Project Naming Conventions & Organizational: Guidelines
Project Naming Conventions & Organizational: Guidelines
Project Naming Conventions & Organizational: Guidelines
Document Ref
Version: 1.0.0
Document approval constitutes affirmation by the originators of this document that its
contents are correct and validated to the best of their abilities.
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Document acceptance constitutes affirmation by the customers of this document that its
contents meet agreed requirements, and may be used by other parties as valid input.
Name Position
Ms I Mabaso Project Leader
Ms P Lekgau Project Manager
Ms G Maboa Project Assistant
Mr J E Esser System Developer
Mr J de Bruyn System Developer
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Table of Content
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1. Purpose of the document
2. File server
The File server can be accessed from computers connected to the domain directly on-
site. One can access the server by pointing explorer to \\\data\
<-project_name-> or by going to the START Menu > Run > Open:
\\\data\ <-project_name-> .
portfolio portfolio
Contains DGLH logos, style guides, branding, identity and marketing materials.
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development teams.
Contains installation files for various programs. Please contact the network administrator
to obtain a license for your computer.
Contains Project Data used by Project managers, including legal agreements, project
plans, budgets and schedules and statements of work. Project Plan file will follow a strict
save as procedure with the following format ->project name<-
<-_project_plan_ddmmyyyy.mpp example as follows pmt_project_plan_18012009.mpp.
Contains project files used by the creative and technology teams, such as Photoshop files,
Flash files, documentation and client assets.
Development files
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3. Project_files directory structure and naming convention
A well organized folder structure with clear naming conventions is critical for internal and
client communications. This reduces errors, distractions and duplication of efforts. It is
the responsibility of all team members to ensure organization on-the-fly so things are
organized and labeled properly at all times and should not be put off for later, or for
someone else. This document is designed to resolve some of the following common
issues and is largely based on common sense. This document should be able to answer
these questions:
I need to upload the latest build, but I don’t know what’s needed and what’s not.
• Where is the latest comp? I need to send this out ASAP to the client!
• Where can I find the latest spec document so I can update it?
• Where is the latest QA spreadsheet with all revisions so I can add new comments?
• Which one is newer? The PSD or the ZIP with the same filename?
Once inside the <-project_name-> folder, the user should ALWAYS comply with the
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version control and naming conventions stipulated in this document.
Projects Files root for website
->project_name<- /webdev/includes/attachments
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The file naming convention should be simple, logical, intuitive and straight to the point.
Projects often require file dependencies where spaces in filenames and case sensitivity
can be an issue. Therefore the webdev/->project_name<- folder for all projects
have unique requirements:
• All required for launch sub folders are all lower case, and spaces are defined with “_”
• Only deployment files are to be organized in logical folders. ActionScript class files
(.as) should not be posted, nor should be FLAs, PSDs or other source files.
singleword.filetype – webdev/->project_name<-
• main.php
• home.swf
• gadgets.html
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mulitiple_object_action.filetype – webdev/->project_name<-
• quotations_print_list.php
• quotations_print_view.php
• quotations_print_delete.php
Developers and user should at all times, before opening a file to develop, save the file in the
same folder with an a_filename.file extension.
• The file you wish to change is - quotations_print_list.php
• You need to change the file to the following – a_quotations_print_list.php
Some date sensitive documents, such as QA reports should have the date attached to the
end, in addition to a revision number:
• ClientName_ProjectName_ddmmyyyy_v1.XLS
(example: charter_pmt_21012009_v1.xls)
5.1 Commenting
Please note that any core file will have a comment as follows in it, do not
change core files as this will cause unnecessary testing, errors and
* this is a CORE FILE
All php files should be created with the following comment at the top of the page in the
same format as shown below
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* Author: JM de Bruyn
* Creation Date: 2009-01-22
* Version: 1.0
* Pages Role: Queries DB for reports pass dead line and
* emails the correct managers a reminder
* Date Changed: 2009-01-22
* Changed By: Jonty Esser
* Reason for change: Call new function and include new file email.php
The following is and example of the standard method to comment within the php code.
Statements like “if, elseif and while” ect should be commented in the following format
Before starting a new section within the code the following comment format should be
$THEloopAMOUNT += 1;
$DOx += 1;
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Example CODE END
Changes to the version numbers after the decimal 1.0010 will illustrate a minor or
working change, and should be explained in the comment section under the topic
Reason for change:
Additionally any major change and or bug fix that is required will change the first
number after the decimal 1.0100 and should be explained in the comment section under
the topic Reason for change: with an addition to the beginning of the comment with
major change or bug fix then detailed explanation. E.g. Reason for change: Bug Fix –
Query selected user id and should select user name from database corrected and tested.
If the file exists and the developer wishes to change the file, the developer should create
a copy the file in the same folder and rename the file with an o_filename.php. The o_
prefix stands for original file. Additionally the developer that creates the o_ file needs to
add a comment in the comment block that he is working on the file and date.
For example -
* Author: JM de Bruyn
* Creation Date: 2009-01-22
Page 11
* Version: 1.0
* Pages Role: Queries DB for reports pass dead line and
* emails the correct managers a reminder
* Date Changed: 2009-01-22
* Changed By: Jonty Esser
* Reason for change: Call new function and include new file
* email.php
* Opened by: Jody de Bruyn
* Date Opened: 2009-01-23
If an o_ file exists for a file that you wish to do work in the developer needs to open the
file to see in the comments who is working on the file and get permission from that
developer. No file is to be deleted.
Back Up
A back-ups should be done every day of both shared folders, this should be a scheduled
task that needs to be setup by the server administrator.
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