(IJCST-V9I1P12) :prof. Tolga ENSARI
(IJCST-V9I1P12) :prof. Tolga ENSARI
(IJCST-V9I1P12) :prof. Tolga ENSARI
The potentially used for various purpose of groundwater quality prediction and monitor is more important [1].
Moreover, the ground water quality is predicted using the hydro-chemical parameter of salinity. The quality of
sub-surface geochemical process, recharged water, inland surface water and atmospheric precipitation is based
on groundwater quality. Furthermore, the water pollution never only affects the quality of water although it
causes the social prosperity, economic development and health [2]. The people are widely utilized round water
for irrigation, industrial purpose and drinking due to inadequate fresh water resource. Because of hidden
existence and natural, the groundwater is regarded as reliable and safe source of drinking water.
were used to increase the accuracy. The are widely suffered from heavy shortages
contamination status alert is delivered to the of water.
authorities based on mobile app and web interface. • The necessary actions about ground water
Rahim Barzegar et al. [6] introduced radial basis management are more important. So,
function and multiple layer perceptron to detect the sufficient availability and water supply
salinity of groundwater quality. East Azabaijan quality direct to the huge growth for the
regional water company provided the groundwater countries. The solid waste dumping areas
− − cause the quality of ground water so the
samples. They used chlorides Cl , nitrates NO3 ,
ground water quality prediction in the
2− 2+
sulphates SO4 and magnesium Mg are the early stage is more difficult and very
input parameters. The training and testing results important.
are evaluated by using mean absolute error, root 2. Methodology:
mean square error and determination coefficient.
In this work, we analyze the ground water quality
Batur et al. [7] proposed PCA data fusion and from the solid waste dumping areas such as
mining method that easily predict the groundwater Perungudi and Kodungayur in Chennai. This area
quality and salinity. They used TDS, pH, Secchi receives the maximum rainfall from the June and
disk depth, Chlorophyll and Chlorophyll-a as the September (southwest monsoonal wind) and
input parameters for water quality determination. 750mm of average annual precipitation is received.
The proposed model is executed in MATLAB During summer and winter season, the annual
R2015a. As a result, the surface water quality temperature ranges from 39 to10oC. During pre-
prediction accuracy is low. Moghaddam et al. [8] monsoon (May 2018) and post-monsoon
introduced a ground water quality prediction (November 2018), 39 dug well samples were
method of BN and ANN method. The author were collected and analyzed. We proposed Multiple
used input parameters for ground water quality Layer Perceptron (MLP) of neural network is to
prediction are namely average temperature, total predict the groundwater quality. Here, the
monthly evaporation, aquifer recharge and − − 2−
chlorides Cl , nitrates NO3 , sulphates SO4 , its
discharge. The experimental works are evaluated
pH range, total dissolved solids (TDS) and the total
using MODFLOW and Hugin Lite 8.3 software.
hardness (TH) of the water are given to the input
Sengorur et al. [9] established SOM-ANN
parameters of each neuron for ground water quality
approach that detected the pollution source and
water quality evaluation. The proposed SOM-ANN
model is evaluated in MATLAB with Intel i4 One of the most common utilized approaches of
processor. As result, the water quality prediction Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is Multiple Layer
method required more time and cost. The water Perceptron (MLP). The structure of MLP consists
quality detection method of PLS-ANN is proposed of one input layer, one output layer and one or
by Song et al. [10]. The ground water quality more than one hidden layer section. The multiple
without contamination is easily detected but the layers Perceptron for ground water quality
root mean square error (RMSE) rate is high. prediction is shown in Fig 1. Usually, the available
data through the use of trial and error procedure is
1. Problem Formulation
to optimize the number of neurons in the hidden
• The extremely sensitive and crucial issue layer. The connections among all the element via
is ground water quality management synaptic weights is to perform the hidden and
because of solid waste and pesticides.
layers calculation in neural network.
• The increasing amount of population leads
to enlarger amount of waste also the The representation of w is the weight applied to
landfills employed as the endpoint for the the neurons. The output value of three layered MLP
municipal disposal of waste across the with its explicit expression is shown in equation
world. (1).
• The infiltration of groundwater is caused
by the waste that is present in the landfills.
The disposal of waste in the landfills can Yn = Fo wnm Fg wm l X l + wm 0 + wn 0
affect the areas closer to the landfills that l =1 l =1
have greater probability in the
contamination of groundwater.
• Particularly, one of the major features of th
water management is drinking water From the above equation, the l neurons in the
management. Most of the states in India input layer and m neurons in the hidden layer
connected to the hidden layer weight is denoted
as wm l . For m hidden neurons, the bias function compression technique for data transmission
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