Introduction To Goat Reproduction: Animal Science
Introduction To Goat Reproduction: Animal Science
Introduction To Goat Reproduction: Animal Science
Program FSA9607
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
Introduction to
Goat Reproduction
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, United States Department of Agriculture, and County Governments Cooperating
DOE (female) Male Anatomy
The buck’s reproductive anatomy is shown in
Vertebral Column Figure 2. Bucks possess a structure called a
filiform appendage which is an extension of the
urethra beyond the end of the penis. The urethra
Rectum is the duct which carries urine or sperm out of the
buck’s body. The penis is the organ of copulation
which allows the buck to deposit semen into the
Vagina vagina of the doe. It is covered by the prepuce, a
fold of skin that protects the penis. The accessory
Pelvis sex glands, including the ampullae, seminal vesi
cles, prostate and bulbourethral glands, secrete
Cervix fluids into the urethra during ejaculation. These
Uterus fluids contain sugars to nourish the sperm, buffers
Ovary to prevent rapid changes in pH and other chemi
cals that serve to protect and propel the sperm out
Femur of the urethra and into the vagina.
The ampullae are found at the terminus of the
FIGURE 1- Anatomy of the Doe�s reproductive tract, vas deferens. The vas deferens is the duct that
courtesy of NSM Trade & Investment, drawing by Nagui leads from the testis to the urethra. When the
Henein from Anatomy and Physiology of the Goat,
veterinarian performs a vasectomy, the vas defer
Agfact A7.0.3, 2004, 2nd edition- ens are the ducts he cuts to make a “teaser buck”
infertile. The vas deferens is connected to the tail
of the epididymis. The epididymis is a large, wind
ing tubule that can be felt on the side of the testis.
Sperm cells that have been produced in the testis
undergo a series of maturational steps as they pass
BUCK (male)
from the head of the epididymis and through the
body of the epididymis to the tail of the epididymis
where they are stored. The testis (plural testes) is
Prostate Gland the site where sperm are manufactured and male
steroids, especially testosterone, are produced. The
Seminal Vesicles scrotum is the pouch of skin that houses and pro
tects the testes. The scrotum helps regulate the
Ampulla temperature of the testes by raising them closer to
the body or lowering them away from the body.
Sperm production cannot occur in the buck at or
above normal internal body temperature. This is of
Sigmoid Flexure special concern to goat producers who live in hotter
climates if the external temperature rises above
Vas Deferens
103 degrees F for extended periods and the goats
cannot cool themselves.
Urethral Process
Puberty is defined in myriad ways by
Penis Scrotum researchers, but for the purposes of most producers
Epididymis puberty can be thought of as the time at which a
goat, male or female, is capable of initiating a
pregnancy. Puberty in goats can be affected by
nutrition, season of birth and breed. Poor nutrition
FIGURE 2- Anatomy of the Buck�s reproductive tract, delays puberty. Kids born in the spring will be
courtesy of NSM Trade & Investment, drawing by Nagui younger at puberty than kids born in the fall. In
Henein from Anatomy and Physiology of the Goat, Agfact general, however, puberty in goats occurs between
A7.0.3, 2004, 2nd edition- 4 and 6 months of age. Does should not be bred
until they have reached at least 60 to 70 percent of
their mature weight to avoid problems at kidding.
Young bucks should be used sparingly since they
have not finished growing. Bucks often lose weight
during the breeding season, and young bucks could
become infertile if they are overused.
Goats are seasonal breeders. This can be a
disadvantage when trying to produce kids for specific
holiday markets as it can be difficult to breed goats
when you must. For goats, the breeding season occurs
during the period of the year when the days are
short, fall and winter. As the days grow longer in the
spring, then throughout the summer, reproductive
activity slows or halts. Seasonality is not absolute.
Some breeds, like Savannas and Myotonic goats, are
less responsive to seasonal patterns and will breed
throughout the year. Others are highly seasonal and
exhibit little reproductive activity when the days
lengthen. There can also be quite a bit of variability
in response to season among individuals within a
breed. Latitude also plays a role in seasonality. The FIGURE 3- Buck exhibiting the curled lip and wrinkled
farther north you are, the less likely your goats are to nose typical of the Flehmen response-
breed when days lengthen. The farther south you are,
the more likely your goats will exhibit at least some
reproductive activity during the summer months. Pregnancy
Estrus and Male Mating Behavior Does typically release more than one ovum
during or shortly after estrus. What causes twinning
Does in estrus exhibit a number of characteristic in does is not completely clear, but good nutrition,
behaviors. Does may become quite vocal when they age of the doe and breed are a few of the factors that
are in estrus. They have been reported to bleat very are thought to contribute to twinning. There is a
loudly or moan. Does will wag their tails frequently, genetic component to twinning, and does that do not
stop eating or at least reduce their feed intake and produce twins should be culled from the herd. The
attempt to find a buck. They may attempt to mount ova are fertilized by sperm cells and begin dividing as
other does and will stand to be mounted by does that they continue down the oviduct to the uterus. The
attempt to ride them. Does may not exhibit all of the developing embryos implant in the uterus by the
behaviors listed, and under adverse conditions, such eighteenth day after mating. This is the period dur
as extreme heat or at the beginning of the breeding ing which the vast majority of failed pregnancies
season, may not exhibit any signs at all. The vulva occur. Miscommunication between the doe and
may become swollen, reddened and may appear embryos causes the doe to terminate the pregnancy
moist, dirty or muddy because of vaginal discharge. and return to estrus, giving the appearance that
In the presence of a buck, the doe in estrus will stand conception never occurred.
to be mounted. Does that are not in estrus will
Pregnancy in goats tends to be a quiet period
attempt to escape mounting attempts by the buck
during which you may not feel you have much to do.
or other does. Standing estrus in does usually lasts
But does entering the last third of pregnancy face
for 24 hours, and ovulation occurs during the latter
high nutritional demands because of rapid fetal
portion of estrus or soon afterward.
growth. This is a critical time for you to manage your
does’ nutrition because their nutritional needs nearly
Bucks will sniff and lick the vulva of does in an
double. However, they are often unable to consume
attempt to determine their breeding status. The buck
large quantities of feed because there is not enough
will often raise his head and curl his lip in a behavior
space in their abdomens for both developing fetuses
called the Flehmen (pronounced FLAYmen, Figure 3)
and more feed. For this reason, the quality of the feed
response. Bucks will often test a doe’s receptivity by
must be higher. Unfortunately, the increased nutri
kicking at her side with his foreleg and licking or bit
tional demand usually occurs during winter when the
ing across her back and shoulders. The buck will
cost of feeding your does is higher.
attempt to mount the doe, and if she stands, copula
tion will occur very quickly. Copulation in goats usu The udder is also preparing for milk production.
ally lasts less than two minutes, but they will often Udder growth and fluid production in the udder
mate several times while the doe is in estrus. Bucks begins about seven to ten weeks before birth. Proper
must be carefully monitored during the breeding nutrition and good health care during pregnancy will
season, especially young bucks, because they spend
result in heavier kids at birth and improved milk
so much of their time mating that they fail to eat. production. Heavier kids survive better than light
Bucks can lose up to 25 pounds over the course of the weight kids at birth, and better milk production will
breeding season. help your kids to grow rapidly.
Late pregnancy is an excellent time to prepare for after birth. Colostrum is critically important to
the upcoming kidding season. One of the most over newborn kids, and you should make sure your kids
looked preparations is contacting your veterinarian. suckle and receive colostrum within the first 24
Spring tends to be a busy period for vets, and taking hours after birth, preferably the first two to four
the time now to establish plans with your vet for your hours. Colostrum is high in immunoglobulins, or
kidding season will pay dividends when the kids start antibodies. Colostrum provides kids with a temporary
to arrive. Check your kidding kit and replace items immune system that will protect your kids against
that are damaged, contaminated, expired or used up. disease until their own immune system is capable of
Check to see if you have any frozen colostrum in your making antibodies. Vaccinating your does 30 days
freezer and be prepared to collect fresh colostrum for before kidding will boost the production of antibodies
freezing if needed. Clean out the kidding shed, check in the colostrum and better protect your kids against
heating lamps and put down fresh bedding. disease. Milk production increases until about the
fifth week after kidding, then declines until about
Kidding week eight. Milk production will usually decline grad
ually and modestly from week eight until weaning.
Kidding will begin about 150 days after mating.
You can observe changes in your does as their due Summary
dates near. The ligaments connecting the hip bones
will begin to become more pliant and stretch. This Reproductive failure is the single most costly
will create hollowing of the hips. The udder will begin problem facing livestock producers today. The goat’s
to swell and fill with fluid. The color of the fluid will reproductive system is a complex biological system
change from honeycolored to milky, and it may drip designed to produce and nourish the next generation
from the teats as birth becomes imminent. The vulva of goats. While there are many points at which
may swell and have a mucus discharge. The doe successful reproduction can be impaired, proper
may become restless, kick or butt her sides and management of your goats will reduce or eliminate
stop eating. the likelihood of failure. Good nutrition, adequate
facilities, health and veterinary care, and knowledge
Kidding, or parturition, begins with dilation of of the reproductive system are the initial criteria for
the cervix and contractions of the uterus. The doe’s successful reproduction on your goat farm.
water will usually break during this period, which
can last for several hours. The next phase of parturi References
tion is fetal expulsion. The kids enter the birth canal Fleet, I. R., J. A. Goode, M. H. Hamon, M. S. Laurie, J. L.
and are quickly pushed through. If the doe has not Linzell and M. Peaker. 1975. Secretory activity of goat
managed to expel the kids within an hour after mammary tissue during pregnancy and the onset of
hooves become visible, she will need your assistance
lactation. J. Physiol. 251:763773.
Goat reproduction, puberty and sexual maturity, www
or the help of a veterinarian. If something other than Accessed December 13, 2011.
hooves appear in the birth canal, you should call Guillomot, M., P. Reinaud, C. La Bonnardière and
your veterinarian immediately. Finally, the fetal G. Charpigny. 1998. Characterization of conceptus
membranes, or afterbirth, will be expelled. This can produced goat interferon tau and analysis of its temporal
and cellular distribution during early pregnancy.
require several hours as well. The entire process from J. Reprod. Fert. 112:149156.
start to finish can take up to 12 hours. In most cases, Imwalle, D. B., and L. S. Katz. 2004. Development of sexual
does will not require assistance and kidding will behavior over several serving capacity tests in male goats.
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Reproduction in farm animals, 7th ed. B. Hafez, E. S. E. Hafez.
Whether you are raising dairy goats or meat 2000. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD.
goats, milk production by your does is critically Sheep and goat medicine. David G. Pugh ed. 2002. Saunders,
Philadelphia, PA.
important to your herd’s productivity. The udder Wilde, C. J., A. J. Henderson and C. H. Knight. 1986.
begins secreting colostrum when the kids are born, Metabolic adaptations in goat mammary tissue during
but converts to milk production within a few days pregnancy and lactation. J. Reprod. Fert. 76:289298.
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Printed by University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service Printing Services.
DR. DAVID FERNANDEZ is Extension livestock specialist with the Issued in furtherance of Extension work, Act of September 29, 1977, in
1890 Cooperative Extension Program and is located at the University of cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Dr. James O.
Arkansas at Pine Bluff. Garner Jr., Dean/Director, 1890 Research and Extension Programs,
Cooperative Extension Program, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff.
The University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff School of Agriculture, Fisheries
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