Mindmap - Week 1 Systemology

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Welcome & intro to me

Recordings emailed + in systemHUB

Weekly webinar - Thursday @ 10am

Administration Asana to show templates & integration

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Technical Support - [email protected]
Group questions via google group -
Not pitching your products/services [email protected]

What are we here to do?

Didnʼt see it till Melbourne Video Production
Program Objective Build a build a profitable business that works
without you If it canʼt work without you, you have a job
Once you see them you canʼt not see them
Could it be replicated?
"If you can't describe what you are doing as a
By when? Within 12 months
Head office owned franchise process, you don't know what you're
Itʼs just cause and effect
Why? To allow you to do your most important work doing" (W. Edwards Deming, Total Quality Unconscious incompetence
Quick overview Interconnected systems consciously or
Welcome to Systemology - the system for business
unconsciously followed get the results Conscious incompetence
Takes work
Conscious competence
KISS Systems are everywhere (eg. Health systems) Find someone with a good system and run it
Unconscious competence
Suspend "yeah buts”
Vision & Mission
Process, procedure, checklist, SOP
Scale value delivery
Target audience
Set of steps to create consistent outcome For clients: a consistent outcome they will pay for Reduces chance of errors
Assumptions that works without you
Product / Service

Happy customers
Adds accountability
What if I were to pay someone else to do this Franchise
Your numbers work
The Groupon effect Remarkable companies built on systems thinking McDonalds

All wealth is built on systems - Dan Kennedy Federal Express

What is a system
Primary objective: deliver value consistently to
clients Jims

Rarely is it individuals Disney

You solve problems along the way: Reveals root-
cause of problems "People come and go but the systems remain
constant" - Gerber (E-Myth Revisited).
Most important skill Business is a collection of systems Primary build blocks in your biz

Fundamental of all departments

Standing still - youʼre actually backwards Management, measurement and improve of these
Competition is growing systems is what generates great results
Changing landscape

AI robots are coming

Duplicate yourself Every system makes you better and saves you time

Why systemise Freedom

Systems = leverage

Avoid single person dependancy

Prove it works on a small scale

Growing / scaling
Increase quality, speed and reduces cost

A better way to manage staff

Increases value
What the buyer wants - works without owner
Low leads
Poor sales

Symptoms of poor systems: Identify issues & fixes Troublesome/ unhappy staff
Inefficiency / errors / waste

Low margins

Poor cashflow
Every problem is a problem with systems


Beliefs I donʼt have time to systemise

False - “yeah but” monster Business owner should do documentation

You need lots of systems

Whatʼs your goal? Why systemise Iʼm not systems person

Biggest issues / challenges

Team won't follow systems
Foundations Overview of the course is coming
Identify beliefs Our work is too creative and canʼt be systemised

System will remove creativity

What systems do you have? Courses

Personal stock take
About you Assumptions

Why you must have someone to work with...

i Stages of entrepreneurship Identify Systems Champion Internal / Hire


Homework / Worksheet

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