danced. in the sentence is many commas that
Tossing their heads in a nature. The words twinkle This creates a relaxed cause a stop in the
saw, and the
sprightly dance. and sprightly hold a
mood. The subject is I. This reading, which also
positive connotation.
comparison creates a syntax helps the affects the relaxed
Twinkle is used as a verb
to show how the stars are relaxed mood, for it flow of the poem. mood.
on the Milky Way. This compares two stable
helps bring a joyous and nice things.
feeling to the comparison.
As with this, sprightly is
used as an adjective to
show how the daffodils
danced, or swayed back
and forth. It also brings a
joyful feeling to the
Wordsworth uses At first, Wordsworth Wordsworth’s syntax
The waves beside them diction to help show his uses a joyous tone to Wordsworth uses affects the rhythm.
danced; but they tone. He uses a show what he feels traditional syntax. He uses syntax in the
positive word choice to when he sees the He uses a unique last sentence of the
Out-did the sparkling waves in describe how he feels daffodils. He shows order of words in stanza, where he
glee: when he sees the the tone through his this stanza when talks about not
daffodils. “A poet could positive word choice, he says, “What knowing what the
A poet could not but be gay, not but be gay” He uses using words like wealth the show flower actually meant
this phrase to express jocound and gay. to me had to him. This creates a
In such a jocund company: how he feels when he There is a change in brought.” flow that connects
sees the thousands of tone towards the end the stanza as a
I gazed—and gazed—but little flowers. The word gay of the stanza when whole, and creates a
thought holds a positive Wordsworth says how calming mood. Even
connotation which he didn’t realize how Though the last part
What wealth the show to me shows how he feels important the flower of the stanza is a bit
had brought:
joyful and how his was. The tone shifts more saddening, the
mood is lifted when he to a more challenging syntax is a way for
sees the flowers. “What tone which questions the mood to remain
wealth the show to me Wordworth’s thoughts. constant.
had brought.” This The mood in this
phrase creates a shift in stanza remains
the word choice to constant, as a
create a negative peaceful mood. The
connotation. This is way Wordsworth
because he shows how writes how he didn’t
he didn’t realize what acknowledge how he
the flower actually was clueless about
meant to him. the flower is written in
a way that the mood
stays calm.
Wordsworth uses his Wordsworth uses a Wordsworth Wordsworth’s syntax
For oft, when on my couch I diction to create a shift contrasting tone in uses traditional affects the rhythm of
lie in the tone. “In vacant this last stanza. He syntax in this this stanza, for it
or in pensive mood.” In starts off by having a stanza as well. makes the stanza
In vacant or in pensive mood, this phrase, he uses dark tone to describe He uses a unique flow better. The way
vacant and pensive to what he feels at times, order of words he describes the
They flash upon that inward show a negative which is a depressing when he says, thought of daffodils
eye connotation, which mood. He then “And then my helps the poem run
shows how he feels transitions to when heart with smoothly. As with
Which is the bliss of solitude; lonely and depressed at the thought of the pleasure fills.” He this, the syntax
times. The word choice daffodils fill his head, also uses a continues when he
And then my heart with then shifts when he and he feels purposeful shows his pleasure,
pleasure fills, talks about the thought lighthearted, and his sentence which allows for the
of the daffodils. “And heavy mood is lifted. structure when rhythm to flow
And dances with the daffodils. then my heart with This then brings a he says, “They smoothly to the end
pleasure fills...” This positive tone showing flash upon that of the whole poem.
phrase shows the shift joy. This transition inward eye.” This The rhythm
in the diction. He uses between tone is so gives a dramatic influences the mood
words like heart and important because it effect to when he to be exciting, for it
pleasure to bring a ties the whole poem thinks about the helps create this
positive connotation to together. Hence, there daffodils. dramatic affect. It
show how the flowers is an exciting mood also adds this calm
are a savior to him. because the reader mood from the word
feels this suspense to choice as well.
feel what Wordsworth
learns. The last
stanza is left off with
him describing how he
didn’t understand the
impact of the flowers,
which also helps add
on to the mood.

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