ECX4230 - Assignment # 3 - 2010 Due Date: See Activity Diary

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ECX4230 – Assignment # 3 – 2010

Due date: See activity diary

Answer all questions.

1. Consider the amplifier shown in Figure-Q1. The transistors Q1, Q2 and Q3 are of
high gain type while the current gain of Q4 is 50.
+ 12 V
R3 R4 470
8.2 K 8.2 K C1 330 K 5
+ Vo
1 IX 10 uF

Vin Q1 Q2
2 6

R1 R2 R9 + C2
10 K 10 K 220 100uF

ZD1 R6
4.7 V 1k
2.2 k
- 12 V

Figure - Q1

(a) Calculate IX and the test point voltages at no signal. Do not assume any
voltage for a test point.
(b) A sine wave signal of 1kHz with 145mV amplitude is applied to the input.
Sketch the output signal with the input to a common time scale. Mark the
time and voltage values where necessary.
(c) Following table shows the test point voltages under fault conditions.
Identify the faulty component/s with fault type giving reasons.

case 1 2 3 4 5 6
A 4.56 0 -7.30 -12.0 4.00 3.96
B 0.50 -0.60 -7.30 -7.90 12.0 0
C 0.70 -0.60 -7.30 -7.90 12.0 0.10
D 0.70 -0.60 -7.30 -7.90 0 0.10

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2. (a) State the use and limitations of a logic probe.
(b) Consider the digital circuit shown in Figure-Q2.
+ 5V


cl cl cl R1
A R2
J J J b
A B C R3
B c
Input d
C R5
K K K R6
D f
IC1 IC2 IC3 g
+5V IC4 IC5

(i) Show the operation of the components IC1, IC4 and IC5 with the aid of
tables using inputs and outputs.
(ii) After ‘S’ is pressed, positive pulses of 5V are given to the input. Tabulate
the binary states of A, B, C, D and the output of IC5 with each clock
(iii) State the faulty component/s for the following fault cases giving fault type
with reasons.
case output of IC5
A 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, ……
B 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, ……
C 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, ……
(iv) In a fault case, a logic probe blinks at A, B and C while the output of IC5
is always ‘3’. State how the logic probe can be used further to determine
the exact faulty component.
(v) If the resistor R is open, explain the operation of the circuit.

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3. A transistor amplifier used at high frequencies is shown in Figure-Q3(a). The dc
current gain of the transistor is 75 and the model of the device is shown in Figure-
+12 V

R3 5.06 u H 75
15 k load
C2 5:1
input 1 50 pF
3 c
2 R
120 gm Vbe
2.7 k
0V e


(i) Find the base current, the collector current and the test point voltages at no
(ii) Calculate the signal frequency, at which the output signal will be
(iii) Calculate the voltage gain at the frequency found in (ii). Hence find
the amplitude of the signal at the load if the input signal is 10mV. The
value of g m
is 324 and the value of R is not given intentionally.
(iv) Find the faulty component/s giving fault type with reasons for the
following faults.

case 1 2 3 other
A 0.061 0.661 12.00 no output
B 11.00 11.60 12.00 -do-
C 0.061 0.661 0 -do-
a range of high frequencies
D 0.985 1.585 12.00
is amplified.

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4. Consider the circuit shown in Figure-Q4. The current gain of the transistors is 50.

+10 V

R1 R3 R9
10 k 2.7k 1.5 k
6.8k out put
3 7
TR1 4.7 uF TR2

2 5

R4 6
R2 R7
12 k 1.5 k
R8 +
R5 C4
+ 470
3.9k 100uF

(i) Calculate the test point voltages at no signal. Do not assume any voltage
for the output.
(ii) For a input signal having an amplitude of 2.5mV, the output observed has
an amplitude of 2.5V. Find signal amplitude and the phase at the test point
(iii) Following table shows observations under fault situations. Find the faulty
component/s giving fault type and reasons for your answers.

case 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 other
A 5.348 4.748 7.071 4.316 0 0 10.00 no output
B 6.737 6.137 6.237 5.579 1.748 1.148 6.408 no output
C 2.737 2.137 10.00 1.943 1.748 1.148 6.408 no output
D 5.348 4.748 7.071 4.316 1.748 1.148 6.408 no output

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