Current Semester Documentation
Current Semester Documentation
Current Semester Documentation
Design Document
Team: DISC Project: Judicial Database Systems Date: 7 October 2011
Design Document
1 Table of Contents
1 2 3 Table of Contents........................................................................................................................... 2 Revision History ............................................................................................................................ 3 Project Charter ............................................................................................................................... 4
3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Description of the Community Partner ............................................................................................ 4 Stakeholders ............................................................................................................................................ 4 Project Objectives .................................................................................................................................. 4 Outcomes/Deliverables.......................................................................................................................... 5 Team Member ......................................................................................................................................... 5 Current Status and Location on Overall Project Timeline.......................................................... 6 Goals for the Semester .......................................................................................................................... 6 Semester Timeline .................................................................................................................................. 7 Semester Budget ..................................................................................................................................... 7
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2 Revision History
Date Author Revisions Made
Steven Kalacinski
Updated info
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3 Project Charter
3.1 Description of the Community Partner
The Project partner is The Tippecanoe County Probation Office. The overall mission of the project partner is to provide necessary services to the offender, as ordered by the court, aimed toward reducing criminal/delinquent behavior and to enhance the safety of the community. Our main contact is Kipp Scott, the Chief Parole Officer. His role is to investigate and supervise offenders whom the courts have conditionally released to the community on probation, parole or supervised release. Kipp and all the members using the system are likely to benefit directly from the project. Kipps role in supervision will be a lot more efficient and the information he uses will be a lot more secure, which are direct benefits from the project. The new system will also allow for more records to be entered, and easier navigation in a much more secure way by using SSL Technologies. This project will also be web accessible and thus the information can be retrieved at any time as per his convenience. On the other hand, individuals whose records are stored or have cases may indirectly benefit due to faster searches and better data security and integrity by ensuring that there information is secure. The parolee benefits from our project because of shortened wait times due to information being readily available. In addition, their sensitive information is more secure with the use of SSL Technologies in contrast to the current system that does not have any kind of security in place. While the Probation office is the final recipient for the outcomes, Kipp will serve as the representative to collect outcomes/deliverables.
The project encompasses several stakeholders. The primary stakeholder and direct user will be the Tippecanoe County Parole Officers. The Parole Office is also a stakeholder because our product will allow for quick access to the database, making the Parole Office function more efficiently. Non-primary stakeholders include the parolees and their families because this new system will speed up the long process they have to go through to be released. Lastly, Purdue University is a stakeholder because they strive to benefit their surrounding community.
Project Objectives
Currently the Parole office is using an unsecure and out of date system to track and store all of their parole information. In order for the Parole Office to continue to provide the necessary services to the offender and supervise the offenders while they get released, they need a new system to track the parolee information. To solve this problem our team will create a web accessible database driven system that utilizes security features such as SSL and provides a quicker and more efficient way of searching and accessing the database. It will permit the project partners to enter, query and modify information about a parolee at any given point via a computer and connection to the Internet. Furthermore, this project is a logical continuation of a previous project we delivered. In addition, the platform will be more manageable and we will
Design Document
update to MySQL software to handle larger amounts of data the Parole Office will need to handle in the near future.
The final project result will be a system that will utilize the .NET platform while employing SSL security. Currently we are targeting the beta release this semester. The beta release will encompass the entire project functionally. This will include all the tabs up to date, working with SSL, and queries being correctly executed. Also, this will include a error reporting system. This system will be implemented in order for the parole officers to give us feedback about glitches and bugs that appear while they are using our program, allowing us to easily identify, and fix the problems. The Final release will be a web accessible database utilizing the .NET platform with SSL security. The final version will comprise of 8 fully functioning tabs that the project partner requested. Each tab will be similar to the previous version to simplify training and the transition over to a new system. There will also be 3 different levels of users, user, power user, and admin. A user will be able to view the data, a power user can view and modify data, and the admin can create new users, view data, and modify data. Finally our team will help the parole office connect and run our program on their server, so they will be able to easily host this web accessible database.
4 Semester Documentation
1. 2. 3. 4.
Team Member
Marc Brouillette Naputt Areethamsirikul Farrukh Yakubov Steven Kalacinski Project leader, Back End Designer Middle End Designer Webmaster, Middle End Designer Project liaison, Front End Designer
Design Document
Currently, we are near the end of the design and construction phase. Right now we have four tabs completed, the Profile, Legal/court Info, Case Notes, and the Drug Screen tab. Currently, we are working on completing the functionality of the remaining tabs, creating the ability to delete a profile, and the functionality of mail merge, a way to easily create and print documents about the parolee. One we are done with that, we will move onto the debugging phase to find and fix any errors in the program. Before the semester ends, we plan on delivering the beta version to our project partner, which would move us into the delivery phase. The beta version will have all eight tabs completed and functional. We want this delivered, so the parole officers can start giving us feedback and we can continue to fix bugs while the parole officers acclimate themselves to the new system.
Our goals are tentative for this semester and might change once we meet with our project partner. Deliver beta version Debug beta version Create a feedback system for debugging beta version Complete functionality of remaining tabs Get mail merge function working Create ability to delete profile Make the database visually pleasing and functional
Design Document
Semester Timeline
October 7:
Task(s) to be Completed / Checkpoints Finish Probation Tab, and repair MailMerge and Implement Delete Function. Begin Reports tab. Finish Reports tab; begin intensive internal debugging of all features. Contact project partner about the specifics of delivery of the beta. Prep for delivery and/or deliver beta version. Preparing the error report form, final alpha testing/debugging. Debug using beta feedback Start extra feature; error report tab. Debug using beta feedback Extra features: Continue error report, begin search results
November 11: Debug using beta feedback Extra features: Remove power user account November 18: Debug using beta feedback November 25: Debug using beta feedback Begin preparing documentation. December 2: Finishing preparing documentation for the next team.
Semester Budget
We will need $200 for the purchase of a certificate for SSL. We will need to purchase this before the Delivery of the Beta version.