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Bulletproof Your Business: How To Survive And Thrive In Any Economy
Bulletproof Your Business: How To Survive And Thrive In Any Economy
Bulletproof Your Business: How To Survive And Thrive In Any Economy
Ebook83 pages1 hour

Bulletproof Your Business: How To Survive And Thrive In Any Economy

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What differentiates the businesses that fail from those that succeed? In a nutshell, the successful are nimble enough to react, adapt, and overcome any threat—and thus have the ability to survive and thrive when all hell is breaking loose. Their owners have prepared their businesses to withstand anything that comes their way: They have bulletproofed their businesses.

If you're ready to achieve more than the status quo—and willing to put in the work to grow a scalable business that is bulletproof—this book is for you. You will learn the four building blocks of a prepared and scalable business, and how to use them in your business. Get ready to say goodbye to mediocrity and hello to success.
Release dateJun 2, 2021
Bulletproof Your Business: How To Survive And Thrive In Any Economy

Rick Cottrell

Rick Cottrell is a recovered alcoholic/addict who has been clean and sober for more than twenty years.

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    Bulletproof Your Business - Rick Cottrell


    Copyright © 2021 by Rick Cottrell

    All rights reserved.

    Printed in the United States of America.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or any means, without the prior permission of the publisher. Requests for permission should be directed to [email protected], or mailed to Permissions, Indie Books International, 2424 Vista Way, Suite 316, Oceanside, CA 92054.

    Neither the publisher nor the author is engaged in rendering legal or other professional services through this book. If expert assistance is required, the services of appropriate professionals should be sought. The publisher and the author shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by the information in this publication.

    Rick Cottrell developed the Scalable Growth Architecture or SGA® (registered trademark of Rick Cottrell) that includes several proprietary products designed to help entrepreneurs maximize the potential of their businesses.

    Roadmap for the Bulletproof Entrepreneur™ is a pending trademark of Rick Cottrell.

    Rick Cottrell is a Certified EOS Implementer® (registered trademark of Entrepreneurial Operating System® EOS Worldwide). Traction® is a registered trademark of EOS Worldwide. Gino Wickman is the author of the book Traction (see endnotes). People Analyzer™ and GWC™ are also trademarks of EOS Worldwide (

    TriMetrix® is a registered trademark of TTI Success Insights® ( The Prioritized Leadership Framework© that Rick Cottrell is certified to implement is copyright by TTI Success Insights.

    Funyuns® is a registered trademark of PepsiCo/Frito-Lay.

    ISBN-13: 978-1-952233-55-5

    eISBN: 978-1-9522335-6-2

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021905210

    Designed by Joni McPherson,


    2424 VISTA WAY, SUITE 316

    OCEANSIDE, CA 92054

    This book is dedicated to entrepreneurs who

    are tired of the status quo, want more from

    their business and lives, and are willing to do

    something about it, including "burning their

    boats," and never looking back.


    PART I — Why Strive For The Best And Prepare For The Worst?

    Why You Must Maximize Your Business’s Potential Now

    How To Bulletproof Your Business: My Mess To Success

    PART II — How To Take Your Business To The Next Level

    Determine Your Personal Roadmap

    Define Your Scalable Growth Architecture

    PART III — What’s Next: Sustaining Scalable Growth

    Create A Bulletproof Culture

    Say Goodbye To Mediocrity


    A     Acknowledgments

    B     About The Author

    C     Endnotes

    Can completing a process to scale growth really result in the next-level success you desire?

    I’m here to tell you it can—and here’s a true story that proves it (name and some details changed to protect confidentiality).

    Meet John Smith, CEO and owner of a $10 million commercial contracting business.

    Every day was Groundhog Day¹ to John. He usually arrived in the office at 5 a.m. at least six days a week and had a sixty-plus-hour work week, always with the best of intentions, trying to keep the business going.

    There was trouble on the home front with his wife and son. John had very little time for them, and hadn’t taken a meaningful vacation in more than three years. He was also constantly being dragged into the weeds by his employees, delivering constant frustration and stress.

    When John contacted us, he was at his wit’s end, actually asking me how to walk away from his business with minimal liabilities.

    I told him he was crazy—that with the size of his industry’s potential and the uniqueness of his company, he should be hitting it out of park—he just needed a roadmap to help him get there.

    John’s story of feeling trapped by his business is a common one. He took over the business from his father seven years before, when it had been growing at about 6 percent per year. Not great, but at least it was growing with the economy.

    Four years ago it hit the ceiling, said John.

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