J %ijki: 400 Commonwealth Drive Warrendale, Pa 1S096
J %ijki: 400 Commonwealth Drive Warrendale, Pa 1S096
J %ijki: 400 Commonwealth Drive Warrendale, Pa 1S096
so u
J %iJki
Vem Cunningham
Northrop Corp.
Aircraft Div.
Aerospace Congress
& Exposition
Long Beach, California
October 1 5 - 1 8 , 1 9 8 4
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ISSN 0148-7191
Copyright 1984 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
This paper is subject to revision. Statements and opinions ad- Persons wishing to submit papers to be considered for pre-
vanced in papers or discussion are the author's and axe his sentation or publication through SAE should send the manu-
responsibility, not SAE's; however, the paper has been edited script or a 300 word abstract of a proposed manuscript to:
by SAE for uniform styling and format. Discussion will be Secretary, Engineering Activity Board, SAE.
printed with the paper .if it is published in SAE Transactions.
For permission to publish this paper in full or in part, contact Printed in U.S.A.
the SAE Publications Division.
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deflections from imposing undue loads on the Meetings with accessory vendors should
housing. Also for this reason, only one be held to determine how accessory failure
support point should resist transverse (including shear groove) may affect the in-
loading. tegrity of the AMAG. This is particularily
Effort should be made to avoid "dishpan" Important should the AMAG design involve an
designs and access covers larger than oil system shared with other components.
necessary. Internal access should preferably Conduct a separate review of the se-
be through drive flange openings only, to quence of engagement of pad splines, nipples,
preserve maximum stiffness in the housing pilots, etc. to verify that accessories and
assembly. interface hardware engage properly. At this
If possible the bottom of the gearbox time, verify that rotation and rotation
housing should be sloped toward the point markings of accessories with their respective
selected for scavenge pump oil pickup. mounting pads are correct. (An error in
A dry sump housing design with the oil correct rotation of an accessory with the
stored in an integral (or separate) reser- AMAG could be extremely costly and embarras-
voir is recommended over a wet sump design sing to the engineer.) Finally, verify that
where the oil is stored in the bottom of the gear shaft female spline depths are suffi-
gear case and subjected to high windage and cient to accommodate an accessory driveshaft,
churning losses by the gears. failed in shear at a 45° angle.
For dry sump designs, effort should be Gearbox Driveshaft/Housing Stiffness -
made to dedicate space within the gearbox Stiffness of the driveshaft, bearings and
housing for an integral oil tank if possible. gearbox housing must be such that the con-
The oil tank should allow space for 10% necting shaft (PTO shaft) between the engine
areat ion and 10% expansion due to heat, for and gearbox will be free of critical speed
the gross volume of oil in the tank, lines vibrations up to 125% of maximum engine
and oil cooler. speeds, including transient overspeeds de-
Housing width (front to back) should be fined by the engine specification.
ample (approximately 4 inches outside) to This element of the gearbox design
allow oil from bearings and gear oil jets to should receive prompt attention and be co-
escape readily and return to sumping area ordinated (jointly if possible) with the
for pickup by the scavenge pump. Crowded shaft, engine and gearbox manufacturers in
gears, shaft and bearings result in oil the earliest phase of gearbox design. A
"gulping" or blockage due to high windage critical speed survey of an installed PTO
and high velocity oil particles. Housing shaft should be conducted as early in the
design must provide good oil drainage for program as possible. Failure to do this may
all bearings. result in costly redesign or undesirable
Dimensions and tolerances of finished "add on" fixes.
bearing liner bores in the housing must be Mounting pad values for accessory
analyzed to assure that bearing lockup will weights and overhung moments should have
not occur due to metal contraction during significant margins to accommodate accesso-
cold weather (-40° and -65°F) start-up. In ries that exceed their design requirements
this analysis, include bearing internal in these areas. Experience has shown that
clearances as well as housing bore and shaft this is a frequent occurrence.
fits and tolerances, corrected for tempera- Consideration should be given to de-
ture . signing the gearbox housing with sufficient
Mounting Pads - Accessory mounting pads extra strength to accommodate and support a
should be serially numbered with the same larger generator, should the electrical
number as the gearbox housing and should be loads grow in magnitude after the airplane is
position marked as to rotation. This pre- in service. Examples: growth from a 40 KVA
vents mismatch if two or more gearboxes to a 60 KVA alternator. Gear strength and
are assembled or overhauled at the same time generator mounting pad configuration and
in the same area. It also assures pad covers strength can be changed at a later date with
will be in the same position as they were in little difficulty. This recommendation is
during line boring. V-band pad covers should made since electrical load growth occurs
be made from 356T6 aluminum alloy to with- during the service life of most aircraft
stand scuffing by V-band clamps and resul- whether they are commercial or military.
ting possible corrosion. If they were made Oil passages should be cored into the
from magnesium, corrosion protection would castings where possible and separate lines
be required. should be avoided to reduce probability of
Where a mounting pad is provided to leaks and fatigue failures caused by lines
drive a fuel pump, review carefully the fuel installed under stress due to mismatch.
pump seal, the AMAG oil seal and pad cavity In the layout design of the oil dis-
drainage provisions to assure they are tribution system careful attention should
adequate to drain any escaping fuel and pre- be given to assure that oil flow from regu-
vent a fuel pressure build-up that could lating and relief valves and from scavenge
cause fuel to enter the AMAG case. pumps is discharged into the oil reservoir
Downloaded from SAE International by University of British Columbia, Sunday, August 19, 2018
or oil tank and not into the gear case cavity Gear Widths - Where two gears mesh to-
where it would aggravate oil churning and gether, one of the gears teeth width should
cause unwarranted heat rejection. In the be slightly wider than the mating gears teeth,
case of wet sump designs the oil should be to assure 100% width contact for the narrower
discharged in a manner to avoid moving parts gear. All axial clearances and tolerances
and to the lower portion of the gearbox such must be considered when sizing the mating
that it will generate as little turbulence gear teeth width.
as possible. Gear Class - Quality class 12 gears in
A case deflection analysis should be accordance with American Gear Manufacturers
made to assure that deflections due to in- Standards (AMGA) are recommended for high
ternal air pressure will not result in speed gearbox applications.
bearing outer race misalignment beyond that Gear Teeth Backlash - Gear teeth back-
stipulated by bearing manufacturers. The ex- lash should be held to a practical minimum
tent of case deflection will be governed by in the gear train between the starter and the
the type of venting system selected by the power takeoff shaft (or gearbox driveshaft).
designer. Internal case pressure should be This is to keep starter backlash and impact
controlled by suction and pressure relief torque during starter engagement as low as
valves. possible. The gear train between the starter
Gearbox Driveshaft - The shaft should be and the PTO shaft should contain the smallest
splined to permit adequate fore and aft dis- possible number of gears.
placement to accommodate airframe/engine Gear Scoring - Gear design should in-
tolerances and deflections. clude a gear tooth scoring analysis to assure
Harden the mating surfaces of the that scoring will not occur at any speed,
coupling shaft and input shaft to inhibit loading and oil temperature condition.
fretting and wear resulting in shaft loose- Should a high flash temperature index number
ness and consequential lowering of PTO shaft be unavoidable, consideration should be given
critical speed. to increasing gear teeth width at the cost of
Gearing - Gears should be located as a small weight increase. The flash tempera-
high in the housing as feasible to reduce ture index results from adding the tempera-
oil churning. This is especially important ture rise occurring through the gear mesh to
for gearboxes designed with wet sumps. the temperature of the oil entering the
Thin gears such as oil pump drive gears mesh. Well designed gears should have a
should be given lower priority regarding flash temperature rise below 50 F.
location and if they extend towards the Gearing should be verified by computer
lower area of the housing, may require analysis and reviewed to assure that im-
shrouding to reduce oil churning. Oil portant parameters have not been overlooked.
shrouds are not a panacea to prevent chur- Design factors should be expressed in
ning since they often result in oil/air accordance with American Gear Manufacturers
shear between shroud and gear with resultant Association (AMGA) standards.
heat rejection. As a minimum the following design fac-
Gears with integral shafts are recom- tors should be applied: a) Overload 1.1;
mended over separate parts. Gears made of b) Dynamic 0.80; and c) Load Distribution
consumable electrode vacuum melted steel, 1.1.
carburized and ground represent a good Gear Teeth Diametral Pitch - Gear teeth
standard for AMAG applications. SAE 9310 in the starter gear train between the starter
steel is recommended. Gear tooth surface pad and the PTO shaft are generally coarser
finish should be in the 10/20 micro inch (diametral pitch 12) than those selected for
range. higher speed functions such as generator
Do not co-mingle gears which are made drive trains where a diametral pitch of 16
from SAE 4340 (core hardened) with gears should be considered.
made from SAE 9310 (carburized). Despite Bearings - ABEC Class 5 bearings con-
calculations, experience has shown that 4340 structed from SAE 52100 CEVM steel are a
gears have insufficient margins and will good standard for most aircraft gearboxes.
limit gearbox life. Retainers of iron-silicon bronze are suitable.
Gear Resonance - During early develop- In selecting bearing class, the speed rating
ment, gears should be tested to assure that of each bearing should be carefully consi-
9310 gears will not be in resonance with dered ,
other gears. If excessive oil temperatures are anti-
Gear Balance - During early development, cipated or ability to operate without oil
large high speed gears should be checked for for several hours is required, M-50 tool
balance. steel bearings with SAE 3430, machined, sil-
Simultaneous Gear Meshing - During de- ver plated steel retainers should be consi-
sign it should be ascertained that simul- dered. M-50 bearings should be considered
taneous meshing of gear teeth does not occur for single engine AMAG applications because
and thus raise the possibility of gear of their resistance to heat and oil star-
vibration. vation.
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Fig. 2
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Fig. 7
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An oil filter bypass indicator should Heat Rejection - Several modern fighter
be provided with a low temperature lockout aircraft experience high heat rejection due
feature to prevent nuisance tripping at low to oil churning as a result of wet sump de-
temperature. sign. Since more oil is present in the wet
Case Pressure/Suction Relief Valves - sump, oil churning is prevalent and over-
The case pressure relief valve tor the open filling severely aggravates the churning
end o£ its sensing line) is best located problem with resultant overheating to an
inside of a rotating shaft which acts as a estimated oil temperature of 350 F plus.
centrifugal oil/air separator. This feature A comparison o£ six installed AMAG's
will prevent loss of oil overboard regard- similar in size, number of gear shafts,
less of attitude and altitude. Case pressure accessory drives, speeds and loads show the
relief valve passage should terminate in a following heat rejections for both dry and
MS threaded boss on the gear case. wet sump designs:
The suction relief valve is less cri- Wet Sump - Heat rejection for these
tical and has a wide option of location. gearboxes range from 270 to 900 BTU's/min.
Overpressure Relief Valve — An over- Dry Sump - Heat rejection for these
pressure relief valve should be provided in gearboxes range from 140 to 170 BTU's/min.
the downstream passage of the oil pressure Drive speeds and loads for both examples
pump. This valve is required to relieve are approximately 13,000 to 17,000 RPM, 40
excessive pressure during cold weather KVA electrical loads and 11 horsepower
start-up and until increasing oil tempera- hydraulic loads.
ture reduces oil viscosity. A relief Wet sump gearbox designs are best suited
pressure of 250-300 PSI is recommended. where shaft speeds, gear peripheral speeds
Pressure in this range will expedite decon- and gear teeth widths can be held to low
gealing of the oil lines and oil cooler. values (not to exceed 10,000 RPM and pre-
Oil Sight Glass Levels - The oil sight ferably much lower, thereby keeping windage
glass levels should have sufficient span to and churning to a minimum).
monitor low and high levels equal in volume Since oil churning losses vary with
to the maximum shaft oil seal leakage to 2cc each design and cannot be accurately cal-
per hour X number of seals for 100 hours culated there is a need to determine heat
duration. rejection by test.
Oil Levels - Wet sump gearbox oil levels A recommended test is as follows:
should be determined by test with the gear- Load, Attitude, Speed and Heat Rejection
box in the same position as installed in the Testing - Provisions should be made for these
airplane before finalizing level indicators tests to be run concurrently, with heat
on the gearbox housing. Reasons for this rejection being measured during the entire
are that wet sump gearboxes are particularly test. This is especially important for
prone to oil churning (and resultant heating) fighter and other highly maneuverable air-
and are therefore quite sensitive to in- craft. During extreme attitudes, wet sump
stalled oil levels. gearboxes (and dry sump gearboxes with in-
Oil Seals - Face type oil seals should terrupted scavenge due to extreme attitudes)
have separate face seal rings (not made in- will show rapid rises in heat rejection.
tegral with gear shaft). This will facili- Altitude and Attitude Testing of Vent
tate seals with better flatness and lapped System - Altitude and attitude testing of
surface finish. Being separate eliminates the vent system may be integrated with the
seal face damage to gear shafts during above test by introducing a continuous flow
handling, manufacture and overhaul. Further, of air under sufficient pressure and volume
this permits use of widely available pro- to cause the case pressure relief valve to
prietary seal components. Seal spring force open during the test. This will demonstrate
should be the minimum required to prevent whether or not the vent system will vent air
leakage, thus reducing wear and heat rejec- or oil under various attitudes, altitudes
tion. Oil seals should be replaceable with- and speed conditions.
out removing the AMAG from the airplane. Oil Flow Rate - Based on 1 gallon total
Oil Screen - Consideration should be oil system volume, an oil flow rate of 4
given to providing replaceable screens in the gallons per minute has been found suitable
oil passages that supply the oil jets, for the AMAG's under discussion. This flow
bearings and gears. Screens should have a rate prevents excessive oil-out temperatures
mesh opening sufficiently small to protect and provides a dwell time which is considered
the oil jets which are generally .030 inches ample for satisfactory de-aeration.
in diameter. A screen should also be pro- Oil Flow to Gears and Bearings - Oil
vided in the oil-out passage to protect the flow to gears, bearings and oil seal mating
oil cooler. (Oil coolers are generally non- rings is generally controlled by .030 dia-
cleanable and are a high cost accessory.) meter jets supplied by a normal system pres-
Wash type screens, where the oil flow keeps sure of 40 PSI, With oil temperatures at
the screens clean are recommended. 180~200°F this will result in a flow of
approximately .125 GPH. (Recent development
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Downloaded from SAE International by University of British Columbia, Sunday, August 19, 2018
This paper is subject to revision. Statements and opinions ad- Persons wishing to submit papers to be considered for pre-
vanced in papers or discussion are the author's and are his sentation or publication through SAE should send the manu-
responsibility, not SAE's; however, the paper has been edited script or a 300 word abstract of a proposed manuscript to:
by SAE for uniform styling and format. Discussion will be Secretary, Engineering Activity Board, SAE.
printed with the paper if it is published in SAE Transactions.
For permission to publish this paper in full or in part, contact 16 page booklet. Printed in U.S.A.
the SAE Publications Division,