Female Reproductive Organs, Menstrual Cycles, and Fertilization
Female Reproductive Organs, Menstrual Cycles, and Fertilization
Female Reproductive Organs, Menstrual Cycles, and Fertilization
organs, menstrual
cycles, and fertilization
1. Desi Ayuningsih 180103021
2. Diah Tri Anggraini 180103023
3. Ririn Wahyu Utami 180103087
Female reproductive organs
Eksternal Internal
Function Female reproductive organs
majora clitoris urethra
Is protecting the internal Which is to stimulate and Is to transport urine
organs of the vagina, while stimulate women ftom the bladder to
preventing vaginal opening the external
other than sexual activity chamber.
Is to protect the vaginal Is as a birth canal for babies Is storing faeces for a while, telling the
opening from small objects during labor and where blood brain to defecate immediately, and
that can enter the female comes out during helping to encourage faeces during
urinary tract, such as insects menstruation. bowel movements.
or dirt.
As a from of the boundary of
To catch mature ovum cells
the uterus and also to guard
released by the ovaries.
the uterine wall to be to attach
to each other by creating a
OVARY barrier fluid.
Secrete steroid hormones and
peptides such as estrogen and
progesterone. MYOMETRIUM
To do a separation on the
supravaginal part of the cervix
VAGINA CERVIX in the bladder.
Is as a birth canal for babies Is a barrier to bacteria that enter the
during labor and where blood uterus and mucus produced by the
comes out during cervical gland can keep sperm alive for
menstruation. 2-3 day
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Menstrual cycle
Is the entire uterine lining that is prepared for pregnancy. If
there is no egg fertilization by sperm cells, women will
experience menstrual processes every month. Owever, each
woman has a different cycle.
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The oocyte is normally fertilised in
the fallopian tubes, and by the time it Content Here
reaches the uterus, 5 days later, it has You can simply impress your
audience and add a unique zing
already formed a blastocyst (see and appeal to your Presentations.
Easy to change colors, photos and
embryogenesis Text.
Although many sperm can reach the egg, and bind to
it, normally ony one sperm fuses with the plasma
membrane of the egg, and injects its nucleus. The
surface of the egg is covered with fine microvilli,
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which interact with the sperm, by clustering, and
elongating to hold the sperm firmly in position. A
protein called fertilin is important in the subsequent
fusion of the egg and sperm plasma membranes, but
the exact mechanism is still unclear.
The sperm contributes more DNA than the egg to the zygote, as well as the centriole
(Unfertilised human eggs do not have a centriole). The centriole is important for forming
the spindle. It replicates to form the first mitotic spindle in the zygote.
After this first division, the zygote then proceeds on to the process of forming an
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