The Rise of The Globalization and Its Effect On The Autonomy of State and Political Economy
The Rise of The Globalization and Its Effect On The Autonomy of State and Political Economy
The Rise of The Globalization and Its Effect On The Autonomy of State and Political Economy
Review Article
The purpose of this study is to analyze the case of globalization and its effect on state sovereignty, analyzing the political economy as
a case study. The importance of this study is to explain the origin and the rise of globalization in the world. This study discusses the
recent theoretical research on how globalization has affected property sovereignty and the international political economy. The
main objective of economic policy is to increase the role of globalization methods such as trade, technology, and overseas
networking. Globalization has a dissimilar policy in supporting relations with states and also independence from other states. The
mean of economic globalization is the increasing of the global economic freedom. The main issues through which globalization can
affect property sovereignty and political economy are examined and explained.
© 2019 by Advance Scientific Research. This is an open-access article under the CC BY license (
THE RISE AND ORIGIN OF GLOBALIZATION leading market, forcing competitors, growing markets,
Globalization is a combination of economic, technological, learning how to do business in foreign countries, adding new
sociocultural and political forces and it refers in general to the skills and new jobs (ibid.). Technological advantages including
worldwide integration of humanity and the compression of growing interest in marketing performance, capitalization of
both the temporal and spatial dimensions of planet-wide labor force skills and costs, the standing of the company
human interaction. Globalization has a long history; it through global success (Surugiu and Surugiu, 2015).
appeared when the European big economic powers occupied
Asia, Africa, and America. Globalization was developed in the STATE SOVEREIGNTY AND GLOBALIZATION SOVEREIGNTY
twentieth century but it became recognized as a research Sovereignty is therefore often confused with freedom,
phenomenon about three decades ago, at the time its political although the right of sovereignty is based on credit by other
and economic associations began to be studied (Odel, 2016). sovereigns, and therefore has some kind of relationship with
Globalization accelerated in the nineteenth century during the other states (Oji and Ozioko, 2011). They argued that
industrial revolution. As the factories became established, sovereignty means the acquisition of the right and power,
more companies used lands for their production and which establishes itself in different methods, which mainly
investment, replacing and selling goods with each other accounts for its changing definitions. Sovereignty is a disputed
(Kobrin, 2009). When Great Britain colonized India, Great phenomenon, boundaries restrict the zone over which a
Britain used India for its policy and purpose, for instance, most sovereign has political regulation, which certainly controls the
cotton for British traders was made in the city of Madras, the use of power (Ku and Yoo, 2013). A sovereign state should be
big and important port in India. In time, the madras cloth was able to make its political, economic and social life following its
no longer exclusively produced in Madras, instead, all the values and without external effect or coercion. In exchange, it
Indian labor force supplied cotton (national-geographic, has a moral obligation to protect and extend its citizens'
2011). political, economic and social rights (Wall, 2012). Over the
centuries, the social contract took on a more complex meaning,
ECONOMIC GLOBALIZATION with governments having obligations to their citizens.
As we know globalization as one of the most important Sovereignty should be taken as the independence of a territory
phenomenon within the contemporary business and public within the global order (Ku and Yoo, 2013). The domestic
environment has resulted in significant changes to individual economy of states is reduced due to global economic
countries in terms of economic development. Economic development and the establishment of regional relations
globalization means obtaining freedom in markets and wipe (Buchanan, 2012). In the new economic, social and political
restrictions among nations, for example, increasing the tasks, when the good services and provision need to increase
production facilities through wealth and technology, mutual globalization, it controls the choice of policy options offered,
marketing expansion, the developed economies of permanent limiting power, involving a decline in wellness in advanced
fashion (Shangquan, 2000). The peace of Westphalia in 1648, it states (Wall, 2012). Much of the state's economy is tied up in
was completed the effect of the responsibility of any intangible possessions or goods, consequently not helping the
international authority and recognized link marketing of the national economy, as well as online and electronic investments
new state system (Kobrin, 2009). The new transformation and shared currency between many states (Buchanan, 2012).
involved the territorialization of politics. Exchanging According to Wall (2012), without an improved economy or
regularity was related to the value of gold and secured rates, the original capital marketplaces, without rivalry for
integrated economic by likened to political mixing, so it was a employment and specialties, unfortunately, states would be
great point of the nations (Quiggin, 2000). In 1994, of the forced to choose between economic development and social
United States, Mexico, and Canada as a three neighbor security facility. Globalization can reduce the role and power
countries have signed the North American Free Trade of the state. First: several thinkers believe global economic
Agreement (NAFTA), which finally ended all taxes on trade marketing will be developed by the state of government (Ku
goods, allowing for the goods and facilities globalization, in and Yoo, 2013). Second: globalization can raise the efficiency
addition to people and thoughts, among these three countries of an international organization to benefit its independence
(Ku and Yoo, 2013). It was further developed by science and and practicing the power of themselves (Chaturvedi, 2012).
modern knowledge such as market economy system, network Third: because of the modern policy of economics and politics,
marketing, reduced costs of transition, creating economic globalization can change international law and create new
globalization (Shangquan, 2000). Multinational corporations laws (Ku and Yoo, 2013). International law is the law of the
(MNCs) had a strong influence on world economies between nations established in the world, which will affect the
1960 and 1970. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) by American, obligations of each nation's behavior (Kobrin, 2009). Also, the
Japanese and Western Europe advanced further, beginning developed instrument of the Nongovernmental Organization
with a new industrial revolution. Exposition corporate alliance (NGO) has the effect of limiting the capacity of sovereignty (Ku
with other county companies, rather this corporation gained and Yoo, 2013). The US is still contracting its role much harder
power on (MNC) and state companies (Kobrin, 2009). The than the rest of the world (Kobrin, 2009). This form of
transformation economies developed national capital with globalization may have a positive and negative effect on
international financial capital created for serving alliances. As international relations, or it may just allow the USA to exercise
a result, the relationship and industrialized were dated to state more economic power over the rest of the world, some
economic globalization due to recognizing countries that academics believe that globalization is serving the interest of
wanted global trade to improve their citizens' well-being the United States and sometimes they call it Americanization
(Goksel, 2004) instead of globalization (Carnoy and Castells, 2001). The
global economy can be viewed positively because it has
THE REORGANIZATION OF KNOWLEDGE AND POWER increased trade among countries, and thus the economy and
Nowadays in all geographic areas, companies are operating inter-state relations benefit (Buchanan, 2012). Negatively,
worldwide activities. Especially for Asian countries, the flow of America cannot control its own global companies, because
new key technologies and their development is changing their they are not in their territories (ibid.). The main goal of the
specific differences (Shangquan, 2000). According to Carnoy government is to regulate space through border control,
and Castells (2011), economic globalization may contain essential for sovereignty and international relations (Ku and
careful and unequal mixing of knowledge and technology Yoo, 2013). Authority is the political ideology that each nation
towards the world labor market. Also, it has a crucial role in uses its power to deal with internal and external conflicts.
the valence of international trade and economic development Each state has the authority and control over the problems
(Carnoy and Castells, 2001). When businesses transfer abroad, covering and linking domination over its legitimate
these benefits become the main goals that companies must sovereignty (Chaturvedi, 2012).
follow when moving abroad (Mostert, 2003). Driven by
developing market potential and growth, companies gain a
scale and scope to return to their nation. They learn from a
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