Rome Gains Consolidates Maintains Power

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Chris Weber

Course: Global I Date: 12/2/19

Grade 9 Topic: ​How did Rome Gain, Consolidate, and Maintain power?


Key Idea:


Classical civilizations in Eurasia and Mesoamerica employed a variety of methods to
expand and maintain control over vast territories. They developed lasting cultural
achievements. Both internal and external forces led to the eventual decline of these
empires.(Standards: 2, 3, 5; Themes: MOV, TCC, GEO, GOV, CIV)

Key Concepts:

9.3b Empires used belief systems, systems of law, forms of government, military forces,
and social hierarchies to consolidate and expand power.


Gathering, Using and Interpreting Evidence (A2, A3, A5, A6, A7)
Comparison and Contextualization (C5, C6)
Geographic Reasoning (D1, D2, D5)

Craft and Structure:

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.9-10.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as
they are used in a text, including vocabulary describing political, social, or economic
aspects of history/social science.
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas:
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.9-10.7: Integrate quantitative or technical analysis (e.g.,
charts, research data) with qualitative analysis in print or digital text.

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.9-10.9: Compare and contrast treatments of the same topic

in several primary and secondary sources.
Text Types & Purposes:
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.WHST.9-10.1: Write arguments focused on discipline-specific
Comprehension and Collaboration:
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.9-10.1: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of
collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners
on grades 9-10 topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their
own clearly and persuasively.

After students answer the question, “How do empires gain, consolidate, and maintain
power? Provide examples from the course thus far.” students will work in pairs to
analyze, discuss, and answer questions on the documents, “Roman Roads,” and “The
Punic Wars.” Afterwards, the students will elicit the notes in a Google Slides Presentation
and then finish the lesson by answering the question, ​“How did Rome gain, consolidate,
and maintain power?”
DEVELOPMENTAL PROCEDURES (*Engaging the learner)
1. The following question will be posed and discussed as a class, “How do empires
gain, consolidate, and maintain power? Provide examples we have covered in
class. ”(5 minutes).
-Could be through conquest, their policies and mindset, and strategy. Shi Huangdi
with his emphasis on law and security, Ashoka through his conquest and then his
acceptance and tolerant leadership.
Transition:​ ​This ties into the major theme of today’s lesson, as we discover and examine
how the Romans gained, consolidated, and maintained power.

2. Students will be placed in groups of four/five to read, analyze, discuss and answer
questions on in their packet containing the documents, ​The Punic Wars and Roman
Roads. ​Students will use the information in the documents to fill out their graphic
organizer entitled, ​How did Rome gain, consolidate, and maintain power?(15 minutes).
1. What Roman policy had changed by 265bc? Why?
-By 265BC, the Roman army was big enough to defeat anything it faced, so Rome
stopped making citizens of the people it conquered. Newly conquered lands became
provinces of the Roman Republic and were forced to pay tribute to the city.
2. What caused the first Punic War?
The first Punic War was fought over Sicily, an island in the Mediterranean Sea off the
southwest coast of the Italian peninsula. Carthage controlled Sicily, and in 265BC, Sicily
was richer than any other land in the area. It was a perfect target for the Roman army.
The Romans won the First Punic War and forced Carthage to give up control of Sicily.
3. How did the Punic Wars help the Romans gain, consolidate, or maintain power?
Explain using evidence from the document?
-Gained by acquiring Sicily and more land, Maintained by winning the second war and
holding off Carthage’s attacks, Maintained and Consolidated by completely destroying
1. What does the fact that the Romans were able to build and construct these roads
tell you about the Roman Empire?
-They were skilled, ambitious, and strategical. They had the intelligent planners and the
workers to complete a successful and impactful projects.
2. How did Roman Roads aid in the development and advancement of the Roman
-The network of public Roman roads covered over 120,000 km, and it greatly assisted the
free movement of armies, people, and goods across the empire. Roads were also a very
visible indicator of the power of Rome, and they indirectly helped unify what was a vast
melting pot of cultures, races, and institutions.
3. How did Roman Roads help the Romans gain, consolidate, or maintain power?
Explain using evidence from the document.
-Maintained through the efficient unification of their empire, had the ability to transport
people, soldiers, and goods along these roads in a productive manner.
3. Students will elicit the notes in a Google Slides Presentation as they articulate their
findings from the documents they read and discussed(5-10 minutes).
1. What Roman policy had changed by 265bc? Why?
-By 265BC, the Roman army was big enough to defeat anything it faced, so Rome
stopped making citizens of the people it conquered. Newly conquered lands became
provinces of the Roman Republic and were forced to pay tribute to the city.
2. What caused the first Punic War?
The first Punic War was fought over Sicily, an island in the Mediterranean Sea off the
southwest coast of the Italian peninsula. Carthage controlled Sicily, and in 265BC, Sicily
was richer than any other land in the area. It was a perfect target for the Roman army.
The Romans won the First Punic War and forced Carthage to give up control of Sicily.
3. How did the Punic Wars help the Romans gain, consolidate, or maintain power?
Explain using evidence from the document?
-Gained by acquiring Sicily and more land, Maintained by winning the second war and
holding off Carthage’s attacks, Maintained and Consolidated by completely destroying
1. What does the fact that the Romans were able to build and construct these roads
tell you about the Roman Empire?
-They were skilled, ambitious, and strategical. They had the intelligent planners and the
workers to complete a successful and impactful projects.
2. How did Roman Roads aid in the development and advancement of the Roman
-The network of public Roman roads covered over 120,000 km, and it greatly assisted the
free movement of armies, people, and goods across the empire. Roads were also a very
visible indicator of the power of Rome, and they indirectly helped unify what was a vast
melting pot of cultures, races, and institutions.
3. How did Roman Roads help the Romans gain, consolidate, or maintain power?
Explain using evidence from the document.
-Maintained through the efficient unification of their empire, had the ability to transport
people, soldiers, and goods along these roads in a productive manner.
4. To conclude the lesson, students will answer the question, ​“How did Rome gain,
consolidate, and maintain power?
-Rome gained power through the annexation of Sicily and Carthage, they
consolidated/maintained their power by absolutely crushing Carthage, and they also
maintained power by creating and maintaining their efficient and purposeful road
.​ This will be evident when the students work together as a class as they read, analyze,
and answer the questions on the assigned documents.

. ​This will be evident when the students discuss the question for the Do Now as a class,
engage in dialogue in order to analyze and comprehend the assigned readings and
complete the questions, recap the central themes of the documents, and then discuss these
concepts as class.

Guided Questioning
.​ This will be evident when the teacher asks questions to guide discussion for the Do Now
activity, all of the assigned documents, and the Google Slides Presentation.

Independent Practice
For homework, the students will complete a claim paragraph of six to eight sentences that
uses evidence to address the following question, “Which do you believe had more of an
impact on the power of Rome, Rome’s victory in the Punic Wars or the Roman Roads?”
. ​Smart Board for the Do Now Question, Google Slides Presentation, and Closing
. ​Students must come to class equipped with their phone in order to answer the following
question to end class- ​How did Rome gain, consolidate, and maintain power?
. ​Documents: The Punic Wars(h​ ttps://​ ​, ​Roman
. ​Graphic Organizer: How did Rome, Gain, Consolidate, and Maintain Power?

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