Jdeveloper Version You Will Use To Develop Adf Application Is - Download Adf-Essentials - Zip File From Oracle Site
Jdeveloper Version You Will Use To Develop Adf Application Is - Download Adf-Essentials - Zip File From Oracle Site
Jdeveloper Version You Will Use To Develop Adf Application Is - Download Adf-Essentials - Zip File From Oracle Site
If you want to run a specific domain you can write this command:
C:\glassfish3\bin\asadmin start-domain yourDomainName
If you want to see the logs of the server write this command:
C:\glassfish3\bin\asadmin start-domain –verbose
5- Domain1 contain admin server with default port 4848 so, after you run
domain1 it means the admin server now is running.
6- You can open Glassfish console using this URL:
Default username=admin – default password=admin
And the home page of the Glassfish will be like
7- In any target you will deploy your ADF application make this
- Assume I will deploy my application in server (Name of the
Admin Server) so in Configurations section press on server-config
then press on JVM Settings.
- Goto Java Options and add two JVM Option:
-Duser.timezone=Etc/GMT-3 (write your timezone).
13- In your ADF application generate Ear file and make sure that you
select platform to Glassfish 3.1
14- Open Glassfish console and define data source for connecting to
database. (assume in my AppModule I define datasource with name
hrDS )
To define datasource in glassfish follow this steps:
- Open glassfish console and from resources select JDBC JDBC
Connection Pools
15- From your jdeveloper generate ear file then from glassfish
console goto Applications then press Deploy button
If you do not know the URL of your application select your application
from the glassfish console then press Launch and you will see your
application links.
- If you use jasper report be sure you add
commons-digester-1.7.jar library in the domain lib folder